Harrisburg: Will Really Make A Difference?

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The Van der_Horst rve of Media Visibility

How to Deal with De ir D The Family Bed

Will it really make a difference?

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~:..As a society, we are caught between an impending sense of apocalypse

and an inability to acknowledge it ... "

By Joanna Rogers Macy

I do not -...·ishto seem overdramatic but I

can only conclude from the information
that i.f available to me as Secrerary-
General. that the Members of the United
Nations have perhaps ten years left in
1-.•hich to subordinate their ancient
quarre/.r and launch a global partnership
to curb the arms race, 10 Improve the
human e111·ironment,to defuse the pop•
ulation explosion. and to .vupply the
required momentum to developmefll
efforts. I/sue!, a global parmersl,ip is not
forged within the next decade. then I l'try
much fear that the problems I have men-
tioned will hm•e reached such staggering
pruportiom that the.v will be beyond our
capacity 10 control .
-U Thant (1969)
ur time bombards us with signals

0 of distress-of ecological destruc-

tion. waning resources. social
breakdown, and uncontrolled nuclear
proliferation. Not surprisingly, people
are feeling despair-a despair well
merited by the hair-trigger machinery of
mass death that we have created and con-
tinue to serve. What is surprising is the
extent to which we hide this despair from
ourselves and one another. If we are, as a sense of impending apocalypse and an this apathy, however, · is not mere
Arthur Koestler suggested, undergoing inability to acknowledge it. indifference: it derives also from dread. It
an age of anxiety. we are also growing Political activists, who would arouse stems from a fear of confronting the
adept at sweeping this anxiety under the us to the fact that our very survival ts at despair that lurks subliminally beneath
rug. As a society, we are caught between stake. decry public apathy. The cause of the tenor of life-as-usual . (f anything. the

Joanna Roger.I Mari •. Ph.D ., lives with her family in a cooperati1•e homehold it1
Waxhington. D C 4 writer and lecturer on comparative religion. sh<:plam to 1pe11tl
the next year in Sri Lanka, researching the 11.resof 811ddhiJmfor .1ocialtl1t111ge

1979 b.1·Joa1111aRogers MaC'y. All rights reserved

40 New Age

alarms raised by protestors have an
anesthetic effect, numbing us to our
despair. Our dread of what.is happening
to our future is banished to the fringes of
awareness, too deep for most of us to
name, too fearsome lo face. Sometimes it
manifests m dreams of mass destruc-
tion-and is exorcised in the morning jog
and shower, or in the public fantasies of
disaster entertainment. But it is rarely
acknowledged or expressed directly.
Because of social taboos against despair
and because of fear of pain, it is kept at
The suppression of despair, like that of
an} deep recurrent response, produces a
partial numbing of the psyche: expres-
sions of anger or terror are muted,
deadened as if a nerve bad been cut. This
refusal of feeling takes a heavy toll: not
only an impoverishment of emotional
and sensory life (the flowers dimmer and
less fragrant. loves less ecstatic), but a
les~ened capacit) to process and respond
to information . The energy expended in
pushing down despair is diverted from
more creative uses. depleting resilience
and imagination needed for fresh visions
and strategies. Furthermore, the fear of
despair can erect an invisible screen,
selectivel} filtering out anxiety-provok-
ing data . Since organisms require feed-
back in order to adapt and survive, such
c~a~ion is ~uicidal. Now. just when we
most urgently need to measure the effects
of our acts. attention and curiosity
sla ..kcn-as if we were already preparing
for lhe Big Sleep. Many of us, doggedly
attending to business-as-usual, deny both
our despair and our ability to cope with
Despair cannot be banished by
sermons on "positive thinking" or injec-
tions of optimism. Like grief, it must be
worked through. It must be named, and
validated as a healthy, normal, human
response to the planetary situation.
Faced and experienced, despair can be
used· as the psyche's defenses drop away,
new energies are released.
I am con\'inced that we can come to
terms with apocalyptic anxieties in ways
that are integrative and liberating, open-
ing awareness not only to planetary dis-
tress, but also to 1he hope inherent in our
own capacity to change. To do so, a
process analogous to grief work is in
order. "Despair work" is distinct in that
its aim is not acceptance of loss (indeed,
the .. loss" has not yet occurred and is
hard!> 10 be "accepted"), but similar in
the dynamics unleashed by the wiUing-
ness to acknowledge, feel, and express


