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Thank you for your purchase of the CONTAX Wir danken lhnen, daB Sie sich ftir eine I
Tvs lll. CONTAXTvs lll entschieden haben. (
Based on the CONTAXphilosophy of Diese Kleinbild-Kompaktkameraist ein t
producing a "camera, Ergebnisder CONTAX-philosophie,,eine I
which is pleasurableto own, to use and takes Kamera zu schaffen, deren Besitz Freude t
an excellent photograph", macht und exzellenteAufnahmen erm6glicht.,, i
this 35mm lens-shuttercamera is extremely Die Tvs lll ist mit einem v6llig neuen a
simple to use. Zoomobjektiv ausgestattet, erlaubt die F
The camera features a newly designed automatische und manuelle Fokussierung a
retractable zoom lens. The focusing system is sowie die Belichtungsfunktionenprogramm- c
switchable between auto focus or manual, and und Zeitautomatik. p
the exposure control system e
offers aperture-priority auto exposure and Vor der Verwendung der KameralesenSiebitte
programmedauto exposure. sorgfiltigdieseAnleitung. L

Beforeusingthe camera,be sureto readthis

3.Takins eo
4 . T a k i n go u tt h e f i l m :. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0
. .2
QuickGuideto Shooting ..... 16 Shooting Techniques
Preparations before Taking Pictures 2. AperturePriorityAutoExposure(Av) "......'.......""114
1 . L o a d i n gt h e B a t t e r y . . . . . . . .2. 6 3 . E x p o s u r eC o m p e n s a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . -. .-.-.' .-...- - - . ' - - - . '1- 2- -2- -
<BatteryReplacement> 4 . F l a s hP h o t o g r a p h.y. .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 3 0
2 . F r o n tc o v e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. .6 <1' Auto-flasM h ode>
3. Concerningthe main powerswitch <2. Red-eyeReductionAuto{lash Mode>
a n d / o r f o c u s i ndgi a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. .0 < 3 ' F l a s h - o fM f ode>
4. DiopterAdjustment ..........42 < 4 ' F i l l - i nF l a s hM o d e >
5 . D i s p l a yi n t h e v i e w f i n d e.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. 4 < 5 ' N i g h ts c e n e P o r t r a iM t ode>
6. Displaypanel and ApertureDisplayLcD ............... 52 <EffectiveRangeof the Built-inFlash>
7. How to Pressthe ShutterReleaseButton .............. 58 <HomePosition>
8. Setup and P r i n t i n g
t h e D a t e and T i m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 5 . s h o o t i n gw i t ht h e s e l f - t i m e r : " ' - - - - - . - -1- -5 2
9 . L o a d i n gt h e F i l m : . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 6 . M a n u a lF o c u s is h o o t i n g " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
. .6. 0
10. Holdingthe camera ......80 <Depth of Field rable>
1 1. B a s i cp h o t o g r a p h icco n c e p t s . . . . . . . . . 8. .3 7 ' c u s t o mF u n c t i o n s """"' 166
<Listof custom Functions>
Basic procedures for Taking Pictures
< s e t t i n gt h e c u s t o m F u n c t i o n >
1 . T u r nt h e M a i np o w e rs w i t c ht o " A F ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g. .g. . .
. 2 . C h o o s et h e s u b j e c st i z e( Z o o m i n S.). . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .9. 4
Camera Care and Precautions: o This cameracontainshigh-voltagecircuits.In case
O Fingerprintsand dirt on the lens and other parts of malfunction,nevertry to disassembleit by
can adverselyaffectthe accuracyof the camera.lf yourselfbecauseit is dangerous.

_ t h e y a r e s o i l e d ,c l e a nt h e m l i g h t l yw i t h l e n s
a lf you are goingto use the camerafor important
c l e a n i n gt i s s u em o i s t e n e dw i t h c l e a n i n gf l u i d .T h a t eventssuch as an overseastrip or wedding
is enoughin most cases. ceremony,check to make sure it operatescorrectly
To removedust, blow off with a bloweror dust off or make test is arso
w i t ha l e n s b r u s h . recommendedto bring a spare batterywith you.
O To clean the camera body,wipe off with a soft O The camera is a precisioninstrument.Do not drop
cloth.Never use organicsolventssuch as Denzene it and avoid intenseshock.
O After shootingon a beach or in a dusty place,clean <Using the Camera in Cold Weather>
t h e c a m e r at h o r o u g h l yS. a l ta i r c a n c a u s e lf you are usingthe camerain cold weather,keep it
corrosion,and sand and dust can adverselvaffect insideyour clothingto warm it up.
t h e c a m e r am e c h a n i s m . As the temperaturedrops,the batteryperformancewill
O lf the camera is suddenlybroughtinto a warm room be temporarilyreducedand the cameramay not
from the outsidewhere it is cold, the lens mav be operate.However,the batteryperformancereturnsto
clouded. normalat ordinarytemperature.
T h e c l o u d i n e s sw i l l d i s a p p e a a
r f t e ra w h i l e ,b u t
avoid suddentemperaturechangesif possible.
<When camera does not operate> Kamerapflegeund Vorsichtshinweise:
It occurs,though rarely,that the camera does not O Fingerabdrricke und Schmutzauf dem Objektivund
operatedue to strongexternalelectricity.In this case, a n d e r e nT e i l e nk o n n e nd i e L e i s t u n gd e r K a m e r a
turnoff the main switch again and take out the battery. beeintrachtigen. EntfernenSie Verschmutzungen
Turnon and off the main switchand then reloadthe durch leichtesAbwischenmit einem Blatt
batteryafter the displayon displaypanel disappears. Objektivreinigungspapier, das mit etwas
Also,re-setdate and time. Reinigungsfltjssigkeit angefeuchtetist. Staub mit
e i n e mB l a s e p i n s eel n t f e r n e n .
<Camera Storage> o Zum Reinigendes KameragehAuses reibenSie es
O Keep the cameraaway from heat, moistureand m i t e i n e mw e i c h e nT u c h a b . V e r w e n d e nS i e a u f
dust and store it in an airy place. keinen Fall organischeLosungsmittelwie Benzol
Do not store it in a wardrobedrawercontaining oder Farbverdunner.
mothballsor in a laboratorvwhich handles a R e i n i g e nS i e d i e K a m e r an a c hA u f n a h m e na m
chemicals. M e e r o d e r a n e i n e ms t a u b i g e nO r t s o r g f d l t i g .
O Do not leavethe camera and film for a long time in SalzhaltigeLuft kann Korrosionverursachen,und
hot places.(on a beach in summer,in a closedcar d i e M e c h a n i kd e r K a m e r ak a n nd u r c hE i n d r i n o e n
underdirectsunlight,etc.) becausethe camera, von Sand und Staub beschddigtwerden.
film and batterymay be adverselyaffected. o Wenn die Kameravon einem kaltenan einen
warmen Ort gebrachtwird, kann das Objektivglas
einigerZeit, doch solltenpl6tzliche
T e m p e r a t u r w e c h s e l m d g l i c h s t v e r m i e d e n w e r d e n1.1
Q u i c k G u i d et o S h o o t i n g
1. Insertthe battery. 2. Set the date or 4. Turn the Main
time. (Page 62) Power Switch to
"AF". (Page 88)

5. Choosing the size of 6. Take a picture. (Page 96) 7. Take out the film after
subject. (Page 94) rewinding the film. (Page

