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The ocular deposition of chloroquine

Howard Bernstein, Nathan Zvaifler, Martin Rubin, and

Sister Agnes Mary Mansour

per kilogram of chloroquine dihydrocluonde, the drug is retained in the uoeai tract of tin
pigmented rabbit eye in high concentration for at least 1 month. In pigmented rats receiving
daily oral chloroquine phosphate for 6 months, the iris contained 80 times as much drug as

c, ' h 1 o r o q u i n e (7-chloro-4- (4'-diethyl-

amino-l'-methylbutylamino) quinoline) is
an antimalarial drug which has been used
depressed to absent electroretinogram in
advanced cases indicates damage to the
rods and cones. However, the basic mecha-
since 1950 in the treatment of rheumatoid nism by which chloroquine produces this
arthritis, discoid and systemic lupus ery- retinopathy is still unknown.
thematosus, and dermal light sensitivity As part of a general program of investi-
eruptions. A retinopathy produced by the gation into the basic pharmacology and
long-term administration of this drug was biochemistry of chloroquine, we have
first recognized by Hobbs1 in 1959. Subse- studied the uptake and tissue distribution
quently, over 50 cases of this toxicity have of the drug in the ocular and visceral tissues
been reported. The clinical and electro- of experimental animals. Because of an
physiologic characteristics of the retinop- observation by Potts12 at the 1962 Ophthal-
athy have been described in detail.2 The mic Biochemistry Meeting on chloroquine
adsorption to melanin granules, particular
attention was given to the pigmented ani-
From the Ophthalmology Branch, National Insti- mal. This report is concerned with the
tute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness, striking affinity of chloroquine for the
National Institutes of Health, United States melanin-containing tissues of the eye—the
Public Health Service, Department of Health,
Education and Welfare, Bethesda Md., and
iris, choroid, and pigment epithelium, and
from the Departments of Medicine and Bio- the possible relationship of this unusual
chemistry, Georgetown University School of biochemical characteristic to the develop-
Medicine, Washington, D. C. ment of the retinopathy.
This study was supported in part by United States
Public Health Service Grant 2A-5042 and by
the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation of "Aqueous chloroquine dihydrochloride, SO ing
Metropolitan Washington, D. C. centimeter, was supplied through the courte
throp Laboratories, New York, N. Y.

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Ocular deposition of chloroquine 385

Materials and Methods quine and metabolite concentrations were then

determined by fluorescence with an Aminco-
A single intravenous injection of aqueous chloro- Bowman spectrophotoHuorometer at 400 m/i, fol-
quine dihydrochloride,0 5 ing. per kilogram of lowing activation at 335 mn in alcoholic alkali.
body weight, was given to pigmented (chin- Details of the method have been described.'1
chilla) and pure-bred albino rabbits. At intervals Chloroquine and metabolite at concentration
ranging from 15 minutes to 28 clays following levels of 0.05 gamma per gram of sample could
administration of the drug, the rabbits were killed be measured with an accuracy of ± 10 per cent.
with an overdose of pentobarbital, and the eyes
were enucleated. Blood samples and tissues were The ocular tissue levels are expressed as the
obtained for analysis. Albino and pigmented average value of the two eyes of each animal,
and other tissue levels by the average of at least
rabbits were also given 5 mg. per kilogram of
chloroquine dihydrochloride by intramuscular in- two samples. The study in the rabbit of the drug
distribution over a period of 28 clays following
jection, and were killed after 48 hours and 63 days.
a single intravenous injection represents one animal
To evaluate drug levels after long-term adminis- at each time interval. This study was repeated,
tration, chloroquine phosphate was added to the and the tissue drug levels were found to be quite
drinking water (0.6 mg. per milliliter) of both similar in pattern and magnitude.
pigmented (Sprague-Dawley) and albino rats for
a minimum of 6 months. The average ingestion Results
was 125 to 250 mg. per week. The rats were
killed with ether anesthesia while on the medica- The most striking observation in this
tion. All tissues were processed in a similar study is the preferential storage of chloro-
manner to those of the rabbit.
quine in the iris and choroid of the pig-
The dissection technique for the rabbit eye
was as follows: The aqueous was aspirated with mented experimental animal. In rabbits
a 27 gauge needle on a 1 ml. syringe. With a killed at 48 hours following a single intra-
razor blade, a circumferential cut was made an- venous dose of 5 mg. per kilogram of
terior to the equator, and the posterior segment chloroquine dihydrochloride (Table I), the
separated. Vitreous was collected by aspiration drug is found in high concentrations in the
into a 1 ml. syringe. The retina was brushed to-
gether with the reverse end of a forceps and cut pigmented iris and choroid, and is absent in
free at the nerve head. The choroid was separated the nonpigmented uveal ocular tissues of
from sclera by blunt and fine dissection. With this the pigmented rabbit and in all the ocular
procedure, the pigment epithelium remained with tissues of the albino rabbit. The concen-
the choroid. The sclera of the pigmented rabbit tration of chloroquine in the pigmented
was scraped as free as possible from residual
choroid is four to five times greater than
pigment. The lens was separated from its zonular
attachments and the iris cut off from the ciliary that found in any other systemic tissue.
body. A segment of cornea was then dissected Data obtained from the intramuscular
free from the adjacent sclera. All tissues were administration of the same dose of chloro-
immediately weighed on a torsion balance to the
nearest 0.01 mg.
The dissection procedure for the rat, essentially
similar to that described above, was performed
under magnification and on moist filter paper to
prevent desiccation of the tissues. No aqueous or
vitreous samples were taken. Wet tissue weight
was obtained on an electrobalance with a sensiti- HH-C—c-c-c-<
i i i i \c
vity of 0.0001 mg. H-C-H H H H L

