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Exercise 1RM Programs by: http://www.

Jerk 100 * ALL exercise selection, percentages, and programs written and created by
Push-Press 100 * This spreadsheet contains 2 different programs created by Oklahoma Wei
Back Squat 100 * Oklahoma Weightlifting Club is the creator and owner of these programs.
Front Squat 100 Spreadsheet by:
Clean 100 * owlsheets is only responsible for compiling the given programs into spread
Snatch 100 Notes: All programs provided by Oklahoma Weightlifting Club have been list
C&J 100 * These are individual programs designed to address specific issues or weakn
Power Snatch 100 * These programs are not a consecutive/complete training block to peak for
Power Clean 100 * Review the tab 'Program Details' for information on selecting the correct p
* Enter your 1RM above and all spreadsheets will automatically update to re
* Be careful editing any sheets or cells; changes may mix up the percentage
* Please Note: Some cells are highlighted yellow and require you to input yo
* Please Note: You can insert "100" into the field, and this will reveal the pe
Original cycles can be found at:
ograms written and created by Oklahoma Weightlifting Club
rams created by Oklahoma Weightlifting Club to address defecits in your training
and owner of these programs. They were kind enough to publish this information online
the given programs into spreadsheets from their original format.
Weightlifting Club have been listed; please visit their website
address specific issues or weaknesses in your training
plete training block to peak for a competition
mation on selecting the correct program
s will automatically update to reflect your numbers
ges may mix up the percentage calculations
low and require you to input your daily lift/number you achieved. This will auto-generate the following sets.
field, and this will reveal the percentage of the following sets, which can help you calculate numbers before a session.
s before a session.
Fix Your Jerk
This is a 5-days/week program with a lot of overhead work that
will help strengthen your Jerk and shoulder stability. There is
quite a bit of volume in the first half of the program with
complexes. Lots of Jerk drills and Snatch/Clean complexes.

The last week you will test your Jerk and then work to a max
Snatch and Clean & Jerk on the last day.
Complexes & On-The-Minute
This is a 5-days/week program. The first part of this program
has complexes everyday and works on pulling strength.

The last part of the program includes on-the-minute Snatches

and C&Js, heavy singles and leads up to maxing on the last day.
Day 1 (1 of 30)
Warmup: Tall Jerk + BTN Split Press Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
Push Press + Jerk [hold split for 3sec] 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1
50 50 50 50 50
Back Squat 5reps 1rep 5reps 1rep 5reps
63 75 68 80 73
Stiff-Legged DL 5reps 5reps 5reps
50 50 50

Day 2
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Front Squat Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
Power Clean + Clean (1+1) 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70 70
Clean Deadlift (to mid-thigh) + Clean Pull 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1
85 85 85 85
Quarter Squat Jumps 3 sets with empty bar/light load *no rep scheme given*

Day 3
Warmup: Clean DL + Muscle Clean + Push-Press Perform 3 sets of (2+2+2)
Power Jerk (Behind The Neck) + Power Jerk 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1
70 70 70 70 70
Push-Press 5reps 5reps 5reps 5reps 5reps
70 70 70 70 70
Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 75 75
Jerk Dip Squat (4 second pause in dip) 3reps 3reps 3reps
110 110 110

Day 4
Warmup: Push-Jerk in Split Position 3 sets of 5 (light load)
Power Snatch + Snatch 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70 70
Jerk Recovery 3reps 3reps 3reps
80 80 80
Jerk-Grip Overhead Squat 5reps 5reps 5reps
empty bar/light load (increase weekly)

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
*work to heavy single 65 70 75 80 H.S.
C&J 1+2 1+2 1+2 1+2 1+2
*work to heavy single 65 70 75 80 H.S.
Back Squat 3reps 3reps
70 75
Day 1 (6 of 30)
Warmup: Tall Jerk + BTN Split Press Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
Push Press + Jerk [hold split for 3sec] 5+1 5+1 5+1
50 50 55
1rep Back Squat 5reps 1rep 5reps
85 65 80 68
Stiff-Legged DL 5reps 5reps 5reps
55 55 55

