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Examples of relative atomic mass calculations for GCSE/IGCSE/AS level students


Example 1.1: bromine consists of 50% 79Br and 50% 81Br, calculate the Ar of bromine.

Ar = [ (50 x 79) + (50 x 81) ] /100 = 80

So the relative atomic mass of bromine is 80 or RAM or Ar(Br) = 80


Example 1.2: chlorine consists of 75% chlorine-35 and 25% chlorine-37.

Think of the data based on 100 atoms, so 75 have a mass of 35 and 25 atoms have a
mass of 37.

The average mass = [ (75 x 35) + (25 x 37) ] / 100 = 35.5

So the relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35.5 or RAM or Ar(Cl) = 35.5

Calculations of % composition of isotopes

The Ar of boron is 10.81 and consists of only two isotopes, boron-10 and boron-11

The relative atomic mass of boron was obtained accurately in the past and mass spectrometers can sort
out the isotopes present.

If you let X = % of boron 10, then 100-X is equal to % of boron-11

Therefore Ar(B) = (X x 10) + [(100-X) x 11) / 100 = 10.81

so, 10X -11X +1100 =100 x 10.81

-X + 1100 = 1081, 1100 - 1081 = X (change sides change sign!)

therefore X = 19

so naturally occurring boron consists of 19% 10B and 81% 11B (the data books quote 18.7 and 81.3)
1. Rhenium (Re) consists of 37.1% 185Re and 62.9% 187
Re. Calculate the relative atomic
mass, Ar, of rhenium to 4sf/1dp. [ram-13]

2. Lithium consists of 7.4% lithium-6 and 92.6% lithium-7. Calculate the relative atomic
mass, Ar, of lithium to 2sf/1dp. [ram-3]

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3. Chlorine consists of 75% chlorine-35 and 25% chlorine-37. Calculate the Ar of chlorine
to 3sf/1dp. [ram-1]

4. Chromium has four stable isotopes. 4.31% Cr-50, 83.76% Cr-52, 9.55% Cr-53 and
2.38% Cr-54. Calculate the relative atomic mass, Ar, of chromium to 3sf/1dp. [ram-6]

5. Bromine consists of the isotopes: 50.5% Br-79 and 49.5% Br-81. Calculate the
relative atomic mass, Ar, of bromine to 3sf/1dp. [ram-2]
1. Rhenium (Re) consists of 37.1% 185Re and 62.9% 187
Re. Calculate the relative
atomic mass, Ar, of rhenium to 4sf/1dp. [ram-13]

working: = average mass = <b>A<sub>r</sub> [(37.1 x

185) + (62.9 x 187)] / 100 = 186.3</b>

2. Lithium consists of 7.4% lithium-6 and 92.6% lithium-7. Calculate the relative
atomic mass, Ar, of lithium to 2sf/1dp. [ram-3]

working: = average mass = <b>A<sub>r</sub> [(7.4 x 6)

+ (92.6 x 7)] / 100 = 6.9</b>

3. Chlorine consists of 75% chlorine-35 and 25% chlorine-37. Calculate the Ar of

chlorine to 3sf/1dp. [ram-1]

working: average mass = <b><b>A<sub>r</sub> = [(75 x

35) + (25 x 37)] / 100 = 35.5</b>

4. Chromium has four stable isotopes. 4.31% Cr-50, 83.76% Cr-52, 9.55% Cr-53
and 2.38% Cr-54. Calculate the relative atomic mass, A r, of chromium to 3sf/1dp.
working: = average mass = <b>A<sub>r</sub> [(4.31 x
50) + (83.76 x 52) + (9.55 x 53) + (2.38 x 54)] / 100 =

5. Bromine consists of the isotopes: 50.5% Br-79 and 49.5% Br-81. Calculate the
relative atomic mass, Ar, of bromine to 3sf/1dp. [ram-2]

working: = average mass = <b>A<sub>r</sub> [(50.5 x

79) + (49.5 x 81)] / 100 = 80.0</b>
How to calculate relative formula mass or relative molecular mass RFM/RMM or M r

Example 2.1: the diatomic molecules of the elements hydrogen H2 and chlorine Cl2 

relative atomic masses, Ar: H = 1, Cl = 35.5

Formula masses, RMM or Mr, are H2 = 2 x 1 = 2, Cl2 = 2 x 35.5 = 71 respectively.

Example 2.2: the element phosphorus consists of P4 molecules.

