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Ultimate Spreadsheet Charts

Have you ever had trouble with charts when using spreadsheets? Use our
comprehensive charts template to save you hours of work. This template contains
different types of charts: waterfalls, pie charts, stacked areas, histograms and
treemaps, among others. A number of chart collages and dashboards are also

Instructions: to change the color theme. Go to Page Layout tab, click Colors, and
pick the needed color theme.
Errors and omissions liability (E&O): You Exec LLC makes no guarantee that the fomulas, models, analysis, financial projections, estimates,
graphs, reports, numbers, and any derivatives sourcing from this model are free of errors and omissions. Our financial modelers have audited this
model to the best of their capabilities, yet You Exec LLC assumes no liability for erronous outcomes derived from this financial model.

Copyright © You Exec LLC. All rights reserved.


Sheet 1 Synopsis

Sheet 2 Table of Content

Sheet 3 #1 - 2D Bar Chart 1

Sheet 4 #2 - 2D Bar Chart 2

5 Sheet 5 #3 - Horizontal bar chart se

6 Sheet 6 #4 - Sales Overview Dashb

7 Sheet 7 #5 - Sales Detail Dashboar

8 Sheet 8 #6 - Gantt Chart - Summar

9 Sheet 9 #7 - Gantt Chart - Detailed

10 Sheet 10 #8 - Waterfall Charts

11 Sheet 11 #9 - Visualizations (One Da

12 Sheet 12 #10 - Histograms 1

13 Sheet 13 #11 - Histograms 2

14 Sheet 14 #12 - Histograms 3

15 Sheet 15 #13 - Histograms 4 - Price

16 Sheet 16 #14 - Pie Charts - Basic

17 Sheet 17 #15 - Pie Charts (Sunburst

18 Sheet 18 #16 - Scatter Charts & Bub

19 Sheet 19 #17 - Stacked Area Charts

20 Sheet 20 #18 - Combo Charts

21 Sheet 21 #19 - Cumulative Growth C

22 Sheet 22 #20 - Treemap Chart


Types Example
User inputs $3,400
Calculations $3,400
Results $3,400
Good results $3,400
Bad results $3,400
References $3,400 `

Headers Example
Sub-header SOME TITLE
Title Title
Sub-title Some sub-title

Grid not shown

ar Chart 1

ar Chart 2

ontal bar chart set

s Overview Dashboard

s Detail Dashboard

t Chart - Summary

t Chart - Detailed

rfall Charts
alizations (One Data Set)

ograms 1

ograms 2

ograms 3

ograms 4 - Price Increase

Charts - Basic

Charts (Sunburst, Doughnut)

tter Charts & Bubbles

cked Area Charts

mbo Charts

mulative Growth Chart

emap Chart
Enter your values where you see blue fields
Calculations from existing sheet
Analysis and results of calculations
Favorable outcomes
Unfavorable outcomes
References to other sheets
#5 - Sales Detail Dashboard
Analyzes data within one year - 2 variables (sales and profit breakdowns) by 3 dimensions (city, area and product).

Chart Output




City 1 City 2 City 3 City 4 City 5 City 6 City 7 City 8 City 9 City 10 Cit

Sales ($000s) Gross Profit ($000s)

Product Mix - Sales Sales and Gross Profit by Area

Product 1

Sales ($000s)
Product 2

Product 3

Gross Profit ($000s)

Product 4
Product 2

Product 3

Gross Profit ($000s)

Product 4

0% 25% 50% 75% $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4

Data Input
Gross Profit
City Area Sales ($000s) Sales %
1 City 1 Area 1 $600 $270 10%
2 City 2 Area 1 $500 $225 8%
3 City 3 Area 1 $500 $225 8%
4 City 4 Area 1 $450 $203 7%
5 City 5 Area 2 $702 $316 12%
6 City 6 Area 2 $700 $315 11%
7 City 7 Area 2 $700 $315 11%
8 City 8 Area 2 $300 $135 5%
9 City 9 Area 3 $250 $113 4% 4
10 City 10 Area 3 $300 $135 5% 3
11 City 11 Area 3 $100 $45 2% 2
12 City 12 Area 4 $100 $45 2% 1
13 City 13 Area 4 $500 $225 8%
14 City 14 Area 4 $200 $90 3%

City 15 Area 4 $200 $90 3%

Total $6,102 $2,746
Check ($1) ($0)
y, area and product).

