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Term Project

Term Project on

Name:-Shuttle Bangladesh

Submitted to:

Syed Javed Iqbal


Submitted by

Group Name:-Group2

Tasnia Aziz 1510255030

Md. Nayeem 1511439030
Nagib Mahfuj 1421336030
Tariqur Rahman 1421271030
Md. Rajiur Rahman 1420690030
Arifur Rahman Ashique 1430964630

Section: 21

Date of Submission: 30th, August, 2019

Letter of Transmittal

August 30, 2019

Syed Javed Iqbal

Department of Management,

School of Business & Economics

North South University

Subject: Submission of the group term paper on Shuttle.

Dear Sir,

It is a great pleasure for us to be able to hand over our term paper on Shuttle. The result of this

report is based on our analysis and related articles and literatures, and knowledge which we have

been obtained from this respective course.

We tried to give our level best of effort for preparing this report. The information of the report is

mainly based on the primary data which we gather through visiting Shuttle and secondary data

like various literature review and other data from different web links. All of us gave our hundred

percent for making this report come together.

We, fervently hope that you will find this report worth reading. Finally, we hope you will

appreciate our hard work and excuse the minor errors. Thank you for your cooperation.


First of all, we would like to thank our honorable and loving lecturer, Mr. Syed Javed Iqbal for

giving us the opportunity to do our term paper under his supervision, and for his unending

support of providing us with the necessary help for the completion of the paper.

We should like to thank the management of Shuttle and CEOReyasat Chowdhury and Shah

Sufian, for sparing his valuable time and providing us with all the necessary information required

in our completion of our report. We would like to thank you for arranging all the meetings so

that we could do our term paper. And we would also like to express our utmost gratitude to all

the respondents who gave their treasured time in answering our questions which was an essential

part in completing this paper. For their contribution we were successful to get the information

needed for our paper.

And finally, we give credit to online resources for providing us with all the secondary

information required to complete this report.

Table of Contents

Topic Page

History, Development & Growth of the …………………………………………….07

Internal Analysis …………………………………………….08

External Environment ………………………………………….09-13

SWOT ………………………………………….14-15

Company’s Business ……………………………………………..16

Distinctive Competencies ……………………………………………..16

Financial Performance Analysis ………………………………………......17-20

Recommendations for Shuttle ………………..…………………………21-24

Corporate Level Strategy …………………………………………….25

Business Level Strategy …………………………………………….26

Functional Level Strategy ………………………………………….27-28

Technological Strategy ……………………………………………..28

Company’s Governance Recommendation …………………………………………..29-30

Strategic Control System …………………………………………….30

Does the existing company culture support …………………………………………….30

your recommended strategies?

Ethical Value Proposition ……………………………………..……...32

References & Appendix ……………………………………………..32

Executive Summary

This report conducted on the “Shuttle Bangladesh” that is the first mover transportation

system for the woman in Dhaka city. This is actually growing position in the transportation

industry and it attracts their targeted customers. Initially it targets only three university (NSU,

IUB, AIUB) but now it runs seven routes successfully. They have sophisticated app and twenty

five vehicles and also reserve some vehicle for sever situation. We analysis their current business

model and try to find how to reach their current position. Based on our theoretical knowledge we

suggest the Shuttle how to maintain and grow their current business.

This report contains three parts where the first parts describe their current situation in the

industry and analyze the internal as well as external factors how to affect or aid them. Second

part consists of our recommendations, strategies for the next five years. The last part

recommends how to implement our recommendations.

From our finding we notice that they should improve their business and functional level

strategies in specific areas. The most important suggestion is they should increase their road

number otherwise second one will hurt their potential business.

