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The oral cavity is divided by

teeth arch into 2 parts
a. Frontal or vestibular part of the mouth
(vestibulum oris), which is the space
between lips and cheeks from outside and
teeth and gingiva from inside. The ducts of
parotid saliva glands opens here in the area
of second upper molars, and in the area of
central incisors and canines due to fold of
mucus membrane the lateral and central
frenulum are formed.
b. Proper oral cavity (cavitas oris propria)
which is bordered by the teeth from the
front and sides, at the top – by hard and soft
palates, at the bottom – by mouth bottom
and tongue, at the back – by throat

The oral cavity is a combination

of organs and tissues performing
a set of functions:
1. Chewing – performed by teeth
2. Speaking – a process with participation
of tongue, teeth, lips and the palates
3. Digestive - due to enzymes of saliva
deconstruction of some substance takes
place in the oral cavity, and the
permeability of mucous membrane helps to
absorb the stuff.
4. Protecting - is performed with the help of
some substances and cells, existing in the
saliva (lysozyme, interferon, leucocyte,
etc.), as well as by selective permeability of
the epithelium of mucous membrane.
Tonsils also have great importance in the
provision of this function (palatal,
pharyngeal, lingual).
5. Sensitive - feeling of pain, as well as
felling of taste and tactile feeling are
provided by big amount of receptors and
taste sensitive papilla of mucous membrane
of oral cavity.
The upper layer of the oral cavity
mucous membrane is a flat epithelium,
which consists of three layer
a. Basal layer separates the epithelium from
proper mucosa. It consists of one layer of
densely situated cells, which do not allow
the penetration of blood vessels and nerves.
b. Intermediate layer, which consists of
several layers of polygonal cells. The upper
cells of this layer gradually obtain flat
c. Surface layer, consists of flat, densely
situated cells. Depending on the location
this layer can be keratinized or non-

Without any clear border the proper

mucosa turns into the submucosa (tela
submucosa), consisting of areolar tissue.
In some areas of the oral cavity (tongue,
gingiva, hard palate) submucosa is
missing. In these areas the mucous
membrane is directly adhered to
intramuscular connective tissue of the
tongue or periosteum and is relatively
The thickness of the mucous membrane of
the oral cavity is different in different
locations. The thickest layer of the
mucous membrane is situated on the lips
and cheeks; and the thinnest one is under
the tongue.

1.Erosion (erosio) – a mucous membrane damage in limits of

epithelium, is formed after disintegrating (opening) of some
primary elements, heals without cicatrix formation.
2.Aphta(aphta) - the erosion of the oval form covered by
fibrinotic membrane and is surrounded with the hyperemic rim.
The size of aphta is 3-5 mm. It can be located on any area of a
mucous membrane.
3.Ulcer (ulcus) - the defect including all layers of a mucous
membrane. Unlike erosion in an ulcer are distinguished a bottom
and walls. Ulcers arise at a trauma, a tuberculosis, a syphilis, at
disintegration of neoplasms.. After healing the cicatrix is formed.
4.The scar (cicatrix) - is formed in case defect of a mucous
membrane is replaced with a connecting fabric.
5.Squama (squama) - formation of epithelial layer stratum as a
result of desquamate process abnormality.
6.Crust (crysta) –dried exudation , formed on a place of
fracture(fissure) and erosion, appropriated on color of nature
exudation (blood, pus, a tissue liquid). More is formed on lips.
7.Fissure (rhagades) - the linear defect arising at loss of tissue
elasticity. Basically it is located on lips and in angle of mouth.
8.Pigmentation (pigmentatio) - a mucous membrane or a skin
change of color on a place of pathological process in case of
melanin or other pigment accretion.
Thus, at complex inspection, revealing of primary and secondary
elements plays the important role in diagnostics. Though for
statement of the definitive diagnosis it is necessary to spend
auxiliary methods of inspection. Luminescent diagnostics,
functional tests, laboratory researches and allergology tests.

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