RMM or Mr of phosphorus = 4 x its atomic mass = 4 x 31 = 124

Example 2.3: The compound water H2O

relative atomic masses are H=1 and O=16

RMM or Mr = (1x2) + 16 = 18 (molecular mass of water)

Example 2.4: The compound sulphuric acid H2SO4

relative atomic masses are H=1, S=32 and O=16

RMM or Mr = (1x2) + 32 + (4x16) = 98 (molecular mass of sulphuric acid)

Example 2.5: The compound calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 (ionic)

relative atomic masses are Ca=40, H=1 and O=16

RMM or Mr = 40 + 2 x (16+1) = 74

Example 2.6: The ionic compound aluminium oxide (Al3+)2(O2-)3 or just plain Al2O3

relative atomic masses are Al = 27 and O = 16

so the formula mass RFM or Mr = (2 x 27) + (2 x 16) = 102

Example 2.7: calcium phosphate is also ionic but a more tricky formula to work out!

(Ca2+)3(PO43-)2 or Ca3(PO4)3

atomic masses: Ca = 40, P = 31, O =16

RFM or Mr = (3 x 40) + 3 x {31 + (4 x 16)} = (120) + (3 x 95) = 405

1. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1 and Cl = 35.5, calculate the relative
formula mass of hydrochloric acid, HCl [rfm-9]

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2. Given the following relative atomic masses: Na = 23 and Cl = 35.5, calculate the
relative formula mass of sodium chloride, NaCl [rfm-10]

3. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12 and O = 16; calculate the
relative molecular mass of glucose, C6H12O6 [rfm-5]

4. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12 and O = 16; calculate the
relative molecular mass of ethanol ('alcohol'), C2H5OH

5. Given the following relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and Cl = 35.5, calculate the
relative formula mass of aluminium chloride, AlCl3
1. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1 and Cl = 35.5, calculate the relative
formula mass of hydrochloric acid, HCl [rfm-9]

working: <b>1 + 35.5 = 36.5</b>

2. Given the following relative atomic masses: Na = 23 and Cl = 35.5,

calculate the relative formula mass of sodium chloride, NaCl [rfm-10]

working: <b>23 + 35.5 = 58.5</b>

3. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12 and O = 16;

calculate the relative molecular mass of glucose, C6H12O6 [rfm-5]

working: <b>(6x12) + (12x1) + (6x16) = 180</b>

4. Given the following relative atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12 and O = 16;

calculate the relative molecular mass of ethanol ('alcohol'), C 2H5OH [rfm-16]

working: <b>(2x12) + (5x1) + 16 + 1 = 46</b>

5. Given the following relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and Cl = 35.5, calculate the
relative formula mass of aluminium chloride, AlCl3 [rfm-13]

working: <b>27 + (3x35.5) = 133.5</b>

Example 3.1: Magnesium + Oxygen ==> Magnesium
oxide N

2Mg + O2 ==> 2MgO (atomic masses required:

Mg=24 and O=16)

think of the ==> as an = sign, so the mass

changes in the reaction are:

(2 x 24) + (2 x 16) = 2 x (24 + 16)

48 + 32 = 2 x 40 and so 80 mass units of

reactants = or produces 80 mass units of
products (you can work with any mass units
such as g, kg or tonne (1 tonne = 1000 kg)

Example 3.2: iron + sulphur ==> iron sulphide (see

the diagram at the top of the page!)

Fe + S ==> FeS (atomic masses: Fe = 56, S =


If 59g of iron is heated with 32g of sulphur to

form iron sulphide, how much iron is left
unreacted? (assuming all the sulphur reacted)

From the atomic masses, 56g of Fe combines

with 32g of S to give 88g FeS.

This means 59 - 56 = 3g Fe unreacted.

Example 3.3: When limestone (calcium carbonate) is

strongly heated, it undergoes thermal decomposition
to form lime (calcium oxide) and carbon dioxide gas.

CaCO3 ==> CaO + CO2 (relative atomic

masses: Ca = 40, C = 12 and O = 16)

Calculate the mass of calcium oxide and the

mass of carbon dioxide formed by decomposing
50 tonnes of calcium carbonate.

(40 + 12 + 3x16) ==> (40 + 16) + (12 + 2x16)

100 ==> 56 + 44, scaling down by a factor of

two, 50 ==> 28 + 22

so decomposing 50 tonnes of limestone

produces 28 tonnes of lime and 22 tonnes of
carbon dioxide gas.

