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Honest Say to a Learned Lesson

In this progressive world, everything has changed. The only thing that didn’t change is surviving.
Humans, in many ways, are busy concocting a plan to make money to satisfy their needs, wants and
personal pleasure. As things are getting progressed, our ways to survive changes too.
Honestly, what I have observed today is that people are getting greedy and selfish. Every decision
and action we make has positive effects to us but has a negative effect to other people. Most of us just
want to satisfy ourselves and don’t give a shit to everyone, if we do maybe just on selected people. Most
of us don’t consider the people around us and maybe we’re aware of what’s the effect of our actions to
others but still, we don’t care, or maybe we care but we choose not to do anything to help. The Greatest
Happiness Principle helps me more to understand that our actions and decisions in life must not be
selfish. Our actions mustn’t just be beneficial to ourselves but also to other people. If we can make
ourselves happy, why not do this to others? Being happy alone or being benefited by a thing is selfish and
a bad thing.
In the future, I’m going to share this lesson to others. I’m not going force them to act upon this
principle instead I would make them understand it and that it is not just beneficial to our mind. Aside
from this, thinking that we know this principle can make us do good things, too. For me, to be honest, and
I don’t want to be a hypocrite, I don’t know if I can act upon this principle. I am not one of the disciples
of Jesus to be that good. I think all I can do is to share this lesson to others.

Higher and Lower Pleasure

Watering the plants is a necessity for it to grow which has the same case with the lesson and the
learner, for us to grow we need to learn. We acquire different lessons in different fields that will be a
great help to overcome challenges and for the betterment of ourselves. In our course, Ethics, the greatest
lesson that I have learned is the distinction of John Stuart Mill, most important defender of Utilitarianism,
of pleasure- the higher and lower form.
Happiness is the goal of morality. It is equated with pleasure but not all pleasure has equal value;
higher pleasure of the mind is better than lower pleasure of the body. Higher qualities are those that
employ our distinctively human faculties, such as the intellect. On the other hand, lower quality is those
that promote the pleasure of sensation. For example studying frequently is better than partying all night.
The former is the higher pleasure while the latter is the lower pleasure. We can entail from the example
that studying is painful relative to one’s desire for immediate gratification but it bears more potential to
bring happiness in the long run compared to partying all night.
I can say that in some cases, the higher pleasure is like a flower while the lower pleasure is like
grass. When watering the grass and the flower, one can observe that the one who grows faster is the grass
which symbolizes immediate gratification than the latter. If I have a garden, I would rather want to have
lots of blooming flowers than tall grasses. In that case, I rather want to have high pleasure because I think
it is more beneficial even though it takes a lot of time for the result to appear. We can say that at the end
we can get more from flowers because it can beautify the surrounding, you can give it to your special one
and can be a fertilizer while the grass clipping can only serve as fertilizer. The same with higher pleasure
and lower pleasure, the former is more beneficial than the latter. In the example above, choosing between
studying oftentimes is more satisfying in the long run than partying all night. The question is why?
Suppose I choose to party all night. I will have immediate gratification but it will only last for a short
time. The time will come that I will not have money to party all night and because you prioritize partying
all night you will have a high possibility of failing in school. Eventually, you will be unemployed then
you will live in a stressful or anxious life of not having money to buy your necessity to live. If I choose to
struggle first by studying frequently it will lead me to a high possibility of having a good life in the future.
I can help my family and other people financially, I can buy my own necessities to live and because I can
be financially stable then I have the capacity to raise my own family without relying on someone.
Therefore, we better know what we should choose in our life. I’m not saying that lower pleasure
is bad at all; it has a good side like partying will be the reason why you gain a lot of friends. What I am
saying is higher pleasure is better than lower pleasure. The question now is how you can identify lower
from higher. Aside from thinking the possible consequence of an action, we can decide which pleasure is
more valuable by looking to the consensus of experienced observers. In other words, of the two pleasures,
if there will be one to which all or almost all who have experienced both give a decided preference,
irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it, that is the more desirable pleasure. The best
example for me is our parents. Since they have more experience, they can guide us to choose what is
better in the options.
Realizing higher and lower pleasure helps me to choose desirable action which will be more
beneficial to myself and for the others. Continuous applying of higher and lower pleasure can enhance our
ability in decision making. For example, when I have the opportunity to lead a team or have my own
business in the future, I can think of strategic actions better for the group or my business. Since knowing
these two can be a stepping stone to have better choices in our existence which will not lead to a regretful
life instead it will be the other way around.


When we say Ethics the first thing that comes to my mind is moral principles, behavior and
values of a person. It is the understanding of right and wrong that sets out what people should do and
should not do. On the past months, ethics taught me the means of being a human, how my decisions will
affect the others, how to live the life despite of the circumstances on my surroundings. Moreover, ethics
helped me to understand the implications of human freedom.
To be a human is to be capable of feeling lonely, jealous, sad, happy and excited. It can be so
hard being human; there are some moments that will challenge you and really test you to strengthen your
principles and capabilities as a human being. The life we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our
personal character. There are usually tough and difficult times but we can change it the way we wanted.
Usually our actions and decisions can lead us to better situations or maybe not, it can have a profoundly
positive or negative effect on our family, our friends, to the people around us, a nation, and even on the
entire world. On making decisions we always need to consider other people, not just think about yourself
but also other people. There are some instances that we need to consider before making any decisions
because one decision even if its small one can change things into a positive or negative outcomes.
The world does not revolve on one person or on yourself, when you take a look at it there are
many beautiful things happening on your surroundings, there are people who makes you happy and
contented, things that can satisfy your wants and needs and reasons for you to live your life to the fullest
and make it to a better one.


Ethics taught me a lot about life. All the things that I’ve learned on the past few weeks is actually
helpful for me, it became my guidance for achieving my dreams and it makes me want to do better and
live my life easy and free. All of these can be helpful if these are properly applied and if you’re more than
willing to do better, to make your life better. As for me, all of these will apply every time I’ll make a
decision, I will see the consequences first and consider the people who will be affected with my decisions.
Whenever I make decision, I’ll make sure that it will have a positive outcome and if it’s not, I will try
some alternatives to make it good and worth it. All of these are not that hard to apply, it’s on me whether
I’ll make my life better and do only the good things. I’ll try my best in everything that I do so that no
regrets at the end.
We cannot predict our future but we can change it into a good and better one. All our actions
today will affect our future, and it’s up to us if we want our future to be good or not. It is the outcome of
the actions that we’re doing right now so it’s better if you’re doing great right now and willing to learn
from all the mistakes and failures. Life is full of ups and downs, no matter how hard it is you need to
stand still and fight for yourself. Don’t let the problems/failures brings you down, instead make it your
inspiration to do better and strive for more.

Make Your Goals a Reality

According to my research, Ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct
with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions. It is also concerned about the goodness and
badness of the motives. This subject has taught me to know what is right and wrong in every action. I
learned that in making decisions we should always consider its consequences. I believe that the greatest
lesson I learned in Ethics is that in decision-making we need to consider the seven-step moral reasoning
model that can help us to guide in making choices. Before making any decisions, we need to think twice
and assess the consequences of the chosen action because a person does not come to a decision by simply
looking at the situation. It is also necessary to clarify the short term and long term goals. In addition, we
must always think of the things that you need or want to accomplish and ask yourself "Are my decisions
really worth it?” Never make a choice on the basis of hearsay and make sure that the information that you
have is valid and credible. Once you clear your goals, try to think about some alternatives in case you fail
to reach your goal and consider also the consequences that can happen in the future. If you are having a
hard time making decisions, try consulting others that have a deeper understanding or someone who has
been to the same situation you are facing. Finally, monitor its consequences. These seven steps can help
us to make a clear decision by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Personally, making and choosing decisions is one of the most difficult things to learn; mostly if you
desire to have great consequences. In this course, I have learned different things that I can apply in the
future, and decision-making is one of them. I will apply it in the future by doing the things that can make
my long-term goals successful. Moreover, I respect and consider all of its possible consequences on me
and to other people. Back in my elementary school days, I just wanted to attend my class and my goals
were unclear. But now that I have learned different things in the past lessons, especially in decision
making, I always apply it by looking at the bigger picture. It helps me to make my decision worthy and
successful. If you want to achieve accomplishment in life, always do what you love and think carefully
about the decisions you make. Remember that you will only become truly successful if you love what you
are doing and your passion is in it.
Born to be Remembered

A few months back, I had the opportunity to look through some old poems I wrote when I was in high
school. Those poems reflect my learnings about what is right and wrong that happened in my
surroundings that I personally witnessed. Ethics is one of the things I thought I already knew before I took
up Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I know that whatever program I will take, it is the course that
everyone will meet at least once in their life. The lesson that has altered my thinking, or otherwise
informed my views about ethics is that “People are often most remembered by their most significant
character traits”. If I live my life as most people do, I will get what most people get. Meaning, if I just do
what others do it will not make me unique but if I choose to be different, that difference will be truly
remembered by other people. If I settle, I will get a settled life. Sometimes, we feel that life is repetitive
which seems boring but let’s remember that we don’t know what will happen next. If we start to show
who we truly are without minding others as well as without degrading them, for sure that aspect will be
remembered. If I give all of my best every day, my best will return to me. Just like what other people say
“you only live once”, be an inspiration and live your life as a role model for others.

“There’s a big fear out there that somehow teaching ethics in school will seep into students a particular
religious viewpoint,” said Dr. Bruce Weinstein, aka The Ethics Guy. That’s why ethics are being taught
to the students and why they should apply it in their daily lives and most importantly in the future. It will
reflect on how we determine what is right and wrong, and practice using two different strategies for
making tough ethical decisions. But now that I am in college, it is being taught in a broader spectrum.
With regards to “people are often most remembered by their most significant character traits”, there are
three basic principles that marked on me: Do no harm, make things better, and don’t let other people
justify your worth.

 Do no harm
If I try to think before I act even though it is not a hundred percent sure, at least it will lessen the harm of
my consequences that will result in other people. They will remember me as being a considerate person
thinking that I am trying my best to not hurt their feelings. Try not to hurt people. If I ask for the guidance
of God, I know that He will give me wisdom about the things I should and shouldn’t do. I also believe
that kindness is a necessity, not cruelty.

 Make things better

Weinstein says it’s important to help people—and to know the difference between helping and hurting. I
know all of us want to help people but sometimes the effect that we want results in the things we did not
expect. We should make people feel good about themselves. Sometimes comforting words or just
listening to others is enough to make them feel better. If they have a problem, I want to be the first person
that they will remember. I can be the person they can go to if they need someone to lean on. If I don’t
have trust in the community, people won’t take risks and won’t share who they truly are. If I expected to
let someone be true to me but I was a person who is full of secrets, it would not make things better. We
should let other people touch our hearts, open up to them, and to let them also help us whenever we need
 Don’t let other justify your worth

Inspired by the Korean drama Itaewon Class, it teaches us that we shouldn't let other people justify our
worth. Just because you feel like you achieved nothing and you've made a big mistake once and the only
solution is to give up, then you are wrong. We should not give up on dreaming and trying. Your life is not
yet over; you are the only one who can determine your value and not other people.

Count Your Blessings, Not Your Problems

Life is a constant battle; a survival of the fittest. Only the ones who stand firm enough through all the
hindrances will be victorious in the end. However, he who fights to exist must not neglect love and
respect for they make life worth living. It’s a bit odd to say, but as a curious person I am always into
questioning the real meaning of my existence in this world. In some cases, I felt lost and other times I felt
as if the event where I am in has prevailed in the world. I faced a lot of trials in my entire life which
helped me to become a strong and firm woman. A fine lady who can guarantee to everyone that she can
do anything for she believes that with God nothing is impossible.

For the short amount of time that we had spent in this class, there is one thing that keeps on creeping into
my mind. This is about one’s journey towards self-realization - an implied necessity to understand what
he is actually aiming for in his life. With the fact that I am very curious about my existence in this world,
I fully realized that in order to appreciate myself and also my existence, I should envision myself what I
am aiming for in my life. Being inquisitive brought me to think lots of weird questions in my mind and
one of these is, “What does true happiness feels like?” A feeling of happiness is more than just an
experience of joy and pleasure. It is a state of mind where the individuals feel that “life is so good”. There
are so many things all around us to appreciate every day; being with our family and friends, interacting
with a song, and reading various articles. Lately, I noticed that what makes me happy are simple things.
Happiness is said to be the ultimate end of humanity. It is not only an end in itself but also the end at
which all human actions are ultimately aimed.

One more thing is the real meaning of happiness which is through helping one another. The help given to
others is often returned as well, which creates positive ties, trust with one another, and it builds a happier
society for everyone. Simple gestures that show appreciation can give anyone gratification in life. It really
feels good being appreciated by simple things that you’ve done for them.
Through these visions, realizations, and fulfillment, I can totally achieve the real meaning of happiness
easily. I was able to determine the purpose that I have to live by in this world. In this journey of my own,
I would like to explore more about the little things that exist all over the world. After all, we live not only
for ourselves but for others too. Relationships are the basis of life and we can’t afford losing connections
as we go on surfing the waves that life has already set against us.

One day, an old man was having a stroll in the forest when he suddenly saw a little cat stuck in a
hole. The poor animal was struggling to get out. So, he offers him his hand to get him out. But the cat
scratched his hand with fear. The man pulled his hand screaming in pain. But he did not stop; he tried to
give a hand to the cat again and again.
Another man was watching the scene, screamed with surprise, "For god sakes! Stop helping this
cat! He's going to get himself out of there".
The other man did not care about him, he just continued saving the animal until he finally
succeeded. Then he walked to the man and said, "Son, it is cat's instinct that makes him scratch and to
hurt, but it is my job to love and care".

There are so many realizations in life that I have acquired from the course Ethics. However, the
greatest lesson it has taught me, reminds me about the story of "The Man and the Little Cat", love and
compassion. The moral of the story is that you should treat everyone around you with your ethics, not
with theirs.