After the entire roll of film is exposed

@@@c@@@e@o @

@ @ @ @@
@ @@
@ @

@ @

O Exposurecompensationdial @ ApertureButtonB (Page114) @ Select Button (Page 59)
(Page 122) @ ApertureDisplayLCD(Page @ Tripod Socket (Page 152)
@ VieMinder (Page 44) 114) @ Set Button (Page 59)
v Self-timerLED (Page 152) @ FrontCover(Page36) @ Manual Rewind Button
@ LightSensor @ Lens (Page 102)
\!, FocusingWindow @ LensBarrel o Battery Compartment/
@ AF-assistBeam Emitter @ Flash(Page130) Cover (Page 26)
(Page 98) @ DisplayPanel(Page52) @ FilmCheckWindow
o Shutter Release Button @ ViewfinderEyepiece(Page @ Camera Back Release
(Page 58) 44) Knob (Page 74)
@ Zooming Button (Page 94) @ DiopterAdjustmentDial (Page @ Film Tip Mark (Page 74)
@ Dial Lock Release Button 42) @ Spool (Page 74)
(Page 160) @ FlashModeButton(Page130) @ Film Chamber (Page 74)
@ Main Power Switch and @ CameraBack @ DX Contact (Page74)
Focusing Dial (Page 40) @ StrapLug (Page196) @ Film Guides (Page74)
@ Strap Lug (Page 196) @ Self-timer
@ Aperture Button A (Page @ DateButton(Page59)
n r|r|

O Open the battery @ LoaO the battery in the battery <Battery Check>
compartment cover by compartment with the plus(+) Afterthebatteryis loaded,
turnon the
turning it with a coin in the and minus(-) ends correctly camera.Then," " (oisotavot
direction of the arrow. placed as illustrated, then RemainingBattery
replace the cover. panel.
Use one 3V lithiumbattery(CRl23 or DLl23A) / Eine 3 V-Lithiumbatterie
oder DL123A)veMenden./ Utilisezune pile lithium3V (CRl23 ou DL123A)/
Utiliceuna pila de litio de 3V (CRl23 o DL123A)
Displayof Remainlng When you take out the batteryfrom the camera,
(Blinks) (Blinks)
Battery Capacity replacethe new batteryimmediately.lf you leave

tl :i1
the batteryout for more than thirty seconds,the
date and time will reset.lf this happens,then
pleaseresetthe date and time.

Battery Preparelor Replacethe Ran down Althoughyou can take pictureseven after " "
capacityis new battery the battery [
enough. ::l?J* capacity
mark blinks,you should replacethe batteryas soon
as possible.lf the batterycapacitydrops below the
effectivelimit," !J" mark on the displaypaner
<Battery Replacement> blinksand the camerawill no longeroperate.

You shouldreplacethe batterywhen " " mark

[ The voltageof some batteriesmay temporarily
appearson the displaypanel.Turn the main
decreasecausing'^ CI " r"r* to blink when loaded
switchoff, replacethe batterywith new one. in the camera.lf " N " mark blinkssoon after new
batteryis loaded,turn the main switchoff and back
on again. lf " $ " mark does appearagain,you can
use the battery.
<Battery Precautions> o The cameradoes not operateif the batteryis
O Generally,the batteryperformanceis temporarily loadedwith "+" and "-" ends wrong.
reducedby low temperature.lf you are taking T h e 3 V l i t h i u mb a t t e r y ( C R 1 2 3oAr D L 1 2 3 A )c a n n o t
picturesin cold weather,keep the camerawarm by be recharged.
puttingit insideyour jacket and taking it out only a Keep the batteryout of reachof children.
when it is needed.The batteryperformance
reducedby low temperaturereturnsto normalat an
O lf the (+) and (-) poles of the batteryare soiledwith
sweat or grease,poor contactwill result.Wipe both
polesclean with a dry cloth beforeuse.
O lf you are going on a long trip, bring a spare new
batterywith you.
O Never put the batteryin fire and do not recharge,
short,disassembleor heat it becauseit is

<Precautions for front cover and during
operation of lens barrel>
O When the front cover or lens barrelis operating,do
not force it to stop.
O lf you put pressureon the tip of the lens by
accidentor turn the main power switchto " e " =
"AF" while in a cameracase, it may rattlefor
approx.1 to 6 seconds.This is not a malfunction,
but it works to protectthe inner mechanism. At that
time, if the lens is stuck,try the following:
<Precautions for Opening and Closing the
e Turn the main power switchto "@ " once.
Front Cover>
@ Turn the main power switchto "AF" again after
O Openingand closingthe front cover must be done
a while.
through"@" <+ "AF" of main power switch. - lf the lens does not returnwith the first try,
lf you force the cover to open by hand or try to
repeatO and @ severaltimes.Then, the
push it closedby hand, it may cause malfunctionor
protectionmechanismwill be releasedand
returnto normalcondition.
O Do not put extremeforce to the tip of front cover or
36 the tip of lens barrel lt may cause malfunctionor

Main PowerSwitchand/orFocusingDial HauptschalteruncUoder


Use main powerswitchand/orfocusingdial for on/off Hauptschalter

und/oderFokussierradzum Ein-/
switchof camera'spower and manualfocus Ausschaltender KamerafOrmanuellesFokussieren
shooting(Page 160).When you changefrom @ " to verwenden.(Seite161).Wenn Sie von @ " auf "AF"
"AF",then the cameracan be set to'Full Automatic wechseln,kann die Kameraauf ,Vollautomatische
ShootingMode'(Page88). Also,when pressingthe'Dial werden(Seite89). AuBerdemkann
Lock ReleaseButton'andsetting "infinity- 0.5",then - durch Drrlckendes Entriegelungsknopfes
ShootingMode'can be set. Einstellenvon "Unendlichbis 0,5"- die Funktion
Viewlinder Sucher

Diopter Adjustment Dioptrieneinstellknopf


This camerahas a built-indiopteradjustment Diese Kamerahat eine integrierte

unit.To adjustthe viewfindereyepieceto your Dioptrieneinstellung.
eyesight,turn the diopteradjustingdial untilthe Zum Einstellendes Sucherokularsauf lhr
focusframe in the viewfinderappearssharpand Sehvermogenden Knopfdrehen,bis der
clear.The adjustablerange is from +2 to -3.5 Fokussierrahmen im Sucherscharfund deutlich
diopters. erscheint.Der einstellbareBereichreichtvon +2
bis -3,5 Dioptrien.
<Displayin the viewfinder>
O PlctureArea Frame:
For subjectsat normalshooting
di stances;beyond1.0m(39i n.).The
frame illustratesthe picturetaking
area.(P age96)
@ Close-rangeParallaxFrame:
For subjectsat close shooting
di stances:A pprox.0.5m(1 9-314i n.)to
1 . 0 m ( 3 9i n . ) .T o c o m p o s ey o u r
pi cture,pl aceyour subj ectw i thi nthe
@ FocusingFrame:
Placeyour subjectto focus in this
frame.(Page96, Page 177)
@ ExposureCompensationMark:
Li ghtedw hen setti ng' E xposure
Compensation'. ( Page 122)

@ Focusing Indicator(also Distance lndicator) @ rlasn mark:
<Whensetting to Auto Focusing> Lighted: Readyto fire the flash.
Lightedor blinks accordingto the resultsof focusing. Delayedblinks(Twiceper second):The flash is

