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From “RUBRIC: Teaching Students to Use Grading Rubrics” by Jackson and Larkin, Teaching Exceptional Children, Vol.

35, No. 1, 2002, pp.

40-45. Copyright 2006 by The Council for Exceptional Children. Reprinted with permission.

Teaching Students to Use
Grading Rubrics
Cynthia W. Jackson • Martha J. Larkin

Scott is a fifth-grade stu- Montgomery (2000) indicated that

dent with learning dis- most students do not understand why
abilities in written ex- they received a particular grade on an
pression. He receives all assignment. The students may reason
of his instruction in an that their being good or bad or the
inclusive classroom, teacher’s perception of them is why
where he has two teach- they were given a particular grade.
ers, Mrs. Sanders (gen-
Montgomery stated that asking students
eral education) and Mrs.
Parker (special educa- to complete the same assessment that
tion). Scott liked social the teacher will use might give valuable
studies class when he clues to the students’ understanding of
could do research about the task and readiness for self-reflection
historical events using skills. Then the teacher will be able to
the computer. Even sci- guide students toward setting realistic
ence class was fun improvement goals.
because he and his This article includes a definition of
classmates could do grading rubrics, a rationale for their use,
experiments and go on
ways to introduce rubrics to students
field trips. Now Scott’s
with learning disabilities using the
affection for these class-
es and school is dimin- RUBRIC strategy, and suggestions for
TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 40-45. Copyright 2002 CEC.

ishing rapidly, because rubric use.

Students are reviewing a rubric to be
Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. used to grade a particular assignment.
What Are Grading Rubrics?
Parker “make me write
all the time,” noted Though the original definition of
awarded by the total score only (i.e.,
Scott. He further rubric meant “marks in red” (Finson &
explained, “I guess I holistic) or by separate pieces being
Ormsbee, 1998, p. 80), today a rubric is
make bad grades be- judged and then totaled into a final
viewed as a grading guideline to follow
cause I’m not good score (i.e., analytic; Nitko, 2001).
in assessment. Rubrics answer the ques-
enough, or maybe my Teachers, parents, and students can
tion regarding the criteria by which a
teachers don’t like me. I student’s work should be judged.
view the work from both formative and
study really hard and for summative assessment perspectives:
Therefore, the rubric becomes a scoring
a long time each night, • Formative Assessment. By knowing
but I just can’t get this tool indicating “what counts” (Goodrich,
1996-97; Montgomery, 2000). ahead of time what is expected and
writing stuff. If I have to
write, I’m just gonna Scores are awarded based on prede- using the criteria as expectations, the
fail.” termined criteria set forth in the rubric. rubric becomes a guide throughout
Descriptions of performance for each the project. In this way, progress
level are contained within the rubric toward a goal and the process of
and indicate gradations of quality from learning is evaluated; hence, forma-
high to low. Depending on the type of tive assessment is accomplished. The
rubric used (see Table 1), grades are rubric also provides a guide for clear