Day 2
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Front Squat Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
Power Clean + Clean (1+1) 1+1 1+1 1+1
* Increase weight on final 2 sets if feeling good 75 75 80
Clean Deadlift (to mid-thigh) + Clean Pull 2+1 2+1 2+1
85 85 90
rep scheme given* Quarter Squat Jumps 3 sets with light load *no rep scheme giv

Day 3
Warmup: Press + Tall Power Jerk Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
Power Jerk BTN + Power Jerk 2+1 2+1 2+1
* Increase weight on final 3 sets if technique is good 75 75 75
Push-Press 5reps 5reps 5reps
75 75 75
Jerk Dip Squat (4 second pause in dip) 3reps 3reps 3reps
115 115 115

Day 4
Warmup: Push-Jerk in Split Position 3 sets of 5 (light load)
Power Snatch + Snatch 1+1 1+1 1+1
75 75 80
Jerk Recovery 3reps 3reps 3reps
90 90 90
Jerk-Grip Overhead Squat 5reps 5reps 5reps
light load (increase from last week if poss

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1 1+1
*work to heavy single 65 70 75
C&J 1+2 1+2 1+2
*work to heavy single 65 70 75
Back Squat 3reps 3reps
70 75
Day 1 (11 of 30)
Warmup: Tall Jerk + BTN Split Press Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
5+1 5+1 Push Press + Jerk [hold split for 4sec] 5+1 5+1
55 55 RepMax RepMax
1rep 5reps 1rep Back Squat 5reps 1rep
83 71 86 68 80

Day 2
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Front Squat Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
1+1 1+1 Power Clean + Clean (1+1) 1+1 1+1
80 80 70 75
2+1 Clean Deadlift (to mid-thigh) + Clean Pull 2+1 2+1
90 85 90
t load *no rep scheme given* Quarter Squat Jumps 3 sets of 5, light load

Day 3
Warmup: Press + Tall Power Jerk Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
2+1 2+1 Power Jerk BTN + Power Jerk 2+1 2+1
75 75 70 75
5reps 5reps Push-Press 5RepMax
75 75
Front Squat 3reps 3reps
70 75
Jerk Dip Squat (4 second pause in dip) 3reps 3reps
120 120

Day 4
Warmup: Muscle snatch + OHS Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
1+1 1+1 Power Snatch + Snatch 1+1 1+1
80 80 70 75
Jerk Recovery 3reps 3reps
90 95
Jerk-Grip Overhead Squat 5reps
ase from last week if possible) RepMax

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
1+1 1+1 Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1
80 H.S. *work to heavy single 65 70
1+2 1+2 C&J 1+2 1+2
80 H.S. *work to heavy single 65 70
Back Squat 3reps
Day 1 (16 of 30)
3 sets of (3+3) Warmup: Split Press 3 sets of 3
5+1 5+1 5+1 Jerk 2reps 2reps 2reps
RepMax RepMax RepMax 75 75 75
5reps 1rep 5reps Push Press 3reps 3reps 3reps
73 83 RepMax 75 75 75
Back Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 75 75

Day 2
Warmup: Clean DL (mid-thigh) +
3 sets of (3+3) Muscle Clean Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
1+1 1+1 Power Clean 2reps 2reps 2reps
80 RepMax 75 75 80
2+1 Clean Pull 3reps 3reps 3reps
95 90 90 90
Squat Jumps 3 sets of 3, empty bar

Day 3
Warmup: Snatch DL (mid-thigh) +
3 sets of (3+3) Muscle Snatch Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
2+1 2+1 Snatch 2reps 2reps 2reps
80 RepMax 75 75 75
C&J 1+1 1+1 1+1
75 75 75
3RepMax Front Squat 2reps 2reps 2reps
75 75 75

