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$GNGGA - Ora, poziția și fixarea datele conexe ale receptorului.
153338.009 - ora (
4738.5206 - Latitudine
N - nord
02614.5728 - Longitudine
E - est
0- GPS Quality Indicator
0 - Număr de sateliți vizionați
, , - Horizontal Dilution of precision
66.7 - Altitudine Antena deasupra / sub nivelul mediu al mării
M - Units of antenna altitude, meters
33.3 - Geoidal separation, the difference between the WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and
mean-sea-level (geoid), "-" means mean-sea-level below ellipsoid
M - Units of antenna altitude, meters
,, Age of differential GPS data, time in seconds since last SC104 type 1 or 9
update, null field when GPS is not used
*6F - Checksum

GPGSA - Folosit pentru a reprezenta ID-urile sateliților care sunt folosiți pentru
fixarea poziției.
A - Selection mode
1 - Mode
99.99 - PDOP in meters
99.99 - HDOP in meters
99.99 - VDOP in meters
*30 - Checksum

GLGSA - a single $GLGSA sentence is output
A - Selection mode
1 - Mode
99.99 - PDOP in meters
99.99 - HDOP in meters
99.99 - VDOP in meters
*2C - Checksum( Field delimiter)

BDGSA - a single $BDGSA sentence is output
A - Selection mode
1 - Mode
99.99 - PDOP in meters
99.99 - HDOP in meters
99.99 - VDOP in meters
*21 - Checksum

GPGSV - Satellite information about elevation, azimuth and CNR
3 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
1 - Message number
10 - Total number of SVs visible
12 - satellite number
76 - Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum
043 - Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° through 359°
, , - SNR, 00 through 99 dB (null when not tracking)
25 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
50 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
293 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
24 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
46 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
170 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
02 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
45 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
117 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
*73 - Checksum

GPGSV - Satellite information about elevation, azimuth and CNR
3 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
2 - Message number
10 - Total number of SVs visible
06 - satellite number
32 - Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum
062 - Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° through 359°
, , - SNR, 00 through 99 dB (null when not tracking)
29 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
24 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
227 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
32 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
24 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
283 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
14 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
20 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
308 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
*74 - Checksum

GPGSV - Satellite information about elevation, azimuth and CNR
3 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
3 - Message number
10 - Total number of SVs visible
19 - satellite number
16 - Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum
052 - Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° through 359°
, , - SNR, 00 through 99 dB (null when not tracking)
31 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
06 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
318 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
*70 - Checksum

GLGSV - $GLGSV is used for GLONASS satellites
2 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
1 - Message number
8 - Total number of SVs visible
74 - satellite number
80 - Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum
082 - Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° through 359°
, , - SNR, 00 through 99 dB (null when not tracking)
84 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
80 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
102 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
75 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
39 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
319 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
85 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
36 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
203 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
*52 - Checksum

GLGSV - $GLGSV is used for GLONASS satellites
2 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
2 - Message number
8 - Total number of SVs visible
83 - satellite number
28 - Elevation, in degrees, 90° maximum
035 - Azimuth, degrees from True North, 000° through 359°
, , - SNR, 00 through 99 dB (null when not tracking)
73 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
22 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
128 - Information about second SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
66 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
10 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
333 - Information about third SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
, , - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
14 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
20 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
308 - Information about fourth SV, same format as fields 4 through 7
*74 - Checksum

$BDGSV - is used for Beidou satellites
1 - Total number of messages of this type in this cycle
1 - Message number
0*58 - Checksum

GNRMC - Time, date, position, course and speed data.
153338.009 - Time (UTC)
V - Status, A = Valid, V = Warning
4738.5206 - Latitude
N - nord
02614.5728 - Longitude
E - est
0.000 - Speed over ground, knots
0.00 - Track made good, degrees true
280317 - Date, ddmmyy
,, - Magnetic Variation, degrees
,, - E or W
N*51 - Checksum

GNVTG - Course and speed relative to the ground.
0.00 - Course over ground, degrees True
T - T = True
,, - Course over ground, degrees Magnetic
M - Magnetic
0.000 - Speed over ground, knots
N - Knots
0.000 - Speed over ground, km/hr
K - K = Kilometers Per Hour
N - FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
*2C - Checksum

57 - time
9 - position
*2D - forma de vizualizare

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