ENGG3100 W20 Final Reflection

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School of Engineering

Engineering & Design III (ENGG*3100)

Dana Fadlalla
Final Design Reflection
Winter 2020

Part 1: Peer and Self- Evaluation

Table 1: Self and team member evaluations

Responsibility Lifelong Fostering a
Evaluation Relationships Integrity & Managing Facilitating Distribution
Reliability & Learning & Team
Category with Others Respect Conflict Contributions of Effort
Accountability Adaptability Climate
of Others
8.3 Professional Behaviour 6.3 6.4 6.5
Scoring -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 where 0 is the average for your team (i.e. columns must add to 0) must add to
100 %
Dana 0 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1
I went through the design process with the mindset of keeping focussed improvement and approached each task open to feedback. When
some concerns arose within the completion of the deliverables, I worked together with my team to resolve the issue with the feelings and
consideration of every member involved. In this way, I was able to establish a good relationship with my members while also managing
conflict. However, I failed to seek out assistance at times throughout the process when I felt overwhelmed about a task. I also did not
consistently ask my members for input on my specific tasks or aiding in their tasks, which meant I was lacking adaptability as well as some
leadership skills.
Rawad +1 -1 0 0 +2 +1 +1
Comments Rawad was the decided leader for our design project, and he took on many of the positive characteristics of this role. He was very knowledgeable
about the scope of the design and contributed to quality information and background to not only the deliverables, but also to the other
members to assist their respective parts of the design. He was also very aware and stressed the importance of completing tasks in a timely
manner, so he met many of the set deadlines. As the leader, he also was very patient and understanding of members unexpected conflicts, and
provided positive encouragement along the way, for this reason, he was essential in creating a fostering environment and providing leadership.

That said, being the leader, he may have felt obligated take on number of extra tasks, and as such he failed to recognize some of his limitations
and didn’t seek out help with his workload.
Taylor -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Comments Taylor remained time efficient and made sure that he informed the group about his weaknesses in certain tasks. In addition, he always sought
out help whenever he had inquiries about some of his limitations, attributing to strong lifelong learning and adaptability. Unfortunately, upon
completion of his tasks, he sometimes failed to recognize and aid other members in their heavier workload. Also, when the teams focus was
needed, at times he failed to maintain a professional attitude. There by, he lacked the ability to manage conflict, facilitate the contribution of
others, as well as uphold integrity and respect as needed.
Laiba +1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Comments Laiba had many assets and took on a secondary lead role for the team. She helped to organise a structure for are deliverables, and delegate
tasks of each component to the members with their strengths in mind. She also brought up and addressed many concerns throughout the
design process and provided feedback to members when she saw fit. For this reason, she had very strong qualities of building a strong
relationship, as well as managing conflict. That said, she had taken on a heavier workload, or make known about her limitations, and
consequently did not always meet some of the deadlines set by the team.
Michael -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -2 0
Comments Michael was always inviting of other members input before he completed his task and was open changing his decision for the betterment of
the team. He also took time to search and learn about the most effective way of completing his task, and always voiced his limitation and
never hesitated to ask about any concerns. Overall, this meant he had strong qualities of strong qualities of lifelong learning and adaptability.
Unfortunately, he lacked the ability to remained focus on the objectives during meeting and was not very time efficient in completing his
tasks for deadlines, which resulted in rushed or less quality work. As such, he was insufficient in reliability and responsibility, as well as
managing conflict.
Sum of Scores 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

Part 2: Professional Behaviour.

Relationships with Others

To build a foundational relationship with be able to maintain understanding, and consideration for others when especially in unforeseen circumstances.
Prior to this term, I had a fundamental ability to empathize and show compassion in times of need, however when I had some feedback during the
writing of our deliverables, I did not always act on it. Therefore, a grade of 2.78 seems accurate as I did not always execute, although I had the ability to.
After this term, I learned as went that feedback before, during, and after deliverables is crucial in not only the quality of work, but in the strength of
bond between members. When constructive feedback is given to a member being mindful of their feelings, they also feel a sense positive re-
enforcement, and gives them encouragement that they can improve further. For much of the semester I began to feel more comfortable voicing my
feedback at any stage of the process, even during stressful times. That said, a score of 4 seems fair, as I began giving feedback without being asked. One
situation that depicts this improvement is when a member had misunderstood the task of producing a life cycle analysis of the design. Halfway through
their task I had noticed some errors in their interpretation. This member had also been dealing with some personal issues throughout the term. Prior to
the term, I would have usually allowed him to complete the task as he would, being only sensitive to his circumstance. Instead, I messaged him privately
with my feedback, critiquing his errors and insisted that I help him through it.

Part 3. Team Skills

Managing Conflict

Concerns and situations sometimes arise during professional team settings, and managing these conflicts correctly is essential in maintaining peace and
accord within the team. Before this term, I never began a discussion of disagreement. If I felt uncertain, or apposed to an idea, I would always try to
understand the other point of view and ignored my own thoughts in the hopes of avoiding conflict. Although I had an understanding of my
disagreements, and knew how to articulate them, I rarely voiced them without being prompted. During the early stage of this course, I had a
disagreement about the strength of our proposed problem but decided to settle for the teams decision. A score of 2.75 accurately depicts my level at
that stage. Conversely, after this term, I began to see that many of the disagreements I had could have avoided issues that arose later down the line. As
such I began to vocalize and initiate hard conversations delicately to address any underlying issues for the betterment of the team. My score had
improved to a 4 post-term and is accurate in showing the improvement I’ve had in this domain. An example of this improvement was when a member
improperly submitted a task for a deliverable. Rather than informing the group of this members error, as the deadline had past and there may have been
no chance of a solution, I emailed the appropriate TA to ask if a proper resubmission was possible. This meant that the member was held responsible for
their mistake, but had the opportunity to fix it, without feeling ashamed, which in turn helped to keep the harmony within the team.

Part 4. Life-long Learning

One of my weaknesses was recognising my limitations and seeking help. If I felt that my workload was heavy, or that I was misinformed about a
topic, I always looked to rectify any of my problems by myself. Rarely did I approach a member for assistance unless I felt forced to. This factor is crucial
since much of the working environments of an engineer is done in a group setting. When you are able to understand your limitation and seek help, it
gives the opportunity to have the most effective outcome. When you are aware of your limitations, you can instead peruse another task that you know
you can excel in. You are able to fill any insufficiencies you have, with the strengths of others which will subsequently increase productivity. To help to
improve upon this, I will make others aware of my limitations prior to the delegation of tasks, that way these imitations are taken into consideration.

In this design project I was more in depth introduced to the data base of the many existing solutions to various solutions. However, I also
understood that many of these solutions are either inadequate or have room for improvement. Through the technical analysis I was also introduced to
how these designs are implemented and how many considerations and doubts need to be taken into account.

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