PART A: Research & Analysis

History, Development, and Growth of the Company

Shuttle Bangladesh

Transportation is one of the biggest issues the country faces, especially here in the capital

where traffic has no mercy. For women it is harder finding the right vehicle given public

transport is not always safe.The company was founded by Reyasat Chowdhury and Shah Sufian

as a safe and affordable transport mode for women. The service started off with a few routes, but

now has increased its routes and destinations due to demand. This is an app based service, but

users can also call on their hotline number to book a ride. Shuttle currently serves more than

7000 women between the age of 18 to 45, which mostly includes the college or university going

students and women who work. The sole intention behind the inception of Shuttle was to

redefine and modernize the commuting method for our women, by offering an affordable, safe

and comfortable alternative to public and private transports. At present, they serve their clients

using 11-seater, air-conditioned microbuses which operate in seven routes -- Dhanmondi to

Bashundhara, Mirpur to Bashundhara, Mirpur-Mohammadpur to Gulshan 1, Mohammadpur to

Bashundhara, Uttara to Bashundhara, and Dhanmondi to Rampura.(Tahsin, 2019) Shuttle tries to

introduce new routes every month.The transport will pick them up from any of the pickup points

provided and drop them off to their booked destination seemed safe. They launched their test

phase on july 2018 in selected private universities like NSU, IUB, AIUB etc. After a positive

response from the initial users, they are now expanding rapidly. ( (Mourin, 2018)

Internal Analysis

Focusing Sector

They are mainly focusing on the students and the working class women. Currently, they

are working on seven routes and providing around 1,000 rides per day they have twenty five(25)

Hiace micro buses. They are trying to introduce new routes every month. Their goal is to ensure

that women in Bangladesh would cease to worryover their safety in transportation.

Shutttle is focusing on some particular area where students and working class womens are

regulry come and go; those are Uttara-Bashundhara, Mirpur-Bashundhara, Dhanmondi-

Bashundhara, Dhanmondi-Gulshanand Mirpur-Mohammadpur-Gulshan. (Correspondent, 2019)

Resources & Capabilities:-

Sophisticated App

Intellectual Paper

Ability to take risk & liability

Hiace micro (Super gl)

Convenient Pickup & Drop-off Point

Multi skillful staffs

Providing Trip manager every ride

Monitor the vehicle by goggle map.

External Environment

1.Industry Analysis:-A few years ago, the transportation system in Dhaka city was a

traditional way. But recently this system has changed dramatically. People find more flexible

vehicle for moving from one place to another place. And it is increasing day by day because of

traffic jam, safety issue, time saving, and comfortable. Now the ratio of man and women in the

office is almost.4:1. The woman empowerment is increased day by day and woman is engaged

activity out of the door. But in our city there is no special transportation system for them. As a

result most of the time, they face social burden, sexual harassment, incapable of seat problems in

their journey. There are some flexible transportation for all that are expensive like “Uber, Pathao,

Obhai’ Shohoz” etc. Now a day’s woman participation has become compulsory factor in order to

improve the economy as well as support their family. For this reason government has taken many

steps for empowering the woman by facilitating from the different site. According to Bangladesh

Bureau of Statistic, the woman participation will be the same as like man by 2030. But the

transportation system has not developed for them still now. This is where organization like

“Shuttle” has a crucial role in the transportation sector for the woman.

Competitive Forces Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces)

Topic Position Describe

Shuttle has introduced by the

Competition in the Industry Moderate idea innovation where they

serve only the woman and

take risk and responsibility of

their customer. There is no

directly competition company

but they have some indirectly

competitors like “Uber,

Pathao, Shohoz” etc.

Though there is no special

Potential of New Entrants in Moderate barrier in this industry for

the Industry launching the business, the

need of huge capital,

sophisticated app, submitting

legal paper to the authority,

permission for the road permit

will reduce the probability of

new entrants.

Supplier has little bargaining

Power of Suppliers Low power because there are ten

suppliers that they adhere to

supply their car to Shuttle and

the Shuttle got this advantage

because of first mover.

There is no alternative

Power of Buyers Low transportation that they carry

only the woman and its

switching cost is high when

they concern about their safety


Though there is no directly

Threat of Substitute Service Moderate competitor but there are some

indirectly competitor that a

woman can choose the

alternative option.