 Given the symbol equation to show the formation of

aluminium sulphide by heating a mixture of aluminium
and sulphur:
2Al + 3S ==> Al2S3
How many kg of sulphur is needed if 108kg of
aluminium is reacted to form 300kg of aluminium
(Relative atomic masses, Ar: Al = 27 and S = 32)

working: <b>2Al = 54, and 3S =

3x32 = 96 mass units, so 96 x 2
= 192 for 6S is needed to react
with 4Al by ratio</b>

 Given the symbol equation to show the formation

of calcium chloride by burning calcium in chlorine:
Ca(s) + Cl2(g) ==> CaCl2(s)
Calculate the mass in g of chlorine left unreacted
when 80g of calcium reacts with 150g of chlorine
to form 222g of calcium chloride.
(Relative atomic masses, Ar: Ca = 40 and Cl = 35.5)
working: <b> Ca : Cl<sub>2</sub>
is 40:71 or 80:142, so 150 - 142
= 8g of Cl left over</b>

 Given the symbol equation to show the formation

of aluminium sulphide by heating a mixture of
aluminium and sulphur:
2Al + 3S ==> Al2S3
How many g of sulphur is needed if 54g of
aluminium is reacted to form 150g of aluminium
(Relative atomic masses, Ar: Al = 27 and S = 32)

working: <b>2 x Al = 2 x 27 =
54, so 3 x 32 of S is

 Given the symbol equation to show the formation

of calcium chloride by burning calcium in chlorine:
Ca(s) + Cl2(g) ==> CaCl2(s)
Calculate the mass in g of calcium chloride formed
when 20g of calcium combines with 35.5g of
(Relative atomic masses, Ar: Ca = 40 and Cl = 35.5)

working: <b>20 + 35.5 ==>

 Given the following symbol equation:
2Mg + O2 ==> 2MgO
Calculate how many tonne of magnesium is needed
to make 80 tonne of magnesium oxide.
(Relative atomic masses, Ar: Mg = 24 and O = 16)

working: <b>2Mg => 2MgO, 2x24

==> 2x(24+16) = 80, so 2x24 =
48 tonne Mg needed</b>

Calculating the % composition by mass of elements in


 Example 4.1: Calculate the % of copper in copper

sulphate, CuSO4
o Relative atomic masses: Cu = 64, S = 32 and O
= 16
o relative formula mass = 64 + 32 + 4x16 = 160
o only one copper atom of relative atomic mass 64
o % Cu = 64 x 100 / 160 = 40% copper by mass
in the compound
 Example 4.2: Calculate the % of oxygen in aluminium
sulphate, Al2(SO4)3
o Relative atomic masses: Al = 27, S = 32 and O
= 16
o relative formula mass = 2x27 + 3x(32 + 4x16) =
o there are 4 x 3 = 12 oxygen atoms, each of
relative atomic mass 16, giving a total mass of
oxygen in the formula of 12 x 16 = 192
o % O = 192 x 100 / 342 = 56.1% oxygen by
mass in aluminium sulphate
 Example 4.3: Calculate the % of water in hydrated
magnesium sulphate MgSO4.7H2O
o Relative atomic masses: Mg = 24, S = 32, O =
16 and H = 1
o relative formula mass = 24 + 32 + (4 x 16) + [7 x
(1 + 1 + 16)] = 246
o 7 x 18 = 126 is the mass of  water
o so % water = 126 x 100 / 246 = 51.2 %

 Given the atomic masses: H = 1 and Cl = 35.5,

calculate the % by mass of chlorine in hydrogen
chloride, HCl [pbm-40]


 Given the atomic masses: H = 1, C = 12 and O =

16; calculate the % by mass of carbon in glucose,
C6H12O6 [pbm-15]


 Given the atomic masses: H = 1, N = 14, O = 16

and S = 32; calculate the % by mass of hydrogen
in ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2SO4 [pbm-34]


 Given the atomic masses: C = 12, O = 16 and Ca

= 40; calculate the % by mass of oxygen in
calcium carbonate, CaCO3 [pbm-53]


 Given the atomic masses: H = 1, O = 16 and Mg =

24, calculate the % by mass of magnesium in
magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2 [pbm-12]


Which scientist established the Law of Conservation

of Mass?
Joseph John
Proust Dalton
Antoin Albert
e Lavoisier Einstein
2 Which one of the following is the correct statement of Law of
) Conservation of Mass? N

Mass can neither created nor destroyed.

Atoms combined in the fixed ratio to form compounds.
In a reaction, total mass of the reactant is always greater than total mass of
the products.
There is a change in mass when a chemical reaction takes place.

