Journal of Archaeological Science: Dimitrios Alexakis, Apostolos Sarris, Theodoros Astaras, Konstantinos Albanakis

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Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

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Integrated GIS, remote sensing and geomorphologic approaches for the

reconstruction of the landscape habitation of Thessaly during the neolithic period
Dimitrios Alexakis a, *, Apostolos Sarris b,1, Theodoros Astaras a, Konstantinos Albanakis a
Remote Sensing and GIS Applications Laboratory, Department of Physical and Environmental Geography, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki 54124, Greece
Laboratory of Geophysical, Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeo-environment, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research & Technology,
Hellas (F.O.R.T.H.), Rethymno 74100, Crete, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is to manifest the contribution of integrated approaches such as GIS, geomor-
Received 15 January 2010 phology, remote sensing and DEM analysis for the detection of neolithic settlements, the modeling of
Received in revised form habitation and the reconstruction of neolithic landscape in the area of Thessaly.
2 August 2010
Thessaly is a region of low relief in central Greece where hundreds of neolithic settlements called
Accepted 2 August 2010
magoules were established from Early Neolithic period until Bronze Age. In this study field survey,
statistical analysis of coring data, spatial analysis of environmental parameters in GIS and image pro-
cessing techniques of satellite images and DEMs were carried out to contribute to the detection of the
Remote sensing
Neolithic settlements and the reconstruction of Neolithic landscape.
DEM Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction survey, analysis of stratigraphic coring data, spatial analysis of envi-

ronmental parameters in GIS environment and satellite image pro-
The three main applications of GIS in archaeology are visuali- cessing were carried out to cover the extensive study area and
zation, spatial analysis and modeling (Church et al., 2000). Addi- contributed to the detection of the low relief Neolithic settlements.
tionally, archaeology has become a recent application field for The fusion of all these data with the digital elevation model (DEM) is
satellite remote sensing and nowadays ancient settlements are able capable of providing detailed information for archaeological purposes
to be detected with high resolution remote sensing techniques (Siart et al., 2008). Thus various digital elevation models were
(Menze and Sherratt, 2006). reconstructed for each period of the Neolithic, which were ultimately
Neolithic Thessaly has been studied for understanding human used in the corresponding spatial analysis of the landscape.
partitioning and territoriality of the landscape by non-hierarchical At the final stage, predictive models were created to contribute
human groups. The distinct natural features of the Thessalian to the detection of unknown settlements. The models that are
landscape are ideal for reconstructing the major habitation patterns frequently used to forecast the location of archaeological sites
of the first Neolithic farming groups of Greece. Thessaly is a region belong to the methodologies of archaeological prospection and are
of low relief with great alluvial plain, where hundreds of Neolithic frequently used in archaeological studies (Espa et al., 2006).
settlements/tells called magoules were established from Early
Neolithic period since Bronze Age (Alexakis et al., 2008). 2. Study area, data and methodology
In order to proceed with an integrated geo-archaeological
research, multiple methodological approaches were employed. Field Thessaly is an extensive plain region located in Central Greece. It
is surrounded by the mountains Antichasia, Ossa, Maurovouni,
Pelion, Othris and Pindus. The Neolithic settlement mounds called
magoules are low hills of 1e5 m height and mean diameter 300 m.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:,
The mounds mainly consist of loam and mud based materials. The
(D. Alexakis), (A. Sarris), (T. Astaras). vast majority of magoules are laid on Larisa basin and with
1 a smaller number distributed in west Thessaly (Karditsa basin).

0305-4403/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
90 D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

Both of these plains consist of Quaternary alluvial deposits  Construction of a detailed archaeological and environmental
(Alexakis et al. 2009). database in SQL environment (type of site, chronological pha-
Initially the study involved detailed modeling of the Thessalian ses, type of raw materials present in the sites, height, diameter,
landscape by incorporating 3 different modules: geology, vegetation, etc).