Industry Life Cycle Analysis

Business going to growth stage:-Currently Shuttle is in a transition between goings from the

embryonic stage to the growth stage here in Bangladesh. This enterprise started through an idea

innovation that they serve their customers by taking their risk and responsibility. Since Shuttle

has already served seven routes as well as they are promoting their brands all over the

Bangladesh and especially in Dhaka city level the demand is increasing day by day dramatically.

And the customers are informed easily from advertisement, campaign, and social media. Hence

based on those characteristics we can address easily that the Shuttle stands exactly between

“Embryonic& Growth stage”.

Macro-environment (PESTEL)

Political Factors:-If we analysis the seven to eight years political consequences we will

find a better environment from any others government’s business environment. And the present

government ensures the new entrepreneurs that they will help them from any side if the business

idea will be conducive to the people. Based on the development of the government it can be

predict that this government will sustain more years in our country. Hence we can accept better

political environment in the future as well as this environment also conducive to the Shuttle


Economic Factors:-If we analyze the present and the last ten years economic situation

we find that people are more flexible to get a better service or products. And the last ten years

Bangladesh GDP has increased dramatically. The currency appreciation happened, income per

capital enhanced, increasing spending power. Economic factors also help to boast up the

enterprise because the probability is very low that economics face a trouble situation in the


Social Factors:-includes the population growth rate, population health, education and

social mobility etc. Dhaka city is the most populated densely city all over the world. And it is

increasing day by day. This is a good side for the Shuttle and the last few years woman faced

severe sexual harassment, burden from the public, private as well as from the civil site. So such

kind of environment is a very conducive to the Shuttle to lead their business potentiality.

Technological Factors:-Impact of emerging technologies, impact of technology transfer,

research and development activity etc. are the technological factors.Bangladesh is still not

advanced in technology. As local companies are not so advanced technically, there is chance of

Shuttle to stay in a good position because of its advanced technical features that is totally

updated from the Singapore technological company.

Legal Factors:-The legal factors of our transportation system are more complex and easy

because the authority doesn’t take their responsibility as well as monitor this sector thoroughly.

So it’s an advantage for Shuttle to take road permit quickly and this advantage will bring because

of first mover.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis, we do for identify the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external

threats and opportunities in an organization/industry. Identifying these key issues early on in Shuttle

business it will be a great advantage as they can build on their strengths and opportunities and come up

with ways to overcome their weaknesses and threats. They key issues are discussed below:


1. Their app is strongly sophisticated it’s developed from Singapore.

2. Pick and drop service only for woman. As woman transport provider they don’t

have any competitors.

3. Pre-booking service only given by shuttle.

4. No accident happened still now.

5. Ensuring the safety and offer a ride without hassle.

6. Payment system totally depends on the user flexibility.

7. There is no chance to cancel any ride from the driver side.


1. Not well recognized brand.

2. They are not providing available service because of road permit.

3. Limited fleet of services.

4. They don’t have full time drivers. They hire drivers.

5. They do not have own personal car or micro bus. They hire all.

6. Less Market share in the transportation industry.


1. Man or woman is more adhere to flexible transportation.

2. The participation of the woman has increased in the working place.

3. Women are more concern about their safety because of changing the societal values.

4. Woman has already accepts the Trend.

5. Lower cost rider and government full support.

6. “Times for money” that’s why everyone wants to move one place to another place

quickly as well as hassle free.


1. Moderate profit margin.

2. Competitors can be high when woman wants to journey privately. Example Uber,

Pathao etc.

3. Unhappy service or drive maintains.

4. Bad road condition, increasing traffic jam.

5. Lack of road permit can be reduced the market share.

6. Adverse political condition.

7. Feeling inflexible when trip manager helps woman or criticize other competitor if any

undesirable issue happened.

Company’s Business

Who is being satisfied? (Customer Group) All the female who are travelling to our

specified seven roads and also woman who are

adhering to transport with woman.

What is being satisfied? (Customer Need) The basic need of safety, relaxation, less

traffic, time saving and the authority takes the

risk and responsibility about your any issue in

the journey.

How the customer needs being satisfied? Through 25 vehicle of the Hiace super gl in

(Distinctive competency) total 450 seats and five vehicles are reserved

for supporting the crucial demand or any

accidental case.