3 To identify the Law of Conservation of Mass, a student added 10

) ml of 5% barium chloride solution into 10 ml of 5% sodium N
sulphate solution. Which one of the following is the correct
A clear solution is formed The solution turns to red colour
Yellow precipitate is formed White precipitate is formed

4 While verifying the Law of Conservation of Mass, Smith added 3.5

) g of zinc metal into 13.7 g of hydrochloric acid. Due to this N
reaction, magnesium chloride is formed and hydrogen gas is
eliminated. If the mass of magnesium chloride is 13.8 g, what is the
mass of eliminated hydrogen gas if the Law of Conservation of
Mass is correct?
3.2 3.4
4.3 5.1

5 In a chemical reaction, one molecule of nitrogen reacts with three

) molecules of hydrogen to form ammonia. If the Law of N
Conservation of Mass is correct, what will be the number of atoms
of nitrogen and hydrogen at the end of the reaction?
N=2 , H=6 N=1 , H=3
N=6 , H=2 N=3 , H=3

6 Which one of the following combinations can a student select to

) prove the Law of Conservation of Mass? N
BaCl2(aq) and Na2SO4 (s)
Na2SO4 (s) and BaCl2 (s)
BaCl2 (aq) and Na2SO4 (aq)
Na2SO4 (aq) and BaCl2 (s)

7 In order to verify the Law of Conservation of Mass, Meenu used

) the following experimental procedure. i. Take 10 ml of CuSO 4 N
solution in a conical flask and about 5 ml of BaCl 2 solution in a
small test tube. ii. Hang the test tube in the conical flask carefully
so that solutions do not mix. iii. Cork the conical flask so that the
thread holding test tube is held firmly in place. iv. Tilt and swirl
the conical flask so that the solutions mix. v. After mixing the
solutions, weigh the conical flask with its contents. Identify the
missing step in this procedure.
Shake the test tube containing BaCl2 solution before hanging it in the flask.
Stir Na2SO4 solution in the conical flask with a glass rod.
Heat the contents of the flask after mixing.
Weigh the conical flask with its contents before mixing the solutions.

8 While verifying the Law of Conservation of Mass, a student added

) 5 g of sodium bicarbonate to a test tube containing 14.5 g acetic N
acid. The total mass of the reactants is 19.5 g. But the mass of the
product after the reaction is only 16.2 g. The reduction in the mass
of the product is due to:
Elimination of CO2 gas Liberation of heat
Elimination of O2 gas Elimination of CO gas

9 Which one of the following reactions is not suitable in the

) laboratory to verify the Law of Conservation of Mass? N

Mixing HCl and NaOH solution.

Thermal decomposition of ferrous sulphate.
Mixing copper sulphate and barium chloride solutions.
Mixing lead nitrate and potassium iodide solutions.
10 In a chemical reaction, iron reacts with chlorine gas to form ferric
) chloride. If the Law of Conservation of Mass is correct, what is the N
number of Fe and Cl atoms at the beginning of the reaction?
Fe=2 , Cl=3 Fe=1 , Cl=2
Fe=2 , Cl=6 Fe = 3, Cl=4

11 Observe the following picture given below.If this reaction obeys

) the Law of Conservation of Mass, what will be the mass of the N

56 g 32 g
86 g 88 g

12 Limestone upon strong heating undergoes thermal decomposition

) to form lime (CaO) and CO2 gas.

(Relative atomic masses: Ca=40, C=12, O=16) The mass of CaO

and mass of CO2 formed by the decomposition of 25 g of CaCO 3
CaO=28 , CO =22 CaO=14 , CO =11
CaO=22 , CO =28 CaO=11 , CO =14

13 In order to verify the Law of Conservation of Mass in the

) laboratory, the following are the steps of the procedure: I) Take 5 N
ml of Na2SO4 solution in a conical flask. II) Weigh the conical flask
with its contents. III) Take 5 ml of BaCl 2 solution in a small test
tube. IV) Tie the test tube with a thread. V) Hang the test tube in
the conical flask such that solutions do not mix. VI) Weigh the
conical flask with its contents again. VII) Tilt and swirl the conical
flask so that the solutions mix. VIII) Cork the conical flask so that
the thread holding test tube is held firmly in place. Which one is
the correct order of steps of procedure?

14 A student is provided with a test tube containing 10 g lead nitrate.

) He sealed its mouth and weighed the test tube. Its weight was 26 g. N
He heated the test tube on a Bunsen burner. Lead nitrate changed
to a yellow coloured solid and some gases are evolved which are
not allowed to escape. After cooling, he again weighed the test
tube. What was its weight?
26 g 10 g
> 26 g < 10 g

15 To verify the Law of Conservation of Mass, barium chloride is not

) available. Which one of the following combinations can a student N
select to prove the Law?
Copper sulphate and Sodium Sodium sulphate and sodium
sulphate chloride
Copper sulphate and Sodium Sodium sulphate and Sodium
carbonate carbonate

Q. When an iron nail rusts, it seems to get heavier in mass. Does the iron nail follow the Law
Conservation of Mass?

No, rusting is an exception to the Law of Conservation of Mass.