Amidst the crisis the world is facing today, which is the COVID-19 Pandemic, the act of love is very
evident especially from the part of the front liners. They are doing more than what they are required to do
by putting their lives on the line and sacrifice isolating themselves from their loved ones just to save and
protect us from the virus. It takes more than the love of passion to do such noble job. As for us citizens,
we should always be considerate and compassionate to others. Staying at home and staying safe would be
a great contribution to fight this pandemic. Also, let us show compassion for those considered as poorest
of the poor in our country due to the fact that they are trapped between catching the virus and suffer from
hunger. That instead of turning away from their deafening complaints, we should rather extend our
helping hands and give when we can. Just like how the old man helped the cat that is being stuck in a

For me, the greatest lesson I have learned in this subject is that, Ethics is not about pleasing
everybody but pleasing yourself and pleasing God. Why? Being a student who depends his life on other
people, impressing them to make sure that they will accept you and that you may feel you are belong too
becomes my everyday life. However, with the help of this subject my life began to change. In every
situation, Ethics help us to filter what to do when we get caught up between what we think is right, or
what is the way out. Even though it is the right thing to do we still not manage to peace with ourselves.
For example, helping a friend when he/she get caught cheating in the class. In this scenario you are stuck
between doing what is right for your friend or doing what is right for yourself. Every time we make a
decision, we first consider a lot of things, such as if it is good for everybody or anybody, for yourself, or
even for God, we forget the question, “why would you consider other people if you think that in the eye
of the creator it is the good thing to do?”, let God be the first in line to consider because he is always
there at your worst time. Ethics is not just a subject for us student to take in to Tertiary School, but also a
moral knowledge that we can bring for the rest of our life. Ethics helps me to be a constant reminder of
what I can do to keep myself at peace and the one who sees me in the dark.

I wonder how my life goes on in the near future. Am I successful? Am I happy doing things that I
am doing? Did my dreams come true? Too many questions pop up into my mind but only one thing is
really important, whatever I’m doing right now is the product of what I have learned in the subject of
Ethics. Satisfying myself the way I satisfy God is already a success. But how may I obtain that? First,
make a decision to like yourself. It is important that you always start with yourself because you can’t get
along with anyone else unless you get along with yourself. I am just a go with the flow type of person, but
when the time passes by, you will realize that not everyone can handle your personality. The only one
who can understand your personality is you, only you. Boost yourself to become stronger and
independent, and when you are ready to get along with other people, then it is the time that you will
satisfy yourself. Second, don’t compare yourself to others. Comparing to other people is one of the fastest
ways to lose your peace and joy. There is such a way in learning to be happy without being jealous of
someone else’s skills or achievement. You are different, you have things that they do not have, so stop
doubting your achievement or even yourself. You can be happy the way you wanted to be. Lastly, and the
most important one is acceptance. Accept who you are or what you are. Not all people would accept you
the way you accept yourself. Not all people have the same personality as who you are. We were all born
with different God given personality and we are never meant to be the same. Sometimes you have to
accept what you are or who you are in order for you to grow and develop.

“Decision making, Life Changing”

Ethics helps us deepen our understanding about the ultimate goal of life. The greatest lesson that I have
learned in ethics is that, there is a certain consequence in every decision that we make that can affect not
only ourselves but also other people. In order to ensure that we do not take moral decisions lightly, we
must consider the seven-step of moral reasoning that will guide us in the right path. We have to assess the
situation first before making any decisions to prepare us for more thoughtful discernment. Then, we have
to determine our goals in life to determine and analyze what our short- and long-term goals. It is also
important to gather enough information that will determine facts and will support an intelligent choice.
Once we know what we want to achieve, we must make a list of actions which can help us achieve our
goals. Act in accordance with the principles of justice and fairness, we have to eliminate those that we
think are unethical options that we have listed. Decisions can lead into positive or negative result, but
what important is that you learn something from your wrong decisions so that you cannot do the same
mistake that you’ve done. Then choose and make decisions. We have to consider the golden rule which is
“treat others the way we want to be treated.” Then, monitor the effect of the decision. Through the help of
this seven- step moral reasoning we can have a good decision in life. We can achieve the goals that we
desire ethically if we consider the said moral steps in decision making.
I know that making decisions is not that easy, but because of the lesson that I’ve learned, I can now make
ethical decisions in life that I can use in the future. I will put these words into action. And, since we have
a lot of decisions to make in life, I can use the knowledge that I’ve learned about decision making. I will
apply my learnings in the future by doing the right thing in making decisions and by considering the
possible effect of this decision to others because I know that even small decisions can affect our life so it
is important to think carefully so that you won’t regret anything in the end. I will also use my knowledge
in achieving my dreams in life. Since I already knew the importance of decision making, I can now
handle things on my own and face the possible consequences that I may encounter.

Semper Ad Meliora

All the lessons covered in this course were incredibly eye-opening. I had a hard time deciding because I
felt like every topic speaks volumes as I turned nineteen. All of the things I thought I figured out before
enrolling in this course have brought me to a wider perspective and deeper analysis of it. However, after
the long one-on-one discussion with myself, the lesson that struck me the most is Immanuel Kant’s first
formulation of categorical imperative which contains the principle of universalizability. I remember the
first time I came across this topic and was intrigued, which led me to further search about it. It was a new
kind of thinking that I wish everyone would consider before putting something into action. It is a form of
a moral test that invites us to imagine a world in which any proposed action is also adopted by everyone
else. In addition, it is the foundational principle for deontological or duty-based ethics. When I found out
about this principle, I felt like it is not a selfless nor selfish act rather it is more of manifesting the
common good. Moreover, I kind of envisioned a place where everyone strives to do something that is for
common good and not just for their own reason and will. It saddens me to think that it will probably just
exist in one's imagination. On the other hand, it pushes me to give my best every day and be more
considerate for the sake of everyone’s welfare. Instead of just deciding for my own, I learned to ask
myself “what is the effect of my action if everyone else will try to do it?” That question alone drives me
to become a better person and view things in a bigger picture. As we grow older and wiser, we must
thrive for the betterment of the things in our surroundings. I suddenly remember the Latin phrase I saw
while surfing the net, semper ad meliora which translates to always toward better things. Every time we
try to push ourselves in giving our best, let’s keep in mind that it also means rooting for others to do the
Well, I know for sure that this may sound minor to someone because that's what I thought too.
But after applying it in real-life situations, it was difficult as it sometimes opposes the things I prefer to
do. Back then I always choose not to speak my opinion even though I am being asked. I just agree with
whatever the majority has to say even if I find myself in an uncomfortable situation. I want to speak out
but I only have little courage and energy to explain my viewpoint and intentions because I thought it was
not worthy and just energy draining. I often sit back and say nothing when something really needs to be
said. This principle truly helped me because I started to speak out more about the things I firmly believe
in but with the right purpose in mind; despite the risk and my fear that someone will hate me or look
mean or foolish. I started to like myself even more because of the things I thought I could not do. It truly
expanded my character and I felt like I am becoming more of myself and not merely a shadow of anyone.
After being knowledgeable with the principle of universalizability, I started to apply it in every
decision I make which can also be observed from my statement above. Mother Teresa once said, “We
ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of
that missing drop.” I will live by my principles and beliefs if I know that these are for the common good.
Even though it will cost me to stand alone in doing good things, I will never hesitate to do it. Also, that
one drop could make a ripple effect and as long as we are consistent and we put our mind and heart into it
then we can influence a larger audience to do the same. In addition, what I also like about the principle of
universalizability is that I can also apply it in other things and not just in times of morally questioning
acts. There are moments in my life wherein I felt that I just want to stop and drop all of my dreams. But
applying this principle, I started to question myself “what will happen if everyone will stop chasing their
dreams?” then that fuels my passion again. I highly recommend this principle because it helped me to
improve holistically. It sets as an anchor in my decisions most of the time and it aided me to a new way of
thinking that considers the bigger perspective of an issue or a situation. Truthfully, as an aspiring
accountant I know that this profession have a considerable responsibility to the general public. I will
always come back to this lesson as it truly makes me question things that impact my judgment in a good

Philosophers live according to a certain way of life, focusing on resolving existential questions
about the human condition. Each philosopher has a different approach as to how they will determine if a
person’s actions and decisions are ethical or virtuous. Nevertheless, philosophers have a common goal
which is to encourage us to think critically about the world so that we can have a strong foundation and
basis in choosing which action to take in every situation in pursuit of happiness and wisdom.
Aristotle was one of the great philosophers in the world known for his Nichomachean Ethics,
Politics, Metaphysics, Poetics and Prior Analytics. In his philosophy, I learned that it is essential to reflect
on possible consequences and to take everything into account before taking any course of action for he
believed that the right action is always a midpoint between extremes. For example, courage is midpoint of
cowardice (deficiency) and recklessness (excess). A courageous person will assess first the situation and
take action that is right in a particular situation. Aristotle’s virtue theory states that you should become
virtuous, because if you are, then you can attain pinnacle of humanity and it allows you to achieve
eudaimonia—a life well lived; human flourishing; a life full of happiness that comes from achieving
something difficult, rather than just having it handed to you. Unlike Aristotle’s Virtue Theory that
emphasizes an individual’s character rather than following a set of rules, St. Thomas Aquinas, a famous
theologian, stated that our actions must be based on the Divine Law. It means that we have set of rules to
follow, being mostly biblical law, and is necessary for human salvation. Being a good person was a vital
part of God’s plan for each of us. The reason why people violate the natural law is because of ignorance
and emotion. Sometimes, we seek what we think is good, but we’re wrong, because we are just ignorant.
Aquinas said that even though we are rational, we’re also emotional creatures. Emotion overpowers our
reason, and we fail to do things we know we should.
On the other hand, another philosopher, Immanuel Kant believed differently. He stated that we’re
not mere objects that exist to be used by others. We’re our own ends. We’re rational and autonomous.
“Man as an end in himself/herself” means that our obligations should be our own and we should not just
pass our responsibilities to others. I have learned that if I have a strong reason to do something, it is my
responsibility to stick with it, accomplish it and face possible consequences. Some people choose other
people’s happiness than their own. It is one of the reasons why a person becomes ethical. It is called
utilitarianism made famous by the most important classical utilitarians Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart
Mill. Principle of Utility means that we should act so as to produce the greatest good for the greatest
number. And sometimes, you need to sacrifice your own pleasure in order to produce better overall. In
Asian ethical tradition, culture is one of the foundations of one’s beliefs and morality. And sometimes,
our beliefs are honed and established, as to what is right or wrong, by the people around us and the place
where we grew up.
As for me, I believe that just because something is in a certain way, it doesn’t mean that it is
ought to be that way. As time passes by our way of life also changes. One’s perception of same sex
marriage may change in time, based on one’s experience with the world. Taboos before may be tolerated
as need arises or changes because change is inevitable. Should I judge people’s action? Maybe I
shouldn’t. It is important for me to be open-minded to be able to understand where they are coming from.
For me, our knowledge of what is right or wrong is void or meaningless if we are not applying it to our
everyday life. What I am now, what I believe in, what I stand for, how I treat my family, friends and other
people and how I make decisions are based on my own experiences in life. I won’t resort to doing
something that I know is morally wrong for me, even with little things, so that when the time comes that I
need to decide for something bigger or face a bigger predicament, I know how to surpass it decently. I
will gladly apply in my life all the learning I had with this subject to become a better person and obliging
citizen in the society. I won’t hesitate to fight for what is right. As they say, “Stand up for what is right,
even if you are standing alone.


The greatest lesson I’ve learned in Ethics is that I am accountable myself for my every action. As
what Immanuel Kant said in the Chapter III: Deontological Ethics, man as an end in himself means that
my obligation or duty is cannot be passed to others. If I did not perform well of what I am obliged to do
and it resulted to something bad, I am the one accountable for it. It’s not anyone else's fault but mine.
There is no other one who will take responsibility of it but me. It is because, in the first place, I have
choices but I chose the wrong one. I made a decision without thinking the possible result of it. They say
that in every decision we made, there is always a consequence so we better do the first step in the seven-
step moral reasoning model which is to stop and think. Before making decisions, we should always take
some moment to think about the situation we are in. We should take into consideration the factors
surrounding us and the people involved that may be affected by our decision. We must think of the
possible result of it and we always have a choice of “stepping back” from the situation for us to make sure
that we do not act or decide out of impulse. We should be autonomous and act with the conformity of our
duty and not from the motive of duty. External factors like peer pressure and to act from our inclinations
or desires should not influence us. Whatever result comes after our action, we should accept that because
we chose to act that way and we knew that it is the right thing to do. The future is in our hands. We are
the author of our own story. We are the center of our action and the one responsible for it. We are the one
accountable for what we will become in the future.
I can be able to apply this lesson in the future because being accountable is connected with my
chosen profession. As a future accountant, a CPA hopefully, I should not just think before I act but must
also not forget to do my job justly and with honesty. Why? Because that is my obligation which is
something that I ought to do and should be carried out. Also, it is the right thing that I am willing to do. If
I took advantage of my job and get some money from the company that I am working for, it is possible
for me to lose my job. Wherein, there is no other one to be blamed but myself. As what Immanuel Kant
said, “man as an end in himself”, my obligation cannot be passed to others and so are the results of my
actions. I am the one responsible for it. I am the one accountable for the action I’ve done so I better not be
affected by my own wants. I should always take into considerations the factors that may affect the result
of my actions and also have a test of right and wrong. We should have a clear and precise decision if the
one we are pursuing is the right thing or else, we will also be the one who’ll suffer.
"Bon Voyage"

When I saw that Ethics is one of the courses that I will study in the second semester, I felt the
enthusiasm to look forward to it thrice a week. I am eager to know how Ethics can change my point of
view. As the discussion goes by, one lesson caught my attention it is the art of Eudaimonia/happiness, the
chief good for the human person. It is the telos of ourselves, somehow I remember my Philosophy teacher
way back Senior High School in this lesson when he told us about a story of a teacher who was amazed to
a young boy during their discussion, it goes with this, the teacher asked the class of what they want to be
in the future, most of the class answered that they want to be doctor, lawyer, teacher, police and other
professions but one answer stood out, it is from a young innocent lad, he answered that he wants to be
happy. It is funny how the universe plays with us, most of us aiming for a prosperous life yet we deprived
our happiness just for the title of being called successful as what Eudaimonia means that it is a self-
sufficient, final, and attainable goal of human life. Ethics taught me that happiness is what I need all this
time. All I need to do is do what makes me happy. Happiness is something we constantly strive for. I
realized that the real meaning of living in this challenging world is to be happy at any circumstances, that
there's a rainbow after the rain. It is not about all the flying colors we achieve, it is about if it touches our
heart to form happiness. But according to Aristotle, Eudaimonia is related to virtue. For me to achieve the
Eudaimonia, it is to take care of my virtues and avoid becoming vices. Do the things that make me happy
with morality and neglect all the immoral acts that may arise. I am accountable for all my decisions but
this one I know I will win I am glad that I learned about Eudaimonia and I want it to take over to my life.