Distinctive Competencies:-

“Shuttle” has the sophisticated app where customer accomplishes their pre-book

schedule as well as provides a trip manager inside vehicle in order to ensure safety for their

customers. And also customer uses their debit card, credit card, mobile banking, bikash any

account for their payment. They are trying to gain the ISO9001 that is standing for Quality

Management System.

Financial Performance Analysis:-

Liquidity Ratio:-

Current Ratio
3 2.97
2.5 2.63
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter
Series2 2.45 2.63 2.97

The current ratio represents the current asset in terms of current liquidity that

indicates the company is capable to pay their current debt as soon as possible. The standard

current ratio is 2:1. But here we see that the Shuttle’s current ratio is increasing quarterly because

they gain more cash everyday but they can’t invest on others roads because of road permit. It has

advantages that the company has taken an opportunity to implement new corporate and business

level strategies because of being enough cash in their account.

Profitability Ratio:-

Profit Margin

30% 30%

20% 21%




1 2 3
Profit Margin 21% 27% 30%

Profitability ratio is an important ratio for any company because it indicates the

sales turns into profit in terms of percentage unit. Here the Shuttle’s profit margin has enhanced

dramatically. Actually it’s happened overnight because of going to growth stage as well as

accepting the service customer highly. In addition it’s a great opportunity for the Shuttle to

exploit the future corporate and business level strategies in order to lead their business

potentiality which will bring higher yield for the venture.

Competitive Advantage:-

Shuttle is the first mover transportation system for the woman in the Dhaka city. It has

launched almost one year but it has completed 158620 rides successfully only using the specific

seven routes.

Shuttle’s Competitive Advantages:-

Goodwill & Reputation:-The lifetime of the Shuttle is one year. But it has attracted a lot

of customer by maintaining their strict rules, regulation and working process. It has already

completed 158620 rides successfully with gaining the fully satisfied client.

Quality of Service:-The quality of service is superior to any other transportation service.

They use the fully air-conditioned hiace, trip manager inside in order to ensure safety or any

issue of their customer, pre-book option. There is no option to cancel the ride from the Shuttle

driver’s side.

Comfortable Environment:-Shuttle provides fully comfortable environment where they

get the opportunity to make their friends and discuss a constructive matter as well as they can

study in the vehicle during their journey and do any tasks.

Current Business Model

Shuttle Bangladesh

Key Partners Key Value Proposition Customer Customer

Activities Relationships Segment
1. Government, 1. Providing
Investors & 1. University less traffic.
2. Reducing 1. Acquisition-This 1. Females
& who use Cng,
2. Key Suppliers risk factors new service can
Corporate Uber, Patho
of Technology & & providing
Campaign. acquire etc.
vehicles. more safety.
3. More
2. Developing 2. Female who
comfortable 2. Retention-By
the whole conscious
& charming getting positive about their
process. interior feedback both safety.
customer & key
4. Less 4. Female who
expensive partners. wants a better
Key transportation
Resources Channels
1. Website and Fb-Page
garage, parking
are available for all to
ask any query and
Human:-Multi- customers also know
skill full Staffs our offerings.
2. Transaction method is
based on the
Licensing & legal
customer’s flexibility.
roadpermit paper.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

1. Car maintenance cost. 1. Recurring revenue by per riding.

2. Garage & Bus stand exp. 2. Interest from Deposit
3. Profit sharing
4. Operational cost
5. Overhead cost

Part: B Strategic Plan for the Next Five Years

Recommendation to Capitalize their Strengths:-

Fulfilling the increasing Demand:-The first mover the estimations of the demand can

not the same real demand. It introduces first woman quality full transportation system in the

Dhaka city where they ensure safety, comfortable journey for their customer. As result the

demand is increasing dramatically that has already crossed their estimation. That’s why they

want to invest on their increasing demandby adding new vehicle.

Improve the Feature:-As they ensure the quality full service, they can add new feature

in the vehicle like router where customer can enjoy internet service freely. They can invest it

from their side or they can take help from the telecommunication company like (Robi) because

Robi tries to increase their market share through philanthropic activity. They also invest on app

so that customer can pay on advance in order to reduce their payment hassle.

