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● Sara = S (Female)
● Mariam = M (Female)

S4.4 Title: Sara and Mariam Talk About Their Friends

M Oh, hello Sara. How are you? Did you have a nice weekend?
S Hi Mariam. Yes, I did, but I was very busy. I started writing my essay for my history class. I have
a lot of work to do today.

M Oh dear. Is your essay difficult?

S Yes, it is. In fact, I’m going to the library now. What are you doing?
M I’m going to the library too, but first I’m meeting my tutor. She is giving me some books to read.

S That sounds good. What are you working on?

M I am preparing a presentation at the moment. I’m doing the presentation with my group. There
are three of us working together. The presentation is all about the environment. It’s interesting!
I am reading about recycling. Nadia and Mo are finding out about pollution.

S Oh, great! I saw Mo this morning. Is he okay?

M Yes, I think he is okay. Why?
S He looked unwell. I saw him in the library. He was coughing and he was sneezing. I think he is

M Oh no! Poor Mo. I hope he is okay.

S He didn’t look okay. I think he is feeling quite bad. I think he has a cold.
M Poor Mo. Why is he working? If he is sick, he should sleep.
S Yes, I agree.
M Right. I’m calling him now to talk to him.

S 4.8 Title: Mariam and Mo Chat on the phone

Hello Mo, it’s Mariam. How are you?
Oh, hi Mariam. I’m okay. Well, no, I’m not okay. I’m quite sick.
Yes, I know. Sara told me. She saw you in the library this morning.
Yes, I went to the library. But, I was sneezing and coughing. I felt really sick. Now I’m at home.
OK. That’s good. You should sleep. Do you need to see a doctor?
No, I don’t think so. I think I have a cold. My head hurts, and I am sneezing and coughing. But I
do not have a temperature. I am taking paracetamol and I am drinking water. My brother is
making me some soup now.
That’s good news. Are you coming to class tomorrow?
No. I am not going to class, and I am not going to work at the hotel tonight. I am staying in bed.
But, I’m worrying about our presentation. I’m very sorry. Are you angry?
I think that’s a good idea but no, don’t worry about the presentation. I’m not angry!
We have lots of time. I’m not worried, I’m relaxed.
Okay. When I am better, we can practise.
Yes, we can. Okay, go to sleep. Call me if you need anything!
Thank you, Mariam. Bye for now.

S 4.10 Title: Step 9: Listen and Repeat

I think I have a cold.

My head hurts, and I am sneezing and coughing.

But I do not have a temperature.

I am taking paracetamol and I am drinking water.

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