inner pain. all."
~ymptoms and In a culture committed to the
Ingredients of Suppressions American dream, it is hard to own up to
despair. This is still the land of Dale
Despair Years ago, at a leprosarium in India, I Carnegie and Norman Vincent Peale,
Regardless of whether we choose to met a young woman, a mother of four. where an unflagging optimism is taken as
accord them serious attention, we are Her case was advanced, the doctor means and measure of success. As com-
daily barraged by data that render pointed out, because for so long she had mercials for products and campaigns of
questionable, fo r the first time in hidden its signs. Fearing ostracism and politicians attest, the healthy, admirable
recorded history, the survival of our banishment, she had covered her sores pe.rson smiles a lot. Feelings of depres-
culture and our species, and even of our with her sari, puUed the shoulder drape sion, loneliness, and anxiety-to which
planet as a viable home for conscious life. around so that no one would see. In a this thinking animal has always been
T hese warning signals prefigure, to those similar fashion did I once hide despair heir-<:arry here an added burden: One
who do take them seriously, probabilities for our world, cloaking it like a shame- feels bad about feeling bad. The failure to

': .. Feelings of concern and compassion inhere in us by virtue of our nature as

open systems interdependent with the rest of life ... "
of apocalypse that are mind-boggling in ful discase--and so, I have learned, do hope, in a country built and nurtured on
scope. While varied, each scena rio pre- others. utopian expectations, can seem down-
sents its own relentless logic. Poisoned by When the sensations aroused by the right un-American, a betrayal.
oilspills, sludge, and plutonium, the seas ser ious contemplation of a likely, but In a religious context. despair can
are dying; when the plankton disappear avoidable end to human existence break appear as a lapse of faith. Speakinp:at a
(in thirty years at present pollution rates, through the censorship we tend to impose vigil held in o church before a demon-
says Jean-Jacques Cousteau), we will suf- on them, they can be intense and stration against nuclear weapons at the
focate from lack of oxygen. Or carbon physical. A friend, who left her career to Pentagon last fall, Daniel Berrigan spoke
dioxide from industrial and automotive work as a full-time antinuclear organizer, of the necessity of hope to carry us
combustion will saturate the atmosphere, tells me her onslaughts of grief came as a through. Others chimed in, affirming
creating a greenhouse effect that will cold, heavy weight on the chest and a their belief in the vision of a "New
melt the polar icecaps. Or radioactive sense of her body breaking. Mine, which Jerusalem," and their gratitude for hav-
poisoning from nuclear reactors and their began two years ago, after an all-day ing that hope . After a pause, a young
wastes will not only induce plagues of symposium on threats to our biosphere, man who planned to participate in the
cancer that wiU decimate populations, were sudden and wrenching: I would be week's civil disobedience actions spoke
but cause fearful mutations in the sur- alone m my study, working, and the next up falteringly: he questioned whether
vivors . Or deforestation and desertifica- moment would find me on the floor, hope was really prerequisite, because-
tion of the planet, now rapidly advanc - curled like a fetus and shaking In com- and he admitted this with difficulty-he
ing, will produce giant dustbowts, pany I was more controlled, but even was not feeling it. Even among friends
unimaginable famines. The probability then in those early months, unused to committed to the same goal, it was clear-
of each of these perils is amply and sober- despair, occasionally I would be caught ly hard for him (and brave of him, l
ly documented by scientific studies off guard: a line from Shakespeare or a thought) to admit despair. Evidently. he
(many of which are summarized in Lester Bach phrase would pierce me with pain , feared he would be misunderstood, taken
Brown's The 29th Day). The list of such as I found myself wondering how much as cowardly or cynical-a fear validated
scenarios could continue; the most longer it would be heard, before fading by the response of some present.
immediate and likely stem from the use out forever in the galactic silences. "There is nothing more feared and less
of nuclear bombs, by terrorists or super- At the prospect of the extinction of our faced," writes Jesuit essayist William
powers. That eventually presents vistas civilization, feelings of grief and horror Lynch. "than the possibility of despair."
of such horror that, as is said, "The sur - are natural. We tend to hide them, This is one rt:ason, he notes, why the
vivors will envy the dead." though, from ourselves and each other. menlally ill are so thoroughly isolated
Despair, in this context, is not a Why? The reasons are both social and from the well-or why, one might add,
macabre certainty of doom, nor a patho- psychological. expr~sions of anguish for the future arc
logical condition of depression and Despai r is resisted so tenaciously considered a breach of etiquette. Our
futility. It is not a nihilism denying mean- because it represents a loss of control, an culture discourages the acknowledgment
ing or efficacy to human effort. Rather, admission of powerlessness. Our culture of despair: this inhibition amounts to a
as it is being experienced by increasing dodges it by demanding instant solutions. social taboo. Those who break this
numbers across a broad spectrum of "Don't come to me with a problem taboo-to express their concern about
society, despair is the loss of the assump- unless you have a solution": that tacit nuclear holocaust, for example-are
tion that the species will inevitably pull injunct ion, operative even in public generally considered "crazy," or at least
through. It represents a genuine acces- policy-making, rings like my mother's "depressed and depressing." No one
sion to the possibility that this planetary words lo me as a child, "If you can't say wants a Cassandra around or welcomes a
"experime~t" may fail. something nice, don't say anything at Banquo at the feast. Nor, indeed, are

