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May 2017


Full Name ________________________________________________________

DNI/NIE _______________________

Centro Asociado___________________________________________________

Read the general instructions carefully:

1. You will hear 3 different recordings.

2. You will hear each audio twice.
3. There are ten questions for each piece.
4. For questions 1 – 30, write the answer or select the correct option (a, b,
5. Wrong answers are not punished with negative scores. Thus, answer all
the questions. Do not only answer yes or no in yes/no questions. Be brief
but answer the question fully to prove comprehension.
6. To pass the test you must answer at least 15 questions correctly in total.

These procedures will be followed for each listening:

1. You have 5 minutes to read the questions.

2. Then the extract will be played. You may write answers during this time
3. You have 3 minutes to attempt to answer the questions.
4. The extract will be played again.
5. You have 3 more minutes to answer the questions you did not answer the
first time.
6. At the end of the three parts you have 5 additional minutes to reflect on
your answers or complete and correct the exam.

You will hear three different clips from a TED Talk by Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi
Adichie. Answer the questions briefly, accurately and to the point in the space provided. If
the question requires selecting the correct option, mark only one.

Audio 1

1. Who was Okuloma?

2. What happened to Okuloma?

3. What did Okuloma call Chimamanda for the first time?

May 2017

Full Name ________________________________________________________

4. Did Okuloma call her that as a compliment?

5. What was the advice that Chimamanda received when she published a novel?

6. Chimamanda was told by a Nigerian academic that…

a) feminism was not African.

b) feminism was very African.

c) feminism was in all the classics she read being younger.

7. What does Chimamanda mean when she calls herself a happy African feminist?

8. Class monitors in Chimamanda’s primary school years were

a) allowed to use the cane with noise makers

b) allowed to prospect for noise makers with the cane

c) write down who had made noise while the teacher was away

9. Do Louis and Chimamanda agree about “things being different or harder now for

10. What happened when Chimamanda tipped a man?

Audio 2

11. What is the problem with gender?

12. What does socialization do regarding gender?

May 2017

Full Name ________________________________________________________

13. Why do more women than men cook?

14. What should we do when we raise children?

15. What example does Chimamanda give regarding a boy and girl?

16. What is outstanding about the woman’s behavior when her husband changes the
baby’s diaper?

17. What is she doing with many of the lessons about gender she learnt growing up?

a) Taking them for granted

b) Trying to unlearn them

c) Trying to learn them by heart

18. What was she worried about the first time she taught a writing class in graduate

19. Was she worried about looking too feminine when she started to teach?

20. What would have changed in her initial teaching experience, if Chimamanda had had
the confidence she has today?

Audio 3

21. What has Chimamanda chosen not to do?

22. Is gender an easy conversation to have, according to the speaker?

a) It is for men.
May 2017

Full Name ________________________________________________________

b) It is for women.

c) It is not easy for either men or women.

23. What is part of the problem of gender regarding men?

24. What do female apes do regarding male apes?

25. What are “gender and class”, according to Chimamanda?

26. What used to happen in Nigeria when twins were born?

a) They were worshipped

b) They were killed

c) They were separated

27. Does “culture make people”, according to the speaker?

28. What is the dictionary definition for “feminist”?

29. What is Chimamanda’s definition for “feminist”?

30. Why does she mention her brother Kene?

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