City 9 City 10 City 11 City 12 City 13 City 14 City 15

Profit ($000s)

oss Profit by Area Sales Contribution by City

City 1 City 2
3%3% 10%
8% City 3 City 4
2% 8%
2% City 5 City 6
4% City 7 City 8

5% 7% City 9 City 10

11% City 11 City 12

11% City 13 City 14

City 15
2% 8%
2% City 5 City 6
4% City 7 City 8

5% 7% City 9 City 10

11% City 11 City 12

11% City 13 City 14

City 15
000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000

rea 2 Area 3 Area 4

Gross Profit
Sales ($000s)
Area 4 $450 $1,000
Area 3 $293 $650
Area 2 $1,081 $2,402
Area 1 $923 $2,050
Total $2,746 $6,102
Margin 45%

Sales ($000s) Sales - %

Product 4 $3,003 49%
Product 3 $1,600 26%
Product 2 $1,000 16%
Product 1 $500 8%

Gross Profit Gross Profit -

Margin - %
($000s) %
Product 4 $1,176 43% 39%
Product 3 $720 26% 45%
Product 2 $550 20% 55%
Product 1 $300 11% 60%

Check $0
#6 - Gant Chart - Summary
Used for project planning. Perform high-level tracking of main project workstreams / tasks.

Chart Output

4/ 4/1 4/2 5/ 5/1 5/2 5/3 6/1
















Data Input
Task Start Date End Date
1 Task 1 4/1/20 4/6/20 5
2 Task 2 4/6/20 4/11/20 5
3 Task 3 4/12/20 4/17/20 5
4 Task 4 4/18/20 4/23/20 5
5 Task 5 4/24/20 4/29/20 5
6 Task 6 4/30/20 5/5/20 5
7 Task 7 5/6/20 5/11/20 5
8 Task 8 5/12/20 5/17/20 5
9 Task 9 5/18/20 5/23/20 5
10 Task 10 5/24/20 5/29/20 5
11 Task 11 5/30/20 6/4/20 5
12 Task 12 6/5/20 6/10/20 5
13 Task 13 6/11/20 6/16/20 5
14 Task 14 6/17/20 6/22/20 5
15 Task 15 6/23/20 6/28/20 5
5/3 6/1 6/2
#8 - Waterfall Charts
Used typically to show the contribution of components to the cumulative total. Also used to identify the "due to" factors that im

Chart Output
This chart isn't available in your version of Excel.

Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a different file format will permanently break the chart.
Data Input
2020 Sales Cash Flow Period Start/End Base
4/1/20 April YTD $1,500 $1,000 April YTD $1,000
5/2/20 May $700 $300 May $1,000
6/2/20 June $700 $100 June $1,300
7/3/20 July $600 $300 July $1,400
8/3/20 August $500 $400 August $1,700
9/3/20 September $600 $200 September $2,100
10/4/20 October $500 $100 October $2,300
11/4/20 November $400 $100 November $2,400
12/5/20 December $603 $100 December $2,500
$6,103 $2,600 Year-End $2,600
he "due to" factors that impacted the end result (i.e. in variance analysis).

Cumulative Cash Flow






April YTD May June July August September October November December Year-End

Decrease Increase Base Start/End

Increase Decrease Cumulative Median

$1,000 $2,100
$300 $0 $1,300 $2,100
$100 $0 $1,400 $2,100
$300 $0 $1,700 $2,100
$400 $0 $2,100 $2,100
$200 $0 $2,300 $2,100
$100 $0 $2,400 $2,100
$100 $0 $2,500 $2,100
$100 $0 $2,600 $2,100

ecember Year-End
#16 - Scatter Charts & Bubbles
Plot 2 or 3 dimensions of data on one chart. Useful for product or initiative comparison

Chart Output

Sales & Gross Profit by Product



$20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100

Gross Profit

Sales & Gross Profit Growth by Product -%






-60% -10% 40% 90% 140% 190%

Gross Profit

Data Input
Current Month (May)
Product Gross Profit Sales
1 Product 1 $45 $100
2 Product 2 $41 $90
3 Product 3 $36 $80
4 Product 4 $32 $70
5 Product 5 $27 $60
6 Product 6 $16 $35
7 Product 7 $25 $55
8 Product 8 $16 $35
9 Product 9 $25 $55
10 Product 10 $54 $120
Min $16 $35
Max $54 $120
product or initiative comparison across several dimensions.

