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Jonathan Villa Chacha


Homerwork 2
1. You are going to write a storyabout something that happened to you when you were
young. It can be something funny, scary, enjoyable, extraordinary, unfair, or triumphant.
The story has to include three paragraphs with four lines for each.
Use the information of the paragraphs to help you.

When I was a child, I had an accident which I will always remember since that made me a
little more cautious in the acts I would do in the future. since this really made me aware of my
actions taking more care in everything I do since it might not be the last time that happened if
I did not take more care of the things I did.

It all started one afternoon when I was 10 years old my best friend came to visit me at my
house and we spent the whole afternoon playing until it started to rain and my dad sent me
to put a recharge a few blocks from my house so I decided to go in my bike to return as soon
as possible and continue playing. But what I did not take into account was that my brakes
would not respond in the best way in the rain.

So when I was a block away, I didn't notice before crossing the street and just then a car that
was going down was not too bad, not too fast, and it hit me, causing it to fly haha and hit the
sidewalk, thank goodness themselves They were the ones who took me to a doctor to sew
my wounds. from that day on I am always more cautious and I think about the things that can
happen if I don't take the proper precautions.

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