Chloroquine and its major metabolite, the N-

dcsethylated derivative, 7-chloro-4-(4'-ethylamino-
l'-methylbutylamino) quinoline (Fig. 1), were
determined after tissue homogenization in ethanol CHLOROQUINE
for all tissues except hair, iris, and choroid. These METABOLITE

tissues were homogenized in 0.1N hydrochloric H H H .CJHJ

acid. Aliquots of the ethanol or acid extracts were HN-C C-C-C-N'
then transferred to methylene chloride. Fractional I i i I x

extraction of the drug from the methylene chloride H
was performed with aqueous buffer solution, pll
7.85, after washing with a pH 9.5 buffer. Chloro- Fig. 1.

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3S6 Bernstein el cd. 'Investigative Ophthalmology
August 1963

quine dihydrochloride (Table II) show lowing intravenous administration, the

again, at 4S hours, the presence of chloro- choroid level is 54 gamma and the iris con-
quine in the choroid of the pigmented tains 35 gamma. This difference probably
animal and its absence in the choroid of represents a slower release of chloroquine
the albino animal. After intramuscular in- from the site of injection when administered
jection, the chloroquine level in the intramuscularly.
choroid is only 14.6 gamma, and no drug The time course of chloroquine uptake
is found in the iris. At the same time, fol- and excretion in the pigmented rabbit
following a single intravenous dose, 5 mg.
per kilogram of body weight, can be seen
Table I. Chloroquine levels at 48 hours in Fig. 2. Peak drug levels in the plasma
following a single intravenous dose are present at 15 minutes, decrease grad-
ually over the next 4 to 6 hours, and are no
Gamma/gram wet tissue weight
longer detectable after 6 hours.
Pigmented Albino Deposition of the drug in the liver gradu-
(2 eyes) (2 eyes)
ally increases until a maximum level, 20
quine quine gamma, is reached at about 20 hours. The
Chloro- metabo- Chloro- metabo- chloroquine concentration then gradually
Tissue quine lite quine lite decreases until the drug is no longer de-
Iris 35 0 0 0 tected in the liver between the fourteenth
Choroid 54 0 0 0
and twenty-eighth days.
Cornea 0 0 0 0
Aqueous 0 0 0 0 Chloroquine uptake in the pigmented
Lens 0 0 0 0 choroid and iris follows a different pattern.
Vitreous 0 0 0 0
Retina 0 0 0 0
The drug first appears in these tissues
Sclera 0 0 0 0 between 6 and 12 hours after administra-
Liver 10.8 10.6 8.0 11.8 tion, at a time when it can no longer be
Kidney 14.0 8.0 7.0 9.0
detected in plasma. There is, then, a very
Spleen 2.8 4.0 4.4 6.2
Lung 6.8 4.4 4.0 1.6 rapid buildup to maximum levels occurring
Heart 7.0 1.6 4.6 3.2 within 24 hours for the choroid and 4S

