Camarines Norte State College College of Education Abaño Campus

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CNSC as a Premier Higher Education Institution in the Bicol Region.

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The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advanced studies
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION in the fields of education, arts and sciences, economics, health, engineering,
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ABAÑO CAMPUS fisheries, agriculture, natural resources development and management and
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At the end of the one-hour discussion, the students should be able to:

a. Give the definition of irregular verbs

b. Provide at least three examples of irregular verbs
c. Explain at least one characteristic of irregular verbs
d. Identify the three forms of irregular verbs; and
e. Construct at least three sentences with irregular verbs


1. Topic: Irregular Verbs

2. References:
 Cambridge University Press (2015), Grammar and Vocabulary for First and
First for Schools
 Duka, C. D. (2014), Reviewer for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
pg. 35-37
 Lester, M. (Ph.D.),& Franklin, D., Yokota, T.(M.A.) (2009), The Big Book of
English Verbs
 Magallona-Flores M. (2010), Proficiency in English I, page 433
 Mendez, J., & Nolasco G. (2002), Making Meaning III , page 213

3. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Projector, Worksheets (if possible)

4. Values: Cooperation and discipline

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s activities

1. Routinary Activities

a. Prayer

The teacher calls out a student to lead Abigail stands up. “Let us pray. Almighty father,
the class prayer. “Abigail, stand up to lead we….”
the prayer.”

b. Greetings “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Good Morning class. You may be


c. Checking of the Attendance

“Okay, ma’am.” Each student will write a quote
“Okay, class…pass the sheet of paper with beside their name as their attendance.
your daily quote beside your name as it
counts as your attendance.”

d. Review “Ma’am, we discussed regular verbs. Regular

verbs are…”
“Before we go on to our lesson… Annie,
can you tell me what did we learn in our
previous lesson?”

“Yes that is correct.”

2. Lesson Proper

a. Motivational Activity

Group activity: Divide the class into two

(2) groups

Instructions: Both of the groups will be B I N G O

provided a “bingo card” which contains a broke cut sought came arose
random set of irregular verbs. A word will n
be said by the teacher and before a group woven bound swollen torn wept
can mark the word, they are to pick a blew been withdrew ridden risen
representative from the group to use that laid awoken partaken prove sawn
word in a sentence. The group who has n
most marked words wins the game. hurt lit wrung rang said

b. Presentation

“From the activity you did earlier, does

any of you have any ideas on what our
lesson will be for today?”

“Okay, Rachelle. Stand up and give your

“Ma’am our lesson for today might be about
“Good. You are correct.” irregular verbs.”

c. Discussion

“What are your thoughts about irregular


“Ella, stand up and tell me what your

ideas are about irregular verbs."
“Ma’am, based from what we did, I think
irregular verbs are...”

“Marieden, do you want to add your

ideas about irregular verb?”
“Irregular verbs form their past tense and past
“Give me three examples, Ivan.” participle in several ways.”

“Examples of irregular verbs are… swung, flew,

“Marieden, what is the characteristic and swam”
between a regular verb and an irregular
verb that makes them different from each “A regular verb usually only forms their past
tenses by adding up the suffix –d or –ed while
the irregular verbs may use many forms.”
“Can you explain further by giving an
example, Ansel?”
“For example, ma’am… we use the regular verb
cook. If you add –ed, its past form will be
cooked. An example of an irregular verb is
swam, since its base form is swim. You can’t use
the past participle –ed since there is no such
“Very well said, Ansel. You definitely
word as swimmed.”
“Now that we understood the meaning of
irregular verb, Eugene, give me the three
forms of irregular verb.” “The three forms of irregular verb are… base
form, past form and past participle.”
“Okay. Abby, will you give me an example
of the three forms? You may stand up
and use the chalkboard to show us more Abby stands up and writes on the board:
Base form Past form Past participle
“Alright, let’s have three more students break broke broken
to give us sample sentences with irregular
verb. Momo, Selah, and Devynne stand
up and go to the board.

Make sure to underline the irregular verb

that you have used, okay?”
Devynne writes: Get inside quickly! The classes
had already begun.

Selah writes: She tore my heart in half as she

said those hurtful words to me.

Momo writes: Whatever struggles may be

thrown at me, I will make sure to stand up and
“Very good, everyone.” face them.

d. Generalization

“So did everyone understand what we

had discussed?”
“Yes, ma’am!!!”
“Is there anyone who still has trouble
understanding? You may ask questions
about it. If not, will someone stand up
and tell me again the definition of “Ma’am. Again, Irregular verbs are….An
irregular verb along with an example?” example is….”

The teacher calls out Devynne.

“Will anyone tell me the importance of

irregular verbs in the English Language?”

The teacher calls out Momo.

e. Application “Ma’am, the importance of irregular verbs in
the English language is…”
“So how do you think irregular verbs help
you in using the English language,
“Irregular verbs help me by…”
“Does it improve your vocabulary, Selah?
If yes, how?”
“They improve my vocabulary by…”
“What about you, Shiela? What is the
importance of irregular verb for you?”
“It is important because…”
“Chrise, how do irregular verbs help

“They help by…”

IV. Evaluation
The teacher will give the students a worksheet about irregular verbs to be answered in only
ten (10) minutes.

Directions: Circle the irregular verb in each sentence below.

1. We swam yesterday.
2. I understood the previous lesson well.
3. She had written a paper in less than five minutes.
4. The skirt she wore was ugly.
5. Zombies arose from their graves.
Directions: Write a sentence with each irregular verb you circled from above.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

V. Assignment

Read about the “Tenses of Verbs”.

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