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Look at the vocabulary list below. Read aloud the words according to the transcripts to
practice your pronunciation.

No. Word Transcript Part of Speech Meaning

1. Budget /ˈbʌdʒ.ɪt/ Noun A plan to show how
much money a person
or organization will
earn and how much
they will need or be
able to spend
2 Redundancy /rɪˈdʌn.d ə n t  .si/ Noun When something is
unnecessary because it
is more than is needed

3 Workforce /ˈwɝːk.fɔːrs/ Noun The group of people

who work in a
company, industry,
country, etc

4 Cost-cutting /ˈkɑːstˌkʌ.tɪŋ/ Noun actions which are taken

to reduce the amount
that is spent on a
service or within an

5 Market share ˈ market ˌ share Noun the number of things

that a company sells
compared with the
number of things of the
same type that other
companies sell

6 Downturn /ˈdaʊn.tɝːn/ Noun a reduction in the

amount or success of
something, such as a
country's economic

7 Principle /ˈprɪn t  .sɪ.pl ̩/ Noun a basic idea or rule that

explains or controls
how something happens
or works

15 Vital /ˈvaɪ.t ə l/ Adj Very important


A. Watch video 2 carefully. Then, answer the following questions using your own
1. Who are the participants of the meeting? Mention their positions.
2. What is the meeting’s agenda?
3. You have learned about the four steps of conducting a good formal business meeting.
In your opinion, does this meeting follow the steps? If yes, what is your reason(s)? If
not, mention which step(s) is/are missing?
4. What motions did the participants give regarding the downturn in sales?
5. If you are designated to take notes by the meeting chairman, what minutes could you
give to the meeting members?

B. After you finish answering the questions, watch video 2 once again. Try to analyse
types of expressions and phrases for a business meeting that are used in the

No. Types of Expressions The Phrases

1. Giving opinion  We will in my opinion...

2. …




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