Increasing the safety level:-Now the political condition is stable but in the future will be

changed if analyzing the past history. That’s why they invest on their car by introducing

emergency door where the customer can move safely any accidental environment.

Recommendations to overcome weaknesses:-

Creating Brand Loyalty:-As a first mover the brand image as well as the market share

is less compare to other competitors. On the other hand it’s a great opportunity to utilize their

first mover advantage to create brand loyalty by providing good feedback, increasing customer

responsiveness to the social as well as safety issue and after customer service by emphasizing

their customer opinion.

Employing the own Drivers& Vehicle:-Shuttle has no own driver to drive their vehicle.

It’s a big weakness for them because they take the risk and responsibility of their customer in

order to increase the safety level. That’s why they should invest on own car as well as they

should recruit the driver on a periodical basis or as a employee where they will get wages

monthly basis.

Recommendations for exploiting new opportunities:

Exploit New Trend:-As the people especially woman face many hassle in the

public as well as private transportation. And it is increasing at an alarming rate. And man &

woman also accept the new trend app transportation system. But except the Shuttle all

transportation system can’t take responsibility as well as the riding totally depends on the driver

approval. So that woman doesn’t find them proper time and in appropriate place. Hence a new

trend starts in the transportation sector. In addition people are looking for a flexible vehicle that

provides more safety. So in order to utilize this opportunity the Shuttle should take new road

permission in an advance so that after estimating the new demand on the new road they can

easily exploit it.

The Intervention of the Government:-Our government commit that the ratio of the man

and woman in the office will be 1:1. So they offer special privileges for the woman in the

working place. But the government can’t improve the public transportation for the woman. But

the transportation (Shuttle) changes the whole scenario by the introducing the idea innovation.

This idea was fully supported by the government. So there is an opportunity that the government

will help them according to their needs or reducing their tax rate where they fulfill their customer

requirement at a cheaper rate.

Recommendations to mitigate threats:-

Charge a Premium Price:-As the Shuttle has the initial stage, so the profit margin is

moderate. For enhancing their profit margin they develop their functional level or they increase

their competencies for charging premium price. They create bypass road if there is no pick-up in

the next station as well as they set up water filter that is use for the emergency case for their


Utilization the Technology & Recruitment the Woman as Trip Manager:-In order to

avoid the scandal issue Shuttle should use CC camera where they can monitor their driver and

trip manager behavior. They also recruit the woman as a trip manager where all issue handle by

the woman that represent the woman empowerment.

Reducing the Competition level:-There is no direct competitor but there are many

indirect competitors like Uber, Pathao, Shohoz, Obhai. That’s why Shuttle should identify the

key areas of their business potential. They have to serve or increase their market share by

meeting customer requirement by providing the good feedback that is attracted by the new

customer responsiveness by following the market penetration strategy.

Financial Analysis:-All recommendations are totally depends on their financial

condition. As this industry is going to embryonic to growth stage, the co-founder Jawwad

Jahangir said that the whole financial scenario is totally confidential information at right now. I

have no law or right that I share with you. But he gives two ratios that we described on the

above. Based on these two ratios we can say easily that they have enough cash or current asset to

pay their current debt or invest in their business to exploit new opportunity. On the other hand

their profit margin is also increased that indicates their operating efficiency level, diversified

their fixed cost, attracting new customer. So these are the pros for the Shuttle to make new

corporate as well as business level strategies in order to exploit & lead their business opportunity

in the future. Hence the financial condition is totally conducive to our all recommendations.