42 New Age
such roles enjoyable to play. it did, might shatter with pain and knowledge that we are not separate from
When the prospect of collective suicide futility. one another.
first hit me as a serious possibility-and I So long as we see ourselves as essen-
remember the day and hour my defenses tially separate, competitive, and ego-
against this despair suddenly collapsed- identified beings, it is difficult to respect Positive
I felt there were no one to whom I could the validity of our social despair, deriving
turn in my grief. If there were-and as it does from interconnectedness, As
indeed there was, for I have loving, open systems, we are susta ined by flows The process of internalizing the
intelligent friends and family-what is of energy and information that extend possibility of planetary demise is bound
there to say? Do I want them to feel this beyond the reach of conscious ego. Both to cause deep psychic disarray. How to
horror, too? What can be said without our capacity to grieve for othe rs and our confront what we scarcely dare think?
casting a pall, or without seeming to ask power to cope with this grief spring from How to think about it without going to
for unacceptable words of comfort and the great matrix of relationships in which pieces?
cheer? we take our being. Just as our pain is Jt is helpful in despa ir work to realize
To feel despair in such a cultural more than private, so is our resilience. that going to pieces or falling apart is not
setting brings on a sense of isolation. The such a bad thing. Indeed, it is as essential
psychic dissonance can be so acute as to to evolutio nary and psychic tra nsforma-
seem to border on madness. The distance tions as the cracking of outg rown shells.
between our inklings of apocalypse and
Validation What Kazimierz Dabrowski calls
the tenor of business-as-usual is so great You can hold yourself back from the suf "positive disintegration" has bee n
that, though we may respect our own fering world: this is something you are operative in every global development of
cognitive reading of the signs, our affec- free to do . . ., but perhaps precisely this humankind, especially during periods of
tive response is frequently the conclusion holding back is the only suffering you accelerated change; it permits, he argues,
that it is we, not societyJ who are insane. miglrt be able to avoid. the emergence of "higher psychic struc-
Psychotherapy, by and large, offers -El ie Wiesel tures and awareness." Occurring when
little help for coping with these feelings, individuals internalize painful cont ra-
and indeed compounds the problem by The first step in despair work is to dis- dictions in human experience, positive
reducing social despair to private abuse oneself of the notion that grief for disintegration can appear as a dark night
pathology. Practitioners have trouble our world is morbid. To experi ence of the soul, a time of spiritua l void and
crediting the notion that concerns for the anguish and anxiety in face of the perils turbulence. But the anxieties and doubts
general welfare might be genuine, and threatening humanity is a healthy reac- are, Dabrowski maintains, "essentially
acute enough to cause distress. Assuming tion. This pain, far from being crazy, is healthy and creative"-not only for the
that alJ our drives are ego-centered, they rather a testimony to the unity of life, to person but for society, because they per•
• tend to treat expressions of this distress the deep interconnections th11t relate us mit new and original approaches to
reductionistically, as manifestations of to all beings. reality.
private neurosis. (In my own case, which Such pain for the world becomes What "disintegrates" in periods of
is far from unique, deep dismay over masochistic only when one assumes per- rapid transformation is not the self, of
destruction of the . wilderness was sonal guilt for its plight or personal course, but its defenses and ideas. We are
diagnosed as fear of my own libido- responsibility for the solution. No not objects that can break. As open
symbolized by bulldozers!-and my individual is that powerful. True, by par- systems, we arc, as Norbert Wiener
painful preoccupation with U.S. bomb- ticipating in society, each shares in a writes in The Human Use of Human
ings of Vietnam was interpreted as an collective accountability, but acknowl- Beings (Doubleday 1 1954), "but whirl-
unwholesome hangover of Puritan guilt.) edging despair, like faith, means letting pools in a river of everflowing water. We
Such "therapy," of course, only inten- go of the manipulative assumption that are not stuff that abides, but patterns
sifies the sense of isolation and craziness conscious ego can or should control all that perpetuate themselves." We do not
that despair can bring, while inhibiting its events. Each of us is but one little nexus need to protect ourselves from change,
recognition and expression. in a vast web. As the recognition of that for our very nature is change. Defensive
Our culture makes it hard to get in interdependence breaches our sense of self-protection, restricting vision and
touch with the genuine dimensions of our isolation, so also does it free our despair movement like a suit of armor, makes it
despair, and until we do, our power of of self-recrimination. harder to adapt; it not only reduces flex-
creative response to planetary crisis will Most world religions corroborate the ibility, but blocks the 0ow of informa-
be crippled. Until we can grieve for our goals of despair work, offering const ructs tion we need to survive. Our "going to
planet and its future inhabitants, we can- and symbols attesting to the creative role pieces," however uncomfortable a .,ro-
not fully feel or enact our love for them . of this kind of distress. In the Mahayana cess, can open us up to new perceptions,
Such grief is frequently suppressed, not Buddhist tradition, for exampl e , new data, new responses.
only because it is socially awkward , but bodhisattvas vow to forswear Nirvana
also because it is both hard to credit and until all beings are enlightened. Their
very painful. At the root of both these compassion is said to endow them with Feeling
inhibitions lies a dysfunctional notion of supranormal senses: they can hear not No matter how safe and comfortable our
the self, as an isolated and fragile entity. only the music of the spheres, but also all personal lives or engrossing our private
Such a self has no reason to weep for the cries of distress. All griefs arc registered concerns may be, grief for those who suf-
unseen and the unborn, and such a self, if and owned in the bodhisattva's deep fer now, and may suffer in the future, is

