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National College of Business and Arts

Fairview, Quezon City




We are enormously grateful to the persons behind in making this research paper and for their

many insightful suggestions. Thanks to our parents, teachers, and especially God for assistance

to make our product successful and for comments that greatly improved the manuscript.. we are

honored that they give so much time and energy to help to make this product best ever.

For valued suggestions I thank my members Sheena Mae Cayabyab, Christine Borromeo,

Patricia Khale Barrot, Von Jedrek Barcelo, Roswin Fajardo, Daryl Jarillo, Christian Llyod

Huyan, Danica Joy Calalo, Marc Isaac Ablay and Lucy Ann Lagang for their cooperation and

being a good researchers. Lastly, We are all grateful to Ms. Vilma Manuel for giving this task

that we have learned so much.


This paper addresses the issue of recycling waste plastic by considering the feasibility of use of

Eco-Bricks for constructional purposes. The Eco Furniture Bottle are formed by packing plastic

within Polyethylene Terephtalate (PET) bottles. Guidelines were provided for the construction

of the Eco-Bricks. Experiments were carried out to characterize some of the properties of these

bricks. Compression test, sound insulation assessment and light transmission were considered in

this regard and compared with traditional construction materials and conditions. Possible

applications of Eco-Bricks were discussed. The paper presents the first attempt to characterize

this bricks and the results encourage future use of them to significantly wider extent and for

various purposes.

Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………….. 1- 6

Chapter 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………………... . 7- 8

Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………….. 9

Chapter 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………… 10

Chapter 5: CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….. 11

Chapter 6: RECOMMENDATION……………………………………………….. 12

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………....... 13


An Eco brick is a plastic bottle packed to a set density with used, clean and dry plastic to achieve

a building block that can be used over and over again. Eco bricks can also be packed with other

non-biological un-recyclables that, un-contained, are toxic to the environment (i.e. styro-foam,

wires, small batteries, etc.). Eco bricks are used to make modular furniture, garden spaces, walls

and even full-scale buildings. Eco bricks are an exciting way that individuals, communities, and

companies can start their immediate transition from plastic towards ever greener harmony with

the Earth’s cycles.


Waste management problems related to high production of plastic is an extremely important

global challenge and recycling or recovery routes of plastic solid waste have been highlighted by

a number of researches. Specially the usage of plastics. Plastics are made up of different

chemicals. Toxic chemical release during manufacture is another significant source of the

negative environmental impact of plastics. A whole host of carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and

hormone-disruptive chemicals are standard ingredients and waste products of plastic production,

and they inevitably find their way into our ecology through water, land, and air pollution.

This study aims to identify if Eco- Brick from materials that is made up of plastic can be useful,

long term alternative for cement support for chairs and tables with the use of recycled materials.

Not only the feasibility of the eco- brick, this study also aims to produce an environmental

friendly product to lessen and recycle waste materials from land pollution in the community.

This study also aims to answer the following questions:

1. How can eco-bricks be used as an alternative cement support for chairs and tables?

2. How can we benefit from eco bricks?

3. What qualities of an eco-brick is needed to make a usable alternative cement support for

chairs and tables?


Based on the prior knowledge we have in the subject. We construct this answer that follows the

question in the statement of the problem. We made up with this answer to have a possible

outlook on the plastics that is harmful in us and to our environment.

1. Eco bricks are low cost materials that can substitute the plastics, glasses, woods and

metals that is used to make chairs, tables and other furniture.

2. Using eco bricks as an substitution for constructing materials, we can lessen the use of

plastics and reduce waste by using them in another way that can be reused over and over


3. Eco-brick is a plastic bottle that should be stuffed solid with non-biological waste to

create a reusable building block. Eco-bricks should be made with clean and dry plastic,

the bottle should have a good quality particularly the bottle's availability and volume.

The world now produces more than a billion tons of garbage a year, which it incinerates and

buries and exports and recycles. We made a product that would help us reduce waste and use

them in another way, Eco-bricks just may be the solution to all that plastic trash that litters the

world. It is a simple yet ingenious idea wherein plastic is being easily recycled by putting it

inside a bottle and turned into eco-bricks. Eco-bricks are used as insulation in buildings or

layered between wire mesh as "wall material". And instead of making chairs, tables, and other

furnitures using typical furniture materials, Eco-bricks are affordable and efficient way to make a

creative furniture while removing large amount of trash from the local community. In this

product! we will learn the importance of recycling.