Day 4
3 sets of (3+3) Warmup: Press 3 sets of 3 (light)
1+1 1+1 Power Snatch 2reps 2reps 2reps
80 RepMax 75 75 75
3reps 3reps Power Jerk 2reps 2reps 2reps
95 95 75 75 75
Jerk-Grip OHS 3 sets of 3 (light)

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
1+1 1+1 1+1 Snatch 3reps 3reps 2reps
75 80 H.S. 65 70 75
1+2 1+2 1+2 C&J 1+2 1+2 1+1
75 80 H.S. 65 70 75
Back Squat 1rep 1rep 1rep
80 80 80
Day 1 (21 of 30)
Warmup: Split Press 3 sets of 3
2reps 2reps Jerk 2reps 2reps
75 75 80 80
Push Press 3reps 3reps
80 80
3reps 3reps Back Squat 3reps 3reps
75 75 75 75

Day 2
Warmup: Clean DL (mid-thigh) +
Muscle Clean Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
2reps 2reps Power Clean 2reps 2reps
80 80 75 80
Clean Pull 3reps 3reps
95 95
Squat Jumps 3 sets of 3, light weight

Day 3
Warmup: Snatch DL (mid-thigh) +
Muscle Snatch Perform 3 sets of (3+3)
2reps 2reps Snatch 2reps 2reps
75 75 80 80
1+1 1+1 C&J 1+1 1+1
75 75 75 80
Front Squat 2reps 2reps
75 75

Day 4
Warmup: Press 3 sets of 3 (light)
2reps 2reps Power Snatch 2reps 2reps
75 75 75 80
2reps 2reps Power Jerk 2reps 2reps
75 75 75 80
Jerk-Grip OHS 3 sets of 3 (increase weight from last

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
1rep 1rep 1rep Snatch 3reps 3reps
80 80 80 65 70
1+1 1+1 1+1 C&J 1+2 1+2
80 80 80 65 70
1rep Back Squat 1rep 1rep
80 80 80
Day 1 (21 of 30)
Warmup: Split Press 3 sets of 3
2reps 2reps 2reps Jerk MAX
80 80 80
3reps 3reps 3reps Push Press 3reps
80 80 80 85
3reps 3reps 3reps Back Squat 3reps
80 80 80 80

Day 2
3 sets of (3+3) Rest Day
2reps 1rep 1rep Make sure you're still active/moving around.
80 85 85 Stretching and mobility work is recommended
s of 3, light weight

Day 3
3 sets of (3+3) Warmup: Muscle Snatch 3 sets of 3
2reps 2reps 2reps Snatch 1rep
80 80 80 70
1+1 1+1 1+1 C&J 1+1
80 80 80 70
2reps Front Squat 3reps
75 70

Day 4
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
2reps 2reps 2reps Power Snatch 2reps
80 80 80 65
2reps 2reps 2reps Power Clean + Jerk 2(1+1)
80 80 80 65
ts of 3 (increase weight from last week) Stretch/Mobility

Day 5

2reps 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep Snatch MAX

75 80 80 85 85
1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 C&J MAX
75 80 80 85 85
1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep Back Squat MAX
85 85 85 85
3reps 3reps
85 85
3reps 3reps
80 80

/moving around.
k is recommended

1rep 1rep 1rep

70 75 75
1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70
3reps 3reps
70 70

2reps 2reps 2reps

65 65 65
2(1+1) 2(1+1) 2(1+1)
65 65 65
Day 1 (1 of 40)
Warmup: Tall Muscle Snatch + Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below knee) + Snatch 1+1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1
70 70 70 70
Snatch Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 85 85 85
Back Squat 6reps 6reps 6reps 6reps
70 70 70 70

Day 2
Warmup: Push-Press + Power Jerk + Jerk 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Jerk BTN + Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Push Press 4reps 4reps 4reps 4reps
70 70 70 70
Back Squat Jumps 4 sets of 3 sets with empty bar/light load

Day 3
Warmup: Tall Muscle Clean + Muscle Clean + Tall Clean 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean 1+1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1
70 70 70 70
Clean Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 85 85 85
Pause Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
65 65 65 65