No, since rusting is a chemical change it does not follow the Law of Conservation of Mass.
Yes, the iron rearranges its protons so that the masses are the same before and after the
reaction and rusting follows the Law of Conservation of Mass.
Yes, iron chemically combines with the oxygen in the air so if you add the oxygen into the
mass of the chemicals before the reaction, the mass after the reaction is the same.

2. When wood burns, a small amount of ashes is made. Why is the mass of the wood before
the fire not equal to the mass of the ashes after the reaction?

The mass of the wood has been destroyed.

The mass of the wood and the oxygen that allowed it to burn will equal the mass of the ashes
and the gas given off during the burning.
The mass of the wood and the ashes equals the mass of the oxygen and the smoke given off
during the time that the wood burned.
The wood has holes in it so it is actually lighter in mass than it appears. The mass of just the
wood will equal the mass of just the ashes after the burning.

3. How does the Law of Conservation of Mass apply to a burning candle?

The amount of wax before the reaction equals the amount of energy afterwards.
The mass of the wick before the reaction equals the mass of the smoke afterwards.
The mass of the wick, wax that burned and the oxygen that helped the flame before
the reaction equals the mass of the smoke and the gases released after the reaction.
The mass of the molecules of the candle before the reaction equals the mass of the
candle and burned wick after the reaction.

4. Which of the following reactions best illustrates the Law of Conservation of Mass?

H2O2 → H2O + O2
Na + CuS → Na2S + 2 Cu
K + AgCl → KCl + Ag
NaOH + 2 HCl → NaCl + H2O

5. When sodium chloride reacts with calcium oxide to form sodium oxide plus calcium
oxide, which of the following equations best illustrates the Law of Conservation of Mass?
NaCl + CaO → Na2O + Ca Cl2
B 4 NaCl + CaO → 2 Na2O + CaCl2
C 2 NaCl + CaO → Na2O + CaCl2
D 3 NaCl + 2 CaO → Na2O + 3 CaCl2

6. In the following reaction: 2NaN3 decomposes to form 2Na + 3N2.

If 500 grams of NaN3 decomposes to form 323.20 grams of N2. How much Na is produced?
A 100 grams
B 176.80 grams
C 323.20 grams
D 500 grams

10. Which chemical equation best illustrates the Law of Conservation of Mass?
A 2 H20 → H2 + O2
B Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
C Al4C3 + 3H2O → CH4 + 4 Al(OH)3
D CH4 + 2O2 \ CO2 + 2H2O
Empirical Formula

Example 5.3: It is found that 54g of aluminium forms 150g of aluminium sulphide. Work out the
formula of aluminium sulphide. (Relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and S = 32).
Amount of sulphur combined with the aluminium = 150 - 54 = 96g

By atomic ratio, the 54 of aluminium is equivalent to 2 atoms of aluminium and the 96 of

sulphur is equivalent to 3 atoms of sulphur. Therefore the atomic ratio is 2 to 3, so the formula
of aluminium sulphide is Al2S3 

Example 5.4: This is a more elaborate reacting mass calculation involving solution
concentrations to arrive at a formula mass.

A solution of hydrochloric contained 3.65 g/dm3. A solution of a metal hydroxide of formula

MOH was prepared by dissolving 5.0g of MOH in 1 dm3 of water (M is an unknown metal). 25
cm3 of the MOH solution required 22.3 cm 3 of the HCl acid solution to neutralise it in a titration
procedure using a pipette (MOH) and burette (HCl).

The equation for the neutralisation reaction is: MOH + HCl ==> MCl + H2O

Atomic masses: H = 1, Cl = 35.5, O = 16, M = ?

(a) Calculate the mass of MOH neutralised in each titration.

5 x 25 / 1000 = 0.125g MOH (remember 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3)

(b) Calculate the mass of HCl reacting in each titration.

3.65 x 22.3 / 1000 = 0.0814 g HCl

(d) Calculate the formula mass of HCl

Formula mass of HCl = 1 + 35.5 = 36.5

(c) Calculate the mass of MOH that reacts with 36.5 g HCl and hence the formula mass of MOH.

If 0.125 g MOH reacts with 0.0814 g HCl

z g MOH reacts with 36.5 g HCl

solving the ratio, z = 36.5 x 0.125 / 0.0814 = 56.1 g MOH

Therefore the experimental formula mass of MOH is 56.1 (~56) because from the equation 1
HCl reacts with 1 MOH.

(d) If the metal is in the Group 1 of Alkali Metals, what is the atomic mass of M and what metal
is M?

If the formula mass of MOH is 56, atomic mass of M = 56 - 1 -16 = 39

The atomic mass of potassium is 39, so M is potassium.