This study covers the establishing of industries. Recycling the materials and using a construction

material and it can be protection of our environment. Eco bricks can be use as a replacement for

furniture like chair, table and etc. We made and studied about this improvised water filter for

almost 3 weeks.

Based on the researches we’ve made in can substitute many things such as wall and other in

construction purposes like chairs, bench and tables. However, the materials that we have used is

only plastics, plastics bottles and plastic wrappers. To make eco-bricks we collect many plastic

wrappers in our houses , in school and in other houses or in our community and cut it into small

pieces and put it inside the plastic bottle. When we save, segregate and pack plastics into bottles,

we can make building blocks that can be reused over and over again. Together we can build

green spaces that enrich our community and the biosphere. Together we can return to harmony

with the cycles of life.

In the given time to us we can say that it is not difficult to do an eco- furniture bottle. You just

have need a hardwork and compassion in our environment to do this product. The only

limitations is the weight the durability, and the hardness of each eco-brick it should follow the

proper weight of the bottle to consider it an eco-brick.


 Plastic Bottle - any of a group of synthetic or natural organic materials that may

be shaped when soft and then hardened, including many types of resins, resinoids,

polymers, cellulose derivatives, casein materials, and proteins: used in place of other

materials, as glass, wood, and metals, in construction and decoration, for making many

articles, as coatings, and, drawn into filaments, for weaving.

 Eco-brick - An ecobrick is a plastic bottle stuffed solid with non-biological

waste to create a reusable building block. large movable equipment, such as tables and

chairs, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.

  Carcinogen  -is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that

promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. This may be due to the ability to

damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.


a.) Materials

 Plastic Bottles (1.5 L)

 Plastics (such as disposable food packaging of junk foods, candies, plastic

wrapper, etc.)

 Scissors

 Duct Tape

 Color Paint or Spray Paint

 Aluminum Wire

b.) Procedures

1. Cut into small pieces the plastics that you’ve collect.

2. After you’ve finished that, put the cut plastics inside the bottle. Full it inside

to make the bottle hard and durable.

3. Using the aluminum wire we fixed it in layers (3 bottles per layer) and

combined it by duct tape.

4. Paint it to have a design and to look more presentable.


a.) Findings

For about 8.3 billion tons of plastics are manufactured globally each year. Only 10 % of it are

recycled. The plastic that is simply trashed, that is estimated for about seven million tons ends up

being dumped into waterways and landfills, causing pollution. In relation to waste management,

used plastic bottles can be recycled to be a new product. Plastic bottles preowned to be a

replacement for bricks. It is also called as ecobricks. Ecobricks are plastic bottles with plastic

wraps compressed inside of it. Ecobricks are used to make standard furniture; chairs , table and

etc. ,garden spaces, walls and even full scale buildings. It is proven that through this way it can

lessen the percent of plastic waste in the whole world.

b.) Analysis of Data

This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data gathered by the researchers. The

researchers conducted a research in order to know the data that will prove their research. The
data were analyzed in able to identify the benefit recycling the plastic bottles and turn into a

useful products.

Time of execution is 15% faster Time required is more
Saving in cement, water, grinder and fitting More weight, more materials.
Lighter and higher volume, easy and cheap Greater weight, less volume, hard and costly
displacement displacement. High weight and loss of
Strength is – 20 times MORE THAN BRICK Strength is – GREATER wall THICKNESS,


Our conclusion is we can make a new product through plastics and that is Eco-Furniture, making

chairs and tables. In collecting plastics like plastic bottles, plastics wrappers of junk foods and

candies we can help our environment to preserve its beauty by getting lessen the plastics by

recycling it. In addition. We also help our community to be more productive through making a

eco-bricks. We can build up a business in making eco-bricks and made a eco-furniture chairs and

table. Besides, it is made up eco- friendly materials that you can only found in your house and in

your surrounding.

In our product Eco Furniture Bottle, as a concerned citizen and as a student we suggests to do

the 3R’ (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). like in plastic bottles and other plastic waste materials. In

this kind of materials we can produce Eco-Bottles that contains other plastic materials and this

can help to reduce waste materials and to help our community to build a Eco-friendly structures

and furniture.

Through this project we can help not just by our community but we can also save our nature just

by recycling waste materials. Also making use of Eco-bricks is one of the best solution to make

good use of plastic. Making eco bricks prevents the ecosystem to be contaminated by plastics. It

makes our mother earth clean and presentable because of the use it gives.


 Reference: Why make eco bricks? > why –


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 ttp:// -


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ze0z1205zsch - toxics

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