Day 4
Warmup: Press in Snatch 3 sets of 3
Power Snatch + OHS 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1
70 70 70 70
Power Clean + Power Jerk 2+1 2+1 2+1 2+1
70 70 70 70
Snatch Balance 2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 70 70 70

Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice
Snatch 3reps 2reps 1rep 3reps
70 75 80 73
C&J 3+1 2+1 1+1 3+1
70 75 80 73
Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 75 75 75
1+1+1 1+1+1
70 70

1+1 1+1
70 70

1+1+1 1+1+1
70 70

2+1 2+1
70 70
2+1 2+1
70 70

2reps 1rep 3reps 2reps 1rep

78 83 75 80 85
2+1 1+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
78 83 75 80 85
Day 1 (6 of 40)
Warmup: Tall Muscle Snatch + Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below Knee) + Snatch 1+1+1 1+1+1 1+1+1
*Insert 3RM into field, other sets will be 90 and 95% of that Insert 3RM
Snatch Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 90 90
Back Squat 6reps 6reps 6reps
70 75 75

Day 2
Warmup: Push-Press + Power Jerk + Jerk 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Jerk BTN + Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1
*Insert 4RM into field, other sets will be 90 and 95% of that Insert 4RM Insert 4RM #VALUE!
Here Here
Push Press 4reps 4reps 4reps
*Insert 4RM into field, other sets will be 90 and 95% of that Insert 4RM #VALUE! #VALUE!
Back Squat Jumps 5 sets of 3, using light load

Day 3
Warmup: Tall Muscle Clean + Muscle Clean + Tall Clean 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean 1+1+1
Insert 3RM 1+1+1 1+1+1
Clean Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 90 90
Pause Front Squat (2-3second pause) 3reps 3reps 3reps
65 70 70

Day 4
Warmup: Press in Snatch 3 sets of 3
Power Snatch + OHS 2+1 2+1 2+1
Insert RM Here #VALUE! #VALUE!
Power Clean + Power Jerk 2+1 2+1 2+1
Insert RM Here #VALUE! #VALUE!
Snatch Balance 2reps 2reps 2reps
75 75 75

Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice
Snatch 3reps 2reps 1rep
73 78 83
C&J 3+1 2+1 1+1
73 78 83
Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 75 80

1+1 1+1 1+1



2reps 2reps
75 75

3reps 2reps 1rep 3reps 2reps 1rep

76 81 86 78 83 88
3+1 2+1 1+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
76 81 86 78 83 88
3reps 3reps
80 80
Day 1 (11 of 40)
Warmup: Tall Muscle Snatch + Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (below Knee) + Snatch 1+1+1
Beat Last Weeks' RepMax
Snatch Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 90 95 95
Back Squat 6reps 6reps 6reps
70 75 6RM

Day 2
Warmup: Push-Press + Power Jerk + Jerk 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Jerk BTN + Jerk 1+1
Push Press 3RM
Beat Last Weeks' RepMax
Back Squat Jumps 5 sets of 3, using light load

Day 3
Warmup: Tall Muscle Clean + Muscle Clean + Tall Clean 3 sets of (3+3+3)
Clean High-Pull + Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean 1+1+1
Beat Last Weeks' RepMax
Clean Pull (2" Deficit) 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
90 95 95 95
Pause Front Squat (2-3second pause) 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 75 75

Day 4
Warmup: Press in Snatch 3 sets of 3
Power Snatch + OHS 2+1
Beat Last Weeks' RepMax
Power Clean + Power Jerk 2+1
Beat Last Weeks' RepMax
Snatch Balance 2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 75 80 80

Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice
Snatch 3reps 2reps 1rep 3reps
75 80 85 78
C&J 3+1 2+1 1+1 3+1
75 80 85 78
Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 80 3RM
2reps 1rep 3reps 2reps 1rep
83 88 80 85 80
2+1 1+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
83 88 80 85 80
Day 1 (16 of 40)
Warmup: Muscle Snatch 3 sets of 3
Hang Snatch (below Knee) + Snatch 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Snatch Pull 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 85 85
Back Squat 4reps 4reps 4reps
70 70 70