If 54g of aluminium combines with 96g of sulphur, what is the formula of aluminium sulphide ?
(Relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and S = 32) [emp-23]

In an experiment, 21g of lithium combined with exactly 14g of nitrogen. Work out the formula
of lithium nitride. (Relative atomic masses: Li = 7 and N = 14) [emp-3]

What is the formula of the phosphorus oxide formed when 62g of phosphorus combines with
80g of oxygen? (Relative atomic masses: P = 31 and O = 16) [emp-17]

In an experiment, excess chlorine was passed over 27g of heated aluminium metal until all the
metal had reacted. If 133.5g of white aluminium chloride was formed work out the formula of
aluminium chloride. (Relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and Cl = 35.5) [emp-8]

78g of potassium combines with 160g of bromine. What is the simplest formula of potassium
bromide? (Relative atomic masses: K = 39 and Br = 80) [emp-14]

1. In an experiment, 21g of lithium combined with exactly 14g of nitrogen. Work out the
formula of lithium nitride. (Relative atomic masses: Li = 7 and N = 14) [emp-3]

A.   ?    Li3N

B.   ?    Li2N

C.   ?    LiN3

D.   ?    LiN2

2. In an experiment, heating 128g of copper combined with exactly 32g of sulphur. Work
out the formula of the copper sulphide formed. (Relative atomic masses: Cu = 64 and S
= 32) [emp-6]

A.   ?    CuS2

B.   ?    Cu2S

C.   ?    CuS
D.   ?    CuS4

3. In an experiment, excess chlorine was passed over 31g of hot phosphorus until all of it
had reacted. If 208.5g of white phosphorus chloride was formed work out the formula
of phosphorus chloride. (Relative atomic masses: P = 31 and Cl = 35.5) [emp-10]

A.   ?    PCl5

B.   ?    PCl3

C.   ?    PCl6

D.   ?    PCl7

4. If 16g of sulphur combines with 103.5g of lead, what is the formula of the lead
sulphide formed? (Relative atomic masses: S = 32 and Pb = 207) [emp-12]

A.   ?    PbS6

B.   ?    PbS2

C.   ?    PbS

D.   ?    Pb2S

5. In an experiment, excess chlorine was passed over 27g of heated aluminium metal until
all the metal had reacted. If 133.5g of white aluminium chloride was formed work out
the formula of aluminium chloride. (Relative atomic masses: Al = 27 and Cl = 35.5) [emp-

A.   ?    Al3Cl

B.   ?    AlCl3

C.   ?    AlCl4

D.   ?    AlCl2
Reacting masses

Example 6a.2: 2NaOH + H2SO4 ==> Na2SO4 + 2H2O

(atomic masses Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1, S = 32)

mass ratio is: (2 x 40) + (98) ==> (142) + (2 x 18) = (80) + (98) ==> (142) + (36),

but pick the ratio needed to solve the particular problem

e.g. reacting mass ratio of 2NaOH : Na2SO4 is 80 (2 x 40) : 142

(a) calculate how much sodium hydroxide is needed to make 5g of sodium sulphate.

from the reacting mass equation: 142g Na2SO4 is formed from 80g of NaOH

5g Na2SO4 is formed from 5g x 80 / 142 =  2.82 g of NaOH by scaling down from 142 => 5

(b) calculate how much water is formed when 10g of sulphuric acid reacts.

from the reacting mass equation: 98g of  H2SO4 forms 36g of H2O

10g of  H2SO4 forms 10g x 36 / 98 = 3.67g of H2O by scaling down from 98 => 10

Example 6a.3: 2CuO(s) + C(s) ==> 2Cu(s) + CO2(g)

(atomic masses Cu=64, O=16, C=12)

Formula Mass ratio is 2 x (64+16) + (12) ==> 2 x (64) + (12 + 2x16)

= Reacting mass ratio  160 + 12 ==> 128 + 44 (in the calculation, impurities are ignored)

(a) In a copper smelter, how many tonne of carbon (charcoal, coke) is needed to make 16
tonne of copper?

from the reacting mass equation: 12 of C makes 128 of Cu

scaling down numerically: mass of carbon needed = 12 x 16 / 128 = 1.5 tonne of C

(b) How many tonne of copper can be made from 640 tonne of copper oxide ore?

from the reacting mass equation: 160 of CuO makes 128 of Cu (or direct from formula 80 CuO
==> 64 Cu)

scaling up numerically: mass copper formed = 128 x 640 / 160 = 512 tonne Cu

Example 6a.4: What mass of carbon is required to reduce 20 tonne of iron(II) oxide ore if
carbon monoxide is formed in the process as well as iron?

