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Neurocysticercosis: A Review

Article · January 2007


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Amit Agrawal Pawan Khanal

AIIMS Bhopal All India Institute of Medical Sciences Troy University


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Original Article Nepal Journal of Neuroscience 3:80-84, 2007

Neurocysticercosis: A Review
Amit Agarawal, MCh
Department of Surgery Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common parasitic
B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences disease of the central nervous system and is a major cause
Dharan, Nepal of epilepsy and neurological morbidity in endemic areas of
Guru Prasad Khanal, MS the world. International travel and immigration are bringing
Department of Orthopedics neuro-cysticercosis to areas where it is not endemic and
B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences incidence of NCC is increasing in the developed countries
Dharan, Nepal also. The diagnosis of neurocysticercosis is difficult because
clinical manifestations are nonspeciûc, most neuroimaging
Address for correspodence:
Amit ASgrawal, MS ûndings are not pathognomonic, and some serologic tests
Department of Surgery have low sensitivity and speciûcity. The treatment of
B.P.Koirala Institute of Health Sciences neurocysticercosis is controversial and depends on the
Dharan, Nepal clinical and neuroimaging features, as well as the extent
Email: and severity of the associated inflammatory reaction.
Received, October 10, 2006 Albendazole and praziquantel are the principal antiparasitic
Accepted, November 25, 2006 drugs used to treat neurocysticercosis. However, better
understanding of the mechanisms of neurocysticercosis; the
life cycle of T. solium, and better sanitation habits of the
population are needed to develop appropriate intervention
and prevention programs. In this article we review the
current concepts in the management of neurocysticercosis.
Key Words: Cysticercosis, Neurocysticercosis, Taenia

eurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common that are the source of infection with the larval stage, or
parasitic disease of the central nervous system. cysticercosis. The natural intermediate host is the pig,
NCC is a major cause of epilepsy and neurological harboring larval cysts anywhere in its body. Humans
morbidity in endemic areas of the world. 1,2,3 It is rare in become infected with cysts by accidental ingestion of T.
non-endemic areas, so a high degree of awareness is solium infective eggs by fecal-oral contamination. After
necessary for diagnosis. It is often benign and lesions can ingestion of Taenia eggs containing infective onco-spheres,
resolve within months. 2 However in less developed the parasites become established in the tissues as larval
countries the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis is frequently cysts and reach their mature size in about 3 months. 7,8
difficult because several other prevalent neurological Oncospheres cross the gastrointestinal tract and migrate
disorders can present with a similar clinical and via the vascular system to the brain, muscle, eyes, and
neuroimaging picture. 1 The preva-lence of other structures. Once in the brain, the larval cysts
neurocysticercosis in some of these developing coun-tries (cysticerci) initially generate a minimal immune response
exceeds 10%, 4,5 where it accounts for up to 50% of cases of and may remain in the brain as viable cysts for years. 9 The
late-onset epilepsy. 6 International travel and immigration infection burden varies from a single lesion to several
are bringing neuro-cysticercosis to areas where it is not hundreds, and lesions may range in size from a few
endemic. In this article we review the current concepts in millimeters to several centimeters. 10, 11, 12 Laboratory studies
the management of neurocysticercosis. and information from other cestodes suggest that viable
cysts ac-tively modulate the host’s immune system to evade
Etio-pathology destruction by it. 13, 14 Prevalence of cysticercosis and
Taenia solium is a two-host zoonotic cestode. The adult taeniasis may be related with gender, age, residential area
stage is a 2-to 4-m-long tapeworm that lives in the small as well as pork consumption and contact with the people
intestine of humans. No other ûnal hosts are known for T. who infected with the adult worm. In addition, higher levels
solium tape-worms in nature. As in all cestodes, the gravid of human infection are closely associated to porcine
proglottids at the terminal end of the worm are full of eggs cysticercosis and inadequate sanitary infrastructure. 15

80 Nepal Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 4, Number 1, 2007


Epileptogenesis in Neurocysticercosis in the Sylvian ûssure. Cysticercotic encephalitis is a rare