Corporate Level Strategies:-

Horizontal & Vertical Integration

To meet the increasing demand as well as the requirement of the customer needs the

corporate level strategy should be merged with the car renter supplier as well as invest the own

vehicle and staffs. They are using seven routes and twenty five vehicles that are totally running

by the partnership process with the car supplier. So as our recommendation part we recommend

that they should invest on own car & staffs where they include the woman trip manager and

fixed basis driver as well as they modify their feature so that they can premium charge. For this

reason The Shuttle should invest on horizontal as well as vertical integration. They should invest

new own vehicle on the existing road that designs recommend in the recommendation part with

the all special feature that is increase their asset value. Utilizing this asset value they can also

finance by debt process from the bank that is tax shield. As the demand is increasing, they should

merge with new car supplier or the new contract with the existing car supplier in order to provide

the new road service. As a result they don’t need to invest a lot of money for the new customers

as well as the new car vehicle will give the opportunity to premium charge that will increase the

asset value as well as the profit margin.

Business Level Strategies:-

Service will be supplied to customers through unique features as well as the unique

attribution of an organization characteristic by creating the differentiation. This will be donned

by providing the high quality service, concentration on customer responsiveness, strong

implementation process, using leverage killer application & tools, making ordering ease and

ensuring the sustainability. To run this feature the Shuttle has to follow the broad

differentiation strategy which recognizes the differentiation the company’s services from the

competitors with attributes that will satisfy broad spectrum of the market by allowing a premium

charge. But the price range will not cross from their competitors because their competitors

follow the Focused differentiation strategy.

Shuttle provide their superior service through

• Providing the quality full service is less expensive compare to other app based

transportation system.

• Increasing the buyer comfortable level by introducing the new technological


• Increase the performance and the flexibility level of the customers.

• Ensuring some medicine during the journey for vomiting, gastro logy, cough, cold

etc. Using the filter water in the emergency case that will increase the customer

utility level.

• Everyday monitoring their vehicle in order to maintenance & installment.

Functional Level Strategies:-For ensuring the business level strategy the activity of the

functional level strategies significant.

The Production Process of the Service:-As the Shuttle invest on the own vehicles, they

should focus more quality full parts as well as accessories that ensure the long useful time with

better performance.

Marketing:-Marketing department should create demand by introducing the safety level

towards to the customers as well as advertising the negative consequences social harassment that

a woman faces in the journey. Initially they advertise on university or corporate level campany,

social media. It’s high time to promote their services on press media; introducing new tag line

before going to the growth industry life cycle otherwise new competitors can hurt their potential


Human Resources:-For enhancing the comfortable and the flexible level of the

customers the Human resource should train their trip manager as well as driver how to

communicate with their customers, how to response any issue. Also portrait the scenario base

analysis how to treat any accidental or medical events. When Shuttle recruits a woman for a trip

manager, the degree of comfortable and the flexibility level will be boasting up dramatically.

Communication:-After the every successfully trip, the manager notifies the operating

manager as well as the manager tracks the vehicle all the time by google map so that he can

response quickly.

Customer special service:-Ensuring the primary medical solution during their journey

that leads to higher utility and differentiation.

Finance and Planning:-There are a lot of investments on the horizontal as well as

vertical integration in order to aid the functional level strategy as well as the business level

strategy. That’s why the finance department should invest on higher yield on road by managing

the fund with a lower required rate. They can share their profit with investment bank which will

reduce the funding cost and the tax that will increase the profitability.

Technological Strategies

Update the App:-This business is totally depends on the app that can be leaded the

business upward or downward direction. That’s why update the app is necessary activity for this

organization. They use Singaporean Software Company in order to update their technological

sectors. It’s a very good strategies because any one (Bangladeshi) can’t understand their app

deeply as well as it will create barrier to intimate this app. But they add new electronic payment

method to make flexible payment. For this reason we recommend that

Include Easier Order:-When they develop their apps, firstly they have to concentrate

how a customer orders easily. In the service sector the system of ordering process contribute to

the business success.

Increase the security level:-As they introduce the electronic payment system, it’s a big

challenge for them to secure customer’s confidential information. For this reason they have to

increase their security level in the app so that no one can hurt the app or steal customer

asymmetric information.

Increasing the Customer Consultancy:-Business decision makes for the customer in

the business perspective and the customers are always right. For this reason they should consult

to their customers so that new version can’t hurt or increase complexity level of their customers.