Ever since I was a kid I don't believe in destiny, for me the universe let us decide our future, it is
a matter of choices. Happiness is also a choice, it is we to decide. And me right now I chose to be happy, I
don't need half-baked happiness, I want the real Eudaimonia. My mom told me if I want something
always aim for the moon and if missed I will land of one of the brightest stars. I will always aim the
Eudaimonia, and I know along the way I will learn a lot of morals. I will continuously do what makes me
happy like taking care and cuddling with dogs without limiting myself that they might bite me. Being a
CPA someday literally what makes me happy so I am doing my best to become one. Also, the happiness
of my parents can lighten up my life so I am careful of what I am doing because I don't want to be a
failure. They are my real strength all this time and I know they will be there as I achieve the Eudaimonia.
How I loved the praises from others when I do the things they want me to do and expected to me but it is
more satisfying if I do what my soul wants. I am not born to please everybody; I am born to please my
own being. Though I need to be respectful to every individual because who knows what will be their part
in my life. Happiness is like a diamond, it will be passing to different stages to achieve its beauty. I don't
want to be the antagonist of my own story with those what ifs. Eudaimonia is called the chief of good for
nothing, so I am letting Eudaimonia be the chief of my own voyage.
A Direction to Happiness

The greatest lesson that I learned in ethics is ethics itself. When I was in High School, every time
I heard or encounter the word ethics, the only definition that comes first to my mind is how I show myself
in front of other people if it’s good or bad, but no, that’s not the only definition of ethics. As our professor
taught us its definition, it feels like all the things that I know about being ethical are not accurate. Even
though it confuses me, it gives me reasons why I should listen or why I should be eager to learn about it.
Every lesson make sense but the most important part that makes me realize its importance is that ethics
has something to do with realizing the fullest potential as free persons acting in the world and doing the
right for others. It is not about being efficient or achieving goals. It is about realizing what people
comprehend to be good. Human beings know that life is not just about existing or survival, human beings
sense that there is this thing they call the good which they are bound to realize to genuinely be human and
to build better societies. Besides its meaning, the steps of the moral reasoning model that can serve as a
guide in making choices of moral support caught my attention. These steps are also important because we
can use it whenever we decide in the future. Among these steps, the first and fifth steps which are the stop
and think and consider consequences are the steps that I can use in making decisions.

Life has many challenges. If the day comes that I will need to decide about something that
matters to me, I can easily apply those steps in making the right choice. I know that it’s hard to make
decisions but at least I know what I will do so that in the end, I won’t regret the decisions that I made. I
believe everyone’s end goal in life is the same “to find happiness” or “to be happy” and that needs us to
live in the best way possible with our values intact.
Il Promemoria
(The Reminder)

The greatest lesson that I have learned in ethics is part of the general introduction in our book
which they mentioned as one way of ensuring the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions. This is
the seven-step moral reasoning model. This can serve as a guide in making choices of moral import. For
others, it may be very common and have been discussed too many times but for me, it was like a reminder
sent from above. I think he knew that I’m so lost and that I needed this to understand the situation. I have
been struggling in making decisions since I’ve grown into an adult. After all, I was always treated like a
“baby” in my family because I am the youngest child. I think that’s why I developed this habit of making
decisions without giving it any thought because I believe that I will always get by and it can be a good
experience. But as I grow, the decisions that I’ve made began to bother me. It just piled up that made it to
a point that even the biggest decisions that I have to make are made recklessly. I was pressured by all the
choices that I have to make because one wrong decision may ruin my future. I feel like I am not yet ready
to make such a decision but I need to because the time and the world will not stop for me. That’s why
when I encountered this lesson, I feel like it is for me because finally, I knew where I lacked. I knew why
I was so lost, why I was so pressured, and why I was not so confident about the things that I do. It’s
because I didn’t think it through and didn’t consider who will be affected by my decisions. That is the
reason why I picked the seven steps, the moral reasoning model, as the greatest lesson I’ve learned in our
subject which is ethics.

This lesson would guide me in the future for I know that I will be facing much-complicated
situations where I need to make decisions because it will always be part of our lives. These decisions will
tell what’s in store for us. An example that I can think of that I need to have a major decision is after I
graduate from college. Do I work immediately? Do I rest first? Or should I proceed with reviewing for the
licensure examination? I often think about this since I started this course and I have always thought to
proceed with reviewing for the licensure examination. But who knows what will happen in the future?
The situation might be different at that time and this lesson of the seven-step moral reasoning model
would be a great way in choosing what decision to make. This lesson/model will also be helpful on
regular days such as dealing with academics, on socializing with classmates and friends, and many more.
This can be applied almost on everything. I think that this seven-step moral reasoning model made me
into a better person because since I knew this, I started to become more careful with the words that I say
and decisions that I make. After all, I know that some may be affected by it. Especially on my personality
which is too “prangka” that’s why oftentimes I just decide to be quiet so that I can avoid hurting anyone’s
feelings. But now, I appreciate more, especially their efforts, and learned that we're not all in the same
boat so I’ve become more understanding. And with these learning in life, it is best paired with proper
decision making that will lead me to decisions that hopefully, I won't regret and thank myself in the

"Life: Series of Choices"

Ethics comprise the sum of moral principles that guide us the choices that we make. It helps us filter what
to do in circumstances when we get caught up between doing what we think is right or what we think is
the way out. Ethics isn’t about moral standards or social expectations more than it means personal
standards on what we personally think is right and wrong. As I study ethics, lot of realizations hit me. It is
a matter of what we accept and what we don’t accept. It is about the choices we make. We continually
face choices that influence the quality of our lives. We are aware that the decisions and actions that we
make have consequences, both for ourselves and others. We are aware of the responsibility we have for
our actions. Whenever one decides to do something, one’s actions affect other people in ways beyond
how one thought it would. Sometimes, we have already done things that are improper and we try to
justify these things through saying that we have good intentions for doing so. We tell lies to protect
someone else’s feelings - but it still lies, no matter where or what angle we look it upon. Particular
decisions have particular consequences that correspond to how one’s motives translated into action
through a decision. To sum up, I’ve learn in ethics how to decide more effectively than I thought. I got a
deeper understanding on how to ensure the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions. Think first and
clarify our goals. Gather enough information for us to develop options. Then, filter our choices and
separate the ethical and unethical choices bearing in mind both our motives and the potential outcomes of
the action. We have to think of the long-term consequences and what’s going to benefit more people,
more than what would benefit the self. Most importantly, act in accordance with the principles of justice
and fairness. After making decision, observe and modify. We might not always thought out a decision
well enough, but do not hesitate to correct our decisions in light of new developments in the situation. It
will serve as another lesson.

Each day we are faced with situations in life that require us to make choices. Some of these choices are
easy, and at times, some of them can be difficult. Now that I have a broader knowledge about making
decisions, I think that this would help me not only in the present but also in facing the future. Our
decisions make our future; our future is built on it. If the decision we made is right, we have a good
future, on the contrary, if it is wrong, we suffer. Making good decisions is not easy as we thought because
it is a step by step process that is usually ascertained from life experience. For now, as a student, I’ll use
my learning and experiences to come up with good decisions in the future. Time will come that I will be
in the workplace and I will have my own family where I have to decide on my own. It is not as simply as
deciding what to wear or what to eat. There are many life lessons that I simply cannot learn until I face
certain situations in my life. But as time goes by, I’ll become more aware of the consequences of my
actions, especially in the lives of others. I’ll have the courage to summon the strength and determination
to make changes to resolve any shortcomings. And just what other says “Life is a continuous learning

길 (PATH)

“What will happen to us if we don’t have any norms to follow? What will the world be if we cannot
reflect on what is right and wrong? What is the meaning of our existence? What is our role in this world?
What is happiness?”
Ethics is very broad; it can be the norms or rules that we follow, a way to have morality, and a reflection
on what it means to exist as a person. I learned so many things from this course. As stated in Chapter 4,
decisions are considered bad if they are motivated by anything most of society deems as malicious and if
they have destructive consequences. The Kantian Ethics and Religion taught me that religion is not true to
itself if it goes against what man “ought to do.” Each one of us have obligation that cannot be passed on
to others because we are responsible to do our own duties as agents of action. There are three necessary
questions in our lives: (1) who am I, (2) who do I want to be, (3) and how can I get there. Every chapter in
the book has lessons in it that will surely help you in developing oneself.
But the greatest lessons that I’ve learn are ethics is necessary to know the existence of a person to be
rational, free and have morality, and everything leads to happiness. Being a person means we have the
rational capacity to think and feel things unlike the animals. To make it simple this three “purposes” of
the existence of a person serve as the path for a person to seek happiness. I believe that these three lead us
to feel happiness in our own ways. In relation to ethics, there are traditions, bases, and cultures that shape
a person to know his or her place in the society which develops the sense of belongingness. Following
what is ethical doesn’t mean that you are not free; you are free -free to choose what and who are you
going to follow. You have the freedom because you have your own life, standards and beliefs that will
help you in seeking what is best for you. As I have mentioned, human beings are complex beings because
we have the rational capacity and also we have morality in us which helps us to differentiate the good
from the evil.
Happiness is always the end product of everything that we do. Happiness is also the reason of our actions.
Basically, happiness is what everyone wants because it is our end goal. I am passionately studying to
achieve the Certified Public Accountant title and make my family proud because I know that it will make
the people around me happy as well as myself.

We can’t predict the future or what will happen tomorrow. The future is far beyond our imagination but
we need to be prepared to see what’s ahead of us. To apply the lessons I’ve learn in Ethics, I will simply
be ethical. Being ethical also incorporates being rational, having freedom and morality. By doing this, I
can be happy. The happiness that I am talking about isn’t just for me but also for the people around me
that will also help me in doing what is rational, in knowing what freedom is, and seeking what is morally


There are a lot of lessons I have learned in Ethics. Upon contemplating, I came up to one question. How
can I live meaningfully? To compare, I am a lonely and lost soul of this dark world but it is up to me if I
choose to survive and see the moonlight in the darkness. Life, sometimes, works on uncertain ways but
we are the ones to create the reason to survive. If we have that reason, we are capable to give light to life.
For me, to be able to live life meaningfully means you are able to attain happiness solely and jointly.
Happiness means it is shared, unselfish, and comes from within. Considering that I am able to become
happy and I am able to give happiness to others means I am living a meaningful life. In this world, life is
given to fulfill our inner desires, develop contentment, and learn acceptance. By that, I will able to arrive
in my happiness which is the gift of life.

“To live life meaningfully through happiness” is an integral part for my future. Unexpected things are
bound to happen along my way, but keeping my reason which is my happiness to go ahead will help me
not to lose track, my way to light. Assessing what happiness truly means to me is necessary by setting my
mind into what I really want, to where I am happy, and to continue doing the things I desire with the
thought of the goodness of everyone. Today, search for happiness continues. In time, I can keep up the
light because I completely found happiness in this dark world.


If I ask you the question “What is the biggest regret you had in your life?” I know a lot would end
up saying at the back of their minds that they should’ve never made that decision before. We all have that
certain tragic chapter in life we always want to permanently erase and forget but are just so impossible to
do so because of the scars it left. Tragic chapters that are caused by our wrong and inappropriate
It is very important to always make the best decisions when faced in rough situations and that is
one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in ethics under the seven-step moral reasoning model that helps us
ensure the rationality and impartiality of our decisions. A lot of instances, we thought that making
decision is just as simple as making a choice among many options until we realize that the whole thing,
even the question itself, was tricky. With ethics, I discovered that in making decisions I should always
consider other people who will be affected, the cost it will bring and most of all, the morality of the
A single decision, in worst cases, could damage a lifetime if made unjustly. I’ve experienced this
personally and looking back over my life, I remember so many wrong decisions I’ve made. Now, as a
student, taking the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, I am aware of the importance of making the best
and unbiased decisions especially when it comes in the field of my work in the future or let’s say 4-5
years from now. The hardships and challenges of the program and the University served as an opportunity
for me to practice my ability in making good decisions. If God would allow me to become a CPA
someday, I will use that decision making skill to always do well in my work. Whenever I will be faced on
tough situations, my strong foundation in ethics regarding decision making will bring me courage to
always fight for the good and not just for the right because as you can see, the good is not always right
whereas the right is not always good. As an example, accountants were sometimes forced to make false
financial statements to save their clients who don’t pay right amount of taxes. For the client, it is the right
decision to make to save his life, but for the accountant, it is legally and morally wrong. That is how the
“good” and the “right” differ from each other when it comes in decision-making.
God gave us our freewill and the reason it’s free is because the decision is always up to us along
with the responsibility that should be bore only by us also. As what Jawaharlal Nehru stated, “Life is like
a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism, the way you play it is free will.” I know that
someday I’ll come to that point wherein I’m going to choose between the good and the right but, as for
me, if making the good decision means losing my job as an accountant in a certain company in the future,
let it be, there are still thousands of job opportunities for me out there. I’d rather lose my client than lose
the credibility of my oath as a Certified Public Accountant.


Ethics is a very important concept in the society and in our life. It guides the human behavior and
on how we make our every decisions. It deals with ideas about what is good or bad; or what is morally
right and wrong. During our discussion in our Ethics course, I’ve learned a lot of theories from different
philosophers, as well as various argument and beliefs. But among all those lessons, there’s one lesson that
I kept in my mind. It is the theory of Immanuel Kant.
From Immanuel Kant’s theory, the moral behavior do not depends with faith or tradition or even
in different religion. He also stated that there are reasons that serves as the foundation of what is ethical,
goodwill as the source, and the duty as the motivation of ethical living. In his theory there is a phrase;
“Man as an end in Himself/herself”. It means that your obligations as a man cannot be passed on to others
and you are the only one that is responsible in every situation you are in.
This lesson changed my perspective in life. Like in making decisions, I should not just consider
the happiness that it gives but I must also consider its consequences. In terms of obligations and duties, I
should not depend on others to do it. I am the one that is responsible in doing all of it. Like my duty as a
daughter, that I must make my parents proud and give back all the sacrifices and hard work that they’ve
done for me. My duty as a sibling and friend, that I must be by their side in any times that they need me,
whether it is in the downfall or upswing moment of their life. My duty as a student, I should pass my
program and be able to graduate. Having a reason and goodwill to fulfill all of this duties in a morally
way is being an ethical person.

