Characteristic Expression: Gemini - May 21 To June 20

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Characteristic Expression
Here we are obliged to consider two people in one. Symbolically
represented as the twins, the sign of Gemini indicates two personalities: one
relates to the innate individuality, the other relates to the personality of
social intercourse. Belonging to the Air sign of the Head Triplicity, Gemini
people are extremely sensitive and subject to rapid change of thought
without warning. Their fast-moving brains tend to give them a mercurial
nature, but this also implies some very beneficial abilities; that is, a reliable
sense of discrimination and a gift of communication. To be instantly able to
discriminate between sense and nonsense, truth and falsehood, reality and
unreality, is characteristic of Geminis. So, too, is their ability to
communicate their ideas in writing; they convey their thoughts more freely
this way than they can usually do verbally.
Negative Tendencies to Be Surmounted
The twin personalities of the Gemini have the disadvantage of confusing
people, and even Geminis themselves can be uncertain of how to react to
different situations. In general, they tend to oscillate between their lower
and higher selves, their emotional and spiritual natures. Once they learn not
to react, but to thoughtfully consider first, they will not be so drawn to the
emotional. Until then they will find their power of concentration
diminishing, with a corresponding increase in uncertainty and nervousness.
Rest and relaxation are prime requisites that help to keep their nerves under
control. They should become involved in the arts, including singing,
playing an instrument, painting, pottery making, and so on. This will
provide balance to their lives and is an excellent balm for their nervous
Health Aspects
Usually the most noticeable features of Gemini bodies are their strong
shoulders, arms and hands. Their major weakness lies in their respiratory
passages, with congestion a common problem. The most important of the
twelve biochemic cell salts for the Gemini is Kali Mur – potassium
chloride. This is both an essential blood nourisher and a vital nutrient for
the proper formation of fibrin, the elastic fibrous protein that regulations the
formation of the skin and hair. A deficiency of potassium chloride can cause
a thickening of fibrin, menstrual irregularities, and/or congestion when
located in the respiratory passages. This might manifest as pleurisy, catarrh,
pneumonia, diphtheria or bronchitis. If the congested fibrin is not thrown
out of the bloodstream, it can create embolisms that might clog the auricles
and ventricles of the heart, ultimately causing it to stop. The most
satisfactory manner by which to obtain adequate potassium chloride is
through the diet. Foods richest in natural potassium chloride are listed
below, according to its concentration:
Kelp – powder and granules
Yeast – brewer’s and torula
Coconut meat – fresh
Dried fruits
Most fresh vegetables, especially sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, carrot,
celery, eggplant, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsnip and tomato

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