* - 5. 5-2. 2-1. 1: - 0.5 blinks Quick blinks(Fourtimes per second):Warningout
---':' =:J anO
of range of flash shooting.(lf the subjectis
J:10.5either 1-0.5blinks
too close, it will be'Over Exposed.And if the
one of them is subjectis too far, it will be'Under Exposed'.)
O StrutterSpeed:
' 1 0 0 0 ' m e a n s1 / 1 0 0 0
s e c o n d sa s t o t h e d i s p l a yo f
Focus within Too close to Not possible 'Shutter
S p e e d 'a n d ' 1 5 ' m e a n s1 / 1 5s e c o n d s .
the distance sublect. Make to focus When two shutterspeedsdisplayat the same time,
range of distance more it means that the shutterspeed is in-between.
display than 0.5m. Also, if 'LT' is lit, it means that the shutterspeed is
b e t w e e n1 / 1 0s e c . a n d 1 6 s e c .
And if it blinks,it means that there is a deviation
<When setting at Manual Focus> from the exposurecontrolrange. lt will be'Under
E i t h e or n e o f - : 5 , 5 - 2 , 2 - 1 , 1 - 0 . 5 i s l i g h t e d Exposed'.
A l s o ,i f ' 1 0 0 0 ' b l i n k st,h i s m e a n sd e v i a t i o nf r o m t h e
accordingto the settingvalue. will be'Over Exposed'.
Displayin the viewfinderis indicatedwhen the followingoperation L'atfichagedans le viseur est activ6dans les cas suivants.ll
isperformed. The displaywill go off automaticallyafter 8 seconds. disparaitautomatiquementaprds 8 secondes.Cettetemporisation
Thisdesignof displayin the viewfinderis to save the battery. d'affichage6conomisel'6nergie.
1)Whenmainswithturnedto'AF' 1) Quandon d6placel'intenupteur principalsur'AF'
2)Withmain powerswitchto 'AF', it displaysby pressingthe 2) LorsqueI'interrupteurprincipalest d6jd sur'AF', l'affichage
releasebuttonhalfwaydown. Also, ij you operatethe
shutter r6apparaitlorsquele d6clencheurest enfonc6d mi-course.
duringdisplay,the displayis postponedfor another8
buttons Si une commandeest manipul6een cours d'affichage,la
sec0nos. temporisationest repouss6ede I secondes.

DieAnzeigeim Suchererfolgt,wenn die folgendenVorgdnge Para visualizarla informaci6nen el visor,se debe realizarla
werden.Die Anzeigeerlischtautomatischnach 8
durchgeftihrt operaci6ndescritaa continuaci6n.La informaci6nse apagard die Batteriezu schonen. autometicamenteal cabo de 8 segundosa fin de no gastar
1) Wennder Hauptschalterauf ',AF'gestelltwird excesivamentela oila.
2) Wenn in dieser Positionder Ausloserleichtgedrucktwird. 1) Girar el bot6n de encendido/apagado a la posici6n'AF'
WennSie ferner Einstelltastenwdhrendder AnzeigedrLlcken, 2) Pulsarel disparadorhasta la mitad para obtenerla informaci6n
wirddie Anzeigeum weitere8 Sekundenverlangert. en el visor.
Si toca cualquierbot6ncon la informaci6nen el visor,6sta se
mantendradurante8 segundosmds.

@ Sef-timer Display(10secondsor 2 seconds)
(Page 152)
ffimlrfiffiIr @ exposure Counter, Date and Time,
Exposure Compensation Value, Manual
Focusing Set-up Distance, Self-timer
counter, Each display of Custom Function
HH @ ftash Mode Mark (Page 130)
AutoFlashmode " f,o ''
flashmode "g6r' "
Flash-offmode uO "
O Oate Mark (Page 62) Fill-inflash mode " U "
Y . M . D( Y e a r , M o n t h , D a t eD) ., H . M( D a y ,H o u r , Night Scene Portraitmode "S1gt "
, . D . Y( M o n t h ,D a y ,Y e a r ) ,D . M . Y( D a y ,
M i n u t e )M
@ Spot Focus Display
It is displayedwhen focus range is spot focus.
( P a g e 1 6 6 ,1 7 8 )
@ Oisplay of Remaining Battery Capacity
52 (Page 28)
<Aperture Display LCD> <Blendenanzeige-LCD>
O " P " ( s e i t e9 1 ,1 8 1 )
@ " P "(Page 90, 180) Wird angezeigt,wenn die Belichtungsfunktion
When exposuremode is "Programmautomatik" eingestelltist.
s e t ' P r o g r a mA u t o ' ,i s
displayed. @ g l e n d e n s k a l a ( S e i t e 11 5 , 1 8 1 )
Wird angezeigt,wenn die Belichtungsfunktion
@ eperture Scale (Page "Zeitautomatik" eingestelltist.
@ glendenwert (Seite 1 15)
This scale displayswhen Die Anzeigedes Blendenwertes ist der Wert bei
AperturePriorityAuto is 30 mm (Weitwinkel).
set. Der tatsdchlicheBlendenwertbei 60 mm (Tele)
@ eperture Value (Page 114) wird auf Seite 119 angegeben.
The displayof aperturevalue is the value at
30mm(wide-angle side).Actualaperturevalue at @ " GrT"
GOmm(telephoto side) is indicatedon Page 118. Dies ist der tatsdchlicheBlendenwertbei 60 mm
(Tele),wenn der Blendenwertvon F3,7 bei 30 mm
@ " G.7"
eingestelltist (Weitwinkel).
This is actualaperturevalue at 60mm(telephoto
side)when set with actualaperturevalue of F3.7 at
3 0 m m ( w i d e - a n g sl ei d e ) .
Press the shufter release button halfway:
This worksfor Focusingand ExposureMetering.
Press the shutter release button fully:
Lens movesto the focusingposition,tripsthe shutterfor
shooting.Afterthat,the film is winding.

* Pressthe shutterreleasebuttonlightlywith the pad

Presstheshutterreleasebuttonfully of your indexfingerto preventcamerashake.Also,
pleasereferto 'Holdingthe Camera'(Page80).

The operationof the shutterreleasebuttonhas two O Focusing position whenpressing

canbe changed the
steps.To pressdown to one step, is called'Pressthe shutterrelease
shutterreleasebutton halfway'.And to press down from
one step to secondstep, is called'Pressthe shutter
releasebuttonfully'.Shutterreleasebuttonworksfor the

Date Mark Day-Hour-Minute

E lt-l
ee fc P5 Date and Time
I s roo'g0l
Dale Button
| |
l-Set Button
Seled Button Year-Month-Day

Set up and printing the date and time

O Press the date button and dasplay the date
it displays or time.
Each time you pressthe date mode button,the
datingmode switchesin the followingorder:----------
(No Printing) Month-day-year+ Day-Month-Year
+ Year-Month-Day+ Day-hour-minute.

a DateMarkalsodisplays
to setthedateandtime.
ml=M l%,1

@ @

@ Pressselect button and the number blinks a A s t o s e t t i n gt h e t i m e ,w h e n ' M i n u t eb' l i n k s ,p r e s s

which you want to set. s e l e c tb u t t o ns i m u l t a n e o u s lwyi t ht h e t i m e s i g n a lt o
set the correcttime, startingfrom "00" seconds.
Date and time displayto be set is turnedoff after 8
@ Press set button and set correct number. secondsand switchto exoosurecounterwith date
m a r kd i s p l a yo n l y .
'Date'and 'Time',press
@ Wnen finish setting T h e d i s p l a yw i t h b l i n k i n gc h a n g et o d a t e m a r ka n d
select button until the blinking of number t h e d i s p l a yo f e x p o s u r ec o u n t e ri f i t l e a v e sa s i t i s
turns off. f o r a p p r o x . 6 0 s e cT.h i s c a n b e s e t t o t h e n u m b e ro f
t h e d i s p l a yo f t h e b l i n k i n gv a l u e .C o r r e c t i o no f d a t e
a n d t i m e m u s t b e f i n i s h e dw h i l eb l i n k i n g .
<Printing the Date and Time>
This cameracan printdate or time automatically
O Press the date button and choose the date
Each time you press the date button,the dating
m o d es w i t c h e si n t h e f o l l o w i n go r d e r : ( N o p r i n t i n g )
= Month-Day-Year. = Day-Month-Year= Year-
M o n t h - D a y+ D a y - H o u r - M i n u t S e .e t y o u r d e s i r e d