 Topographic mapping of the settlements through the use of

Global Positioning Systems (GPS). The particular task was 3. Landscape reconstruction
carried out to map a large percentage (more than 342 settle-
ments) of the existing archaeological sites (Fig. 1). Before proceeding to the landscape reconstruction of Thessaly
 Digitization of 1:50,000 scale topographic and geological during the various phases of the Neolithic period, the reliability and
maps (Fig. 2) of the Geographic Service of the Hellenic Army accuracy of the existing terrain model was evaluated compared to
and of the Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration other digital elevation models, such as the 90 m pixel size DEM
respectively. The original Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and the 30 m
the study area with a cell size of 20 m was based on the pixel size DEMs provided by ASTER images or constructed by the
digitized 20 m elevation lines of the topographic maps. The L1-A stereoscopic products (3N and 3B) of ASTER satellite. The
geological formations of the geological maps were reclassi- equation of Schumann et al. (2008) was used to check the validity of
fied to form a unified set of formations and all the further DEMs by comparing a number of reference points (datum points):
details of the above maps, such as rivers, lakes, faults and qX
modern villages were also superimposed on the particular
background layers.

Fig. 1. (a) Thessaly is located in central Greece and constitutes the larger agricultural plains of it. (b) Spatial distribution of magoules in Larisa (east) and Karditsa (west) basins. (c)
magoula Rini. (d) magoula Aerino.
D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100 91

Fig. 2. The Geological map of Thessaly.

where EDEM stands for the heights of each DEM, and n is the total Geologically, Thessaly belongs to Pelagonian massif to the east
number of reference points. and the Pindos range to the west and due to their different tectonic
The results indicated that the RMSE for the DEM created through activity each alluvial basin was reconstructed in a different manner. A
the digitization of the contour lines of the topographic maps was geological database of 50 selected drill cores (based on the quality
the lowest (0.246), followed by the RMSE of the SRTM DEM and details of data presented) was constructed out of a total of more
(0.263). In contrast, the RMSE of ASTER products was the highest than 400 drill cores that had been collected and reported by the
(RMSEL1A ¼ 0.318 & RMSEASTER ¼ 3.490). Based on the above, the Prefectures of Karditsa, Larissa, Volos, and Trikala. The depth to the
DEM that was produced through the digitization of the topographic alluvial deposits was estimated based on the most reliable drill cores,
maps became the basic layer of the terrain for the analyses that whereas provision of the local relief was taken into account for a more
followed. Reconstruction of the terrain addressed specific attributes accurate and absolute estimation of the alluvium deposits depths.
of the landscape, such as the alluvial basins, the coastline and the Estimations of the alluvial deposits for the three main Neolithic
regime close to Lake Karla, each one based on different processes. sub-periods were obtained following Demitrack’s assumption (for
Larisa basin) about deposition rates (Demitrack, 1986): 5.5 m for
3.1. Alluvial basins Late Neolithic, 6.5 m for Middle Neolithic and 8.5 m for Early
Thessaly consists of two major basins, Larisa Plain with an area Based on the above, the reduction of the drill core data con-
of 1020 Km2 and Karditsa Plain with an area of 2210 Km2. The two cerning the alluvial deposits for the particular periods was based on
plains contain 181 out of the 342 known registered “magoules”. the following algorithm:
This fact proves the important role of reconstruction of the relief of
each basin during each Neolithic sub-period. Both geological
X ¼ ðdy  ymin =ðymax  ymin ÞÞ þ ymin0
(stratigraphic data from boreholes and past geomorphologic
studies) and archaeological data were placed under consideration where X is the reduced depth of deposits (for the particular drill
for achieving this task. holes), dy is the current depth of deposits (from drill cores), ymin is

Table 1
Equations estimating the reconstructed depths to the alluvial deposits of the three Neolithic periods (early, middle and late) for each one of the major basins of Thessaly
(Karditsa and Larisa). In the above formulas, Y is the current elevation and X is the reconstructed alluvial deposits’ depth.

Early Neolithic Middle Neolithic Late Neolithic

Karditsa Y ¼ 31.88  X  171.62 Y ¼ 31.88  X  107.85 Y ¼ 31.88  X  66.59
Larisa Y ¼ 17.78  X þ 219.38 Y ¼ 17.78  X þ 183.82 Y ¼ 10.18  X þ 120.08
92 D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