New Age 43
present in us all on some level. Given the with it. She put away the record, never to planet, I say. Innocent oftem1r, they try
nows of information circling our globe, play it again, and the "trouble'' remained to reassure me, ready to be off Re-
our psyches, however inattentive or undigested. With her recollection of her moved, from a height in the sky, I watch
callous they may appear, have registered experience with the song, the pain in her them go-three small solitary ligures
the signals of distress. We do not need to back moved into her chest. It intensified trudging across that angry wasteland,
be exhorted or scolded into feelings of and hardened, piercing her heart. It holding one another by the hand and not
concern and compassion, for they inhere seemed for a moment excruciating, but stopping to look back. 1n spite of the
in us already, by virtue of our nature as as she continued the exercise, accepting widening rustance, I see with a sur-
open systems, interdependent with the and breathing in the pain, it suddenly, realist 's precision the ulcerating of their
rest of life. We need only to be inexplicably, felt right, felt even good. fl flesh. I see how the skin bubbles and curls
encouraged and empowered to open our turned into a golden cone or funnel. back to expose raw tissue. as they
consciousness to the griefs and apprehen- aimed point downwards into the depths doggedly go forward, the boys helping
sions that arc within us. of her heart. Through it poured the the little sister across the rocks.
We cannot experience these feelings despair she had refused, griefs recon- I woke up, brushed my teeth,