O Settingdate and time displaydisappearsafter o The positionof printingis in the bottomright

appox.Ssec. and switchesto exposurecounter corner. lf the backgroundof printingpositionis
with date mark displayonly. Pressthe date button b r i g h tl i k ew h i t eo r y e l l o w , i t m a y b e d i f f i c u ltto
if you desireto check the contentsof printing. r e a dt h e n u m b e r .
o lf you do not want to print the date or time, set -----
--- and shoot.
@ Depress the shutter release button to
Last frame which has been taken beyond
shoot and date or time will print. prescribedframes, it may not printed correctly
accordingto the mechanismof this camera.
Tho film tip mark / Symbol for Filmanfangsposition/
Repere pour I'amorc€ / Marca para la punta de la

Spool /
Filmaufwickelspule/ Film Guide / Filmt0hrung/
Bobine r6ceptrice/ Bails de guidage / Gulas pan
Bobina la pellcula

Open the camera back by pushing down the camera The filmtip shouldbe pulledout as far as the orange"1"markand
back release knob in the direction of the arrow. placedon the spool. Placethe film insidethe upper and lower film
z Load DX-coded lilms and set the film tip to the mark "1". guidesand take care that it does not curl up
The film cassette is inserled slantwise in the film

Close the camera back securely.
Turn the main power switch to "AF"(main power switch lf the main power switch is otf
' film does not
i s ' O N ' ) , t h e n t h e f i l m a d v a n c e sa u t o m a t i c a l l ya n d s t o p s advance automatically.
w h e n t h e e x p o s u r ec o u n t e rs h o w s " 0 1 " .

lf the exposure counter blinks at "00", the film is not Wenn der Bildzdhlerbei "00" blinkt,wird der Film nicht
advancing properly. Open the camera back and reload richtigtransportiert. Die Kamerartlckseiteoffnen und den
Film erneuteinlegen.
the film.
Wenn Sie DX-codiertenFilm benutzen,stelltdie Kamera
lf you are using DX-coded film, the camera
automatischdie Film-emptindlichkeit ein. Wenn Sie nicht
automaticallysets its film speed. lf you are using non-
Dx-codiertenFilm benutzen.wird die Film-empfindlichkeit
DX-coded film, the film speed is automaticallyset to
automatischauf ISO 100 eingestellt.
tso100. Daraufachten,die DX-Kontaktenichtzu bertlhrenoder zu
o Take care not to touch or soil the DX contacts. verschmutzen.
a Always load and unload film in subdued light. Den Film stets bei geddmpftemLichteinlegenund
o When loading film for the first time, be sure to remove entnehmen.
the protective sheet in the camera's picture area frame. Beim erstmaligenEinlegeneines Filmsunbedingtdas
Schutzpapierin der Filmfuhrungentfernen.

O eringyourelbowscloseto yourbody,and stabilizethe camera.
@ Rt tne momentyou takea picture,holdyourbreath.
@ D"pr"s the shutterreleasebuttongently.

Horizontal Position/ Horizontalhaltung/ V€rlical Position/ Vertikalhaltung/

Caclragehorizontal / Posici6n horizontal Cadtage verlical / Posici6nvertical

To take sharppictures,the cameramust be held steady. a Pay attentionnot to cover the lens,focusing
Blurredpicturesare most oftencausedby camera w i n d o w ,l i g h ts e n s o r ,A F a s s i s tb e a m ,f l a s hw i t h
shake.The cameracan be held not only in the the fingers.
horizontalposition,but also in the verticalposition O Emissionof lightof flash must be locatedin the
dependingon the subject.In any case,studyyour upper part of camerawhen you take a photograph
comfortablecamerapositioningand practiceuntilyou at the verticalposition.
get usedto it. lt is also good to supportyour body or
camerawith a building,tree,and so on.
<Exposure> A large ISO value means high sensitivity.Such films can
Whena pictureis taken,the aperturevalueand shutter be used in locationswith poor ambientlightingor with
speedadjuststhe amountof lightto the film. fast shutterspeeds,but it has coarsergrainand
<Shutter Speed> thereforea slightlypoorerimagequality.

Theshutterin the cameracontrolsthe amountof light <Depth of field>

thatreachesthe film by the lengthof time it staysopen. When a subjectis in focus,not only the subjectitselfbut
Thetime the shutterstays open is the shutterspeed. also some area in front and behindthe subjectwill also
<Aperture Value> be sharp.The range betweenthe nearestand farthest
pointthat is sharp is the depth of field.
Theaperturein the lens controlsthe amountof light
goingthroughthe lens by becomingsmalleror larger. C The depth of field increaseswith small apertures
and decreaseswith larger apertures.
Thesize of the openingproducedby the size of the
apertureis the aperturevalue. @ The depth of field is largerfor a distantsubjectand
smallerfor a closersubject.
Thelargerthe aperturevalue,the smallerthe opening.
O The depth of field is largerbehindthan in front a
<Film Speed(lsO Value)>
subjectin focus. A lens with a long focal
Filmspeedis measuredby valuesdeterminedby
length(telephotolenses)has a narrowerdepth of
ISO(theInternational Organization). A
field than a lens with a shorterfocal length.
smallISO value means lowersensitivitybut finergrain
andhigherimagequality. 83
Program Auto / Program Auto / Mod€
Programme/ Programa automatico

n* T" nl
Display Panel / Anzeig€nfeld / Apertura Display LCD / glend€nanzeige-
LCD / Attichago do I'owerturs (LCD) /
Main Power Switch / Hauptschaller/ Interrupteur Ecran d'atfichage / Panel de
visualizador LcD do apsdura
principal/ Bot6n de encendido/apagado visuarizacion

When the main power switch is turned to "@" Then,the lens extendsand is readyto shoot.At that
-) "AF", the camera power is turned on and time,camerais readywith followingautomaticshooting
front cover open automatically.

Shooting with Programmed AE
o W h e n t h e f o c u sd i a l s e t t o " A F " - r "
e ' , l e n sw i l l
be retractinto the cameraand the front cover
Undernormalconditions,it is recommendedto
closes . Then, camera main power switchis off.
use the programmedAE mode. In this mode, o lf you do not use the camera right away, turn off
both shutterspeed and apertureare set the camera'smain power switch in order not to trip
automaticallyto provideoptimum exposure the shutterinadvertently.
underambientlightingconditions. You can changethe flash mode which it is set at
f i r s tw h e n c a m e r a ' sp o w e r s w i t c hi s o n . ( P a g e1 5 0 ) .

Auto Focus Shooting Mode o Y o u c a n s e t f o c u s i n gp o s i t i o nm a n u a l l y . ( M a n u a l

F o c u sS h o o t i n g P: age160)
Camera is focused automaticallyby pressing
the shutter releasebutton halfway down.

Auto Flash Mode rfttrotr

Flashis firedautomatically whenshootingis done
underdarkconditionsor backlightphotography. lf
" I ' ,r lightedin the viewfinder,that meansthe
90 warningthatflashwillbe fired.

(2)'W'at wide angle side (3) T'at telephoto side

While looking at the Zooming Button "W" Zooming Button "T"

subject through the Use this buttonwhen Use this buttonwhen you
viewfinder, choose the shootingfor wide range wish to take photograph
subject size by using the such as scenery. largelyfor the subject.
zoom button.