Table 2 settlements and the excavation information provided for “platia

Statistical results of the location of the Neolithic settlements (for the three major magoula Zarkou” (Van Andel et al., 1992) were statistically pro-
periods of Neolithic) in terms of the reconstructed depth of alluvial deposits for each
period of interest. The classification of the depths was based on the concentration of
cessed following a classification of magoules to 14 categories
the data within certain depth limits by taking in account the standard deviation of according to their duration of habitation. The reduction of the
the samples. corresponding heights was based to the cross-section plan of
Neolithic sub-periods Number Percentage % for Reconstructed depths
“platia magoula Zarkou” provided by Van Andel et al. (1992). Three
of Sites each period to alluvial deposits (m) buffer zones of 50 m each around each magoula were created
Early Neolithic 67 37 <8 taking in account the mean diameter of magoules as it was esti-
Settlements 108 59.6 8e10 mated during field work. The first (central) buffer zone kept the
6 3.31 >10 height of each magoula as mentioned above, whereas in the second
Middle Neolithic 21 11.6 <5 (middle) and third (outer) zones the height was gradually reduced
Settlements 123 67.95 5e7
37 20.44 >7
by 50% and 25% of the initial height correspondingly (Fig. 3).
Late Neolithic 58 32 <4
Settlements 97 53.59 4e6
26 14.36 >6 3.2. Reconstruction of coastline

A rise of sea level by 100e120 m affected the Aegean Sea after

the minimum depth of deposits (within the basin from drill cores), the last glacial period of Wurm. This fact affected also the coastline
ymax is the maximum depth of deposits (within the basin from drill of Thessaly, especially the plains of Holocene alluvium deposits. In
cores) and ymin0 is the minimum depth of deposits according to order to examine the changes of the coastline during the Early
Demitrack (1986). Neolithic to the Late Neolithic period, the results of the study of
Although the Quaternary of TrikalaeKarditsa basin is less well Kampouroglou (1990) and Vouvalidis et al. (2005) were adopted.
known than that of the Larisa basin, a similar procedure was fol- Kampouroglou made approximate plans of the Neolithic coastline
lowed, due to the fact that depositional processes in the area reflect of Volos plain based on a number of drill holes within the Volos
a parallel history of floodplain deposition and incision, closely basin. All these data were geo-referenced with the help of ASTER
related to that of Larisa basin. images. According to the spatial measurements carried out in
The above estimates were used for calculating (through a best fit different sections of the coastline, it was noticed that in the Early
line) a much more general equation for converting the current Neolithic period the coastline was about 650 m seawards, whereas
elevation (namely current DEM of alluvial basins) to the corre- during the Late Neolithic period the coastline moved 300 m inland,
sponding alluvial depths (reconstructed DEMs) for each one of the compared to the current coastline.
three major Neolithic sub-periods. Six linear equations were
approximated to define the depth of the deposits for the three
periods of Neolithic for Karditsa and Larisa basins independently 3.3. Reconstruction of Lake Karla
(Alexakis et al., 2008) (Table 1).
The above approximations were applied to the two alluvial The reconstruction of ancient Lake Karla was considered to be of
basins and a reconstructed DEM for each basin and each Neolithic major importance for the imaging of Neolithic Thessaly landscape.
period was created. Additionally, all the altitudes at the moun- During the Neolithic period, Lake Karla was at the SE of Larisa plain
tainous areas remained unaltered. Then, using Boolean algebra, the and its coastline continued to fluctuate during various time zones
reconstructed DEM for the whole region of Thessaly was formed. until it was dried during the last century. The reconstructive model
An overlay of the magoules on the reconstructed DEM provided was based on the outline of its prehistoric extent by Grundmann
valuable information about the altitude of the settlements in the (1937) and the spatial distribution of the settlements as they
specific locations (Table 2). were recorded by the GPS survey. The results suggested that during
The next step regarded the reconstruction of the micro-topog- the Neolithic period the lake’s level extended up to the 40 m
raphy around the settlements. The data regarding the height of the contour line in agreement to Halstead (1984), who considered the
lake’s levels to exist below the 44 m elevation contour (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3. (a) Reconstruction of the micro-topography around the Neolithic magoules - Point location of the magoula. (b) Reconstructed DEM around the magoula.
D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100 93

Fig. 4. The area of Lake Karla. The red dots represent the Neolithic magoules around the lake. The blue line is the suggested lake level according to Grundmann (1937). The purple
color is the suggested lake extent according to the recent study. The light green color represents the Larisa plain. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

4. Satellite image processing 4.1. Preprocessing of satellite images

Satellite remote sensing was also employed in the particular Masking of the sea, clouds and snow areas in all images preceded
project in order to investigate the capability of space and aerial the processing of the images in order to focus to the mainland and the
sensors and image processing techniques in the detection of areas that provided useful information. Image mosaics were created
Neolithic settlements in Thessaly. Satellite data from ASTER, Landsat accordingly depending on the types of sensors and both image
ETM, HYPERION and Ikonos space platforms were employed, mosaics and isolated images were rectified to a common projection
together with aerial photos, having different area coverage and system (EGSA87/HGSR87). Digital numbers of images were also
resolution (Table 3). converted to reflectance values according to specific conversion

Table 3
Spectral, spatial and temporal attributes of the satellite sensors and airphotos that were used for the study of the Neolithic settlements of Thessaly.