Sales & Gross Profit by Product -$





0 $90 $100 $0
$0 $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40

Gross Profit

ct -% Sales & Gross Profit Growth by Product -%







-100% -50% 0% 50% 100% 150%
0% 190%
Gross Profit

Previous Month (April)

Gross Profit
Gross Profit Sales
$34 $75 45% Product 1 33%
$68 $150 Product 2 -40%
$23 $50 Product 3 60%
$23 $50 Product 4 40%
$16 $35 Product 5 71%
$23 $50 Product 6 -30%
$20 $45 Product 7 22%
$34 $75 Product 8 -53%
$9 $20 Product 9 175%
$23 $50 Product 10 140%
#REF! Min -53%
Max 175%
by Product -$

$30 $35 $40 $45 $50


wth by Product -%

% 100% 150% 200%


Sales Growth Importance

33% 10
-40% 10
60% 30
40% 10
71% 10
-30% 20
22% 40
-53% 50
175% 10
140% 10

#18 - Combo Charts
Great to combine absolute values and % values in one graph. There is flexibility to use various chart types and plot them on th

Chart Output

Sales & Cash Flow by Month Sales Growth (vs. prior mo

$750 90% 150%

$500 60% 100%

$250 30% 50%

$0 0% 0%
ril ay ne ly st er er er er ril ay e l y t
Ap Ju u b ob b b n Ju us
M Ju g
em ct em em Ap M Ju g
Au p t O v c Au
o e
Se N D

Sales Cash Flow Cash Flow Margin Sales Growth Cash Fl

Sales & Cash Flow by Month Cumulative Sa

$800 $5,000


$400 $2,500


$400 $2,500


$0 $0
April May June July August September October November December April May June July Au

Sales Cash Flow Cum. Cash Flow Cum. Sale

Data Input
Cash Flow Average CF
Month Sales Cash Flow Sales Growth
Margin Margin
April $600 58% 38% $350
May $700 43% 38% $300 117%
June $700 14% 38% $100 100%
July $600 50% 38% $300 86%
August $500 80% 38% $400 83%
September $600 33% 38% $200 120%
October $500 20% 38% $100 83%
November $400 25% 38% $100 80%
December $603 17% 38% $100 151%
Min $400 14% 38% $100
Max $700 80% $400
t types and plot them on the secondary axis.

ales Growth (vs. prior month) & Cash Flow Margin %

t r er r r
ay n e l y
us be be be
M Ju Ju g ob
Au tem ct e m e m
p O ov ec
Se N D

Sales Growth Cash Flow Margin Average CF Margin

Cumulative Sales & Cash Flow









May June July August September October November December

Cum. Cash Flow Cum. Sales Avg. Sales Avg. Cash Flow

Cum. Cash Avg. Cash

Cum. Sales Avg. Sales
Flow Flow
$600 $350 $578 $217
$1,300 $650 $578 $217
$2,000 $750 $578 $217
$2,600 $1,050 $578 $217
$3,100 $1,450 $578 $217
$3,700 $1,650 $578 $217
$4,200 $1,750 $578 $217
$4,600 $1,850 $578 $217
$5,203 $1,950 $578 $217

#20 - Treemap Chart

The chart provides a hierarchical view of your data and an easy way to compare different levels of categorization.

Chart Output
This chart isn't available in your version of Excel. This chart isn't available in your version of Exce

Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a different file format will permanently break the Editing this shape or saving this workbook into a
chart. chart.

Data Input
Month Product Sales Quarter Month
May Product 1 $100 Q2 April
May Product 2 $90 Q2 May
May Product 3 $80 Q2 June
May Product 4 $70 Q3 July
May Product 5 $60 Q3 August
May Product 6 $35 Q3 September
May Product 7 $55 Q4 October
May Product 8 $35 Q4 November
May Product 9 $55 Q4 December
May Product 10 $120
April Product 1 $75
April Product 2 $150
April Product 3 $50
April Product 4 $50
April Product 5 $35
April Product 6 $50
April Product 7 $45
April Product 8 $75
April Product 9 $20
April Product 10 $50

sn't available in your version of Excel.

shape or saving this workbook into a different file format will permanently break the

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