The pathophysiology of the seizures due to NCC is not form of the disease in which patients have numerous
completely understood yet. In active and transitional forms, inûamed cysticerci, leading to diffuse, severe cerebral
seizures may be the consequence of compression or edema. 26,27 Headache usually indicates the presence of
inflammatory reaction. In inactive form, perilesional gliosis hy-drocephalus, meningitis, or increased intracranial
is probably the cause of the seizures. Chronic inflam-matory pressure. When hydrocephalus is present, the use of
reaction sometimes takes several years to di-sappear and it antiparasitic drugs is relatively contraindicated, unless a
may have an important role in the pathophysiology of focal shunt is placed before ad-ministration. The mortality rate
epilepsy in NCC. 16,17 Generally, patients with of patients with hydrocephalus or increased intracranial
neurocysticercosis have partial-onset seizures with or pressure is higher than the mortality rate of patients with
without secondary generalization. 6 At the time of a ûrst seizures. 28
seizure, most patients have an active cyst—either a
vesicular cyst or a colloidal cyst. 17 New-onset seizures are Extraparenchymal Neurocysticercosis
commonly associated with active cysts rather than calciûed Extraparenchymal infection may cause hydrocephalus by
granulomas. 17, 18 Chronic epilepsy is usually associated mechanical obstruction of the ventricles or the basal
with calciûed granulomas. 6, 17,18,19,20 Cysts that are active cisterns, either by the cysts them-selves or by an
and undergoing degeneration (colloidal cysts) are the most inûammatory reaction (ependymitis and/or arachnoiditis).
epileptogenic. Cysts degenerate fastest within 6 to 12 The so-called racemose variety occurs in the ventricles or
months after initial presentation. 18 Seizure-recurrence rates basal cisterns and is characterized by abnormal growth of
also increase during the same period, because of the cystic membranes with degeneration of the parasite’s head
conversion from vesicular cysts to colloidal cysts. 18 (scolex). 26,27 Extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis includes
cysticerci in the ventricles and basal cisterns (racemose
Clinical Features cysticercosis. Since the cyst membrane is thin and the ûuid
In most patients, neurocysticercosis seems to produce is isodense with the cerebrospinal ûuid, uninûamed
symp-toms years after the initial invasion of the nervous extraparenchymal cys-ticerci are usually not visible on CT
system by the parasite, by either inûammation around the and may only reveal subtle, indirect ûndings on MRI. Scans
parasite, mass effect, or residual scarring. 21,22 There is a may reveal hydrocephalus without noticeable cysts,
clear associa-tion between inûammation around one or more ependymitis, distorted basal cisterns, or basal meningitis.
cysts and de-velopment of symptoms, especially with
regard to seizures. 14 Symptomatic disease results almost
exclusively from the in-vasion of the nervous system Diagnosis
(neurocysticercosis) and the eye and is clearly different in The diagnosis of neurocysticercosis is difûcult because
parenchymal neurocysticercosis and extraparenchymal clin-ical manifestations are nonspeciûc, most neuroimaging
neurocysticercosis. ûnd-ings are not pathognomonic, and some serologic tests
have low sensitivity and speciûcity. 32,33 NCC is diagnosed
Parenchymal Neurocysticercosis largely by characteristic neuroimaging findings such as
Clinical manifestation of the disease is highly computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
pleiomorphic and non-specific according to the number (MR). Since the number, size and location of the infected
and location of worms infected in the CNS as well as the cysts and stage of infections are variable in many patients,
stage of the infection. 23 The usual presentation of however, imaging diagnosis is often confusing and
parenchymal neurocysticercosis is with seizures, which can inconclusive in some extents. In such cases, detection of
be controlled with antiepileptic drug therapy. Occasionally, specific antibodies circulated in the sera or cerebrospinal
the cysts may grow and produce a mass effect. 24,25,26 Viable fluids (CSF) by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
cysts are 10 to 20 mm in diameter, thin-walled sacks ûlled (ELISA) or by immunoblot is helpful to confirm or to exclude
with clear cyst ûuid. On imaging studies, the wall is not the diagnosis. In addition, serological test is useful for
visible and the ûuid is isodense with the cerebrospinal epidemiological survey in a large scale in endemic areas
ûuid. There is little or no evidence of perilesional due to its easy applicability and high reproducibility. 25
inûammation, and they do not en-hance with contrast media Cystic hydatid disease almost always appears on CT/MRI
on neuroimaging. As the parasite loses the ability to control as a single, large, spherical, and nonenhancing intracranial
the host immune response, an inûammatory process begins. cyst. This is a very rare form of presentation of T. solium
Initially, the cysts show slight pericystic contrast cysticercosis. Also, the current assay of choice,
enhancement. Later they become markedly inûamed and immunoblot, does not cross-react with echinococco-sis.
edematous and appear as ring-like or nodular areas of Other condition that may resemble T. solium cysticercosis
enhancement after the injection of contrast. This phase from the clinical and neuroimaging points of view is
has been called “granulomatous cysticer-cosis, “cysticerci coenuro-sis, an extremely rare condition caused by the
in encephalitic phase,” or “enhancing le-sions.” Finally, cestode Multi-ceps multiceps. 32,33
the cyst is processed by the cellular response, and its Neuroimaging has attained enormous progress du-ring
remnants either are not detectable by imaging or be-come last decade. Despite that, CT is very helpful in NC because
calciûed lesions. “Giant” cysts, measuring more than 50 it is a safe, precise and noninvasive method with more than
mm in diameter, are occasionally found, located pri-marily 95% accuracy to define number, localization and