Table 1. Types of Rubrics Rubrics help students
achieve focused goals that
Analytic Rubrics Holistic Rubrics
help them learn.
• Separates pieces of an activity • Rates an activity in its entirety
individually and then adds all without regard to the separate
scores for a total rating pieces
• Is more process oriented • Is more product oriented See Table 2 for a summary of Goodrich’s
steps for creating and using rubrics.
• Is used when the components of
an activity are too interrelated for Scaffolding Instruction Through
easy division Strategies
Goodrich’s (1996-97) steps provide a
framework; but you may decide you
need a strategy, which is an individual’s
communication among teachers, par- rized by Weber (1999), rubrics help stu- approach to a task, to help students
ents, and students as expectations for dents achieve focused goals that help with learning disabilities work with
academic success are clarified and them learn. Figure 1 lists the benefits of rubrics (Ellis & Lenz, 1996). Such a
refined toward the final product. students using rubrics. strategy becomes a scaffold for the stu-
• Summative Assessment. Once the dents’ future reference or a springboard
final product is submitted, summative How Do Teachers Introduce to activate memory on how to perform
assessment is accomplished as the Grading Rubrics to Students? a task.
rubric is used to award a final grade. Many students who earn an A on an In a review of the literature, regard-
You can therefore use rubrics in assignment have no idea why they ing characteristics of adolescents with
either formative or summative assess- received the grade. Students often learning disabilities, Larkin and Ellis
ment indicating growth and sequence, assume that the teacher likes them or (1998) noted that these students are not
as well as assessing the total learning that they are naturally good in a partic- likely to use effective or efficient learn-
process. Together, both types of assess- ing or performance strategies because
ular area. Therefore, the rubric serves as
ment provide a comprehensive system they do not know about them, do not
a systematic tool to guide student learn-
of evaluation (Montgomery, 2000; recognize the need to use them, or may
Oosterhof, 1999; Weber, 1999). not be willing to expend the effort
First, you must properly introduce
required to use them. Therefore, if stu-
Why Use Grading Rubrics? your students to rubrics if the students
dents with learning disabilities are to
Students who have learning disabilities are to use this new tool effectively. You use a strategy for assessing work, then
need a systematic way to help assess must give students opportunities to it must be a strategy that they can be
their own and their peers’ work. Nitko become familiar with rubrics. Goodrich taught and a strategy that they will find
(2001) stated that when grading rubrics (1996-97) provided several steps that worth their efforts to use.
are shared with students, the learning can help you orient your students to the Following the content, design, and
aims are clarified. Although you provide use and/or creation of grading rubrics. usefulness features for a good learning
grades and feedback to students regard-
ing the quality of their work, self-assess-
ments and peer assessments are neces-
sary components to help students Figure 1. Benefits to Students of Using Rubrics
reflect on their performance. Such
reflection can help students to locate
their errors, determine a better way to • Students know before beginning an assignment what the expectations for
performance will be. The expectations may be assigned by the teachers or
approach a task, and learn the neces-
may be determined through class discussions.
sary information intended from per-
• Students monitor their own progress as the assignment progresses.
forming the task.
Also, students’ understanding of the • Students become aware of the quality of work through judging their own
and their peers' assignments against the standards set in the rubric.
grading criteria and their importance in
the product or performance is strength- • Students use the rubric as a final checkpoint before turning in the assign-
ened when they are involved in using
rubrics (Ward, & Murray-Ward, 1999). • Students with special needs have the rubric tailored to their learning styles
Students then are able to focus on what and specific needs.
is considered important. As summa-


grading rubric exists. If you locate an
Table 2. Goodrich's Steps for Rubrics
appropriate rubric, you may decide to
use it—unless you want your students
to have the experience of creating their
Step 1. Look at models Show students good and poor examples own rubric.
of student work for a particular task. Help If you cannot locate an appropriate
students identify characteristics of each. rubric, you may use basic rubric frame-
works and “generators” to help you and
Step 2. List the criteria Use the characteristics to generate a dis-
your students create rubrics. When you
cussion about what is considered quality
work. guide students to create their own
rubric, you may wish to follow the steps
Step 3. Articulate gradations Describe best and worst levels of quality provided by Goodrich (1996-97). Then
of quality on the continuum and then fill in the mid- the RUBRIC strategy can be implement-
dle levels of quality. ed as Goodrich’s Step 5 for self-assess-
ment and peer assessment (see Figure
Step 4. Practice on models Have students use the rubric created in 2). Once the RUBRIC strategy is per-
Steps 2 and 3 to assess the examples of formed, students can follow Goodrich’s
good and poor work in Step 1. Step 6 to revise their work, based on the
feedback they received and their own
Step 5. Use self-assessment Stop students occasionally as they are reflections.
and peer assessment working on a task to have them assess the
work. Guiding Students Through
the Steps
Step 6. Revise Encourage students to revise their work based
Once the students have a thorough
on the feedback they receive in Step 5.
understanding of rubrics and their uses,
Assess students' work by using the same they are ready to apply the RUBRIC
Step 7. Use teacher assess-
ment rubric they have used to assess their own strategy to help them remember the
and their peers' work. operation of a rubric.
Read. First, the students will Read the
rubric and the material to be graded.
Students need to become familiar with
the rubric and material to be graded to
strategy outlined by Ellis and Lenz need to generate a rubric—perhaps with
(1996), we created the RUBRIC strategy the aid of your students. First, you may • Gain the “big picture” of the task and
to aid students in assessing their own how it is to be assessed.
want to examine some grading rubric
work and that of their peers (see Figure • Understand how the rubric addresses
resources (see box, Rubric Resources for
particular components of the task.
2). This strategy provides a systematic Teachers) to determine if an appropriate
means to accomplish Step 5 (i.e., use
self-assessment and peer assessment) of
the Goodrich (1996-97) rubric model. Figure 2. The Rubric Strategy

Teaching About Rubrics

Before using the RUBRIC strategy, stu- R ead the rubric and the material to be graded
dents will need to become familiar with
the concept of rubrics. Thus you will U se the rubric to give an initial score

B ring a buddy to help you rate again

A learning strategy like
RUBRIC becomes a scaffold R eview the material together
for the students’ future
reference or a springboard I identify and award the scores together
to activate memory on how
C heck the scores again
to perform a task.