Digging Deep for the Version 2.0

"The uttermost undefined mystery is yourself, the one's own self."

All people were born in a blank sheet. Just like a pure white paper with no dialogue and writings at
all. As we grow older, we keep trying a little harder to think of how the blank sheet itself would fill some
sort of things, even if it'll show whether good or bad behavior. Just to think that it wouldn't stay a white
blank sheet forever.

"People's life is easy. People's life is about achieving happiness. People's life is always good. People's life
will always be the way they wanted." These are some sorts of things that spinning on her mind before she
met the reality. That life isn’t easy and life sometimes has pleasure moments with the absence of pain and
sometimes has unhappy moments with the absence of pleasure.
I have a friend; she’s the youngest in her family. She really feels the overwhelming love. Her family is
always there for her. She can’t ask for more though she has a simple life. As she aged, there are things
that she afraid of. She is an indecisive person. She’s afraid to decide even in simple things maybe because
she always have the help of her parents and siblings. She really felt shy even to herself until she
developed her own identity.
There was a time that she was challenged to make a difficult decision.

March 27, 2014; 10:59:08 a.m.

“Excuse me po. Nene, uwi na tayo wala na ang Tatay mo.” She was shocked, her legs can’t move and her
tears rolled down all over her face. She don’t know what to do. Until she got home and saw many people
in their house. All people looked at her. She found coffin inside their house. That was the darkest moment
in her life which is losing the best man in her life. She felt that she missed the greatest piece of her life. It
takes years to understand things. She struggled in continuing her studies. She can’t explain herself and
she didn’t know how to pursue her life without the presence of that man. Until that man showed up in her
dreams. “Nene, ‘wag kang mag-alala makinig ka sa’yong Inay at mga kapatid. Mag-aral kang mabuti.
Hindi ko kayo papabayaan.”

Those nights made her decide to go on and live according to what that man said. At her young age, she
admittedly made unethical or clueless decisions. She is a decision maker deciding without thinking
outcomes or consequences. It’s just how her life goes until she met ethics and becomes an eye-opener for
her. She now learned to weigh things before making an action. She realized that it is important to make a
response that intends to promote happiness and relieve to others. Being her as her really gives a lot of
opportunity to learn on how to deal with different things in life. She was shaped by her decisions, failures
and destructive consequences.

She knows now on how to cope up in different situations to be encountered even with different level of
difficulty. Through those lessons, she can choose the best choice in the future. Learning from failures and
struggles will help her to make things better. Experiences shaped her on how to deal with things.
Realizing to understand deeper on what really life is will guide her to be worth it to herself and to others.

For those people that are indecisive in a certain situation, she’s encouraging them all to be brave enough
to take a step for a change. Be a good decision maker. Setting things before making decisions will help
people to develop their identity aligned ethically. There are times we need to stop and think, clarify goals,
knowing the facts and even develop opinions, don’t be afraid to make decision because you can modify it
especially if it needed the most. Because for you to find who you are, you need to choose and decide on
your own.

“I am her, “she” is me.”


The time is always right to do what is right

Tick tock! Tick tock! We constantly hear a clock ticking. People always look at their watch, or clock to
know what the specific time of the day is. Often, they ask other people, “what time it is already?” We
always seek or ask the exact time for the purpose of knowing what the things are we will be going to do
next. What activity would be fitted for the morning, afternoon, and night? However, do we ever ask
questions like; is there a perfect time to do right things? How will I know that it would be the right time to
do what is right? Should I wait for that so-called perfect time? Or does it really exist?
In our subject Ethics, I’ve learned so many things and one of these are it talks about the good and bad
actions of a human and the reasons behind them. It also stressed out the different perspective of us, in
viewing and determining what is good and bad, what is right and wrong. Our difference is largely caused
by our different culture, beliefs, that are embedded to us and that we are raised from different countries
that have different lifestyle. Furthermore, it is a reflection on what it means to exist as a person, rational,
free and seeks to do the good. To put it simply, it is a course on being human. But the greatest lesson
Ethics gave me is that, “through ethics, I’ve come to a conclusion that knowing how to be a good person
is not enough and that I must know when should I do right things to be good. As I said, Ethics is a subject
reminding students on HOW to be a morally and ethical person however I’ve noticed that it doesn’t has
teachings on WHEN should students do rightful acts. I think learning when is equally important as
knowing how to do it. You don’t actually learn it if you don’t apply it on real life. It’s like finding a
solution but not actually doing it.

Martin Luther King, Jr., once said that “The time is always right to do what is right.” In Filipino, it would
be ‘walang pinipiling oras ang paggawa ng tama’ or ‘walang oras ang mali upang gumawa ng tama’.
Every second, minute or day that the Lord has given us is the right time to do something that we know is
right. Not just what you solely think is right, but it should also be acceptable and just to other people
surrounding you, specifically the community you are in. In times, rewards are not given even though you
did what is right but a person must be reminded that he/she has received something even greater than a
reward; it is a blessed and pure soul, free from guilt and pain. It is a reward that is not given by the
community but given directly by God above. This quote reminds us people, that we should not wait for
the perfect time to do things that are morally good because every second would be the perfect time not for
the purpose of bragging the good things we’ve done but to acquire something that is higher than the
rewards here on earth.
As I deepened on revealing the meaning of the quote, I’ve realized that Ethics didn’t teach students on
when they should do rightful actions because it is quite obvious. We should not be reminded on this
matter. Why? It is because it should be obvious that a human person should not wait and ask for a perfect
time. If you want change in this world, be the change that you want to be and do right things every time.
It doesn’t matter what age you are or where you’re from because you can make a change just by doing
good and what is right. Your little kindness or goodness might lead to greater and bigger things. A simple
step but quite powerful.
In the present time and especially in the future, I knew, and I believed that I would apply this knowledge
in my everyday life by doing right things every time that I feel the need to do so. Right now, In my own
little way, I am doing good things by thinking before I act, by respecting other people especially the
elderly, by doing my best to finish every school activities, reminding myself that I can do everything and
that I can achieve my dreams. I am also resisting any temptations that might hurt me, always do actions
not just for my sake but also for the sake of other people surrounding me and many more. In the future, If
I achieve having a decent and stable job and that I am earning more money, I will help people who are
less fortunate. I will raise funds, or scholarships for students because I also know the feeling of having
nothing. The simple act of kindness and generosity when someone is in need is often immeasurable. Also,
I intend to continuously do the things that I know will always be morally and ethically right and that
every day I will always pray, worship and thank God for all the blessings that I’ve received and will be
receiving. If I happen to do these things, I know that He will be proud of how I battle challenges and of
what I’ve accomplished and what I’ve done here on Earth.

“A Virtuous Steward of Earth”

“Treat the earth as if your life depends upon it”- Genesis 2:15
A virtuous person is someone who does right things morally towards other. To be morally virtuous, one
must be able to respond to situations not just with the correct feelings or actions but in the proper degree,
at the right time, towards the right people and for the right reasons. However, being virtuous must be
extended towards the environment as it is the human being’s only home. Earth is our only home so it
makes sense that all must respect, nourish and cherish it and it deserve to be treated ethically. All must
take their part on taking care of the environment especially that nowadays it faces a large and serious
problem that everyone should be aware of.
In connection, the course tackles the environmental ethics wherein it is a branch of ethics that studies the
relation of human beings and the environment and how ethics play a role on this. It believes that humans
are part of society as well as other living creatures which includes plants and animals. Thus, it is essential
that every human being respect and honor this and use morals and ethics in dealing with the latter. With
the environmental ethics, one can ensure that they are doing their part to keep the environment safe and
As what Pope Francis said, “We are stewards, not master of Earth. Each of us has a personal
responsibility to care for the precious gift of God’s creation.” Human beings are relatively newcomers to
the earth. The planet has its own life and there are already lots of existing livings and non- living things
before human beings came into the scene. Yet people act like they own the place where in fact they just
depend their lives on the things around. In the biblical view, God created the planet, then all living and
non- living things and he lastly created humans for them to protect and give care to the paradise that he
created. People depend on the natural resources as well as on plants and animals for them to live while the
latter does not depend on humans to live. Therefore, human being needs the environment and its natural
resources more than it needs us so it should be treated morally and ethically. However, there are global
environmental problems and catastrophes that are unheard before have been popping all around the world.
Those environmental issues that we are facing must give attention and immediate action. Sadly but it is
all result of numerous human activities that are ruining the planet.
People and their activities are the main reason of the extinction of innumerable species of flora and fauna,
different pollutions and the pillaged of forest and mountains. The continuous burning of fossil fuels that
contributes on the greenhouse gases that make the temperature warmer. Over the last few decades, the
exploitation of our planet and degradation of our environment have gone up at an alarming rate. If this
continually happen, what sort of world will be left for future generations of human beings?
As human beings continually do this habit of living with such insatiability, the earth’s temperature has
gone up. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) reveals that the past five years have
been the warmest for the last one hundred and forty (140) years. The planet’s average surface temperature
has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.9 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century. As the
temperature of planet rises, extreme weather phenomenon has become an almost normal occurrence. As
warmer the atmosphere is, more moisture, more convection, more thunderstorms, more frequent and more
intense hurricanes, floods, downpours, winter storms and more extreme weather occur. Enormous
droughts happen having a huge impact on people and their lifestyle. Several bushfire happened within the
past few months all around the globe that affect the people and unfortunately damage the ecosystem and
the habitat of many species. As the ocean gets warmer and arctic glacier melt, sea levels raise threatening
coastal populations. Human actions have consequences not only to other human beings directly but to the
very fabric of life.
The course taught me and made me realize more that everyone must be aware on the serious problems on
environment that our world is currently facing. As stewards of the earth, as the highest form of life on this
planet, we must treat the land with respect and accept the responsibility we have given to care for it.
Nature provides us all with so many wonderful and useful things from the beautiful sights, to the food and
shelter and on maintaining the delicate balance necessary to sustain life on this planet. The environment
around us is not only our home but everything that keeps us alive. Nature is the source of our livelihood,
its only right that we should also be kind to it. Every person has moral obligations to take care of nature
not only because it take care of us but because it’s also the right thing to do.
We get everything from nature for free. It will be greedy and insensitive of us to destroy that one thing
that gives us life. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed”,
Mahatma Gandhi said. Therefore, we should not abuse the environment and must know the limitations of
everyone’s consumption whereas it should be preserve and taken care as it will not just benefit us but also
the future generations. If we spoil what we have here, we will suffer the consequences of our actions. If
we take care of nature, then nature will also take care of us in return.
The environment should be respected as much as how we respected each other. Just as the way you treat
other people reflects your personality, the way you treat the environment reflects who you actually are. A
good person will treat the environment responsibly. We should ensure that our actions don’t end up
harming the environment as we are the ones to suffer later. If each of us can be more conscious of
environmental issues and willing to take some simple steps to save the planet, we can make a huge
This lesson must be applied today and not just in the future. The best time to act was yesterday, the best
we can do is today but if we wait for tomorrow, it may be just too late. So we better act now. We should
pay attention and not putting off for tomorrow what we can do today and not waiting for the disaster for
us to take an action. As a student, an individual and a steward of this planet, we should take our act on
saving the mother earth. From the small things that I can do today, I will make this into big things in the
future. I want to be an advocate of protecting the environment. I want to raise awareness and voice out of
what is currently the situation of the planet and what should we do to save this. I want to continue what I
had started when I was an EcoRanger back in high school wherein we are a group of students in partner
with some organizations that protects and preserve the environment. Yet for now, we can do some actions
where we can start at ourselves by simply segregating our garbage and throwing those in the proper place,
when we are at the outside of the house we can just keep our garbage in our pocket or in our bag, when
we are going to a walking distance place we shall just walk, we should turn off the faucet and the lights
when we are not using it and many more small things that can help on saving the earth. Those small
actions when combined together can play a big role in protecting this planet.

Each person live their life to the fullest. We do things we want to do with freedom yet it does not
guarantee that it is innately ethical. It is impossible not to have both good and evil sides, some sense of
proper and improper or ought and not ought to in terms of works as we are all born imperfect. Sometimes,
we do actions that we considered good yet good intentions cannot justify the wrong means. There are also
cases where we do good things but with evil motives. However, those actions done by a person have an
underlying reason that’s why we are called rational beings. We can decide on our actions. We have a
conscience that helps us to do the good, decrease the measure of pain, and avoid the evil. The conscience
that pushes us to contemplate not just our happiness but the consequences that will bring the greatest
happiness to the greatest number. But then, as a person, we have ethics of our own wherein through this
we can know the good and act ethically. Living justly by doing the duties dutifully, being responsible by
not passing the obligations to others, and pursuing life ethically are some ways that give us hope.
Likewise, dealing with the multiverse of rationalities need the guide of norms of behaviors to derive in
the universalizable norms or accepting others' differences can still achieve the good. These ways open us
to the new opportunities and lead us to the reward that we all deserved after putting our utmost effort.
And that reward will make our life worth living on. In short, we live as a man where happiness is
inevitably attached to our decisions and ethical tasks. When it comes to happiness, it is most satisfying
when you acquired the long-term one. The lower form of pleasures or immediate desires could be last for
a shorter period so it is better to choose a worthy activity. We are doing the right thing to develop our
potential, cultivate our abilities, and to bring out the higher pleasure that can benefit more people with
real human fulfillment and long-lasting happiness.
What I had mentioned above is the secret of happiness and the greatest lesson that I had learned. I
realized from it that I can be exactly happy like how I decided to feel the delight. It is better to be happy if
it is me who does what I think is best for me. And that I don’t need to blame anyone if I am stuck in
loneliness. On the other hand, these lessons must be included in our daily lives and should be applied to
have a brighter future. Applying these lessons as a college student will help me to make my desired future
possible. With these, being ethical in my study will result in an ethical profession in the future. As for me,
I want to become a CPA Lawyer and if I will focus myself on doing things on my own, being honest in
my academic standing and maintaining my attendance perfect will give me the benefit to complete my
ethical requirements. I won’t let my lack and extremes be dominated especially in the following years
where pressures are heavier. I will improve my assets to keep my rational thought since the finish line of
these sacrifices will be my higher form of happiness no other than my dreams and good intentions. In
setting my plans and decisions for the upcoming occurrences I will certainly consider first the
consequences these may affect especially to my family. Moreover, ethics will be a great contribution to a
well-developed society in various aspects. When I meet more people in the future, I will accept their ideas
or reasons then be familiarized with those instead of arguing with them. In this case, it will create peace,
order, and reasonable goods for all and not just for me. Since I have that ability to do social services, it
will give me the privilege to offer foods, money, or other necessities when there are calamities or
unfortunate events but with the genuine motives of helping people and supporting humanity. Being a
disciplined person by following rules and regulations with or without other’s presence and having an
ethical attitude towards my obligations as a civilian would be a big impact. If I will be responsible I may
encourage others to do the same. They will respect and follow human rights. By this, it may lessen the
crimes and unjustified acts towards other people in the present or future times. In the end, I together with
everyone can build a just and fair society where we can grow our life more and where we can call it our
home. In the environment, as a person, I can make my surroundings clean. I will respect our nature by not
littering, not wasting electricity, water, and natural resources, and conserving energy. And since I’m an
animal lover, I can join an organization that has the purpose of protecting animals at all costs. By these
means, I can become an ethical environmental citizen. And if everyone will do these, then we can have a
healthy and happy environment for me and everyone.