(A) ShutterSpeed
| ^A.
C) Focusing

O eim the focusing frame at the subject you @ Depress the shutter release button all the
want to focus, and depress the shutter way and take the photograph, after making
releasebutton haltway. sure that "Focus Display" is lighted.
turnson,whichcorresponds to the
of subject,
shutterspeedis alsodisplayed.

d*ry, 'ffi
lirnce this camera has employed external l f s u b j e c t c a n n o t b e f o c u s e d ,' - - 5 ' a n d , 1 - 5 '
passive system multi-focus, the subject can be blinks.Then, the shutterreleasebuttoncan not be
focused even if it is out of the focusing frame a tripped.Usethe focus-lockfeature(page106) to
lock the camera'sfocus on anotherobject located
l i t t l eb i t . ( P a g e 1 7 8 ) .
,i at an equivalentdistancefrom the cameraas the
desiredsubject,then returnthe camerato the
O l f t h e m a r k" t " O l i n t sw h e n p r e s s i n gt h e s h u t t e r
o r i g i n ap
l o s i t i o na n d t a k e t h e p i c t u r e .
releasebuttonhalf-waydown, the flash will fire.
W h e n s h u t t e rs p e e db l i n k s' 1 0 0 0 'i n t h e v i e w f i n d e r ,
O l f " 1 - 0 . 5 " o f f o c u sd i s p l a yb l i n k s ,t h e s h u t t e r
the light conditionshave exceededthe exposure
releasebuttoncan not be trippedbecausethe
controlrange.This means it is over-exposed.
subjectis too close to the camera.
o When "LT " blinks,the lightconditionshave
Take your pictureat a distanceof O.Smor more.
exceededthe exposurecontrolrange.This means,
O lf it is difficultto focus becausethe subjectis dimly
it is under-exposed.
lightedor its contrastis low, an infraredbeam from
the AF-assistbeam window is automatically
emittedon the subjectto increasethe accuracvof
the auto-focussystem.
Effectiverange of AF assist beam is approx.
98 5 m ( 1 6 . 5f t . )
'00' blinks / "00" Whilethe film is rewinding,the exposurecountercounts
"00" blinkt /
clignote /'00" parpadea down.When rewindingis complete,the motorstopsand
the number"00" in the counterblinks.Afterthe film is
rewound,open the cameraback and take out the film.

Do not open the camera back until the film is


o The cameradoes not operateunlessthe camera

back is ooenedonce.
T o r e w i n dt h e f i l m i n t h e m i d d l eo f a r o l l ,p r e s s" R " ,
the manual rewindbutton,on the camera bottom
with the strap adjusteror a fine-pointedobject.
Take the exposedfilm for processingas soon as
As soon as the entire roll of film is exposed, the
camerarewinds the film
102 automatically.
o F ,f,"2

lf you pressthe shutterreleasebuttonhalfway O nlm the focusing frame at the subject you
when shootingin the auto-focusmode,the focus want to focus, and depress the shutter
and the distanceare locked.(FocusLock). release button halfway.
lf the subject you want to focus is not in the The lens is focusedon the subjectand 'focus
indication'turns on, correspondingto the distance
focusing frame when shooting in the auto-
to the subject.
focus mode, use focus lock.
O When the shutterreleasebuttonis depressed
106 halfway,the focus and the exposurevalue are
lockedat the same time.(AElock).
fl[ r*

@ Wnile the shutter release button is <Diff icu lt-to-Focus Subjects>
depressed halfway, move the camera to The camera'sauto-focusmechanismmay not be able to
recompose the picture and take it by focusproperlyon the followingkindsof subjects.In such
cases,use the focus-lockfeatureto lockthe camera's
depressing the shutter release button all
focus on anotherobject locatedat an equivalent
the way.
distancefrom the cameraas the desiredsubject,then
returnthe camerato the originalpositionand take the 1il|n
O Becausethe focus remainslockedas long as the
shutterreleasebutton is depressedhalfway,your
subjectis in sharp focus even if you move the O Subjectswith very low contrast.
camerato the left or right. O Subjectscharacterized by a recurringpattern.
O The focus lock is releasedif you removeyour O Verydarksubjects.
fingerfrom the shutterreleasebutton. O Subjectscomposedprimarilyof horizontal stripes
O Extremely brightor glossysubjects.
O Scenesin whicha brightlightsourceis locatedinside
or very nearthe focusingframe,or whenthe sun or
otherbrightlightsourceis visibleinsidethe viewfinder.
a Scenesin whichtwo objectsvisibleinsidethe focusing
frameare locatedat greatlydifferingdistances.
O Quicklymovingsubjects.
Aperture Dlsplay LCD(Thls illuetration shows
ApertureButton when AperturePrlorlty Auto Exposurels set)

Aperture The depth of field( the "in

ButtonB 1I focus' area in front and in back
ol the subject) decreases.

u The depth of lield

As generalcharacteristics of lens,if you focuson some background.Set the aperturedependingon the type of
subject,there is not only a area whichthe subjectitself photographyou want to take.
in focus,but a zone in frontand behindthe subjectthat
is in focus.(Wecalled'Depthof fietd'.See page 83, 164.) At the Aperture Priority Auto photography, when
Small aperture produces greater depth-of-field, large you set the aperture in advance, shutter speed is
aperture produces smaller depth-of-field. controlled automaticallycorresponding to
This characteristiccan be used to take photographfor brightness of the subject.
boththe subjectand the backgroundin focus.
114 Or you can focusattentionon the subjectby blurringthe
Program Auto AperturePriority ButtonA
Exposure AutoExposure P

O I n t h e v i e w f i n d e rs, h u t t e rs p e e di s d i s p l a y e d
c o r r e s p o n d i ntgo t h e a p e r t u r ew h i c hh a s b e e n s e t
O W h e n y o u z o o m ,a c t u a la p e r t u r ev a l u ei s c h a n g e s
F3.7 Examole: F8
a s f o l l o w sA l s o .o l e a s eb e c a r e f u tl h a t f l a s h -
s h o o t i n gr a n g ei s s h o r t e ra t t e l e p h o t os i d e . ( S e e
O Wtren you press the Aperture Button A, P a g e1 4 6 ) .
"P" disappearsand "ApertureScale" is
30mm at Wide Angle Side 60mm at TelephotoSide
displayed.Then, Aperture Priority Auto F 3.7 <+ F 6.7
Exposure Shooting Mode is set. F 5.6 c+ F10.3
F8 <+ F14.6
F11 (+ F2O.7
@ Each time you press Button A or Button B,
"ApertureScale" switches in the following F16 <+ F26.8
order. Set your desired aperture value.
Set the exposure lf there is a great difference in brightness
compensationvalue between the main subject and
its background, the subject cannot be correcfly
exposed. In this case, use the exposure
compensation.The exposure compensation can
also be used for intentionalover or under exposure.
Exposure ,/
To compensateexposure,turn the main powerswitch
CompensationDial on and turn the exposurecompensation dial,then set
the desiredcompensation valueon the displaypanel.
DisplayPanel Displayin the viewfinder Compensating valuescan be set in 1/3 -EV stepswithin
t h e r a n g eo f + 2 E Vt o - 2 E V .T h e ' + ' m a r ki s d i s p l a y e di n
the viewfinder.

o Compensatingvalue can be set also in 1/2 -EV

s t e p s .( S e e P a g e 1 6 7 )
DisplayCompensation a A f t e rs h o o t i n gr, e t u r nt h e d i a l t o t h e o r i g i n a l
Value position(without exposurecompensation)
( c o m p e n s a t i ovna l u ed i s a p p e a r s . )
to the "+" side.
Compensation Compensationto the "-" side.