Review. With the buddy, the student
You can help students goes to the fourth step, Review the Rubric Resources for Teachers
material together. The two students
achieve clarity by asking form a team to compare scores and
Rubistar is a tool to help teach-
what is meant by the ideas based on the material to be ers create their own rubrics. A
reviewed and the rubric. Be sure to pro-
evaluation criteria before vide ample time for the two students to
tutorial is available to guide
teachers through this process. A
students begin using the share and defend their positions in an number of customized rubrics
atmosphere of acceptance. If possible,
rubric. can be created for the following
the two students need to agree. If not, categories: oral projects, prod-
then both need to document in writing ucts, multimedia, science,
why they continue to hold firmly to research and writing, work
their original statements. skills, and math. Rubrics can be
Here, you can help students achieve Once a pair of students gives an ini- saved to the Web site for 18
clarity by asking what is meant by the tial rating or has written dissenting months, during which time they
evaluation criteria before students begin opinions, group discussion can ensue as can be edited or viewed.
using the rubric. Students with learning pairs of students share their ratings and http://teachers.teach-
disabilities may have a tendency to rush thoughts with other students. This dis-
into a task with the only goal of task cussion provides for additional thinking This Web site contains a rubric
completion. Therefore, accuracy and opportunities as students hear the generator for the following:
quality may be sacrificed when they thought processes, opinions, and posi- basic reading skills, behavior,
perform the task and when they attempt tions of other students. The process also class participation, cleanup/
to assess task performance using the widens their horizons concerning the changing activities, general,
rubric. material to be rated and possibly the handwriting, homework, lab
If students are able to articulate the rubric itself. Group discussions also report, listening, math, note-
evaluation criteria of the rubric before allow you, as the teacher, to promote book, oral expression, presen-
work begins, then the goal of clarity has higher-order thinking activities regard- tation, project, science fair,
been achieved. Therefore, the first R ing the material to be rated. teamwork, and writing. Icons
step encourages students to look before Identify. Fifth, students and their peer are available in several cate-
they leap into the assessment process buddies Identify and award the scores gories to add pictures to the
through reading and understanding the together. When group discussion is rubrics.
rubric. completed, the students go back to the
Use. Second, the students will Use the original peer grouping to synthesize the hrockguide/assess.html#rubrics
rubric to give an initial score. Students material to be rated, the rubric’s score Kathy Schrock’s “Guide for
work individually using the rubric to components, and the opinions Educators” section on assess-
assess the material. This forces a stu- expressed by the other students. The ment and rubrics contains links
two students then rate the material to general and subject-specific
dent to record his or her own assess-
again as a team. Naturally, if the two rubrics, as well as educator
ment thoughts without initially being
students agree on all score components skills. Also, there are links
influenced by their peers.
of the rubric, then awarding a final to related articles such as
For students with learning disabili-
score will be easy. If there is disagree- “Creating Rubrics” and
ties, this step allows them to further
ment, then mediation may resolve the “Empowering Students” and
clarify their thought processes on how
differences; or you may ask both stu- “Using Rubrics in Middle
to use the rubric. The students can use
dents to attach their explanations of the School.”
the individual time to ask questions
differing points to the rubric. This
regarding clarity or to verbalize their means that when students have work dyk_us/9_2_8_rubrics.htm
thought processes to someone else to returned from peers with differing Mr. K’s Links 2 Learning 4
make sure they are on track. Thus, explanations, they can use this written Educators Web site contains an
when later sharing with peer buddies, feedback and rubric scores to refine extensive resource list of Links
students can talk about their own reflec- their own thinking process and enable to other Web sites pertaining to
tions regarding the assessment of the them to produce a work of higher qual- rubrics.
material with greater confidence and ity.
ease. This sends the message that it is Check. As a sixth and final step, ask the jectbased/checklist.shtml
acceptable to think different thoughts peer buddies to Check their work. This This Web site provides Project-
and possibly have differing opinions. sends the message that anyone can Based Learning Checklists, a
Bring. Third, the student will Bring a make errors and omissions. Students helpful rubric generator.
buddy to help you rate again. recheck their math to ensure that all