PART C: Implementing the Strategic Plan

Company’s Governance Recommendation:-

Actually Shuttle was formed by the three entrepreneurs who had completed their
graduation from North South University. Those are Reyasat Chowdhury, Jawwad Jahangir
Shan Sufian Mahmud Chowdhury. At present the Shuttle’s organizational structure is given
in the below:-

Stage:01 Chowdhury
Co-founder & Ceo

Shan Sufian
Jawwad Jahangir
Stage:02 Co-founder & COO
Co-fpunder & CTO

Shakawath Alom
Parvin Ahmed Anwar Hossain
Stage:03 Accounting &
Marketing Operation
Manager Manager

The current management style of the shuttle is independent and they are highly
committed to give their best efforts in order to better result. Currently the organization
structure is followed by:-

• Code of Conduct

• Internal Audit Committee

• Conflict of Interest Policy

• Anti-Bribery Corruption Policy

• Competitive business behavior to exploit their potential opportunity.

We recommend adding HR department for the next five years in order to train their
employees as well as fix the salary, incentive range. Otherwise we don’t alter any significance
for the next five years. And we also recommend following their rules and policies in order to
reduce the bureaucratic & measurement problem so that they can easily understand future

Strategic Control System:-The strategic control system of the Shuttle is more well

defined where they follow the output control system and the behavioral control system. Goal is

established according to their resources and capabilities that are compared with their actual

performance and provide recommendation if it is need. We recommend only that they should

include the reward system for the department or employees who will fulfill their standard target.

Does the existing company culture support your recommended strategies?

Yes, Shuttle culture follows my recommendation strategies. Because the ultimate

successes of the business depends on the resource, capabilities and its people how to morally

integrate their practices. They highly value their ethical factors in the both business & personal

case when they engage any business activities. That’s why we have no significant

recommendation for their culture. The process of integration is given in the below:-

• Focusing in the group’s commitment& integrate the mission, vision statement.

• Manager defines the employee behaviors how to achieve their target by following

the code of conduct.

• Providing ethical mechanism and law report how to differently react to


• In the decision making process they always justify threes ethical question before

taking the final decision.

Global Strategies for Shuttle:-when we commend for going global, firstly we have to

think what types of business it is? Shuttle is an application based transportation system but it

takes responsibility as well as risk for their customer but other application based company only

they act as a bridge between buyer and seller and they are not liable if any occurrence happens

between buyer and seller. For this reason the Shuttle can’t run their business globally like Uber,

Pathao etc. These types of business totally depend on the nation’s legal, security, political,

economic, gender equality, moral of the society etc. And initially requiring high capital to enter

in the new market as well as facing a lot of nation’s barriers. For this reason we recommend

Shuttle following the Joint Venture global strategy where they will get the political, legal and

the cultural support from their partners. Shuttle can also diversify their fixed cost & risk with

their partners. As the main distinctive advantage of the shuttle is that it takes risk and

responsibility of their customers, so they go to global market based on following the joint

venture strategy, they can diversify their liable with their foreign partners.

Ethical Value Proposition:-In order to enhance ethical value proposition Shuttle

takes account into all the value activities. But they can’t provide same level of

satisfaction of their all stakeholder. Since the ultimate success of the business depends on

the stakeholder reaction, we provide a stakeholder analysis that help to identify their

potential stakeholder

We divide into four parts the stakeholder based on the power and interest two by two matrix
which describe in the below.

• High power & High Interest:-Governments, employees, regulatory bodies, supplier,

• High power & Low Interest:-BRTC.
• Low power & High Interest:-Maintenance party
• Low Power & Low Interest:-Competitors, local public, Male.

Based on this matrix they can make their ethical framework that leads to a superior
performance in their business and meet their potential stakeholder demands.

Correspondent, S. (2019). Shuttle brings safe, comfortable transportation for city women. Dhaka:

Mourin, S. (2018, November 19). A transportation solution for women in Dhaka. E-Paper, p. 1.

Tahsin, S. (2019, March 25). Empowering women to commute. Star Youth, p. 1. (2019). Welcome to shuttle. [online] Available at:



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