For backlighted subjects, compensate For stage scenes, compensate exposure in a

exposure in a range of "+0.3" - "+2". fange Of "-0.3" - "-2".
lf you are shootinga portraitin backlight,againsta lf you are shootinga spotlightedsubjecton a stage
brightsky or sea, in front of a window,etc.,wherethe where a dark backgroundpredominatesin the scene,
greaterpart of your pictureis occupiedby a bright the main subjectwill be overexposedand turn out too
background, your subjectwill be underexposedand turn light . In this case,compensateexposurein a rangeof "-
out dark like a silhouette.In such cases,compensate 0.3" - "-2" to reducethe exposure.
exposurein a rangeof +0.3 - +2 EV to increasethe
O AutoFlash o Night Scene Portrait
lryl Ell
e trot
| fill
D^rE sELEcr sET
a) F

e @@@o
@ Red-eye Reduction Flash @ Flash-off
l-!*r I
@ Fiil-in Flash

You can fire or turn off the flashdependingon the O Flash-autoMode(Whenthe main power switch is
subject,whichyou want to shoot.When you turn the turned on, this mode will be displayed.)- @ ReO-
mainpowerswitchon, each time you pressthe flash eye Reduction Flash Mode - @ Flash-offMode '
modebutton,the flashmode switchesin the followino @ fitt-in Flash Mode -' @ ttigtrt Scene portrait
orderand is displayedin the displaypanel. Mode

a Set your desiredmode in the displaypanel and

s h o o t .Y o u c a n e a s i l yc h a n g et h e f l a s hm o d e .
P l e a s es e e t h e d e t a i l so n P a q e 1 5 0 .

iii ,

O Auto-flashMode" furo" ' Afterthe flashfiresfor the firsttime,the self-timerLED

lf thesubjectis so dark that it requiresa shutterspeed blinksuntilit firesfor the secondtime.The shuttertrips
slower than 1/60sec.,the flash is automatically when it fires for the second time. Take care not to move
activatedto take your picture. the camera or that the subjectdoes not move after the
The shutter speed is set to 1/60 sec. firstfiringof flash.

o When the llash is activated,the mark " f. " in the @ Flash-off Mode " €) ":
viewfinderturns on. lf you want to take pictureswithoutflash such as twilight
scenesor indoormood pictures,set the camerato this
@ ned-eye Reduction Flash Mode " |'@ " ' mode.Becausethe exposureis determinedin
lf a personis photographedin dim lightwith flash,the accordancewith the brightnessof the subject,the
pupilsof his(orher) eyes, may turn out red in the pictureis taken in a naturalmood.
picture(red-eye effect).This pre-flashmode is usefulfor
reducingthis red-eyeeffect. o lf a shutterspeed slowerthen "60"(1/60sec.) is
Inthis mode,the flashfirestwiceat an intervalof displayedin the viewfinder,use a tripodto prevent
approx.0.7 sec. camerashake.
o In the flash-offmode,the mark "!" is not
displayedin the viewfinder.
@ ruigntSceneportrairMode" f$?f ".
@ rllun Flash Mode " !" =
This mode makesthe flashfire all the time. In additionto the featureof Red-eyereduction
In outdoorphotography,portraitpicturesagainst flash mode,the shutterspeedwill be slowedin
brightsunlightor backlightwithoutfill-inflash, responseto the brightnessof the ambient
may makethe subjectdark or silhouetted.When light.(Slow-shutter
the Fill-inflash mode is set, both the personand When talkingportraitpicturesin the eveningor
backgroundcan be photographedbeautifully. capturingnightsceneswith lit backgrounds,this
(DaylightFlash) mode can be used. Both the subjectand its
backgroundwill be beautifullyexposed.
O Whenappropriate shutterspeedis lessthan1/60
sec.,shutterspeedwillbe set 1/60sec. O Sincetheshutterspeedmaybecomequiteslow
a tripodis
recommendedto preventcamerashake.

'Auto-flash Pr ecaution for F l as h Photogr aphy :
mode in backlight.'
O The disp l ay of " U " i n the v i ew fi nder i ndi c ates the
lf you are shooting in the auto-flashmode or red-eye followin g:
reductionflash mode, night scene portraitmode and Lighted: Flash will fire. Within Flash Shooting Distance
the subject is in the center of the pictureframe with Range.(When the shutter release button is pressed
very strong backlight,the flash may fire dependingon half-way down)
the contrast between subject and backlight. Delayed blinks(twice per seconds): Flash is recharging.
Delayed blinks(four times per seconds): Warning for
out of flash shooting range(Whenthe shutter
O When the flash is activated,the mark ' " is
+ release button is pressed half-way down.). When
lightedin the viewfinder. the subject is too close, it will be over-exposed.
When the subject is too far, it will be under-
exposed. Changethe distancebetweenthe subject
and the camera,or the aperturereferring to a chart on
When you take flash photography,we recommendto Page 146.W hen us i ngs l i defi l m ,s hooti ngdi s tanc e
rangewill narrowfurther,take a photographwithinthe
use ISO 400 film which offers a largerflash range.
r ang eof 'F l as hShooti ngD i s tanc eR ange'i n the nex t

O You can not tr i p the s hutterw hen " " del ay edbl i nk s .
<Effective Range of the Built-in Flash> I Flash effective range at 30mm
Flash effective range at 60mm
Distance(m) When usinq ISO 10Ofilm When using ISO 400 film
Aperture 0 1 2 4 0.5 2 3 4 5 6 7
"P" I F 3.7 F3.7 <6.7>

F5.6 <10.3>
F8 <14.6> -
F1l <20.7>
I -
Fl6 <26.8> !

The figures in parentheses show the aclual apsrture valuss at 60mm(febphoto) tor th€ aperture values al 3omm(Wde Angle).
Whsn you set your desired aperture(ap€rture-priodty AE), the quanlity ot light of ths flash changes with the shootlng distanc€. Wh€n th€
exposure mods is s3t to'P'(program AE), the ap€nurs changss wilh lhe shootingdistance(flashmalicmethod).
Whenyou takellash plctures,lt ls r€commendedto Betthe exposuremodeto "P'. lf you stop down the
apertut€, the flash etfectlye range becomss Bhoiler. Also, please be carcful that It you take a photograph at
the telephoto side, the flash eiltoctlverange becomecshortel.
O lf youwantto takepictures thantheetfective
withflashat longerdistances rangeof thebuilt-inflash,useanexlernal
clip-ontlashwiththeaidot theCONTAX FlashAdapterSA-1(optional
e Wnen the camera main power switchis on,
continueto press the flash button(approx.2sec.)
untilthe flash mark blinks.

Bot6n del flash @ Wnen it startsto blink,releaseyour fingerfrom the

flash buttononce and press the buttonagain to
9l"o selectthe desiredmode.

Btinks/ Btinh / Blinks / Blinkt /

a rp p r o x . 8
Clignotement/ PaPadeo Clignotement/ Parpad€o @ l t c h a n g e sf r o m
secondsand is finishedbeing set.
<Home Position>
Youcaneasilychangetheflashmode(home position). O Thiscan be set by pressingthe shutterreleasebutton
It is convenient half-waydownor switchingoff the cameramainpower.

