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Instructions: complete the following table using the correct form of each verb in ENGLISH and SPA

10 Regular Verbs (we add "ed")

No. Present Form Past form Past Participle form
English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish
1 Jump salto Jumped saltó Jumped saltado
2 Work trabajo Worked trabajó Worked trabajado
3 Open abro Opened abrió Opened abierto
4 Pull halo Pulled hal Pulled halado
5 Paint pinto painted pintó painted pintado
6 Push empujo pushed empujó pushed empujado
7 Walk camino walked caminó walked caminado
8 Dance bailo danced danzó danced bailado
9 Kick patéo kicked pateó kicked pateado
10 Wash lavo washed lavó washed lavado

Instructions: complete the following table using the correct form of each verb in ENGLISH and SPA

10 Irregular Verbs (they change their form)

No. Present Form Past form Past Participle form

English Spanish English Spanish English Spanish

1 Write Escribo wrote escribió written escrito
2 Fly Vuelo flew voló flown volado
3 Make Hago made hecho made hecho
4 Swim Nado swam nadó swum nandado
5 Think Pienso thought pensó thought pensado
6 Drive Conduzco drove condujo driven conducido
7 Read Leo read leyó read leído
8 See Veo saw vió seen visto
9 Eat Como ate comió eaten comido
10 Drink Bebo drnk bebió drunk bebido

Instructions: Make a sentence in present perfect using the correct structure, then transale esach sentence into
presente perfecto utilizando algún verbo anterior y tradúcela al español.)

No. Sunject Aux.Has or Have Verb in past participle

Ana has painted
Ana ha pintado
Bryan has flown
Bryan ha volado
They have eaten
Ellos han comido
Alejandra hasn´t painted
Alejandra no ha pintado
She hasn´t jumped
Ella no ha saltado
He has pushed
Él ha empujado
Bob hasn´t swum
Bob no ha nadado
Vívian hasn´t kicked
Vívian no ha pateado
They haven´t read
Ellos no han leído
She has read
Ella ha leído
ach verb in ENGLISH and SPANISH.

e add "ed")
Progressive Form Infinitive Form
English Spanish English Spanish
Jumping saltando to Jump saltar
Working trbajando to Work trabajar
Opening abiendo to Open abrir
Pulling halando to Pull halar
paintig pintando to paint pintar
pushing empujando to push empujar
walking caminando to walk caminar
dancing bailando to dance bailar
kicking pateando to kick patear
washing lavando to wash lavar

ach verb in ENGLISH and SPANISH.

hange their form)

Progressive Form Infinitive Form

English Spanish English Spanish

writing escribiendo to write escribir
flying volando to flie volar
making haciendo to make hacer
swimming nadando to swim nadar
thinking pensando to think pensar
driving conduciendo to drive conducir
reading leyendo to read leer
seeing viendo to see ver
eating comiendo to eat comer
drinking bebiendo to drink beber

hen transale esach sentence into spanish.(inventa una oración en

nterior y tradúcela al español.)

Complement Duration of the activity

in the house 1 year
en la casa 1 año
a plane 2 months
un avión 2 meses
cookies all day
galletas todo el día
the room one hour
la habitación una hora
on the sofa all day
en el sofá en todo el día
the swing one hour
el columpio una hora
in the pool all year
en la piscina todo el día
the ball all week
la pelota en toda la semana
a book all month
un libro en todo el mes
the book this week
el libro esta semana

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