Table II. Chloroquine levels at 48 hours and 63 days following a single

intramuscular dose
Camma/gmm wet tissue weight
48 liours 63 days
Pigmented Albino Pigmented Albino
(2 eyes) (2 eyes) (2 eyes) (2 eyes)
Chloro- Chloroquine Chloro- Chloroquine Chloro- Chloroquine Chloro- Chloroquine
Tissue quine metabolite quine metabolite quine metabolite quine metabolite
Iris 0 0 0 0 42.0 0 0 0
Choroid 14.6 0 0 0 30.0 0 0 0
Aqueous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vitreous 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I
Retina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sclera 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Liver 3.6 3.6 2.2 3.2 0 0 0 0
Kidney 18.7 7.2 8.9 3.0 0 0 0 0
Spleen 6.1 2.8 1.3 1.4 0 0 0 0
Lung 10.1 4.2 2.9 1.8 0 0 0 0
Heart 2.3 0.84 1.6 1.8 0 0 0 0

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Volume Ocular deposition of chloroquine 387

hours for the iris. Drug levels at this time Dcu-Sma/kaBWlM

for the choroid are 68 gamma and for the ,'\ I Plasma?,
iris 35 gamma. Chloroquine levels decrease
at 7 days, and then return to their original
peak levels by 28 days. At this time, there
is no longer any detectable drug in the liver
or any of the other organs studied.
The presence of chloroquine in the
pigmented uveal tract for such a remarkably
long period of time is further emphasized
by the substantial concentration (31 gamma
per gram) of the drug found in the choroid
of a pigmented rabbit 63 days after a Fig. 2. Chloroquine uptake in the pigmented
single intramuscular injection (Table II). rabbit.
At this time, the drug is no longer detect-
able in any other tissue examined.
The high concentration of the drug in
the pigmented uveal tract is confirmed in
a second species, the rat, following ad-
ministration of chloroquine phosphate in
drinking water for at least 6 months (Table
III). The concentration of the drug in the
iris of the pigmented rat, 20,910 gamma per
gram, is over SO times the concentration
found in the liver. Again, chloroquine is
not detected in the albino iris or choroid.
Chloroquine is also present, but in a
much lower concentration, in the retina
and solera of the pigmented and albino Fig. 3. Chloroquine uptake in the pigmented
rat. The higher level in the pigmented rat versus albino rabbit.
probably represents pigment contamination
from the adjacent choroid which was ob-
served at the time of dissection, especially Chloroquine levels in the systemic tissues
of the sclera. However, since chloroquine appear to be of the same magnitude in the
is found in the albino retina, it would pigmented and albino animals, both in the
appear that, on long-term administration, single dose and chronic administration ex-
the retina has a significant drug uptake of periments (Fig. 3). One exception, how-
its own, comparable in magnitude to that ever, is the drug level in the hair of the
of the liver. rat (Table III). A significantly higher level
A measure of the capacity of the pig- is found in hair of the pigmented rat, 780
mented uvea to store chloroquine is sug- gamma per gram, as compared to the
gested by a comparison of the drug level albino rat, 140 gamma per gram.
in the iris of the rabbit after a single dose, The major metabolite of chloroquine, its
35 gamma, and the iris of the rat after long- N-desethylated derivative (Fig. 1), can
term administration, 20,910 gamma per be detected in the liver of the rabbit as
gram. The latter shows a six hundred fold early as 30 minutes following an intra-
increase, whereas comparable levels in the venous injection. In the liver, the metabo-
liver, 14.0 gamma and 240 gamma, show lite levels follow a very similar time course
less than a twentyfold increase on long- to those of chloroquine itself. However,
term administration of the drug. the metabolite cannot be detected in the

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38S Bernstein et ul. Investigative
August. 1063