EG=l%l =l-ffi;l
Thereare two types of self-timer,2 sec. and 1O O Mount the camera on a tripod.
sec. lf you want to get into the pictureyourself,
use " U.,o"(10sec.),anduse " "(, sec.)in @ Turn the main power switch 'on'and press the
&) self-timer button. Each time you press the self-
orderto preventthe camerashake and when
timer button, the indication of display panel
pressingthe shutterreleasebuttonfor shootingin
switches in the following order. Set your
a dark place. desired mode in the display panel.
"No display"(self-timer off) -+ "Up " - " ',
152 fu
() Oepressthe shutter release button halfway, <Continuous shooting with self-timer>
make sure the focus indication turns on in the lf you want to shoot with selftimer continuouslyset
viewfinder and depress the shutter release 'Continuousshootingwith self-timermode'.
button all the way.
The self-timerstarts and the shuttertrips after 10 Keep pressing self-timer button until the mark
secondsor 2 seconds. ("Urc " or " ") blinks at self-timer mode.(Approx.
2 sec.)
O The camera will return to normal shootingatter shooting
with the self-timerhas finished. By doing so, settinghas been finished.
O To stop the self-timerafter it has started,press the self-
timer button. O When you turn the main power switch otf,
O While the self-timeris operating,the exposurecounter 'continuosshootingwith self-timermode' has been
shows the remainingtime in seconds before the shutter cancelled.
trips.The self-timerLED blinksin the viewfinder.
O The exposureand focus are locked when the self-timer
O lf the shutter release button is depressedwhile the self-
timer is operating,the exposure counter is reset and counts
the remainingtime.
O The self-timercannot be started while the flash is charging.
Dial Lock Release Button @ Wtren you turn the dial, shooting
distance(focusing point) is disptayed on disptay

Manual Focusing Range panel. Set your desired shooting distance.

O Shootingdislanceis displayedwhile movingthe focus dial

It is displayedfor approx.2secondsafler the locus dial has
O Set shootingdistanceis displayedfor approx.2sec. by
pressingthe shutterreleasebuttonhalf way down.
O Focusdisplayis lightedto matchsettingshootingdistance
in the viewfinder.
You can set focuspositionmanually. O Set the shootingdistancereferringto 'Depthof fieldtable,
on next page.

O Turn the main power switch or focus dial while

pressing the dial lock release button, and set @ Decide on the size of subject and compose it.
'Manual Focus Then press the shutter release button. The
Range(0.5- -)'.
shutter trips to match the shooting distance.

<Depth of Field Table> (Unit: m) The rangeis in clearlocuswhichis linkedwitha set camera-subject
distanceand aperlure

(3) 30mm (Wlde Angle Side) (4) 6omm Creb Phoro Sldo)
(1) Aperturo
value( )is aclual g.T I 16 3.7(6.4 8 (14.6) 16 (26.8)
aperlure valu€

(2) Shooting
0.5 0.48 - 0.52 0.45 - 0.56 0.41 - 0.65 0.49 - 0.51 0.48 - 0.53 0.46 - 0.55
o.7 0.64 - 0.75 0.61 - 0.84 0.53 - 1.06 0.68 - 0.72 0.65 - 0.76 0.61 - 0.83
1.0 0.90- 1.13 0.81- 1.33 0.68 - 2.03 0.95- 1.06 0.89- 1.14 0.82- 1.31
1.5 1 . 2 8- 1.83 1 . O 9- 2.44 0.86 - 7.0 1 . 3 8- 1.65 1 . 2 6- 1.88 1 . 1 1- 2.39
2.0 1.62 - 2.64 1.33 - 4.2 1.00- @ 1 . 7 8- 2 . 2 9 1 . 5 8- 2 . 7 6 1 . 3 5-4.0
3.0 2.20- 4.7 1 . 6 9- 1 4 . 9 1 . 1 9- @ 2.51 - 3.7 2j2 - 5.2 1.72 - 13.7
5.0 3.1 - 13.4 2.17 - @ 1.40- @ 3.8 - 7.5 2.94-17.9 2.21- @
10 4.5 @ 2.75 - 6 1 . 6 1- @ 6.0 - 31.6 4.2 6 2.80 - @
oo 8.0 @ 3.8 6 1 . 9 1- 6 14.6- @ 7.O @ 3.9 - @

This camera has six kinds of "Custom Functions"as shown in the followingtable. When you use the camera first time
after purchase, it has been set to the standard set of Functions(item0). (lnstructions in this manual refer to Case 0
lf you want to change the Customfunctions,referto 'Setting the Gustom Functions'on Page 175.

<List of the CustomFunctions>

The lilm leader ls rgwound into The fflm leader is left out of th€
the cassette cassette

Just belore the shutter trips When shutter releese button half-
way down

Program Auto: Multi Focus Prognm Auto: Spot Fools Program Auto: Multi Focus
Apedrre Priodty Auto: Multi Ap€ftrre Priority Auto: Spot Apenure Pdorlty Auto: Spot Focrs
Focus Focus
Item No- Standard Sattlng Settlng Ghange

Functlon No. (0) (1) (2)

ExposureMode: P(Program Exposure asjust

GFI: Erposure ltlode before camera main power switch oft
when camera maln power Lens position: Same zoom position as
Lens Position: end of wide
swltch ls on and Lens lusi before camela main power switch
angle side
movlng posltlon otf

While holdingset button

CF5: Focue adl$tment Turn focus dial and set to
depressed,turn focus dial and
durlng manual focus shooling distance
set to shootingdistance.

CF6: Erpooure 1/3 EV (Sampledisplay:+0.3) 1/2EV (Sampledisplay:+0.5)

compensatlon range

( - ) P l e a s es e e t h e d e t a i l sr e g a r d i n gt h e f o c u s i n gr a n g eo f A u t o F o c u s

(1) FunctionNo. (2) ContentsNo.

(3) Flash


O @@@o @
(4) Select
(5) Setting Button

( 1 ) F u n k t i o nNsr (3) Blitztaste

F o n c t i o nN o . T o u c h em o d ef l a s h
N'de funcion B o t o nd e l f l a s h

(2) Einstellungs-Nr. ( 4 ) W a h l t a s t eE
, instelltaste
C o n t e n uN o . Touche de selection,touche de r6glage
N od e c o n t e n i d o Boton de seleccion.boton de confiquracion

<Setting the Custom Function> <Einstellen einer Sonderfunktion>
O turn the camera main power switch off, and Q Den Kamerahauptschalterausschalten und
keep pressing flash button and set button at the Blitztaste und Einstelltaste gleichzeitig
s a m e t i m e u n t i l t h e ' C u s t o m F u n c t i o nS w i t c h driicken,bis die,Sonderfunktion-
Mode' is displayed. (more than 2 sec.) Umschaltfunktion' angezeigt wird. (mehr als 2
@ Press select button and make "Function No" or Sek.)
"item No." blinks. @ Wanltaste driicken und "Funktions Nr." oder
@ Press set button and makes change to desired " G e g e n s t a n dN r . " z u m B l i n k e n b r i n g e n .
number. @ Einstelltaste driicken und Umstellung auf
@ lt you leave as is for 8 seconds, return to gewiinschte Nummer vornehmen.
normal display and set custom function. @ Diese Einstellung wird ca. 8 Sekunden
a Whenyou turnthe mainpowerswitchto 'AF'during beibehalten,dann Riickkehr zur Normalanzeige
blinking,customfunctionis set,also. u n d E i n s t e l l u n gd e r S o n d e r f u n k t i o n .
O lf you leaveas is for 8 secondswhilesettingup the O Wennder Hauptschalter beimBlinkenauf ,AF'gestellt
customfunction.customfunctionis set. wird,ist die Sonderfunktion aucheingestellt.
O DieseEinstellung fur I Sekundenbeibehalten; wenn
die Kameraeingeschaltet wird, ist die Sonderfunktion
(1) Viewfinder

(2) FocusFrame

(3) MultiFocusRange (4) Spot Focus Range

(At wideangleside) (Arwide angle side)