Don’t rush, step-by-step.

In our life organizing and sorting things are necessary. We do things in order. We can't just do
things randomly. Every actions or decisions have consequences. We are not alone in this world and every
action can affect others. Same in moral situations, it often involve not just one but others as well. Matters
of moral import need to be analyzed with a perspective that takes the welfare and feelings of others into
consideration. There's something good for someone but maybe not good for the others.

That's why we have the seven-step moral reasoning model, to serve as guide in making choices of
moral import. First, stop and think. We need to think about the situation. Second, clarify goals. It is
necessary to clarify our short-term and long-term aims. Third, determine facts. We need to make sure that
what we know is enough to make an action. Fourth, develop options. It is also best if we come up with
alternatives options to exhaust all possible courses of action. Fifth, consider consequences. We must filter
our choices bearing in mind our motives and the potential consequences of the decision. Sixth, choose.
Make a decision. If the choice is hard to make, we can consult others that experience the same thing
before. And lastly, monitor and modify. Monitor what happens after the decision and have enough
humility to modify the action or behavior as necessary. Following these steps can help to consider various
aspects of moral situation to make a decision. And that is the greatest lesson that I've learn in ethics.

Before, when I'm facing a moral situation, I didn't think too much. I'm just worried whether if I
can benefit from my decision or not. And react as quickly as possible; let the nature take its course. Then
sometimes, I regret my decision because I can't bear the consequences, so I'll just find a way out. And it is
not really a good habit. After learning the seven-step moral reasoning model, I think it can change my
way of making a decision. Maybe I'm not used to it but I think it is necessary. It is not only for my sake
for the others as well, they also bear the consequences of my decision. And I think, I owe to the others to
do the right thing. They will be affected of my decision after all. And I know it won't be easy to apply it
on me but I'm not in a rush. I need to do it step-by-step.


As we grow older, we are discovering several things that we’ve never been discovered before.
We usually thought that the knowledge and learnings that we have are enough to prove that we are a
smart person, but we didn’t know that there were millions of things that we still didn’t know that we are
capable of. In every chapter of our life, we are still on the process of discovering, exploring, and learning
something. We are interacting with other people who possess different beliefs, attitudes, personalities and
perspectives that usually affects our own version of life. Sometimes, we didn’t notice that in every
individual that we used to meet even just once, we are learning something from them. Maybe it’s not that
obvious, but we can’t deny that we are simply applying those learnings in our everyday lives. In short, as
we continually explore the world we constantly learn from it. And as I take the subject “ETHICS” I can
say that I had learned a lot from this not only from the subject itself, but most especially on my
personality. I learned how to bring myself in front of other people in a better way and with confidence
and realized the essence of being true to myself. I achieved the “more-confident me” rather than before. It
helped me boost my self-esteem as well as releases my self-consciousness. I became aware and learned to
know how to used my autonomous reason and apply the deontological ethics on my own life. Reasoning
is the very first step in making some action because it is where all started and it serves as the foundation
in making decisions. I also knew how to apply the utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill wherein the theory of
morality has been tackled and pointed that morality is all about the conduct between right and wrong.
Furthermore, I realized that it is really important to know the dos and don’ts in doing some actions in
order for us to achieve the moral values. This subject also thought me on how to make a right and ethical
decisions through thinking first the possible result or consequences that the course of action will bring on
others. Before deciding about anything, we have to think first the sake of people around us. Aside from
those lessons that I had learned from ethics, there is one greatest lesson that I considered as priceless and I
will never forget in my college life and this is the development of my relationship with myself and with
our beloved GOD. By the help of this course I learned to love and appreciate myself more. The course
taught me to become contented on what I have and made me realized that not all people had given the
chance to live their life the same way as I am. Indeed, it also made my faith to GOD even stronger not
only because of the religious lessons inside it but fortunately because of my professor itself. She has
always that word of wisdom that never failed me to feel amazed on how really powerful the word of GOD
is. I have observed that we have that same belief in religion and that made me more interested about her.
Every other day that we used to meet her, she always reminded us to become a Good Samaritan all the
times because GOD always sees what’s inside of us.
From those lessons that I had learned, I will thoroughly apply it to myself in the future through
different good ways. First is when I have a decent work, I will show as well as share all those good values
and actions to my co-workers in order for them to have an ethical life. I’m going to show them how
important an ethics is into my life that leads me to become that kind of person. Additionally, as long as I
can help, I will not hesitate to help because my professor once said that giving is better than receiving and
I will bring this quote until my future. However, it is really important to know the value of morality and
humanity as it is one of its best example. So I will try my best to be considerable whenever there are
situations that needs my wide understanding. Second, I will apply all those learnings when I had my own
family. I will teach my children that no matter what happens they must always be a good person all the
time. I will not tolerate their wrong actions but I will make them learn from their mistakes, talk to them
nicely and explain in a good way on why those things are not right. I will also teach them to have a strong
faith and fear in GOD and put a mark in their heart that GOD is the most important creature in this world.
Third, I will be more careful whenever I need to make decisions. I will consider first the consequences
that it might bring on others life before I decide and act. I will try my best to limit myself and avoid the
things that might ruined my life. And lastly, the final lesson that I can apply to myself now and in the
future is to stop wearing a mask that hides my true identity and always choose to be true to myself and
happiness and success will follow.

“Sprinkle of Joy”
We, human beings, are born with different perspectives in life. We rely on making our decisions
based on how we are raised by our parents and the surrounding where we grew up. During those times,
we cannot deny that what we know is what we consider as the right thing to do regardless of others
opinion. We grew up believing that what we were told when we are little is the right thing to do.
However, upon learning different lessons in ethics, I’ve realized that there is so much more to learn
wherein ones outlook in life doesn’t define the whole. The world doesn’t only revolve on us. Our
perspectives in life are just a part of the countless outlooks of other people. Whenever one decides to do
something, one’s actions affect other people in ways beyond how one thought it would. Since each
individual decides differently from one another they wouldn’t know what consequence that certain
decision may brought. In other words, human beings have different decisions that result in consequences
one may not thought would happen if ever they would be the one to decide on that particular situation.
The greatest lesson that I’ve learned in ethics was Mill’s Greatest Happiness Principle wherein it
states that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong. On
the other hand, for Mill, happiness is something that is pleasure and the absence of pain. Though others
see it as a pleasure-driven activity that reduces the morality of a person it still depends on what kind of
happiness that one’s action may bring into the lives of others. As said by Mill, pleasures have a concrete
distinction between higher and lower form. Moreover, it judges one’s action based on the quality and
quantity of pleasure that they are able to extend to as many people as possible. It is not all about
recklessly abandoning our life as there are pleasures that are more valuable and desirable than others. In
other words, Mill defines happiness as the predominance of pleasure over pain which is the goal of
morality. One deliberates and reflects upon what is the right thing to do before actually doing it because
they take into account the possible effects that it might bring to other people’s happiness. It means that an
individual sees the importance of the community in making moral choices. They don’t just depend on
what they think is happiness for others. Instead they also include the feelings of other people since each
individual has different definition of happiness. Furthermore, not all think that happiness should come
from partying or material things. There are still individuals, who think that happiness is something that
one cannot buy because those are priceless.
At some point in my life, I’ve realized that decisions are bad when it contains selfish feelings and
destructive results. That’s why I’ve learned that we should not overlook the quality of happiness being
acted upon. We cannot sacrifice the quality of happiness just because there is a large quantity. Though it
is hard to decide, it should always be balance, if not at least almost balance. On the other hand, being able
to come up with a decision that benefits not only ourselves but also the people around us makes our
choices all worth it. Thus, I’ve learned that bringing joy to others is much better than claiming all the
happiness just for ourselves. In addition, we must take into account the kind of action we would conduct
in order to acquire happiness. Even though it is nice to spread happiness to a larger quantity we should
never forget the quality of happiness that we should be producing. Aside from focusing on the quantity
and quality I’ve come up with a realization that whenever we make decisions we must consider three
things: the people around us, the action we would be doing and the consequence it would bring. Always
consider others so that the outcome would be satisfying for both sides.
As a student, I always make decisions hastily. I often based it on my emotions disregarding the
feelings of other people. At times like that, instead of making the situation better it often ends up the
worst. I’ve always thought that I’m always on the right side which is a bad habit since we never know
how other people would think or feel if they will be on that situation. Sometimes our emotions are a
traitor which makes our decisions contain selfishness. However, after learning Mill’s Greatest Happiness
Principle, it made me realize that I should always be cautious to avoid hurting the people around me. I’m
not the center of everything so I must take into account what others would feel before I decide to do a
certain action. In order to avoid such situations I decided to apply the lesson as well as practice the
principle in my daily activities so that I can put it into a good use in the future. That is why I always take
a moment to think before I proceed with my decision and consider the feelings of the people surrounding
me. Also, whenever my emotions are hindering me from making just decisions I always stop and take a
breath to refresh my mind. By doing this I can always remind myself that the decisions I should make
should be for the happiness of the greatest number whereas the method used should also be the right thing
to do. Aside from this, I can also come up with other choices wherein I can use the time I take to
deliberate what option should I use. For each situation there are always different ways on how to resolve
it. Although, it still depends on the person which kind of way they would choose since every decision
corresponds to a particular consequence. We can never avoid consequences but we still have a choice to
select what kind of consequence we may face if we pick the ones that would benefit not only ourselves
but also the others. In addition, it helped me to realize that we shouldn’t settle for happiness that is
brought by physical sensations rather we should aim for happiness that is valuable. Upon realizing this, it
can help me to avoid making decisions in the future that may ruin my dreams which may affect the
happiness of the people around me. Instead of getting easily swayed by people offering instant success
and happiness I will strive hard to do my best to reach my goal by going through challenges that will hone
me to be a better individual. Instant happiness doesn’t guarantee how long it will last because it doesn’t
come from hardships and lots of experiences.
Hence, I can use what I’ve learned in the future by making decisions which are not only based on
my happiness but for everyone that may get affected by my choice of action. I will always remember to
take into account the feelings of the people around me to make just decisions so that its result will be the
happiness of everyone. I believe that true happiness is being able to spread the joy to other people. In fact,
I consider myself truly blessed each time I see the smile on the faces of the people around me whenever I
make decisions that would result to the happiness of everyone. So I will gladly hold onto this principle
and apply it in the present as well as in the coming future.

We are no longer a child that naive with the reality of life, our knowledge are beyond at knowing the
right and wrong. But what surprised me the most in this course is that, yes, we are able to recognize the
right things and the wrong things but life is really complicated. Ethics was kind of interesting and
knowledgeable subject, it was applicable in any circumstances in life.

The greatest lesson I have learned in Ethics is the autonomous reason: goodwill and duty. Reason
serve as the foundation, it means that in every action a person will execute there is a particular reason and
goal. This will serve also as the strength in acquiring an action or decision. Goodwill serve as the source
where a person weighs a particular action and distinguishes either it leads to good or bad, and most of the
time it concerned with the benefit of other people. In this part a person's conscience in action are visible.
Duty or motivation is the action itself with responsibility or obligation acknowledge by person to acquire
its reason and goodwill. This lesson becomes very personal to me. It helps me to understand the question
that bothersome my existence. How I will become a person that God's allowed me to be? How I will
become a good person? The moment I realized that with the past actions I've done I become a burden to
some. I have done things without minding its consequences. There are numerous times that we did
reckless things due to different circumstances that lead to unwanted results. Reckless action without
conscience views tendency of neglecting ethical behavior. It highlights the reality that in life we can do
things against our will, but what matters the most is that after those awful times we learned and we
survived. I can be a good person in any ways, as long as my reason in any actions are not going to harm
anyone, otherwise, benefit them the most. I can also respond to the duty and responsibility to take care of
my family, and serve people through my chosen career.