Table III. Chloroquine levels in rats drug cannot be detected in the liver
following long-term oral administration and other systemic tissues, there is as much
chloroquine present in the pigmented
Gamma/gram wet tissue wviglit
ocular tissues as was present after 24 hours.
Pigmented Albino These two basic pharmacologic charac-
(6 months) (14 months)
(4 eyes) (4 eyes) teristics, (1) extensive tissue accumulation
Chloro- Chloro- and (2) prolonged retention in the tissues
quine quine after drug administration has ceased, have
Chloro- metab- Chloro- metab- been observed to a lesser degree in earlier
Tissue quine olite quine olite
studies of the physiologic disposition of
Iris 20,910 3,250 0
chloroquine.4'3 The relatively high systemic
Choroid 7,820 1,190
Cornea 62 0 0 0 tissue levels compared to blood levels were
Lens 0 0 0 0 demonstrated by Berliner,4 who adminis-
Vitreous 0 0 0 0 tered chloroquine phosphate, 25 mg. per
Retina 312 75.3 143.3 39.3
Sclera 360 74.5 14.0 0 kilogram daily, to rats for 10 days with
Brain 15 10 20.0 10 resulting tissue/plasma concentration ratios
Liver 240 130 140 80 of 670 for kidney, 640 for lung, and 420 for
Hair 780 160 140 20
The marked tissue binding of chloroquine
results in a slow disappearance of the drug
pigmented iris or choroid until the twenty- from the body when its administration is
eighth clay. At that time, chloroquine discontinued. Urinary excretion of chloro-
metabolite is found in the choroid only at quine and its metabolite has been found
a concentration of 19.5 gamma per gram. to continue at low levels for at least 10
The metabolite is also present in both the days following the ingestion of a single
pigmented iris and choroid of the rats after dose of from 0.1 to 1.0 Gm. of the drug."' r
long-term administration of the drug In patients who have been on long-term
(Table III). chloroquine therapy, we have found traces
It should be noted that in the single dose of chloroquine in the blood and urine
experiment, the dosage of 5 nig. per kilo- several years after they have discontinued
gram of body weight is equivalent to 250 to the drug.8
500 mg. of oral chloroquine phosphate, It has been suggested that the retention
which is the average daily close in humans. of chloroquine in systemic tissues is the
It is also comparable to the single weekly result of binding of the drug to nucleopro-
close of chloroquine base given as prophy- tein and nucleic acids."'10 However, as
laxis for malaria. demonstrated in the kinetic study of the
drug redistribution in the tissues following
Discussion a single dose in the pigmented rabbit (Fig.
The iris and choroid of the pigmented 2), the uptake and disposition of the drug
animal have been shown to store chloro- in pigmented uveal tissues differ from those
quine in a much higher concentration than found in systemic tissues in at least five
other systemic tissues. The difference has ways. There is (1) a delay in uptake of
ranged from a fourfold one 48 hours after chloroquine from 6 to 12 hours from time
a single dose in rabbits to eightyfold after of injection, (2) a very much higher tissue
long-term oral administration of the drug drug concentration reached, (3) a redistri-
to rats. bution of chloroquine levels in the eye
Chloroquine is also retained in the pig- which occurs between the second and
mented iris and choroid for a much longer fourteenth days, (4) a retention of the
period than by other tissues. One month drug by the pigmented tissues for a much
following a single intravenous dose, when longer period of time, and (5) the N-

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Volume 2 Ocular deposition of chloroquinc 389
Number 4

Fig. 4. Macula in chloroquine retinopatliy illustrating the unusual perifoveal highlights and
patchy depigmentation commonly seen.

Fig. 5. Macula in chloroquine retinopathy illustrating a marked loss of pigment in the macular

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390 Bernstein et al. tive Ojihttwhuology
AuKttst 1963

Fig. 6. Histologic section from a case of chloroquine retinopathy. Note the loss of rods and
cones with migration of pigment granules into the inner nuclear layer. (xl43.)