Day 2
Warmup: Your Choice
Jerk BTN + Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Push Press 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 70 70 70
Back Squat Jumps 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
20 20 20 20

Day 3
Warmup: Muscle Clean 3 sets of 3
Hang Clean (below knee) + Clean 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Clean Pull 3reps 3reps 3reps
85 85 85
Front Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 70 70 70

Day 4
Warmup: Your Choice
Power Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Power Clean + Power Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70 70
Snatch Balance 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 70 70

Day 5
Warmup: Dip Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch 3reps 2reps 1rep 1rep
75 80 85 85
C&J 3+1 2+1 1+1 1+1
75 80 85 85
Front Squat 2reps 2reps 2reps
80 80 80
Day 1 (21 of 40)
Warmup: Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance 3 sets of (3+3)
1+1 Snatch On-The-Minute (1 rep every minute) 1rep 1rep
70 * 15 sets total, for 15minutes total 70 70
* If technique/weights feel good, perform Heavy Sets below 1rep 1rep
75 75
1rep 1rep
80 80
Optional Heavy Sets 1rep 1rep
* Rest for 2 minutes between heavy sets H.S. H.S.
Snatch Pull 2reps 2reps
1+1 90 95
70 Front Squat 2reps 2reps
75 80
Weighted Pull-Ups 3 sets of 5-8reps

Day 2
Warmup: High-Pull Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (From knee) 1+1 1+1
70 70
1+1 Power Clean + Power Jerk 1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
70 #VALUE!
Push Press 3reps 3reps
Insert RepMax
Here #VALUE!
70 Day 3
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Press in Clean 3 sets of (3+3)
C&J On-The-Minute (1 rep every minute) 1+1 1+1
* 15 sets total, for 15minutes total 70 70
1+1 * If technique/weights feel good, perform Heavy Sets below 1+1 1+1
70 75 75
1+1 1+1 1+1
70 80 80
Optional Heavy Sets 1+1 1+1
* Rest for 2 minutes between heavy sets H.S. H.S.
Clean Pull 2reps 2reps
90 100
Back Squat 3reps 3reps
1rep 70 75
85 DB Bent Row 3 sets of 8reps
85 Day 4
Warmup: Mid-Hang Muscle Snatch + OHS 3 sets of (3+3)
Power Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
Here #VALUE!

Power Jerk + Jerk 1+1 1+1

70 70
Snatch Balance H.S.
Insert H.S. 1rep
Here #VALUE!

Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice
Snatch H.S. 1rep
Insert H.S.
C&J H.S. 1+1
Insert H.S. #VALUE!
Front Squat 2reps 2reps
70 75
Box Jumps 3 sets of 5reps
1rep 1rep 1rep
70 70 70
1rep 1rep 1rep
75 75 75
1rep 1rep 1rep
80 80 80
1rep 1rep 1rep
H.S. H.S. H.S.
2reps 2reps
100 100
2reps 2reps 2reps
85 90 90

1+1 1+1 1+1

70 70 70

1+1 1+1 1+1

70 70 70
1+1 1+1 1+1
75 75 75
1+1 1+1 1+1
80 80 80
1+1 1+1 1+1
H.S. H.S. H.S.
2reps 2reps 2reps
110 110 110
3reps 3reps
75 75
1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70

1rep 1rep
1+1 1+1
2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
80 85 85 85
Day 1 (26 of 40)
Warmup: Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance 3 sets of (3+3)
Snatch On-The-Minute (1 rep every minute) 1rep 1rep 1rep
* 15 sets total, for 15minutes total 73 73 73
* If technique/weights feel good, perform Heavy Sets below 1rep 1rep 1rep
78 78 78
1rep 1rep 1rep
83 83 83
Optional Heavy Sets 1rep 1rep 1rep
* Rest for 2 minutes between heavy sets H.S. H.S. H.S.
Snatch Pull 2reps 2reps 2reps
* Increase weight on final set if technique is good 95 105 110
Front Squat 1rep
Weighted Pull-Ups 3 sets of 5-8reps