This lesson helps my ability at decision making; it was like a quotation said "a wise man thinks
multiple times". Beneath with those lesson I've been mentioned is a guide and reminder to my actions or
decisions to be made. As we woke up every day, we are facing various situation and be able to make
decisions or actions. Present decisions have a long term effect in our lives, we should be more conscious
with the consequences ahead of us. These consequences are no longer centered in us and it will also affect
the people around us. Being a student, child and a friend we make decisions in our life that would be an
appropriate in our roles in society. In the future, I imagine myself working in a particular workplace; I
knew that I will be able to take action in situations that requires to be minded at possibilities. As long as I
value my reason, goodwill and duty I have no doubt on my future decisions.
Moral over Intellect

The greatest lesson that I have learned in Ethics is that the most important principle is the moral
virtue. Why? It is because one with moral virtue is considered to be a virtuous and ethical person.
Although intellectual and moral virtue are acquired through teaching and experience, moral virtue is more
on practicing your action and doing excellent things. In my opinion, having moral virtue without
intellectual virtue is better than having intellectual virtue without the moral virtue. In our Grade 8 English
class, I remember that we discussed about the characteristics of an educated person. It is said that
educated person undergoes process of learning to achieve intellectual knowledge that they can use in
different situations. But for me, a truly educated person is different. Being considered as an educated
person is not all about having high grades or graduating with honors but having respect, virtue, and
putting into action your moral principles. For example are the politicians. They studied at different
prestigious schools and even manage to study abroad and graduated with high honors. But as far as I can
see they do not live up to their morals. Where is the fund for the poor, the fund for our farmers and the
fund for other government projects? Gone, Why? Because politicians ruthlessly corrupting the people’s
money for their personal agendas. They chose to rob their own country. I can say that having moral virtue
does not depend if you studied or finish with a degree, although it is taught and can be learned, it depends
on the person if he or she will acquire that knowledge and practice it on his/her everyday life. It is very
important that a person has moral virtue and not just smart. Because no matter how high or far you’ve
become without your moral values you cannot be considered as a successful person. Being successful
requires not only intelligence but also how you deal with other people in a virtuous way.

Being an Accountancy student means I will be in the corporate world someday, attending
meetings, dealing with people’s financial problems, and working with my officemates. I know that it will
not be easy because of many circumstances. Entering a job or a profession will not only require
knowledge but also virtue and good moral. Being hired in my dream job is a good opportunity and I will
do my best to serve people and do my job well. When that time comes I will always keep in mind the
ethical lesson that I learn not only in my Ethics subject but also the experiences that I had encountered in
my everyday life. I can imagine sitting on a chair with a computer in my table and assessing what is the
problem with my computed transaction because it does not balance and I will do it over and over again
and patiently wait until I get the right amount. And because I will handle people’s money I promise to be
honest and dignified at all times. I also imagine myself being in a conflict with my co-employees and
even with my manager, but in the end of the day I know that if it is my fault I will apologize and do my
best to make everything okay because that is how I will practice my moral virtue by accepting my
mistake and saying sorry. I will also live up with my morals by simply helping people in many ways.
When I become successful I will help those less fortunate people in my community. I want to share my
blessings by giving them a helping hand and help them financially if possible. Those were my plans on
how I will practice what I have learned in the future.

You dont have to be afraid of changes, you should be afraid of not changing at all

First and foremost, I want to lay down what I thought, learned and believed about what ethics
means. Ethics constitute the sum of moral principles that guide the choices that we people make. It simply
means that when you abide by rules and self-applied limitations, you are expected to lead a more
productive and organized life. This is because instead of living your life “on the loose” or without a
purpose, you’re able to have a checklist of do’s and don’ts that taper whatever wild impulse decision or
action that you’ll take and make in a certain state. In line with this, ethics is not actually the study of what
is socially accepted or tolerated, but instead it is the study of what is good or wrong in the sense of trying
to discover reasonable general principles that will help us decide what we ought to do and not ought to do
in all cases, situations and aspects of our lives. The question is, what is the greatest lesson that I’ve
learned in ethics? We all know that lesson is something that we acquired and cultured that we can take
with us on the long run. Honestly speaking, I’ve learned so much in this course but I believe that the
greatest lesson I’ve learned and I can say is one that leave something within and inside me is all about
The Moral Act especially on making decision, on deciding what actions should be done considering the
effect or impact it may bring to other people around me. It is the topic that brought valuable lessons to me
the most among the rest of the topics, or should I say the topic I’m interested in for it is somehow in line
with what I believed I am not good at before. To start, it is stated that human beings are complex beings.
Unlike other organisms that are simply driven by the survival instinct, human beings experience the world
in a variety of ways through a variety of perceptive capacities. Meaning to say, we human beings as a
rational being have the capacity to think, to take such actions that we believe is the best and right thing to
do—that could help us determine the best ways to navigate through various situations that we are in. We
are very blessed to have the capacity to use our senses, to think and perform the most moral things that we

In this course, I come to realize that moral situations often involve not just one but others as well.
Our decisions have consequences, always. Making decisions was never easy it will take a lot of time
actually. Decision making for me is the most difficult phase in our daily lives. Even in our ordinary life,
‘to do or not to do’ is one of the most important riddles that an individual face before leaping to action.
Whenever we do something, there is an equal consequence that have an effect to the people surrounding
us may it be good or bad. It is crucial to think that what is good for one may not be good to others. No
matter what the decision maybe, one has to make choices every day. Say for example, in a group work in
school, you were assigned to create the conclusion part of the position paper that will be submitted after a
day and then because you have this thinking that yours is the last part, you’ll first take rest and set the task
aside. In that way, you satisfied yourself by giving yourself a break, by getting enough sleep which you
think is the best that you need at that time, but you didn’t know that some of your groupmates were
having a rough time to reach for you to talk with stuffs in line with your project because your sleeping;
meaning you’re unreachable on the time when they need you the most. In that situation, your reasoning
may be construed as narrow and selfish. The inconvenience and stress that you’ve brought to others
actually made them problematic. Alright, in other words, if one’s reasoning does not consider the interest
of people that are affected by his/her actions, then he/she is actually being prejudicial about his/her own
With that, comes the way of ensuring the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions which is
the seven-step moral reasoning model which I can say what I loved the most about this topic that I’ve
chosen. It is something that we can really follow or should I say we must follow for us to have a hold on
the actions that were going to make and decisions that we will take to avoid making decisions impulsively
and later on regret what you have done when everything happened already, when you cannot bring back
the past to fixed the damage your decision has done. Okay so the first one is stop and think. This, I
believe is very familiar to each and all of us because it is actually common like we often heard this, to go
stop and think. This wants to remind us that before anything else, you have to stop and think. Give
yourself time to reflect, to ponder. We have to step back a little and think of the possible consequences
that a decision might bring to us. The next one is to clarify goals. This is necessary to determine what
your aim is, what you really want to achieve; if you’re aiming for long-term or short-term goals. The third
one is to determine facts for hearsay is inadmissible. You have to make sure that you gather, you acquire
enough and exact information before making any choice. A person needs to be intelligent for him to get
the best choice which can only be at its best if supported by verified facts. With that, you might not regret
the decision or choice that you’ll make in your life. This is followed by developing options. This just
means that once you’re done with determining what your goal is, and you have in your hand the facts that
will support it, then what you have to do is to come up with alternative options. It is very important to
have this so called plan a-z, to have fall backs. It is the time wherein you have to lay down several
options, to be smart in choosing what options you have to take or make. The fifth one is to consider
consequences. This is what I am always pointing on, to consider consequences before anything else. We
have to filter our choices separate from ethical and unethical choice and motives in our minds. We have
to think ahead, always. What we are avoiding in here is to make certain decisions and then create
consequences that we’ll be regretting soon. Next to this is to choose. It is now the time for you to make
the decision. And when you feel like after all that you’ve done still you’re having a difficulty to decide, it
is better for you to consult to others, to those who have knowledge or experience of your situation. After
that, even if it is hard, you have to make up your mind and decide already. The last one that would make
up our seven-step is to monitor and modify. Monitor what happens after your decision and have enough
humility to modify your action/behavior as necessary. Keep in mind that it is okay to revise your
decisions in light of new developments in the situation. These seven steps will really ensure that you do
not take moral decisions lightly, that you did this to lessen the chance of failing as a decision maker who
only wants to be moral in a way. It was written in our handout that “it is not enough to want to do the
good; you must actually do it not only for your sake but for the benefit of those that may bear the
consequences of your decision. This for me is the greatest lesson that I’ve learned in ethics which I will
be bringing with me for the rest of my life.

As what I’ve said in the previous question, the greatest lesson that I’ve learned in ethics is all
about the moral act most especially the seven-step guide in making decisions. Looking back, I’m always
this girl who is afraid to make decisions on my own, this girl who always rely to someone whom I think I
can lean on in times of need and this girl who don’t want to always blame myself if something didn’t
happen according to what I planned. I personally was afraid to depend only to myself in terms of decision
making. In addition with these, before I often make choices without thinking well, when in fact I really
ought to think. I always end up asking myself if that’s the best choice that I could make because
unfortunately, most of the outcome didn’t happen according to what I’ve planned. I somehow forget that
in making decisions, there are lots of people whom I should consider. I am coward for I fear the
consequences of my choices because I am afraid of making mistakes. As I grew up, I became this type of
person who always wants to make the accurate decision that I could ever make in a certain situation in my
life. Who wouldn’t love to right? I am taking everything slowly but surely. As time passes by, I became
this person who has compassion and empathy for others all because I care for them wholeheartedly. I
started to become mindful with everything, to those people surrounding me. Like any simple human in
earth, I just want to make the choice which would be the best for everyone, and to always think smart. I
strongly believe that by living my life thru these seven-step guides, I can always decide on choosing the
best thing to do in the best possible way that I can. I can absolutely apply it in a way that I will always
bear it in my mind, for me to be able to keep track on what I am doing, or what I am trying to do. For me,
to be able to review and reflect on the consequences of my decisions may bring, not only to me, but to
others also. That is because as a human being, I know that decision making is something that is very
important in our daily lives, that is hard to make, and that need time to be made appropriately. As what
I’ve said earlier, before, I impulsively make decisions on my own. Like for example, if I feel like it’s
what I’ve supposed to do, then I’ll do it, without thinking deep, easy as that, not thinking of the
consequences. But then, even though I can easily decide, still I end up thinking of doing something better
than what I did; end up regretting after knowing the result of my decision. Going back, I admit that I lack
in decision making, because that’s where I’m not good at, sadly. I am sometimes depending on my
family, most especially when it comes to serious matters, maybe because I don’t always want to blame
myself for not thinking right or whatever. But, upon having the knowledge about this seven-step guide, I
came to realize that living with this guide will really be beneficial for me.

From now on, I promise to always stop and think before deciding or doing anything in my life. I want to
take everything slowly but surely. I agree that as person, we have to stop and think when deciding for
something, breathe, take a step back and think logically and emotionally feel through your options from
several different angles before actually deciding. After that I can now clarify my goals, what should be
prioritized so that I can accomplish it. Then, I must determine facts that will support my choice, because
for me to have an intelligent choice I have to think smart, gather, and verified facts. I’ve learned to not
easily agree on whatever someone says, or to any hearsay because hearsay is inadmissible. It’s always
important to keep in mind that I have to make my sources credible. The next one, after acquiring facts,
then I can now develop my options. I will plan splendidly from A to Z, so that I have many choices and
fallbacks if one doesn’t work effectively. Alright next, I will now consider the consequences. This is very
important; to always think of those people surrounding which may be affected, and to not be selfish.
There are some who needs to be consider, after all I am doing this guide all for the good of everyone, with
the aim of having ethical and good choice and impact to us. After thinking of the consequences I now
have to choose the best decision for me, the decision that is the right thing to do. Lastly, I will now
monitor and modify its result and impact and then if I have noticed something wrong I may revise it

For me, these are what I can do to apply the seven-step guide not only on my future but also throughout
my life. Every time that I’ll make decision I will ensure to practice this so that I can come up with the
result that is acceptable, that is moral, that’s what good for the sake of everyone. With that, I can now
always decide on myself, allot time for it and not depend on anyone else in making choices. I can now say
at least, there’s a progress and there would be a change of strategy of making decision soon. In addition,
thru this lesson, I can help other and share to them what I know about this especially to those people who
are likely to be me in decision making before. I can do something to spread this good news, good guide to
somehow eradicate or if not lessen their difficulties in making decisions in life. With these, I hope to help
anyone that is in front of big decisions, and somehow help them to jump on that huge opportunity in front
of them, because sometimes it’s scary to make big changes or taking big decisions, no joke-- but you have
to realize that you don’t have to be afraid of changes, you should be afraid of no changes.
Las Félicité

Ethics may be etymologically defined as the study of morals. Wherein, it can help people understand
the difference between what is right and wrong. However, it has several and broader scopes.

I consider that the greatest lesson I've learned in Ethics is that a person’s definition of happiness varies.
The late greatest philosophers of all time- Aristotle, Plato and Socrates have their definitions unique from
one another which shows that my definition of what happiness is may be completely different from
anyone else's.

Personally, as years pass and as I grow older, happiness seems to be easily attainable. I start to realize
with the help of Ethics, that happiness is a state of mind. At any point in time, in any given situation, and
under any circumstance, a person can choose to be happy. Even someone who suffers from the most
painful experience can choose to stay happy. And that someone who sees the ugliness and feels the
negativities can still choose to be happy. In short, everyone has the unlimited chances to choose

Someone out there may not agree about my definition of happiness maybe because happiness for him is
something much deeper. Or maybe, happiness is not just a mindset. However, I still believe that whatever
that definition is, we all want to feel happy in this life. And for me, happiness is always there, always
around the corner. You only have to choose it, over and over.

The future seems to be nearer and nearer when I start to think about it. However, I am not feeling
anxious and scared of how the future may look like. In fact, I always wander of myself being somewhere

I am confident with that since I always bring with me my life's most important lessons. I learned and
realized through Ethics that one of every human's goals in life is to be happy and that people's definition
of happiness differs.

In my own, I see happiness as something that is always present around us and within us. And that
everyone can choose to stay happy all the time.

Today, and until the future, I will still have this same belief. This will surely help me get through life
with fewer worries and less regrets. I might be aiming to achieve the grandest dreams, but still, I can see
myself feeling complete and satisfied when happiness lives in my heart.

Ethics is a wide topic. While discussing i realize something what the society wants, and how you
should act for the means of not "you" but "them". My greatest lesson is no matter how big or small our
action is we must comprehend every situation we are in. We cannot guarantee the effect of our decision,
or how it will affect the persons involved. The end never justifies the means. What matters is the impact
of your decision to the people around you, and that justifies whether your action is good or bad. We
should not be selfish because it does not make us ethical person. Being ethical works through the use of
our reasons and that is very important foundation of a person to know what should be done. If our reason
or what we think is right, it can produce a good will. And also, through our thinking of what is morally
right, we can carry out our action well. Our will to do what is right is the source of becoming ethical after
all it leads to something good, for not just for us but for the others.