desethylated metabolite is not found in the taken up in the iris and choroid of the
pigmented uvea as it is in other systemic pigmented experimental animal in a very
tissues until at least 1 month after drug similar manner to that described in the
administration. It is felt that, because of above experiments for chloroquine. The
these differences, the nature of chloroquine combination of these phenothiazine com-
binding to pigmented tissues will be sub- pounds with suspensions of isolated melanin
stantially different from that now asso- granules was demonstrated in vitro, and
ciated with the binding of the drug to it was concluded that the melanin granules
nonpigmented tissues. were the site of the in vivo storage of
The affinity of chloroquine for the pig- phenothiazines.
mented iris and choroid and its absence
in comparable albino tissues suggest that Relationship of chloroquine localization
melanin pigment may play a principal role to the development of retinopathy
in this unusual type of binding. The only The high levels of chloroquine in the
known cellular defect in the albino is a melanin granules of the choroid and pig-
decrease in the normal content of the ment epithelium would strongly suggest
enzyme tyrosinase, which results in a de- that the initial pathologic alterations lead-
ficiency of melanin in the melanocytes.11 ing to the development of chloroquine
Evidence for the implication of melanin retinopathy originate in either one or both
in drug binding has recently been demon- of these areas. Potts12 has shown that the
strated by Potts12 in his comprehensive two phenothiazine derivatives, NP-207 and
study on uveal pigment fixation of the thioridazine, which have produced retinop-
various phenothiazine derivatives. Several athies, are also heavily concentrated in
phenothiazine derivatives (prochlorpera- the pigmented uveal tract of the eye.
zine and chlorpromazine) were shown to be The appearance of the fundus in chloro-

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Ocular deposition of chloroquine 391

quine retinopathy is that of an unusual just the latter alone has still to be deter-
pigmentary disturbance. In the perimacular mined.
area there is often seen an oval patch of As originally shown by Potts, the prefer-
depigmentation, the so-called "bulls-eye" ential binding of certain ringed compounds
appearance (Fig. 4). A complete disappear- to pigmented uveal tissues or melanin pig-
ance of macula pigment has also been ment is a new pharmacologic concept of
observed (Fig. 5). In the peripheral ret- utmost importance to ophthalmology. Al-
ina there is usually a prominent choroidal though only certain of these compounds
pattern with a fine gray or brown stippling have produced retinal damage (chloro-
effect. There are no gross pigment deposits quine, NP-207, and thioridazine), any drug
as seen in retinitis pigmentosa. which is concentrated in the uveal tract
Histopathologic examination of a case of and pigment epithelium may be potentially
chloroquine retinopathy, which will be re- retinotoxic, especially in long-term use. As
ported in greater detail,13 shows a seg- new drugs are developed, it would
mental disappearance of rods and cones certainly appear advisable to determine
with migration of the melanin pigment their concentration in the pigmented ocular
from the pigment epithelium to the inner tissues. If elevated levels are found, the
nuclear layer (Fig. 6). The epithelium in ophthalmologist should be alerted to the
areas is completely depigmented, but other- possibility of a drug-induced retinal toxicity.
wise appears anatomically normal. In por- These findings call attention to the role
tions of the retina where the rods are of melanin pigment and the pigment epithe-
present, the pigment epithelium is undis- lium in the visual processes and in the
turbed and the pigment has the normal maintenance of the normal integrity of
fine granular appearance. the rods and cones. To quote Glockin and
The rather characteristic fundus appear- Potts,14 "It has been well established from
ance, the histopathologic picture, and the clinical and experimental observations that
high levels of chloroquine found in the normal vision is dependent upon the
melanin-containing tissues of the eye, would metabolic integrity of the pigment cell
suggest strongly that the retinopathy is a epithelium and upon its physical contact
result, at least initially, of a disturbance of with the visual cells of the retina, but little
melanin in the choroid and pigment epithe- is known of the actual biochemical proces-
lium. ses involved." It is anticipated that further
One of the characteristics of chloroquine study of the biochemical effects of com-
retinopathy is frequently a progressive loss pounds such as chloroquine may provide a
of visual acuity following discontinuation few of the answers to this problem.
of the drug. This may be related to the We would like to gratefully acknowledge tlie
prolonged retention of chloroquine in high technical assistance of Mrs. Almuth Ewing in
concentrations in the pigmented uvea, as this study.
shown by its presence for at least 28 days
after a single intravenous dose in the REFERENCES
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392 Bernstein el. al. vstigatioeOiilalwluwhtsu
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