2020 June Update Letter

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Rev. John A. Scott, Jr.

3115 Dryer Avenue  Largo, Florida 33770-4269
Office: (727) 584-8695  Cell: (727) 318-2681  Fax: (727) 585-1079
Email: sr-Pastor@tampabay.rr.com  Website: www.largocpc.org
Facebook: @jascott303  Church Facebook: @CHRISTPC

June 1, 2020

Members & Friends of Christ Presbyterian Church,

I pray that you are all well and have remained safe during this time of uncertainty. The
church Session recently met and after prayer and careful consideration has approved for
us to continue virtual worship services through the summer. Your church leadership and I
do not take this decision lightly and we understand that it is not as simple as unlocking a
door. We recognize our plans to reopen the church to in-person services will take a
coordinated effort to protect the safety of everyone. We will be closely following the
guidelines issued by the Presbyterian Mission Agency, National Council of Churches and
the CDC guidelines for in-person worship during the COV-19 pandemic.

As your Pastor, I would like to remind you that our church has never closed. How we have
connected as the body of Christ has changed. We have been strengthened by prayer,
study, and praise through a virtual world. We have found a new way to be the church
without being in a church building. We will continue to offer virtual opportunities each week
for you to participate in and worship with us. I will continue my daily devotions and weekly
bible study on Facebook Live. We are holding a prayer time each Wednesday over the
phone at noon.

In the weeks ahead our region will begin hurricane season. During this time, it is important
to stay connected and let us know if you need anything to prepare for and if you plan to
leave the area for the summer. This can be a scary time for many as we prepare for the
possibly of a storm amid the pandemic. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us, “So do not fear, for I am
with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. I encourage you to get up and wear something red.
We will be celebrating Holy Communion together virtually. I would ask that you prepare
your elements prior to worship and have them available to you for the appropriate time
during the service. May the Holy Spirit comfort us in this time of separation and may the
Holy Spirit also help us discern what is next for CPC. What is God calling us to do in our
greater community? What is God speaking to us in terms of our daily relationship with
Him? How can we love our neighbor as ourselves?

So, when the time is appropriate, we will once again gather for in-person worship. In the
meantime, may the Holy Spirit shake us free of our expectations to see a new vision. Let
us not lament of former times where we once were before this all started, but instead look
forward and move ahead in a new and bold way to show God’s love in a broken world.


Rev. John Scott

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