(atomic masses: Fe = 56, O = 16)

reaction equation: Fe2O3 + 3C ==> 2Fe + 3CO

formula mass Fe2O3 = (2x56) + (3x16) = 160

160 mass units of iron oxide reacts with 3 x 12 = 36 mass units of carbon

So the reacting mass ratio is 160 : 36

So the ratio to solve is 20 : x, scaling down, x = 36 x 20/160 = 4.5 tonne carbon needed.

Note: Fe2O3 + 3CO ==> 2Fe + 3CO 2 is the other most likely reaction that reduces the iron ore to

Example 6a.5: (a) Theoretically how much copper can be obtained from 2000 tonne of pure
chalcopyrite ore, formula CuFeS2 ?

Chalcopyrite is a copper-iron sulphide compound and one of the most important and common
ores containing copper.

Atomic masses: Cu = 64, Fe = 56 and S = 32

For every one CuFeS2 ==> one Cu can be extracted, f. mass of ore = 64 + 56 + (2x32) = 184

Therefore the reacting mass ratio is: 184 ==> 64

so, solving the ratio, 2000 CuFeS 2 ==> 2000 x 64 / 184 Cu = 695.7 tonne copper (max. can be

(b) If only 670.2 tonne of pure copper is finally obtained after further purification by
electrolysis, what is the % yield of the overall process?

% yield = actual yield x 100/theoretical yield

% yield = 670.2 x 100 / 695.7 = 96.3%

Example 6a.6: A sample of magnetite iron ore contains 76% of the iron oxide compound
Fe3O4 and 24% of waste silicate minerals. (a) What is the maximum theoretical mass of
iron that can be extracted from each tonne (1000 kg) of magnetite ore by carbon
reduction? [ Atomic masses: Fe = 56, C = 12 and O = 16 ]

The reduction equation is: Fe3O4 + 2C ==> 3Fe + 2CO2

Before doing the reacting mass calculation, you need to do simple calculation to take into
account the lack of purity of the ore.

76% of 1 tonne is 0.76 tonne (760 kg).

For the reacting mass ratio:  1 Fe3O4 ==> 3 Fe (you can ignore rest of equation)

Therefore in reacting mass units: (3 x 56) + (4 x 16) ==> 3 x 56

so, from the reacting mass equation:  232 Fe3O4 ==> 168 Fe
0.76 Fe3O4 tonne  ==> x tonne Fe

solving the ratio, x = 0.76 x 168/232 = 0.55

= 0.55 tonne Fe (550 kg)/tonne (1000 kg) of magnetite ore

(b) What is the atom economy of the carbon reduction reaction?

You can use some of the data from part (a).

% atom economy = total mass of useful product x 100 / total mass of reactants

= 168 x 100 / (232 + 2x12) = 168 x 100 / 256 = 65.6%

(c) Will the atom economy be smaller, the same, or greater, if the reduction involves carbon
monoxide (CO) rather than carbon (C)? explain?

The atom economy will be smaller because CO is a bigger molecular/reactant mass than C and 4
molecules would be needed per 'molecule' of Fe 3O4, so the mass of reactants is greater for the
same product mass of iron (i.e. bottom line numerically bigger, so % smaller). This is bound to
be so because the carbon in CO is already chemically bound to some oxygen and can't remove as
much oxygen as carbon itself.

Fe3O4 + 4CO ==> 3Fe + 4CO2

so the atom economy = 168 x 100 / (232 + 4x28) = 48.8 %

Example 6a.7: On analysis, a sample of hard water was found to contain 0.056 mg of
calcium hydrogen carbonate per cm 3 (0.056 mg/ml). If the water is boiled, calcium
hydrogencarbonate Ca(HCO3)2, decomposes to give a precipitate of calcium carbonate
CaCO3, water and carbon dioxide.

(a) Give the symbol equation of the decomposition complete with state symbols.

Ca(HCO3)2(aq) ==> CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

(b) Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate in grammes deposited if 2 litres (2 dm 3, 2000
cm3 or ml) is boiled in a kettle. [ atomic masses: Ca = 40, H = 1, C = 12, O = 16 ]

the relevant ratio is based on: Ca(HCO3)2 ==> CaCO3

The formula masses are 162 (40x1 + 1x2 + 12x2 + 16x6) and 100 (40 + 12 + 16x3) respectively

there the reacting mass ratio is 162 units of Ca(HCO3)2 ==> 100 units of CaCO3

the mass of Ca(HCO3)2 in 2000 cm3 (ml) = 2000 x 0.056 = 112 mg

therefore solving the ratio 162 : 100 and 112 : z mg CaCO3

where z = unknown mass of calcium carbonate

z = 112 x 100/162 = 69.1 mg CaCO3

since 1g = 1000 mg, z = 69.1/1000 = 0.0691 g CaCO3, calcium carbonate

(c) Comment on the result, its consequences and why is it often referred to as 'limescale'?