Day 2
Warmup: High-Pull Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (From knee) 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70
Power Clean + Power Jerk 1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
Push Press 1rep

Day 3
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Press in Clean 3 sets of (3+3)
C&J On-The-Minute (1 rep every minute) 1+1 1+1 1+1
* 15 sets total, for 15minutes total 73 73 73
* If technique/weights feel good, perform Heavy Sets below 1+1 1+1 1+1
78 78 78
1+1 1+1 1+1
83 83 83
Optional Heavy Sets 1+1 1+1 1+1
* Rest for 2 minutes between heavy sets H.S. H.S. H.S.
Clean Pull 2reps 2reps 2reps
* Increase weight on final set if technique is good 90 100 110
Back Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 75 75
DB Bent Row 3 sets of 8reps

Day 4
Warmup: Mid-Hang Muscle Snatch + OHS 3 sets of (3+3)
Power Snatch + OHS 1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
Power Jerk + Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 70 70
Snatch Balance 1rep

Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice
Snatch 1rep 1rep 1rep
Insert H.S. Here #VALUE! #VALUE!
C&J H.S. 1+1 1+1
Insert H.S. Here #VALUE! #VALUE!
Front Squat 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 75 80
Box Jumps 3 sets of 5reps
Day 1 (31 of 40)
Warmup: Dip Snatch
1rep 1rep Snatch
73 73
1rep 1rep Snatch Pull
78 78
1rep 1rep Front Squat
83 83
1rep 1rep Weighted Pull-Ups
H.S. H.S.
2reps Day 2
110 Warmup: High-Pull Snatch
Snatch High-Pull + Hang Snatch (From knee)

Power Clean + Power Jerk

Push Press

1+1 1+1
70 70 Day 3
Warmup: Muscle Clean + Press in Clean

Clean Pull

Back Squat

1+1 1+1 DB Bent Row

73 73
1+1 1+1 Day 4
78 78 Warmup: Mid-Hang Muscle Snatch + OHS
1+1 1+1 Power Snatch + OHS
83 83
1+1 1+1 Power Jerk + Jerk
H.S. H.S.
2reps Snatch Balance
75 Day 5
Warmup: Your Choice

Front Squat
1+1 1+1
70 70 Box Jumps

2reps 2reps 2reps
85 85 85
3 sets of 3
1rep 1rep
Insert H.S. Here #VALUE!
2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
95 100 100 100
2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 80 80 85 85
3 sets of 5-8reps

3 sets of 3
1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 75 75 75
1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 75 75 75

3 sets of (3+3)
1rep 1rep
Insert H.S. Here #VALUE!
2reps 2reps
95 100
3reps 3reps 3reps 3reps
70 75 75 75
3 sets of 6reps

3 sets of (3+3)
1+1 1+1
Insert RepMax
1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 75 75 75
2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 70 70 70

3 sets of 3
Heavy Single
Heavy Single

2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps 2reps

70 75 80 85 85 85
3 sets of 5reps
Day 1 (36 of 40)
Warmup: Press in Snatch 3 sets of 3
Snatch 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep
70 75 80 85
C&J 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 75 80
Clean Pull 2reps 2reps 2reps
90 90 90
Back Squat 3reps 3reps 3reps
75 75 75

Day 2
Rest Day
Make sure you're still active/moving around.
Stretching and mobility work is recommended

Day 3
Snatch 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep
70 75 75 75 75
C&J 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
70 75 75 75
Snatch Pull 2reps 2reps 2reps
85 85 85
Front Squat 2reps 2reps 2reps
70 70 70

Day 4
Snatch 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep 1rep
60 60 60 60 60
Power Jerk + Jerk 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
60 60 60 60 60

Day 5
Snatch MAX


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