Sensor Acquisition Date Spatial Resolution (m) Subsystem Spectral Bands Radiometric Resolution
Hyperspectral Sensors
1. HYPERION September 3, 2001 30 VNIR, SWIR 137 16-bit

Hyper Spatial Sensors

1. IKONOS June 1, 2006 1 VNIR 4 11-bit
December 12, 2005
March 1, 2007
December 12, 2005
June 16, 2006

Multi Spectral Sensors

1. Landsat e 7 July 28, 1999 30 VNIR, SWIR 7 8-bit
60 8-bit
15 Panchromatic 8-bit
2. Aster March 19, 2003 15 VNIR 8-bit
June 30, 2004 30 SWIR 8-bit
June 30, 2003 90 TIR 12-bit
March 19, 2003
3. Airphotos January 3, 1998 1,5
94 D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

Fig. 5. (a) RGB / 2,3,7 e Farsalitis settlement. (b) Appearance of Melia 2 settlement after the application of 23 bands RGB composite to HYPERION image.

equations. The last step was necessary in order to have a uniformity proved to be the most crucial factor for the detection of magoules
in the values of images originating from different sensors. mainly due to the intensive cultivation (mainly soft and shallow
cultivation) of the landscape both on the top in the surroundings of
4.2. Spectral enhancement techniques Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to ASTER,
Landsat and HYPERION images, being especially effective for ASTER
Several RGB composites were constructed in an effort to images where 39 and 47 out of 247 settlements were highly or
examine their efficiency in the detection of the Neolithic settle- medium discriminated correspondingly. Image fusion techniques
ments. For the ASTER image with acquisition date 19-03-2003, through the combination of high spatial resolution images such as
where most of the magoules were registered, the RGB / 1,2,3, IKONOS (1 m) and high spectral resolution images such as HYPE-
RGB / 3,2,5 and RGB / 2,3,7 composites were the most successful RION (30 m) concluded to very promising results. Finally, a spectral
for the visual detection of the Neolithic settlements (39 out of 239 mixer utility (Erdas Imagine 9.1 software) helped to exploit the
settlements were highly visible, 49 average visible and 151 poorly dynamic range of all the multispectral information of the HYPE-
visible). All these composites appeared to have the highest RION image by combining more than three bands to an RGB
Optimum Index Factor (Alexakis et al., 2009). Similarly, RGB composite. Using the specific utility and assigning a weighting
composites of IKONOS images were able to detect 27 out of 48 coefficient for each band, an RGB composite of 23 bands (38, 42, 48,
settlements within their area of coverage. It is worth mentioning 49, 50, 51, 52), (85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,) & (93, 94, 108, 109, 110,
that 19 of the detectable magoules, namely the highest of all cor- 111, 113, 114) was constructed that enhanced the visual appearance
responding to an average altitude of 4.6 m, were highly visible in all of the magoules (Fig. 5).
RGB composites. On the other hand, RGB composites of Landsat and
HYPERION images were not very promising (for HYPERION
composites only 5 out of 21 settlements were detected). Due to 4.3. Radiometric enhancement
their high spatial resolution, all the 5 settlements that felt within
the spatial limits of the airphoto mosaic were easily detectable. As Of equal importance was the radiometric enhancement of the
a general conclusion however, the acquisition date of the images images through manipulation of the histogram. After applying

Fig. 6. (a) Appearance of 3 settlements in the original IKONOS image (left) and the radiometrically enhanced image where three Neolithic settlements are highlighted. (b) To the
north of Galini-3 settlement, shown at the lower right of the image, another smaller candidate magoula is suggested.
D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100 95

Fig. 7. (a) Land classification of ASTER image through the use of Mahalanobis distance (fuzzy) algorithm. (b) Detail from the application of NDVI to Landsat image. (c) ASTER image
around Halki area after the application of Sobel Right Diagonal filter. Neolithic magoules are indicated within the ellipses.