Nepal Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 4, Number 1, 2007 81

Agrawal & Khanal

evolutionary stage of the parasite, especially in the Prognosis

parenchymal form of the disease. 34 In developing countries In adults and children ûrst seen with new-onset
where MRI machines are not always available, and seizures and active cysts, seizure recurrence rates at 4
considering the fact that calcifications are the main years are as high as 49%. 18 After a second seizure, the
radiological finding in NC, CT is still the most performed estimated risk of recur-rence is 68% at 6 years. 18 Prognosis
and useful examination. is best for those patients in whom imaging studies
normalize. The recurrence rate for those patients with
Management persisting, active cysts (61%) is more than double the
The treatment of neurocysticercosis is controversial and rate of patients with normal imaging (22%). 18 Seizure
depends on the clinical and neuroimaging features, as recurrence is reduced in patients who initially have
well as the extent and severity of the associated calciûcations rather than active cysts. 17,19,20 Del Brutto et
inflammatory reaction. 35 Albendazole and praziquantel are al. found that patients ûrst seen with new-onset seizures
the principal antipara-sitic drugs used to treat and calciûcations fared better than those with active cysts:
neurocysticercosis. 18,36,37,38,39 Whether and when 100% with calciûcations were seizure free at 2 years,
antiparasitic drugs should be administered is compared with 83% with active cysts. 17 Dur´on et al.
controversial. Data from open-label trials suggest that similarly found that among 25 patients initially seen with
prazi-quantel and albendazole reduce the number of cysts calciûcations, seizures remitted in 62.8%. 19 Basal
and fre-quency of seizures. 38,40,41,42 In a seminal study, subarachnoidal cysticercosis and racemose disease of
Vasquez and Sotelo found that seizure-free rates at 3 years, sylvian fissure may behave aggressively producing
for those offered antiparasitic therapy, were signiûcantly intracranial hypertension, obstructive hydrocephalus,
higher than those of a nonrandomized control group (94% chronic arachnoiditis, vasculitis, and cerebral infarctions.
seizure free). 42 This ûnding is supported by data from Del 44
Subarachnoidal cysticercosis may have a chronic course
Brutto et al., who found that 83% of those individuals and a poor prognosis, and is still treated surgically. 45 Pre-
who received antiparasitic treatment became seizure free, treatment with corticosteroids reduces the risk of
com-pared with only 26% of those patients who did not complications secondary to destruction of cysticerci. 44,46
receive treatment. 17 Some authors suggest that
antiparasitic treatment might be counterproductive and Prevention Strategies
expose patients to increased risk. 37 The risks of Cysticercosis is placed in the middle of sociocultural
antiparasitic therapy include gastrointestinal side effects, studies related to poverty and ignorance. 47 Wandering
acute seizures, increased intracranial pressure, and rarely, pigs are a common sight in destitute communities. In
death. 28,36,37,39 Side effects, although usually mild, include contrast to other flocks, pigs can be fed human faeces,
nausea, headache, seizures, and occasionally, cerebral are resistant to many adverse environmental conditions,
edema. 39 Deaths associated with antiparasitic treatment reach a large body size early in life, and are easily
are rare (1% to 4%) and occur primarily in patients with domesticated. Additionally, the fact that these pigs are
hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure, and heavy fed human waste and the problem of wandering pigs,
cyst burden (i.e., more than 20 cysts). 28 In the ûrst which constitute the link in the life cycle of taenia-sis and
randomized comparison of al-bendazole, praziquantel, and cysticercosis in humans is not as easy to break by simple
steroids for the treatment of active cysts, Carpio found measures such as confiscating infected meat,
no signiûcant difference in seizure-free rates among the recommending the use of appropriate, but costly, pork
three treatment groups. Recently, however, the food, and sheltering of animals. 48 The most cost effective
Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru compared the perspective for eradication of cysticercosis, as with many
efûcacy and safety of albendazole (400 mg twice a day) other diseases, is by edu-cation and public awareness of
with placebo for the treatment of active cysts as-sociated the real source of infection. The ingestion of undercooked
with seizures. 43 However, patients randomized to pork infected with cysticerci is the exclusive path to the
albendazole experienced a signiûcant (67%) reduction in development of intestinal taenia, which closes the life
generalized tonic–clonic seizures compared with the cycle of the parasite. This misinformation poses obstacles
control group. 43 for cost effective preventive measures. 48 Public education
and sanitary measures are the essential factors for the
Surgery elimination. 48, 49
Prior to the advent of antiparasitic drugs, surgery was
the primary therapy for neurocysticercosis, mainly open Conclusions
surgery for excision of large cysts or cysts in the Neurocysticercosis is a leading cause of epilepsy in
ventricles. The role of surgical therapy in the management the devel-oping world and is increasingly prevalent in the
of neurocysticer-cosis has signiûcantly decreased over developed countries also. Treatment with albendazole has
time and is now mainly restricted to placement of signiûcantly improved the outcome in patients with
ventricular shunts for hydrocephalus secondary to neurocysticercosis. However better understand-ing of the
neurocysticercosis. The main problem in these cases is mechanisms of neurocysticercosis; the life cy-cle of T.
the high prevalence of shunt dysfunction; indeed, it is solium and life style and sanitation habits of the
common for patients with hydrocephalus secondary to population is needed to develop appropriate intervention
neuro-cysticercosis to have two or three shunt revisions. and prevention programs.

82 Nepal Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 4, Number 1, 2007


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84 Nepal Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 4, Number 1, 2007

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