( 1 )S u c h e r ( 3 ) M u l t i - B e r e i c(hW e i t w i n k e l )
Viseur Z o n e d ' A F m u l t i p o i n t (se n f o c a l eg r a n da n g l e )
Visor Modo multienfoque(gran angular)

(2) Fokussierrahmen (4) Spot-Bereich(Weitwinkel)

Cadre de mise au point Zone d'AF spot (en focale grand angle)
Encuadrede enfoque M o d od e e n f o q u ep u n t u a l( g r a na n g u l a r )

<Focus Range> <Fokussierbereich>
Two types of focusingrange are availablewhen using Zwei Arten stehen zur Verfrigung,wenn der Autofokus
the camera'sauto focus system. der Kamerabenutztwird.
When Program Auto is used: Multi Focus Wenn Programmautomatik verwendet wird: Multi-
When Aperture Priority Auto is used: Multi Focus Autofokus
O nnuttiFocus: Wenn Zeitautomatik benutzt wird: Multi-Autofokus
lf the subjectis slightlyout of the focus frame, it O uuni-autofokus:
can be focused. Auch wenn das Motiv etwas auBerhalbdes
@ Spot Focus: Fokussierrahmensist. kann es noch erfaBt
It is convenientif you want to focus on a specific werden.
part of the subject. @ Spot-lutofokus
Sinnvoll,wenn auf ein kleinesMotivoder
You can change the setting of focus range by custom Motivdetaildie Entfernungseinstellung
I function. See the details on Page 166.
f ilk; ;; ; ol"ri iri, J;F;il;;i ;;b"'#i;; ffi :
" ""i" "s
Sonderfunktiondndern. Siehe Angaben auf Seite 168.
i ,

<Exposure Control Diagram> The relationshipof aperturesettingsto the camera'smeteringrange and shutter
speedsis shownin the accompanyingtable.(AtISO 100)
Program Auto Aperture Priority Auto(ntwideAngre
6 7 E 9 l0 ll 12 ll t4 t5 t6 t7 18 t9 20Ev 6 8 9 l0 il t2 13 t4 15 16 l7 rE 19 20EV
5 5 22
.l l6

3 3 ll

) 6i2

I I 56

0 0 4

16"li" 4" 2" l" 2 ,l 8 15 -30 60 1252505fi)l(.X)0sec f6" 8" 4" 2" l" 2 4 8 15 l0 60 125250500

When shooting dark indoor subjects, night s@nes, or occasions When using the lens at its SOmmfocal length and with wide-
requiringthe use of flash, it is recommendedthat the lens be is open aperture, some darkening around the edges of the image
set to F3.7,or lhe cameraset to'P'. may be noticeable.Stopping the lens down to a value of F5.6 or
smaller aperture will help prevent such vignetting.
a Aperturevalue is variedlinkedwith zooming (Referto
Page 118) O Meteringtunctionof camerais operatingnormally,linked
180 with the variationof aperturevalue by zooming.
<CONTAXFlash Adapter SA-1> When using the manual flash, calculatethe shooting
distance in order to get the proper exposure according to
followingformula and try not to exceed the limit of distance
for shooting.
Gui deN um ber
ShootingDistance(m) = (At ISO 100)
( Regardingthe guide number, please refer to the
instructionmanual of the flash which is in use).
Set the mode which built-inflash is fired with camera and
press the shutter release button for shooting after the
O When using for CONTAXTvs lll attached flash and built-inflash are fully charged.
Pleaseusethe directmeteringauto-flash unitor manual O Red-eyeReductionFlash Mode or Night Scene Portrait
flashunit. Mode are not useable.
Setthe aperturevalueto matchthe directmeteringaperture O Attachthis adapterto the positionso that it does not hit the
valueof flashwhichis in usewhenusingdirectmetering camera back when it opens.
auto-flash. <CONTAX Tvs lll Semi-Hard Case CC-77>
Whenyou set'P'to the camera,the aperturevaluewouldbe This ever-ready leather case can contain the CONTAX Tvs
F3.7at 30mmand F6.7at 60mmwhenshootingdistanceof ilt.

184 built-inflashwhenshootingdistanceof buift-inflashis <CONTAX Tvs lll Deluxe Strap>

exceeding the limit.
Deluxe strap for the CONTAX Tvs lll.
Distance Measurement: Externalpassive method, provided

CONTAXTvs lll with AF-assistbeam and focus lock.

Viewfinder : Real-imageviewfinder,O.42- O.76X
Specifications magnificationand 83% field ot view (3m).
Displayin Viewfinder: PictureArea Frame,Close-Range
Type : 35mm lens-shutterauto exposure camera.
NegativeSize : 24 x 36mm
Lens : Carl Zeiss T- Vario Sonnar T. 30-60mm F3.7-
Diopter Adjustment: Built-indiopter adiuster,correctablerange
6.7 (6 elementsin 5 groups)
+2 - -3.5D
Aperture :F3.7 - 16(f=3966;
Display Panel : Spot Auto Focus Indicators,Indicatorsof
ShootingRange: 0.5m - -
Shutter : Double Between System Lens Shutter
sec. or 2 sec.),ExposureCounter/
ShutterSpeeds: 16 sec. - 1/1000sec.(thefastestshutter
Date and Time/Exposure CompensationValue/
speeds:1/500sec at full openedaperture)
timer counter/Custom
ExposureControl : Aperture PriorityAuto and ProgramAuto
M e t e r i n gR a n g e : E V 0 - E V 1 8
Eye ReductionMode, Fill-Flash,Flash-off
MeteringSystem : Externalmeteringsystem with SPD cell
. mode, Night-ScenePortraitMode), Date Mark
Exposurecompensation: !2 EV(1/3EV steps.),(switchableto
1/2 EV steps.)
Film Speed : ISO 25 - 5000 for automaticsetting(DXsystem)
Film speed is automatically
set to ISO 100 for
non-DX-coded films.
Focusing : Automaticfocusingwith focusingdial,
switchableto manualfocusing.
Film Loading: Auto loading(Filmautomaticallyadvancesto Camera back : Opened and closed with camera back release I
f r a m eN o . 1 ) . knob.
FilmWinding: Automatic Battery : 3V lithiumbattery(CR123Aor DL 1234). I
Film Rewinding: Auto-return/auto-stopsystem.Film can be About 7 rollsof 24 exposurefilm can be i
rewound in the middle of a roll. exposed with 50% flash(withnew battery,at l
ExposureCounter : Indicateon display panel, Automatic- ordinarytemperature,accordingto CONTAX
resettingadditivetype testing standard).
Self-timer : Electronicselttimer with 10 sec. and 2 sec. PrintingFunction: Printingof date and time.
delay:can be cancelledmidway. Dimensions : 116.5(W) x 64 (H) x 40 (D)mm
Flash : Built-inZoom Flash,Flashmatic,and guide Weight : 3209
* and designare subjectto changewithout
ShootingRange:See Page 146. Specifications
About 6 sec.recycletime(with new battery,at notice.
ordinarytemperature,as tested accordingto
CustomFunction: Remainingfilm at film rewound,The timing
of lens moving forward, Focusingrange of auto
focusing,Exposuremode when cameramain
powerswitchis on and lens movingposition,

Camera Strap (Supplied Accessory) Leather Camera Case (Supplied
Attachthe strap as shown in the illustration. Accessory)
(Thereare two straps:hand strap and shoulder There are two hooks to preventthe camera from
strap.Both types are suppliedwith the camera.) fallingaway from the case at right and left.
Pleaseuse the hook at shutterside when usingthe
hand strap,and use the hook at flash side when
usingthe shoulderstrap.

(2) Hook to
falling away \
of the camera
from the


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