As we grow up we learn something that can help us to stand on what we believe. They said that
"Experience is the Best Teacher" so it is. Through that lesson we can know what is best for us and for
others as well. We should take into consideration every person that surrounds us, whether we like it or not
their presence is important in our decision. We live not for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of
others. It is our action that truly counts, we must oblige to the moral act to do something that benefit
others that is done from committing good action that extract from our own good reason to justify our
good will. As a person who will perform the duty of becoming ethical person, before we commit to
something it is very important to know the possible consequences of our action. At the end of the day,
what matters the most, is the time that we did the good things that resulted to the happiness of the greatest

TITLE: Your Choice, Your Consequence

Ethics are moral principles or values that govern the conduct of an individual or a group. These
principles may influence on how individuals make decisions. These decisions have an effect on how we
live every day. According to the Greeks, ethics means "character", so the field of ethics covers various
concepts of both right and wrong behavior of individuals. When we think of how we should act, we ask
ethical questions that define us as human beings. We act based on our decisions. These ethical questions
help us on how to live correctly.
On our discussion about ethics, I learned a lot of lessons wherein it help me on how I will act on
certain life situations. The greatest lesson that I've learned in ethics is the seven-step moral reasoning
model. These steps are ways of ensuring the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions. These serve
as my guide in making choices of moral import. The first step is to stop and think. Making decisions is
not really that easy. It requires the consideration of many different factors. I learned that we should not be
the type of person that is "padalos-dalos". We have different perceptions so before we decide; we should
consider its effects on other people specially those who are involved. Sometimes there will be a situation
wherein other people will disagree with you but I think that you should choose on what is the best for you
and for the others. The second step is to clarify goals. In clarifying our goals, we need to understand
exactly what we want to achieve. If we won't clarify our goals, we can end up being confused about what
we want to achieve at the same time it will just disappoint us in the end. If you do not know where you
are going, you will not be able to figure out a route on how to get there. We need to make sure that our
goal is realistic to avoid stressing ourselves while trying to accomplish something that is totally out of our
reach. The third step is to determine facts. It is not easy to make decisions if you don't have verified facts.
You may regret the decision you made in the future if you will not gather facts. The fourth step is to
develop options. It is important to have alternative options. In every decision making, there will always be
a positive and negative outcome. If the first plan has a bad outcome, you can always use the alternative
option. It helps us to try and try until we achieve our goals. The fifth step is to consider consequences.
Just like what I said, we need to make sure that we did the right decision because we might regret it if it
didn’t go the way we planned it. The sixth step is to choose. Choosing is never easy. We must consider
many aspects. If you are struggling to choose, you are free to consult others who have experienced the
same situation that you are going through. That way it will help you to choose. The last step is to monitor
and modify. It is the step where you will know if the result of your decision is good or bad. If it has a bad
outcome, it is a lesson for us to take our decisions seriously. During our discussion, I realized that
decision making is a process. It is guided by our beliefs, values and attitudes. It is very important to have
decisions in life. It is for us to achieve our goals and have a better future.
Making a decision is very important. Our actions are based on what decision we choose to take. If
our decision is good, it can have a good outcome but if it is not, it will result in a negative consequence
although we can never avoid these consequences. As a person, I don't know what will happen to me in the
future. I only know that whatever decision I make, my future depends on it. My actions or how I handle
different situations can affect my future. In life, we want to make good choices. But just like what others
said, nobody is perfect. There are instances that we do things we assume that is right but it is not. These
things are the things that we regret and cannot erase from our past. We really can't avoid making a bad
choice just like what happened to me from the past. I really regret it and it still hunts me every day. I felt
embarrassed of my actions but there's nothing I can do to erase it. But I realized that it was already from
the past so I need to move forward. The only thing I can do is to use it as a learning experience and make
better choices the next time around. The seven-step moral reasoning model can help me in the future.
After understanding these steps, I’m now able to make right decisions and apply it in the future. I’m now
aware on what will I do to have a good outcome. I will follow the seven-step correctly for me to achieve
my goals in life. Knowing exactly what I want is very powerful so before making any choice, I need to
think about its effects in the long-term and short-term. Also, I will consider the feelings of the people
around me. We are all familiar with the golden rule: do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
I should keep it in my mind before making decisions. Making our own decision is one of the main
processes that we must experience in our personal journey. It helps us to grow mentally. We are the one
who is responsible for the decision we made. No one can change the result of a certain decision or blame
others if something goes wrong. Therefore, we must have a clear mind and think thoroughly before
making any decisions. Life is made up of choices. It is ourselves who knows on what choice we will
choose. The choice you make today could make not only your life happier, but make a better world in
which we live.

World’s Greatest Pill

The discussions that we had in ethics has given me a lot of realization but I want to give
emphasize to the principle of utility which really touched my heart and soul. It taught me that
maximizing other people’s happiness or minimizing their pain is more important than our own. I believe
that our purpose in life is not to become so rich that we don’t have to do anything or to get that high
paying, prestigious job and to have everyone jealous of you. But instead, our purpose in life is to aim for
the highest possible good in our life, to look within and find the things we can change and improve to
pursue not just for the betterment of ourselves but as well as the people around us and the world that
we’re living in.
It’s hard to be a human being especially when we are living in this chaotic world. We can’t easily
find the right direction or can’t find a life that aligns with our inner purpose. There are times that we feel
inauthentic and unfulfilled like an actor who hates the role she plays. Maybe one of the most important
fights that we must deal in our life is within ourselves. We must win first the inner battle, defeat the
dragon within you, integrate shadow into your being, eradicate the self, the ego, the persona you have
created for yourself and live authentically with courage and compassion. And after you’ve defeated that
battle, it will be easier for you to connect to the world. We are living not just for ourselves; our life is a
continuum where all of our acts are intertwined. Our decisions and actions always have consequences and
it can affect other people and even the society. It is important to remember that in every battle that we
face; we must always act on the notion of kindness and consider the people around us. We need to be
kind. Not only because of a certain motive, but because we want to be kind. Things will pass, but don’t
miss the opportunity to be kind. We might not notice it but that kindness is returned. However, it may be
either quick or slow. I know that this world is also full of givers and takers. Some people like to
contribute, and others just look out for themselves. Maybe the side we choose shapes our Karma. It is
important to see that we make a living by what we get yet we make a life by what we give. So we must
find purpose in being helpful and enjoy giving, be a blessing to other people. Giving brings meaning to
our life by developing stronger relationships. We can create win-win situations and help others succeed. It
brings purpose to life because we rise by lifting others. Sometimes we overlook how our behaviors impact
others. We forget that our words and mindset are a powerful influence that can bring meaning to our
relationship with others. Even our simple acts and words can be used to light a lamp for somebody. And
somehow it will also brighten your path. We must always practice giving and inspire others to be helpful
too. Or if we cannot do that, at least we must not harm them.
In regards with the objection that happiness is unattainable; the problem why most people like me
can’t find happiness is maybe because we think happiness as a thing rather than an experience. All of us
want to enjoy being here in this big, crazy, confusing world. But we struggle on how we will be truly
happy. I think that how we create or strive for it really depends on us. It is a decision in one’s mind, the
decision to be happy. We must have a conviction to be happy no matter what circumstances life throws
us. The ill-constructed idea of happiness distracts us from more meaningful aspects of life. It is because
the bigger the obsession with being happy, the less we appreciate what we already have. We must be
careful to the idealized version of happiness that you and the society define. When we try to make
impermanent things permanent, we suffer when they eventually change. The things that are supposed to
make us happy become our trap. We cling to things. Nothing feels good enough. We are not satisfied. We
want to make permanent what is continually changing. And usually think that our life is short. But I think
it is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a
sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well
invested. But when it is wasted in heedless luxury and spent on no good activity, we are forced at last by
death’s final constraint to realize that it has passed away before we knew it was passing. We should
always feel grateful about life, others, and ourselves. We must stop looking for the meaning of our life in
other things and practice finishing our day by celebrating good stuff instead of complaining about what
went wrong. It is also important to know that in our life, it is impossible to be happy every day. Pain and
joy are two sides of the same coin since the moment we were born. We believe that things should be easy;
we are not supposed to suffer. However, suffering is intrinsically part of being human and those
sufferings are the reason why we appreciate more the good things that happen in our life. Happiness
therefore is really attainable if we will just understand it realistically and lives one life in solidarity with
others and cultivate deeper capacity to enjoy.
I remember my past self; I used to be a brat since I was a kid. I always get what I wanted. I don’t
care about other people because as long as I get what I want, I am happy. I was so self-centered. But now
I am somehow proud on the person that I’ve become. I’ve realized that this world doesn’t revolve around
me and on my happiness. I have to be considerate on other people’s happiness too. And my definition of
happiness has also evolved. What can make me truly happy is when I make other people happy. It is
achieving the greatest happiness. Whenever I am about to make a decision, I think about it many times. I
ensure that my decision will benefit more people in the long run and in more fulfilling ways.
It is important that we always try to apply what we have learned because knowledge without
application is worthless. Those lessons and realization can be a guide on how I’ll live my life not just in
the future but even now especially that our world is facing a lot of problems. I think that the greatest
medicine on this world that we can have now isn’t a pill but rather it is the people with kind hearts, those
who are living ethically and with compassion. Just like what I have observed now as we are in amidst of
the crisis due to Covid 19. Despite of lockdowns and quarantines, kindness is something that cuts through
our feeling of fear and isolation. I saw on news, social media and even witnessed on my naked eye
different stories of courage and kindness. There are a lot of human beings that is trying to help each other
and that compassion is what will keep us humane. We might not still find cure against Covid but this kind
of compassion have already cured our greatest enemy, greed. As human beings, we have the capacity to
use our minds to conquer anger, panic and greed. But it also reminds us that a compassionate or
constructive act—whether working in hospitals or just observing social distancing—has the potential to
help many. This evokes a sentiment of kindness and giving that manifests in charity and philanthropy to
those in despair. We must also remember that nobody is free of suffering, and extend our hands to others
who lack homes, resources or family to protect them. This crisis shows us that we are not separate from
one another—even when we are living apart. The truth is and always has been that we are all dependent
on each other. We, humans are destined to live together. How we choose to live together, is up to us.
Also as a BSA student and an aspiring accountant, it is important to memorize the entire concept
or theories from the book that will help us achieve our dreams yet we must still give importance to what
we have learned in ethics. It is important that we are educated but being well mannered must also be our
goal. Now that I am closer to my dreams it is still important that even we have chase our dreams, we are
still reminded by these lessons. No matter how far we achieved or how wealthy we are, being ethical and
humane is still the greatest achievement. Our world not just only need intelligent people but rather our
world needs people who can stand on the good no matter what circumstances we are facing. Let us
continue giving, continue loving, and continue in believing that people have the ability to be better than
what they were yesterday, and never be tired on being open-handed for others to gather strength from
your presence. In order to make this world a better place to live in we must play a huge part. Let’s do
each day a kindly deed and stretch our hand to those in need. We must live our life to the fullest but be
sure that it is according to what is right and just. I will always try to offer the world an open arms, grace,
love and kindness, and you should too.


Maybe an innocent glare had underwent the test of time and a battle of who comes close as being
the most twisted yet worthy path to take. Maybe a little boy is just running in a maze full of doubts and
surprises as he seek for the way that will lead to his absolute name. Just maybe, at that moment, he might
have a clue about what pushes him to keep running.
You have notice the light that directly hit the window of your room 6:00 in the morning. The
reflection seems clear as it signals that an unpredictable day is yet to come. As usual, you keep living
your life the way you wanted it to spend. Nothing new but nothing seems pulling you to stop from
making every chances you have to embark even seconds of your life to the things you want to try, you
want to win, to get lost, to get along with, to even get hurt, to capture summer paradise, sing Christmas
song, exchange peace be with you, make a proposal, make your parents proud, have a partner and many
cute kids. You have words in your closet but you choose to shut it out and just be remembered by few
people as being a kind and good old man. Somebody wishes to be like that. Little did we know,
something deeper inside of the closet is an old man who just wanted to walk on a street at night and get
reckless on drinking alcohol. It’s just that we keep on chasing the good things as we also wanted to do
something bad but it’s not wrong somehow. Deep down the river you stood by and smile watching how
the water flows because finally you understand how you got there. You finally understand the happiness
that you have been searching for. You now realize the happiness of dark lime light on night, the
contentment of being alone, the empty bench at 12 AM, the long ride until sunset, the pain of being hurt
and the acceptance of love.
This is not the story of a human being who knows everything about life. It takes a little boy to
realize why he keep running in the maze full of surprises and doubts until he finally went out and in
somewhere, someone ask "Are you really happy?".
The night looks young as we connect stars from brightest one to small farthest star grasp by our
sight. Thus, you appreciate the moon which sparkles the most at that moment.
Can we talk about how the moon looks captivating at dusk? How it looks sad and happy as you
make a second glance? It’s not just about how it shows brightly at night but more importantly it never
fades. It is 24/7 displayed in the sky but hard to notice because of the light of the sun. More importantly,
it shines at night which gives delight in a gloomy sky. The lesson is that there’s always a room for
happiness- though the original quote is happiness should be improvement, but the point is how you will
turn sad things into a more powerful manner. Somehow, the answer is appreciation. Maybe you don't
need to apply a lesson in the near future but somewhat realize on this day. Happiness is a choice. You just
need to know that pain is inevitable and to understand that happiness is nothing without pain. If you are
going to appreciate moon in the future, why not make it every day? What am I trying to say is learning
do not always wait for us. It could have been more meaningful if we try to figure out something hand by
hand. If the so-called happiness will make your life remarkable, then choose it anytime along with pain. It
is how we control things. It is how we define things by our own satisfaction. At the end of the day, you
will realize that it is worth to risk. Moreover, it seems fair if you give chance to smile again. Not because
someone has told you, but because you really mean it.
Maybe some little time is vulnerable to embrace how the moon could be appreciated when it is
covered by the clouds. And someone has to answer that appreciation is not always seen but rather believe
that it also never fades.