Be sure to provide ample Table 3. Common Problems and Suggestions for Using Grading
time for student buddies to
Common Problems Suggestions
share their thoughts in an
atmosphere of acceptance. 1. Students do not understand • Ask students to interpret assessment
assessment criteria (unclear lan- criteria and suggest specific or pre-
guage) cise words to clarify the language
• Make sure terms used on the rubric
tabulations are correct, and they are defined
recheck their written opinions to ensure • Use descriptive, but not negative
that others can understand the explana- language
• Articulate clear gradations of quality
tions easily. Double checking work is
crucial to ensure accuracy, clarity, and (Goodrich, 1996-97; Montgomery, 2000)

completion. The rechecking also allows

for the buddy team to review the entire 2. Students do not understand the • As much as possible, restate grada-
differences among gradations of tions of quality in measurable and
rubric process from the beginning.
quality observable terms
Posting the RUBRIC strategy in a per- • Define gradations of quality in a
manent location within the room and manner in which there is a definite
on cue cards on students’ desks reminds distinction among each
them that a process for using a rubric • Make sure that each gradation may
receive only 1 point value, not a
has been provided for them. Because range of point values
you have led the students through the
entire rubric process once, the process
itself becomes clearer in their minds. 3. Students do not understand • Provide directions for arriving at a
how to obtain a total score or total score
The individual student and the class as
the meaning of the total score • Define the meaning of all possible
a whole then can refer back to the total scores
RUBRIC strategy with feelings of suc-

What Are Some Common

Problems in Using Grading Final Thoughts Finson, K. D., & Ormsbee, C. K. (1998).
Rubrics and their use in inclusive science.
Rubrics? Using rubrics provides a framework for Intervention in School and Clinic, 34(2),
teachers, parents, and students to 79-88.
Although using the RUBRIC strategy in
understand the expectations of an Goodrich, H. (1996-97). Understanding
class and using a rubric for grading and rubrics. Educational Leadership, 54(4),
assignment before the project begins.
clarifying goals makes the evaluation of 14-17.
The RUBRIC strategy enables students Larkin, M. J., & Ellis, E. S. (1998). Adole-
a project easier, the entire process is not
to not only evaluate other student’s scents with learning disabilities. In B. Y. L.
without its problems. Table 3 provides a Wong (Ed.), Learning about learning dis-
work but also to apply the strategy to
summary of the common problems in abilities (pp. 557-584). San Diego, CA:
their own work. In this way, the
using a rubric and suggestions to solve Academic Press.
RUBRIC strategy supports student learn- Montgomery, K. (2000). Classroom rubrics:
the problems. For example, if students ing and enables students to evaluate Systematizing what teachers do naturally.
do not understand assessment criteria, their own learning. This concept partic- The Clearing House, 73, 324-328.
take time to write definitions of terms in Nitko, A. J. (2001). Educational assessment
ularly is beneficial to students with
of students (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River,
clear, positive language. learning disabilities, like Scott, who NJ: Merrill-Prentice-Hall.*
need memory devices to jog their mem- Oosterhof, A. (1999). Developing and using
ories. classroom assessments (2nd ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.*
Post the RUBRIC strategy in References Ward, A. W., & Murray-Ward, M. (1999).
Assessment in the classroom. Belmont,
a permanent location Ellis, E. S., & Lenz, B. K. (1996). Perspectives
CA: Wadsworth.
on instruction in learning strategies. In D. Weber, E. (1999). Student assessment that
within the room and on cue D. Deshler, E. S. Ellis, & B. K. Lenz (Eds.), works: A practical approach. Boston: Allyn
Teaching adolescents with learning disabil- & Bacon.*
cards on students’ desks. ities: Strategies and methods (2nd ed.).
(pp. 9-60). Denver, CO: Love.*


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Cynthia W. Jackson, Assistant Professor;

and Martha J. Larkin (CEC Chapter #356),
Assistant Professor, Department of Special
Education and Speech Language Pathology,
State University of West Georgia, Carrollton,

Address correspondence to Cynthia W.

Jackson and Martha J. Larkin, State
University of West Georgia, Department of
Special Education and Speech Language
Pathology, 1600 Maple Street, Carrollton, GA
30118 (e-mail:, mlarkin

TEACHING Exceptional Children, Vol. 35,

No. 1, pp. 40-45.

Copyright 2002 CEC.


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