radiometric enhancement to ASTER images (acquisition date of 19- Application of certain spatial high pass filters contributed
03-2003) we managed to detect 57 settlements. A non-linear further to the spatial enhancement of smaller features such as the
radiometric enhancement of the HYPERION PCA image, followed by magoules. The most reliable of them proved to be Sobel Right
an inversion of brightness was able to highlight 8 out of 9 settle- Diagonal 3  3 and Laplace 3  3, both of which outlined clearly the
ments. Similar type of non-linear radiometric enhancement of the limits of the most prominent of them (Fig. 7c).
high resolution Ikonos images through the modification of the
histogram was able to outline the round shape of known magoules,
5. Analysis in GIS environment
as well as to identify 10 more targets of similar geometry that need
to be verified by the ground truthing activities that will follow
An extensive spatial analysis of the magoules was carried out in
(Fig. 6) (Alexakis et al., 2009).
a GIS platform using both the current DEM and the reconstructed
DEMs (Fig. 8). The current 20 m pixel size DEM, produced through
4.4. Land classification, vegetation indices, spatial enhancement the digitization of 1:50,000 scale maps of the Geographic Service of
Greek Army, was also used to understand the local characteristics of
A spectral signature database was constructed to provide the the magoules on the current terrain. Extraction of statistics about
basic spectral information about tells, especially at the plain areas the Neolithic settlements in relation to the aspect, the slope (Table
of Thessaly. Several classification methods were applied to Landsat 4) and the relief height were carried out after a reclassification of
and ASTER images in order to investigate the land use regime the above attributes. The vast majority of settlements (48, 11%)
around the magoules. Examination of the overall accuracy of the were found to be laid on plain areas (slope of relief 0e1%) and more
various algorithms tested (based on the error matrix), proved that than 50% of magoules have an E-NE aspect.
the Mahalanobis algorithm was the most efficient for the exact The distance of settlements from natural resources was also
classification of the images (Fig. 7a). Additionally, object based explored by applying buffer zones around the quarries and the water
segmentation techniques were applied to ASTER images and 15 springs (mainly springs existing on the mountainous areas).
settlements in total of 234 were detected easily (Alexakis et al., Watersheds were also constructed and the distance of each settle-
2009). The computation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation ment from the neighbor watershed was calculated. Three different
Index (NDVI) was used to highlight the vegetation differences cumulative viewshed maps, corresponding to the 3 different
during different periods of time, in an effort to pinpoint any vague Neolithic periods, were constructed by taking in account a 1.64 m
indications for the detection of magoules. As expected, the NDVI of average height of a neolithic man standing on a base of about 1e3 m
the spring ASTER image was higher than the summer Landsat in height (Fig. 9). The cumulative viewshed maps are the algebraic
image, but still the vegetation differences of the spring time favored sum of the individual binary viewshed maps from each site,
the detection of magoules mainly due to the differentiations of the displaying all regions that are visible from a cluster of sites and
soil’s humidity (Fig. 7b). thus providing an insight regarding the potential hierarchical

Fig. 8. (a) Digital elevation model of Thessaly for the Early Neolithic period. (b) Slope gradient map of Thessaly for the Early Neolithic period. (c) Aspect map of Thessaly for the Early
Neolithic period.
96 D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

