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Hey Rock Star!

So pumped and excited for you to get your

hands on this incredible resource for you and
your business!

Having a clear understanding of how to share

3rd party stories with your prospect is so
important and will help with your confidence
when going out there and doing business.

The worst…

Getting tripped up with your words and not knowing how to clearly
articulate what it is you're doing… Agreed?

This template and worksheet will help you articulate some 3rd party
stories so every time you talk to a prospect you're confident, powerful
and your prospect can relate and get excited about the vision.

There are 4 parts to building a 3rd party story as you saw in the
training episode on my blog.


Feel free to refer back to that episode at any time to follow along with
this template: Episode 110 --->

Before you build some 3rd party stories you have to know WHY you’re
building your business:

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
NEXT Let’s think about 5 people in your business that you can
share the stories of:

Now that we have their names, let’s start to build out their stories that
you’re going to share.

For each person on your list I want you to fill out this graph:

Who are they & where have they been? (what is their background)

What’s happened in their life to cause them to look for something more?

How you heard about your company and why they had to be apart of it?

What it's doing for them & some of their results?

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Here’s an example of a power story script that I often used in the
“I’m so excited about what we’re working on because I’ve always
wanted to have a venture that I could work alongside what I was doing
that could eventually replace my income and be something that I could
depend on when I decided to have kids so I could stay at home and
raise them.

I started working with my good friends John and Nadya on this project
because I watched them build this to a 6 figure per month income ALL
from their phones, while never missing a beat with their 2 teenage kids!
John used to work in Insurance and never saw his kiddos and now he
gets to take them to all their activities…. plus, they been on more
vacations as a family in the last 2 year than most families ever get to
take in a lifetime.”

Here’s an example of a power story script if you are wanting to lead

with the product:

“You know when you’re at a point in life where you start seeing weird
bulges in areas you’ve never seen before and you’re like…. I totally need
to lose some pounds…. but then you remember the last ‘So Called’ Diet
just made you grumpy and miserable AND the pound just came back?
Well…. I’m finally really excited about going on this pound shedding journey
again because I finally found something that isn’t a diet and it actually
working for thousands of busy people like me!

My good friend Shannon started losing all this weight and I asked her
what she was doing and she shared this 3 step plan that seemed pretty
simple. She’s a super busy attorney that doesn’t have time for big diets
or hours in the gym so she went looking for something that would
work for her. She’s lost 20 pounds in the last 90 days so I was like…. I
want some of that goodness too!”

This script could also be used as a Social Media Post and you might
include a picture of you doing a happy dance or something FUN!

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Some Awesome Resources That Will
Help You Even More

Book: The Networking Revolution

This book was co-authored by my good friend and
Lady Boss, Jessica Higdon. I not only love cause I’m
in it (wink wink), but because it showcases many
success stories from everyday people that have
created amazing results in Network Marketing. I
have multiple copies of this book on hand to share
with my prospects as an amazing recruiting tool. I
suggest you order a few copies too!

Learn More Here:

Book: Get Over Your Damn Self - Romi Neustadt

The No B.S. Blueprint to building a life-changing business.

This is one of the best books I’ve read when it comes to
learning how to talk to prospects and transition the
conversations, naturally, into business. I bought the audio
book, listened to it twice, then bought the paper-back
because I wanted to highlight the scripts she gives… they
are THAT good. This is a book that I highly recommend
everyone in Network Marketing to get. For the guys… this
is a really feminine read, but still highly worth it.

Learn More Here:

Online Course: The Ultimate Branding Blueprint

The Ultimate Branding Blueprint is my signature
course when it comes to building an Influential
Brand Online that attracts leads and sales for your

Learn More Here:

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
My Facebook Community: The B-L.A.B.
AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s
FREE Facebook Mastermind group full of
awesome Networkers and Entrepreneurs that are all
on a mission to grow their businesses Faster and
easier with Online Strategies for prospecting,
recruiting and sales. We do themed days of the week,
we hold each other accountable and we lift each
other up! Come introduce yourself and your business.

Learn More Here:


I hope you did, because each week I put my heart into making sure
you get amazing tips and strategies to rock it in your business while
creating a life you love.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Wanna Share This Because You Love Sharing Valuable Info?

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blog at

Each Tuesday, I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page so

make sure to come Like my page and Connect with me on Facebook
by clicking the link below:

If you have any questions or you want to connect more, please stay
connected and click one of my Social links below.

I help Entrepreneurs & Network Marketers Create Success

Fast While Designing A Lifestyle You Love

See You On The Blog Rock Star!

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

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