This precipitate of calcium carbonate will cause a white/grey deposit to be formed on the side of
the kettle, especially on the heating element. Although 0.0691 g doesn't seem much, it will build
up appreciably after many cups of tea! The precipitate is calcium carbonate, which occurs
naturally as the rock limestone, which dissolved in rain water containing carbon dioxide, to give
the calcium hydrogen carbonate in the first place. Since the deposit of 'limestone' builds up in
layers it is called 'limescale'.

Example 6a.8: This is a much more elaborate reacting mass calculation involving solution
concentrations and extended ideas from the results. In this exemplar Q I've used the formulae
a lot for short-hand.

A solution of hydrochloric contained 7.3 g HCl/dm 3. A solution of a metal hydroxide of formula

MOH was prepared by dissolving 4.0g of MOH in 250 cm3 of water.  M is an unknown metal but
it is known that the ionic formula of the hydroxide is M +OH-. 25cm3 samples of the MOH
solution were pipetted into a conical flask and titrated with the hydrochloric solution using a
burette and a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. All the MOH is neutralised as soon as the
pink indicator colour disappears (i.e. the indicator becomes colourless). On average 19.7 cm 3 of
the HCl acid solution was required to completely neutralise 25.0 cm 3 of the MOH solution.
[Atomic masses: H = 1, Cl = 35.5, O = 16, M = ?]

(a) Give the equation for the reaction between the metal hydroxide and the hydrochloric acid.

MOH(aq) + HCl(aq) ==> MCl(aq) + H2O(l)

You may or may not be required to give the state symbols in (), or you may be just asked to
complete the equation given part of it.

(b) Calculate the mass of HCl used in each titration.

1 dm3 = 1000 cm3, so in 19.7 cm3 of the HCl solution there will be

19.7 x 7.3 / 1000 =  0.1438 g HCl

(c) Calculate the mass of MOH that reacts with the mass of HCl calculated in (b).

25cm3 of the 250 cm3 MOH solution was used, so the mass of MOH titrated is
25 x 4 / 250 = 0.40 g MOH

(d) Calculate the formula mass of HCl.

formula mass = 1 + 35.5 = 36.5

(e) Calculate the mass in g of MOH that reacts with 36.5g of HCl and hence the formula mass of

0.1438 g HCl reacts with 0.40 g MOH

therefore 36.5g HCl reacts with z g of MOH

solving the ratio for z, z = 36.5 x 0.40 / 0.1438 = 101.5 g MOH

Since the formula mass of HCl is 36.5 and from the equation, 1 MOH
reacts with 1 HCl the experimental formula mass of MOH is found
to be 101.5

(f) What is the atomic mass of the metal?

Since O = 16 and H = 1, total of 17, atomic mass of M = 101.5  - 17 =


(g) From the formula information on the metal hydroxide deduce the
following giving reasons:

What group of the periodic table is M likely to be from?

Group 1 Alkali Metals because they form singly charged

positive ions (they readily lose their outer electron to do so).

Lime (calcium oxide) is made by heating limestone (calcium carbonate).

CaCO3(s) ==> CaO(s) + CO2(g)
Given the atomic masses: Ca = 40, C = 12, O = 16, how many tonne of limestone is needed to make
112 tonne of lime? [rmc-11]

The salt sodium sulphate, Na2SO4, can be made by neutralising sodium hydroxide with sulphuric acid.
2NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ==> Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
Given the atomic masses: Na = 23, O = 16, H = 1, S = 32, how many g of sodium hydroxide is
needed to make 213g of sodium sulphate? [rmc-19]
Iron sulphide can be made by heating an iron and sulphur mixture.
Fe(s) + S(s) ==> FeS(s)
Given the atomic masses: Fe = 56, S = 32, how many g of iron sulphide can be made from 14g of
iron? [rmc-4]

The iron ore Haematite consists mainly of iron(III) oxide.In a blast furnace it is reduced to iron
with carbon monoxide ...
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) ==> 2Fe(l) + 3CO2(g)
Given the atomic masses: Fe = 56, O =16, C=12, how many g of carbon dioxide are formed when
80 g of haematite is reduced to iron? [rmc-10]

The salt zinc chloride can be made by dissolving zinc carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid.
ZnCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) ==> ZnCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
Given the atomic masses: Zn = 65, C = 12, O =16, H = 1, Cl =35.5, what mass of zinc chloride in g
can be made from 25g of zinc carbonate? [rmc-16

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