Davy Jones

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Davy Jones

Davy Jones is a 4-week program

Your Name
designed to improve the movement and
capabilities of the feet, ankles, knees and
spine. Day 1
Exercise Sets Reps Cues 1 2 3 4 5
A1 Seated Tide 2-3 5-8 reps / translation Take up some space.
All the exercises you'll be doing the Demi Plié March 2-3 5-8 steps / side Move through the entire foot.
coming weeks are from Bottoms Up and
Spinal Waves 101. This is a complete B1 Standing Pelvic Rock 2-3 8 reps / direction Relax. Loosen your fingers.
program in itself, but if you wish to B2 Shallow Knee Bends 2-3 8-12 reps Heavy legs - light torso.
explore and improve your getaway sticks
and backbone a bit more you can use
code DAVYJONES to get 20% off
both courses (this code is valid
ive workout
Day 2
until April 1st). -2 Exercise Sets Reps Cues 1 2 3 4 5
A1 Standing Pelvic Rock 2-3 8 reps / direction Glutes push - abs pull.
A2 Demi Plié March 2-3 5-8 steps / side Pull yourself down into the ground.
B1 Standing Plunge 2-3 2 minutes Piece by piece, tailbone to crown.
B2 Barrier Squats 2-3 3-5 rounds / side Don't find balance - keep looking for it.

Recommendation Day 3
Exercise Sets Reps Cues 1 2 3 4 5
Use this opportunity to create a mindful A1 Seated Tide 2-3 5-8 reps / translation Inhale = open. Exhale = close.
relationship with the body parts this program A2 Shallow Knee Bends 2-3 8-12 reps Dig those toes into the floor.
targets. Being aware of them throughout your
day, knowing when to push them and when to B1 Standing Plunge 2-3 1-2 minutes From tailbone to crown.
let them rest, is as important, if not more, B2 Barrier Squats 2-3 3-5 rounds / side Hands and feet are lighter than air.
than simply improving them.

A1, A2, B1, B2 etc Sets Reps Cues Day 1,2,3,4

These describe the order in

A repetition is a completion of a motion. You have three different workouts
which you'll do the exercises. A set is a group of Columns J to M is where
You've been given several options, and that you should do on three
Alternate between exercises with consecutive you will write down your
you will choose whichever feels like it different days in the same week.
that share the same letter, repetitions. You've notes. The number
allows you to do the greatest amount of Cues are words Give yourself between 24-48 hrs
starting with the lowest number, been given the option stands for the week of
high quality work. If the technique or sentences you of rest between each workout. If
until all sets have been done between doing 2 or 3 training you're in. You
deteriorates, lower the amount of can use to inform your performance and experience
(Example: If you're doing three sets of all exercises - should write down some
repetitions. In this program, for some of your technical deteriorates from one workout to
sets of A1 and A2, then the order you should choose the words in each cell that
the exercises, you will do an allotted execution of a the workout, you either need to
will be A1, A2, A1, A2, A1, A2). number that feels matter to you and that
amount of repetitions in various movement. decrease the amount of work
After that, continue to the challenging, reflect your experience,
directions / do as much as you feel like you're doing or increase the
exercises that share the next productive and feelings and thoughts
within a certain amount of time / do the quantity and quality of recovery
letter and do them in a similar appropriate to you. about all the exercises.
exercise with one leg at a time. you're getting.

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