·: .. Opening to our despair opens us also to the love that is within us, for it is in
deep caring that our anguish is rooted ... ,,
without pain, but it is a healthy pain, like necting her with the rest of humanity. showered, had an early breakfast
the kind felt as circulation is restored to a Marianna emerged from this ex.per- meeting. took notes for a research
limb that has gone "to sleep": it gives ience with a sense of release and proposal. Still the dream would not let
evidence that the tissue is still alive. In empowerment. She felt empowered, she me go. As 1 woke Peggy for school, I
dealing with these feelings, as with a said, not to do so much as to be-open, sank beside her bed. "Hold me," I said,
cramped limb, ex.ercises can help. l have ready to act. She also believed that she "I had a bad dream." With my face in
found meditational exercises useful, par• had allowed herself to open up because I her warm nightie, inhaling her fragrance,
ticularly ones from the Buddhist tradi- had not asked her to "do" something I found myself sobbing. I sobbed against
tion Practices such as the Brahma- about the griefs of otheri., or to come up her body, against her seventeen-year old
viharas. or "Abodes of the Buddha," with any answers, but only to experience womb, as the knowledge of all that
designed to increase the capacity to them. assails it surfaced in me. Statistical
experience such feelings as loving- Sometimes the blocked emotions of studies of the effects or ionizing radia-
kindness and compassion, can get us in despair become accessible through tion, columns of ligures on cancers and •
touch with those concerns in us that dreams. A very vivid dream came to me genetic damage, their inutterable import
extend beyond ego-and, in so one night after I had spent hours perus- turned into tears-speechless. wracking.
doing.with our social despair . ing statistics on nuclear pollution: before Whal good does it do to let go and
In one workshop I led, entitled "Being going to bed, I had leafed through baby allow ourselves to feel the possibilities we
Bodhisattvas," we did a meditation on pictures of our three children to find a dread? For all the discomfort, there is
compassion which involved giving one- snapshot for my daughter's high-school healing in such openness, for ourse lves
self permission to ex.perience the suffer- yearbook. and perhaps for our world. To drop our
ings of others (imaginatively, but in as lo my dream I behold the three or defenses and let gnef surface brings not
concrete a fashion as possible), and then them as they appeared in the old photos, only release but connection. Opening to
taking these sufferings in with the breath, and I am struck most by the sweet whole- our despair opens us also to 'the love that
visualizing them as a dark stream drawn someness of their flesh. My husband and is within us, for it is in deep caring that
in with each inhalation, into and through I are journeying with them across an our anguish is rooted . The caring and
the heart. • unfamiliar landscape. The land is becom- connection are real, but we cut ourselves
Afterwards, one participant, ing dreary, treeless and strewn with off from their power when we hide from
Marianna, described her experience in rocks; Peggy, the youngest, can barely the grief they bring.
this meditation. She had been resistant, clamber over the boulders in the path.
and her resistance had localized as a pain Just as the going is getting very difficult,
in her back. In encouraging the partici- even frightening, I suddenly realize that, Imaging
pants to open themselves to their mner by some thoughtless but unalterable pre• To acknowledge and express our despair,
awareness of the sufferings of others, I arrangement, their father and I must we need images and symbols. [mages,
had primed the pump with some brief leave them . I can see the grimness of the more than arguments, tap the springs of
verbal cues, mentioning our fellow beings way that lies ahead of them. bleak and consciousness, the creative powers by
in hospitals and prisons, a mother with craggy as a moonscape and with a flesh- which we make meaning of experience.
dried breasts holding a hungry infant ... burning, sickly tinge to the air. I am In the challenge to survival that we now
That image awoke in Marianna an maddened with sorrow that my children face, exercise of the imagination is
episode she had buried. Three years must face this ordeal without me. r kiss especially necessary, because existing
earlier she had listened to a record by them each and tell them we will meet verbal constructs seem inadequate to
Harry Chapin with a song about a starv- again. but I know no place to name what many of us are sensing.
ing child: she h11d.as she put it, "trouble" where we will meet. Perhaps another Recognizing the creative powers of