Table 4 Table 5
Percentages of settlements (total population of settlements) in relation to the slope The results of KolmogoroveSmirnov test for the three periods of Neolithic.
(current DEM).
d Dmax Distribution of sites in
Slope Slope of Number of % Percentage of relation with viewshed
relief % Settlements settlements Early Neolithic 0.18 0,29 (h ¼ 1 m) Not random
Flat e Almost Flat 0e1% 166 48.11 Middle Neolithic 0.21 0,17 (h ¼ 1 m) Random
Very gentle 1e3% 81 23.4 0,36 (h ¼ 3 m) Not random
Gentle 3e5% 37 10.74 Late Neolithic 0.16 0,17 (h ¼ 1 m) Not random
Modest 5e10% 30 8.69
Moderately steep 10e15% 9 2.6
Steep 15e30% 11 3.18
Very steep >30% 11 3.18 categories with internal continuity (Jenks and Gaspall, 1971;
Conolly and Lake, 2006) and it was suggested that there is no
specific relationship between the size of the settlements and their
classification among the settlements (Lock and Stancic, 1995). By catchment area (Fig. 11). On the other hand it was noticed that the
using Kolmogorov e Smirnoff goodness-of-fit statistic test high density of the settlements in the valleys of Larisa and Karditsa
(Kvamme, 1990), we concluded that in most cases sites are distrib- corresponded to small catchment areas.
uted respectively to their visibility connection with other sites The site catchment of Neolithic settlements was also verified
(Table 5). The particular test allows the comparison of an empirical through least cost surface analysis. Cost surfaces contributed also to
sample distribution against an expected referent distribution. The explore the regime of communication between the different
test is performed by plotting the cumulative distributions of the settlements. The cost surfaces can be regarded as modifications to
sample and population and obtaining the difference D between a continuous proximity product that takes into account the type of
these two curves. The maximum value, Dmax is compared with the terrain over which the proximity is measured. Using the result
a critical value d obtained from the sample size and the required of a cost surface algorithm, it is possible to ascertain the ‘leastecost’
confidence interval. For alpha ¼ 0.05, for example, and in a two- pathway between any two given locations in the landscape
tailed test, the value of d can be calculated from equation d ¼ 1.36/ (Wheatley and Gillings, 2002). Based on this, least cost paths were
On. If Dmax exceeds this critical value d, then the sample distribution also computed between the geographic and diachronic centroids of
is significantly different from the population distribution and one each habitation zone (Fig. 12) in order to model the main
can conclude a non-random distribution (Wheatley, 1995). communication routes between the habitation zones.
Density maps of the settlements were also created for each Finally, GIS tools were employed to construct predictive models for
Neolithic period. The calculation of the density of the settlements each phase of the Neolithic period in an effort to locate areas that
was accomplished through the use of a non-parametric Kernel could host similar type of settlements. The specific predictive models
technique. The kernel technique is based on the kernel function were based on the use of a multi-parametric spatial analysis method
described in Silverman (1986). The results indicated that the of geographic elements and other information (statistical, archaeo-
settlements were not dispersed for all the three periods of the logical, a.o.) in order to construct maps of archaeological interest
Neolithic, in agreement with the conclusions of Halstead (1984) (Kohler and Parker, 1986; Judge and Sebastian, 1988; Mehler and
and Perles (1999) (Fig. 10). With the help of density maps and the Wescott, 2006; Van Leusen and Kamermas, 2005; Jacoli and
geomorphologic regime of Neolithic Thessaly, effort was made to Carrara, 1995). All the environmental factors (height, aspect, slope,
recognize groups of habitation zones/clusters. For each of those distance from watersheds, distance from water springs, distance from
zones, a geographic centroid and a diachronic centroid were quarries, geology, viewshed, distance from chert sources, least cost
identified by taking also in account the size and the temporality of paths, a.o.) that could have affected the choice of habitation in
habitation. The spatial territorial limits of the settlements were Neolithic Thessaly were statistically examined and certain weight
further explored using the Thiessen polygons analysis. The Thiessen factors were specified according to expert’s knowledge in relation to
polygons are related to Delaynay Triangulation of a set of points, the correlation of factors with the already known settlements and
which is defined as that in which the triangles are closest to their importance in terms of the location of the settlements (Alexakis
equilateral, and in which the circles whose circumferences pass et al., 2009). The category of each factor was also rated (Table 6) and
through the points of the triangles contain no other points a final equation was computed to account for the fusion of the various
(Wheatley and Gillings, 2002). The classification of the size of the layers: ([DEM]  1 þ [Slope]  1 þ Aspect]  0.6 þ [Distance from
Thiessen polygons was accomplished through Natural breaks Watershed]  0.7 þ [Distance from springs  0.7 þ [Distance from
method that uses Jenks Optimal Statistic Method to create specific quarries]  0.4 þ [Viewsheds]  0.8 þ [Geology]  0.9 þ [Cost

Fig. 9. (a) Cumulative viewshed map for Late Neolithic period. (b) Cumulative viewshed map for Middle Neolithic period. (c) Cumulative viewshed map for Early Neolithic period.
D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100 97

Fig. 10. (a) Density map for Late Neolithic period. (b) Density maps for Middle Neolithic period. (c) Density map for Early Neolithic period.

Fig. 11. (a) Thiessen polygons for Late Neolithic period. (b) Thiessen polygons for Midde Neolithic period. (c) Thiessen polygons for Early Neolithic period.

Fig. 12. (a) Least cost path analysis for Late Neolithic period. (b) Least cost path analysis for Middle Neolithic period. (c) Least cost path analysis for Early Neolithic period.