Democracy in the Eyes of a Citizen

Encountering different topics and chapters in Ethics, I think the greatest lesson that caught my
attention is that a particular decision will hence have particular consequences that correspond to how
one's motives translated into action through a decision. In connection with this, decisions are judged as
good if they are brought about by good and just motives and result in good consequences that will lead
into the enhanced “Greatest Happiness Principle” by Mill where actions are right when they promote the
happiness of the greatest number but also takes into account the kind or quality of happiness an action is
likely to produce. It likely caught my attention as in my opinion, it’s one of the greatest lessons because it
covers a major scope that points out that whatever I do good, goodness will come back at me and maybe
even more. If I am a person of my word, my moral shows a lot about my personality and I will be able to
contribute good acts towards other and I will help them to lessen the measure of pain that agonize them.
Being a moral person builds confidence at the same time a role model that teaches other people important
things in life.
Aside from that, many say that a happy wife is a happy life therefore it’s also applicable that a
happy country means a happy citizen. By that statement, making a choice in everyday life is a power
within that I consider myself. Having the idea that in every actions and decisions that I do will always
have consequences and as a person I will always consider and be careful into what I do as it will lead me
to become a better person not only to myself but also to our society. In connection to this, my example is
that I will use all the proper learning’s for future in terms of voting wisely. I will make sure that I vote the
right people because in every election, there can be implicative aftermath. As a student and as a citizen in
my country it is my duty to vote who are rightful, punctual and puts his efforts and devotion to our
country. With regards to that, I shall have certain standards to define who those rightful political icons to
vote for as all vote counts. Voting for someone who is just as famous, rich and powerful can condemn our
motherland into an immoral and destructive state. Going back to those standards, I will vote for the right
people who are a visionary that will help accomplish good and progressive things that I want for my
country. An example of this is our situation due to the Novel Coronavirus 2019 that has caused an
epidemic and has affected thousands of Filipinos within a month all around the globe. At this time of
epidemic, we have likely saw people who really cares for our country and not just those who are greedy
and shady people who only want political power to control. Philippines is already a third world country
and what is much more depressing is that Filipinos got only few to turn to during this time as our own
government is not much reliable most especially majority of political senate in the Congress. Many would
hope that the next election would come by faster to regain hope and peace within our country because as a
law abiding citizen, I have learned that fame is not everything when it comes to the legislation of the
Philippines. Voting is a crucial matter that can lead into any future that may produce a good outcome and
majority of people will be able to enjoy this. Elections offer us a relatively easy way to improve society if
we vote and end up choosing decent governments.

When we are in the point of our lives where we think we have everything figured out, we have
things under control, we start to believe we are invincible until life slaps us with the fact that at some
point, we are not and will never be good enough. In every slap, even though how subtle or hard it may be,
we tend to figure out areas where we are lacking and in see aspects that are in need to be filled upon.
There is this saying that "No man is an island" and all of us can testify to its accuracy. We are
living in a world wherein the consequences of our actions are not exclusively directed towards us. Some
of these consequences play a vital role in the lives of other people. With this, how can we assess our
actions based on consequences if these consequences may affect other people's lives? Given the fact that
whatever we do, there is always something lacking and the result of our actions might not be something
we've expected. This is where the concept of Greatest Happiness principles barges in.
Greatest Happiness principle or Utilitarianism is developed by John Stuart Mill and is the
clarification of the philosophy of Jeremy Bentham. Instead of focusing on our intentions of doing an
action, why don't we pay more attention on its consequences. Our actions are labeled good if it does
produce good consequences and promotes pleasure and happiness of the greatest number. After all, it is
happiness that serves as our final goal, the roots of why we do all things for. If you would ask, why do I
study hard? Why do I stress myself with all these studying stuffs when I can ignore my readings and just
hang out with my friends? Why am I depriving myself from sleep when I can skip reviewing and just
enjoy my bed? Why do I skip family gatherings just to meet the deadline of my requirements? All those
questions boils down with me trying to please my family, me trying to fulfill the expectations of those
people within my community, me trying to meet the standards of this cunning society, me seeking for
acceptance, and me aiming for happiness. Happiness that is not just for myself but also for those
associated to me.
Considering the welfare of other people in my actions somehow makes me feel like I am seeking
their approval. That in every action I make, I have this fear of dissatisfying them to the point wherein
their affirmation became the basis of my life. It is their approval that gives me a sense of belongingness.
All of us want to be accepted in one way or another and we need acceptance but the interesting question
is how far will you go to get accepted and if there are ways to get accepted without compromising who
you truly are.
Regarding the Greatest Happiness principle, in every actions I'll do from this point forward, I'll
make sure that I'll achieve optimum happiness so that I'll have no regrets or what if's ahead. I'll make sure
that my actions' consequences would benefit others regardless of the number while doing things that are
befitting for human, thus, fulfilling intellectual pleasures. I believe that doing such, I'll be able to embrace
who I am completely, all the scars, flaws, and lacking. I want to feel the comfort that whatever happened,
at least at some point, I became happy as well as those who supported me throughout my journey. Learn
how to accept yourself for acceptance from within is the key to all those chains binding you and your
thoughts of being not enough. With this, I wouldn't have to seek approval from others nor their
acceptance for I know that I am good enough, at least for Him.

The Verse to My Last Breath

What does it mean to be human? This question always pops into my mind regardless of
what I’m doing. It’s like something that reminds me of my duties in this life. Just because I am
breathing and I can talk like this, does it mean that I am human? Does being human just equate to
things like these? Ethics has shown me that being human isn’t just about living or trying to
survive; it’s more about being able to live our lives well. I think among all the lessons in Ethics,
the greatest lesson I’ve learned is the Thomistic Natural Law wherein it states that natural law is
man’s participation in the execution of the good and avoidance of evil through the use of his/her
reason and will. That even if we are a believer of God or not, there is this natural law that
commands us to do good and avoid evil. About this lesson are the three contemporary questions
that highlighted the relevance of Thomistic Natural Law. The contemporary questions include
the following: Who am I? Who do I want to be? And how can I get there? By the question ‘Who
am I?’, we get to dig deeper into one’s strengths and weaknesses because knowing such things is
a way of identifying our human identity and it is through our actions that we get to define what
kind of person we are. The second question ‘Who do I want to be?’ means that as one has
learned his identity, one would be welcomed to discover what goals he truly aspires to attain.
After realizing what we people can do and what we want to do with our lives, naturally, we
would ask ourselves ‘How can I get there?’ This is the part wherein we think to ourselves the
tasks that we need to accomplish, the effective ways that we can use to succeed, and even the
easiest route that we can take to immediately achieve what we want. Why? Because we people
are gifted enough to have the knowledge and the will to command ourselves to do those things to
succeed regardless of the hindrances.
This is what the Thomistic Natural Law made me realize, that regardless of what we
believe in, people are born with reason, conscience, and its own will to do good and avoid evil.
For me, this was the greatest lesson because, to do things and understand things in the right way,
we must first realize ourselves and see to it that we understood what it’s like to be human. We
may not know what exactly being human means and people will surely have different takes on
what it means to be human but I know one thing’s for sure; that being human with free will
doesn’t necessarily mean that we are totally free from everything because, without this
understanding, people tend to forget that we are bound to do good and must avoid evil. People
think that since we have our free will we can just sometimes do good or be good for a moment
then just ignore the fact that just because you were able to do one good deed doesn’t mean that
you are allowed to do a thousand evil things. This lesson was stuck to my mind because it was
like an eye-opener for me. That everything is really my choice; all those good things and evil
things are my doing. What excuse can I give when in the first place I have the free will to do
good instead of evil? It’s like saying that whether God is real or not, I’ve chosen to do evil things
and I don’t like that, my conscience can’t and won’t take that.
The future isn’t something that we can be sure of. With that, I’ll take this lesson with me
to ensure that I’ll be able to have my ‘future’. And if ever I get to be in that future, I’ll apply this
lesson in my everyday life just like how I’ve been applying it since the day I’ve learned of it. As
I’ve said, this lesson is an eye-opener for me. I’d like to apply it in the future as a reminder for
me to keep myself grounded. The three contemporary questions will surely be a good companion
to always remind me of who I really am, who I want to be, and the right processes that as much
as possible I want to follow. I know for sure how messy this world can get and I’ve seen how
people I know changed to people I barely even knew. I’m not a saint or even the best person in
the world but I want to keep my good heart as it is right now. I’ve long stopped dreaming of
becoming a doctor or a lawyer because instead, I dream of being able to become someone that I
still know. Part of our free will is our capability to choose whether we want to be a good person
or an evil person and I’d like to become someone who can keep choosing to do good above all. I
want to be someone with a good heart and with the capability of helping other people. I think
that I’ll be able to be someone that I can be proud of and worthy of being called ‘human’ by
reminding myself of the Thomistic Natural Law and the three contemporary questions. Just like
now, I’ll always take time to pause and analyze myself and my life decisions. I’ll see to it that I
get the time to ask myself again the three contemporary questions. With regards to the natural
law, I think that it’ll always pop into my mind whether I’m about to do something. As a writer
who lives with her poems inside her, I think that life is a poem and my favorite verse out of it is
the Thomistic Natural Law. With that being said, I’ll apply it in my life as a verse that would
govern my actions and choices that’d contribute to leading a future where everyone can continue
to smile. It is a verse that I’d like to take until my very last breath in order to have a well-lived
life and with no regrets. I think that these lessons will be best manifested in the future by being
able to do good and not just acting good for the sake of going to heaven but by choosing to do
good deeds for others. I want to die as someone who was able to do something for the people, the
animals and the world as a whole. Sure these things are easier said than done but in the end; I
think that this lesson would always be a part of me to keep me sane in this crazy world.

P.S No Title Yet

The lesson that I have found and adore was the religion or way of life built by Siddhartha
Gautama Buddha known as "Buddhism" this way of life shows how we are suffering and
desiring for more things without thinking, it can lead to endless suffering according to Buddha,
isolated as a child he wonders out of curiosity at the age of twenty-nine, he saw an old man, sick
man, and even a corpse and since he had been protected from the miseries of aging, sickness, and
death, he wonders again to look for answers, finally, Siddhartha saw a monk, impressed with the
man's demeanor he decided to learn more about how serene was the man amid all the suffering
in the world, in Bodh Gaya under the Bodhi Tree, he meditated for about forty-nine days and
then reached enlightenment at the age of thirty-five where he then learn the nature of suffering,
he thought the 4 noble Truths to his followers, he thought them that life has inevitable
suffering(dukkha) and that there is a cause to our suffering(samudaya)and there is also an end to
our suffering (nirodha)he also thought them that the end to our suffering is contained in the noble
eightfold path ,Buddha thought them how to attain Nirvana through rightness of belief, resolve,
speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought, and meditation. And by this Buddha live enough to
gain millions of followers, after arriving in Kushinagar he was offered a meal by Cunda (a smith)
shortly after the meal Siddhartha suffered from fatal dysentery( intestinal inflammation) before
he died he encouraged his disciples one last time to continue their activity before he finally
passed away at the age of Eighty-years old.

I would like to start a new life as soon as possible, I will make a great effort meditating
about the four noble truth as well as the eightfold path that Siddhartha Gautama thought to his
disciples, I will live and apply the 4 noble truth so that I too may live a happy and peaceful life.

Co-DEED 19

In every action we make, our ethics and outlook in life are influencing it. How we think
and react in a certain situation reflects on what kind of person we are. Basically, people's actions
and decisions say it all. Throughout the days of studying this course, one thing's for sure that I've
learned and realized about it. People may have different definitions and opinions about ethics,
but I still end up in one abstraction. Thus, ethics is something that contributes to and affects
people's behavior according to their current situation. I cannot grasp at once all the teachings of
these different philosophers about ethics, but I can conceive that it plays an important role that
guides the human in his pathway of achieving a moral life.

In this time of crisis or what they call the Pandemic age, we can observe the people's
actions and behavior based on their moral perspective to overcome this situation we are
experiencing not only in the Philippines but also the other countries around the world. Even the
smallest activity of a person in a community has various consequences that can result in either a
good change or a bigger catastrophe. The government, country, and the world need the help of
everyone to stop this pandemic. We are all aware of what is happening during this COVID-19
outbreak - downturn of the global economy, an increase in mortality rate, and even the sacrifices
of our frontliners. This virus affects not only our physical body, as well as mental health, and the
financial aspect. Hence, during this period that social distancing is strictly observed, our moral
ethics have an impact on our actions inside our house, in a grocery or supermarket, or even
inside the hospital. Our reasoning in this situation makes sense if we act according to what is
right, and what is good, and what can be beneficial to all of us.

Knowing what is good and right these days are highly needed from the leaders up to their
followers need to be aware of what is the best course of action to stop this pandemic. As
governments, international health agencies, and local officials fight this unprecedented crisis that
brings a lot of challenges, we, the citizens need to take action also to help and support each other.
Everyone has their own precautionary measures in this battle like how the World Health
Organization takes actions and undertakings in this war against the virus. President Duterte
implemented the enhanced community quarantine, our frontliners such as doctors, nurses, police
and military peace officers, sanitation workers, and researchers who are struggling with fatigue
and fear but standing strong, and work for us despite the risk to their own health, those who work
in groceries and supermarkets that allow us to have secure and accessible stores, even our
delivery riders that bring our foods in our home, the individuals who share what they have by
giving donations and relief goods; and those ordinary citizens that do not spread any false
information that can cause anxiety to people. All of these are some of the perfect examples in
this quarantine period that shows how our beliefs, virtue, and moral ethics influence our actions
and touch everyone's heart to do good things because that is the true essence of humanity.
I am the type of person who loves to reflect at late night; peaceful night, earphones
plugged in, sound on. There are only three things you need to drown yourself by your own
thoughts. This will make you think and think again what have you achieved in the past and what
will you do later on. So, I took that opportunity to reflect on what I can do to support our world
not only for my personal gain but for the other people as well. There's a line from the station id
of ABS-CBN, “Sa pag-ibig kakapit. Pag-ibig ang hihilom sa daigdig," this line gives a huge
impact. In the face of this massive health crisis, the challenge for us is not simply to live, but also
to learn something of what it means to love. Along with this, I remind myself that, especially
during these difficult times, life is not just about existing or survival. We need to understand that
we should live a life according to the good. We must look beyond the moral rules and look for
ways to graciously serve others. For my future self, I will always remind you that your will to
commit a good action must be based on your moral principles. I will let my good reasoning
prevails in my hasty decisions. The moral courage to do good will help me to be ethical not just
in thought but, more importantly, in the deed.



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