44 New Age
imagery, many call upon us today to mon human project. causes did not lessen, but rather
come up with visionsof a benign future In that same workshop, Jolin sllowed increased.
-visions that can beckon and inspire. slides of a trek he took up Mount One day I was talking with Jim
Images of hope are potent, necessary: Katahdin with some of his students at Douglass, the theologian and writer who
they can shape our goals and give us Yale. Between two high peaks was a left his university post to devote all his
impetus for rcachfog them. Often they narrow, knife-edge trail that they had to efforts to resisting nuclear weapons;
are invoked too soon, however, diverting cross: it was scary and dangerous because jailed repeatedly for civil disobedience,
us from painful, but fruitful confronta- fog had rolled up, blanketing their he is now involved in the citizens' cam-
tion with the causes of our crisis and our destination and everything but the path paign against the Trident submarine. He
own deep feelings. Sometimes it takes a itself. The picture of that trajJ, cutting said, in passing, that he believed we had
while, in the slow alchemy of the soul, for through the clouds into the unknown, fiveyears left before it was too late - too
hope to signal, and longer still for it to became a strong symbol for· us, express- late to avert the use of our nuclear
take form in concrete plans and projects. ing the existential situation in which we arsenal in a first -strike strategy. I
Genuine visioning happens from the find ourselves, and helping us to proceed reflected on the implications of that
roots up, and right now, for many of patiently, even though we can sec no remark and watched his face as he
us, those roots arc shriveled by more than a step at a time. squinted in the sun, with an air of
unacknowledged despair. This is an in- presence and serenity I could not fathom.
between time: we are groping in the dark, "What do you substitute for hope7," I
with shattered beliefs and faltering Waiting asked. He looked at me and smiled.
hopes, and we need images for this phase I said ro my soul. be srill. and wait "Possibilities," he sajd. "Possibilities.
if we are to work through it. withour hope. You can't predict - just make space for
Working together in groups is a good For hope would be hope of the wrong them. There are so many." That. too. is a
way to evoke powerful images to express rhing. form of waiting, active waiting - mov-
-and thereby own-our despair. -T.S. Eliot ing out along the tog-bound trail, even
Quaker-style meetings, especially, in though we cannot see the way ahead.
which a group sits and shares out of open And so we wait; even as we work, we
silence, are an excellent way of letting wait. Only out of that open expectancy
images appear and interact. can images and visions arise that strike Community
In a workshop I once gave on deep enough to summon our faith in When we face the darkness of our time,
planetary survival, r explored means by them. "The ability to wait," writes openly and together. we tap deep reserves
which we could share our apprehensions William Lynch, "is central to hope." of strength within us. Many of us fear
on an affectiveas wellas cognitive level. I Waiting does not mean inaction, but that confrontation with despair will bring
asked the participants to offer, as they stnying in touch with our pain and confu- loneliness and isolation, but-on the
introduced themselves, a personal exper- sion as we act, not banishing them to' contrary-in the letting go of old
ience or image of how, in the past year, grab for sedatives, ideologies, or final defenses, truer community is found. In
the global crisis had impinged on their solutions. Jacob Needleman suggests the synergy of sharing comes power.
consciousness. Those brief introductions that part of the great danger in this time ■
were potent. Some offered a vignette of crisis is that we may, in impatience
from work on world hunger or arms. A and fear, short-circuit despair-and Joanna Rogers Macy plans to pu1
young physicist simply said, very quietly, thereby lose the revelations that may together a book 011 despair work. She
"My child was born." A social worker open to us: urges readers ro share their own
recalled a day her small daughter talked experiences. Write her c/o New Age, 32
... For there is no1hingto guarantee that we
about growing up and having babies; Station St., Bro okline Village MA
will be able to remain long enough or deeply
with dull shock she encountered her own enough in front of the unknown, a psycho- 02146.
doubt that the world would last that long. logical state which the traditional paths have
Some offered images: fishkill washed up Recommended Reading
always recognized a~ sacred. In that fleeting
at a summer cottage, strip mines leaching state between dreams, which is called Brown, Lester. The 29th Day. W.W.
like open wounds. Most encompassing in "despair" .in some Western teachings and Norton, 1978.
its simplicity was Jolln's image: the view "self-questioning" in Ea$tem traditions, a
Dabrowski, Kazimierz. Positive
from space of planet Earth, so small that man is said to be able 10 receive the truth, both
Disinregration Little, Brown, 1964.
about nature and his own possible role in tbe
it could be covered by the astronaut's Douglass. James. Resis1ance and
universal order.
raised thumb. That vision of our home, Contemplation. Doubleday. 1972.
so finite that it can be blotted out by a In my own feelings of despair, I was Lifton, Robert. Boundaries. Simon &
single human gesture, functioned as a haunted by the question, What do you Schuster, 1967.
symbol in our week's work. It touched a substitute for hope? I had always Lynch, William. Jmagel' of Hope:
raw nerve in us all-desperate concern. assumed that a sanguine confidence in Imagination as Healer of the
In the sharing of despair that our the future was as essential as oxygen. Hopeless. University of Notre Dame
imagery permitted, energy was released Without it, I had thought, one would Press, 1974.
which vitalized our work. As pent-up collapse into apathy and nihilism. It Needleman, Jacob. A Sense of the
feelings were expressed and ccmpared, puzzled me that in owning my despair, I Cosmos: The Encounter of Modern
there came laughter, solidarity, and a found the hours I spent working for Science and Anciem Truth. Dutton,
resurgence of commitment to our com- peace, environmental, and antinuclear 1977.

New Age 45

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