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Question: How does the changing of the hydrochloric acid temperature affect the rate of

conductivity increase in the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

Collision Theory:
The collision theory states that when suitable particles of the reactant hit each other, only a certain
fraction of the collisions cause any noticeable or significant chemical change; these successful
changes are called successful collisions.

Chemical equation:​Calcium Carbonate +Hydrochloric Acid➝Calcium chloride+water+carbon dioxide

Hypothesis: In this experiment the temperature of the hydrochloric acid will be changed, thus when
the calcium carbonate pellet contacts the acid the reaction rate will increase as shown by the
conductivity. Since conductivity is temperature dependent we will heat the acid to see if the change
in temperature will increase the conductivity of the product. The hotter the acid the higher
conductivity the colder the acid will mean less conductivity.

● Independent Variable: Hydrochloric acid temperature
● Dependent Variable:Conductivity of the product
● Control Variables
○ The room temperature
○ The Hot Plate temperature
■ This needs to be regulated for accurate measurements and reference points
○ The same materials used
■ We should use the same container or containers of exactly the same
volumes and surface areas for accurate measurements.
- 225ml of Hydrochloric Acid
- 4 beakers
- 3 tablets of calcium carbonate
- 1 Hot Plate (for heating)
- 1000g of Water Ice(WI)
- 1 Conductivity probe (to measure the conductivity of the product)
- 1 Pippet
- 1 Laptop(for data collection)
- 1 calculator (for calculations)


1. Collect all of the materials

2. Put on the appropriate clothes and safety equipment.
3. Take the 3 beakers and place them on a flat, stable surface such as a table.
4. Use the pipette to extract 5 ml of hydrochloric acid. And place the acid inside the beakers.
5. Select 1 of the beakers to be placed on the hot plate. Select another beaker to be
surrounded by ice.
6. Wait for about 5-10 min until the desired temperature is achieved.
7. Take the beakers from the temperature altering stations
8. Turn off the hot plate and put the ice into a fridge or equivalent
9. Take out 3 tablets of Calcium Carbonate. Select 1 tablet to be inserted into the heated acid
beaker. Select another tablet to be placed into the cooler acid beaker. Finally select the last
tablet to be inserted into the room temperature acid beaker.
10. Once the tablets are inserted into the acid and the reaction had begun, prepare to insert the
conductivity probe into the product of the reaction.
11. Collect the data received from the probe.
12. Once the data was collected wash all of the materials to ensure that aren’t any leftovers from
the product.
13. Repeat the experiment 14 more times for accuracy purposes.

When handling Hydrochloric Acid make sure you are following all of the safety regulations imposed
in your school/lab. Make sure you have very little or no skin showing when handling corrosive
materials. Wear safety glasses at all times during the experiment. Make sure that incase of skin
contact with the acid you wash the area that made contact with acid. If you have long hair, make
sure it is covered. Wear closed toe shoes at all times when working with corrosive materials.

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