Distance from Coast]  0.4 þ [Distance from chert

Table 6
Example of weight factors and rating indices for two environmental parameters sources]  0.3 þ [Distance from least cost path]  0.7 þ [Distance from
corresponding to each phase of the Neolithic period. Lake Karla]). At a final stage, a fuzzy logic algorithm and a normali-
zation equation were also applied for a better tuning of the results and
Environmental Rating Early Middle Late
Factors Neolithic Neolithic Neolithic for rating the final probability from 0 to 1. Three different predictive
models were constructed for each phase of the Neolithic period
Weight Weight Weight
Factor Factor Factor
through the application of GIS Boolean algebra, making use of the
corresponding DEMs (Fig. 13).
1 Height (DEM) 1
(meters) The formulation of a predictive model does not guarantee the
<80 10 9 9 accuracy of its predictions (Conolly and Lake, 2006). The validity of
80e100 8 6 9 the model was tested by adopting the method of Kvamme (1988)
100e120 6 6 6 through the estimation of the predictive gain that is defined as:
120e150 6 4 6
150e200 6 4 5
G ¼ 1 e (% of total area where sites are predicted/% of observed
>200 3 3 5 sites within area where they are predicted),
where G is calculated for a specified probability of site occur-
2 Distance from 0.7
watershed (meters) rence, that ranges from 1 (high predictive utility) to 0 (no predictive
<100 4 4 4 utility). The high gain for the 3 phases of the Neolithic period (0.73,
100e250 9 9 9 0.78, 0.8 for Early, Middle and Late Neolithic periods respectively)
250e500 7 7 7 confirmed the reliability of the specific models. Indeed, about
500e1000 7 7 7
>1000 3 3 3
60e70% of the sites felt within the high and medium probability
zones in the corresponding predictive maps.
98 D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100

Fig. 13. (a) Fuzzy logic prediction maps for Late Neolithic period. (b) Fuzzy logic prediction maps for Middle Neolithic period. (c) Fuzzy logic prediction maps for Early Neolithic

Fig. 14. (a) magoula Tyrnavos 6 in the original DEM. (b) magoula Tyrnavos 6 after the application of matched filter.

6. Application of sophisticated filters to the digital elevation

CI ¼ ðx  xmed Þ=ðxmax  xmed Þ;
where x is the initial DEM, xmed is the DEM after the application
The final approach of the particular project involved the detec- of median filter 7  7 and xmax is the DEM after the application of
tion of Neolithic settlements through the analysis of the Digital maximum filter 7  7.
Elevation Models (DEM) with the use of three different semi- Although the index of convexity seemed to be ideal for the
eautomated methodologies. Three different DEMs (90 m pixel size detection of low hills such as magoules, only 35 (28%) of them at
SRTM DEM, 30 m ASTER DEM and a 20 m DEM from the digitization Larisa plain and 28 (47%) at Karditsa plain were detected by this
of contours of topographic maps) were tested in all procedures to method.
attest for their potential in the detection of the magoules. The second methodology is related with the design and appli-
The first methodology involved the estimation of the index of cation of customized filters similar to those used by Menze and
convexity (CI) to the three different DEMs according to Fry et al. Sherratt (2006). The optimal filter for the detection of a signal
(2004): with a well known shape is the matched filter. For the construction

Fig. 15. (a) Final detection map of magoules in the Larisa plain created following the approach of Iwahashi and Kamiya (1995). (b) Details of it showing the areas of high convexity in
orange. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
D. Alexakis et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 89e100 99

of the matched filter, an area of 5  5 pixel was cut around the DEM significance weighted predictive model that could promote the
of each settlement for a total of 50 settlements. Then, the value of further detection of Neolithic magoules and their protection.
the central pixel was subtracted by each pixel, followed by stacking
of all the 50 local DEMs (through the layer stack utility of Erdas Acknowledgements
Imagine software) to form a final multilayer image. The particular
image was imposed to Principal Component Analysis and the first 5 This research project is co-financed by INSTAP (Institute for
principal components were summed. The negative sum replaced Aegean Prehistory), PENED (E.U.-European Social Fund (75%) and
the value of the central pixel of each of the above 5 filters, which the Greek Ministry of Development-GSRT (25%)) and IKY (States
they were then applied individually to Larisa and Karditsa basins as Scholarship Foundation).
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