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Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018)

IEEE Conference Record # 42656; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3452-3

Web Effort Estimation Using FP and WO: A Critical

Syed Mohsin Saif * Abdul Wahid
Research Scholar, Dean,
Dept. of CS&IT,MANUU, Hyderabad School of CS&IT,MANUU, Hyderabad

Abstract—Web based services are becoming more ubiquitous. through websites has changed in different perspectives of
The ease-in access and the availability of web applications have technology, presentation and accessibility. Web applications
increased the volume of the users who routinely access web for are dynamic and responsive in nature where realtime
diverse functionality. Most of the organisations have endorsed
web applications over traditional applications as a medium to interpretation and customisation of data & information is
deliver and offer their diverse services. With the increasing made available. User stationed at any location connected
demand, the complexity of web application development has with communication network can access web resources
increased proportionally.The most important and critical through graphical user interface contained within web
component in web project management is to develop web
projects on time and within budget. Accurate budget estimates browser.
have positive and productive impact on project management. With the increasing web usability web development
Accuracy in estimated web efforts have direct and deeper become challenging for web project management. The
influence on development industry. It is mandatory for any management of seamless accessibility and scalability
development industry to ensure accuracy and effectiveness in
their web effort estimation process. This helps project concerns became more visible as web leveraged across the
management to acquire and retain good customer base and geographical horizons. The organisation located anywhere
reputation among the other competing companies. This paper is across the globe can be accessed by users located anywhere
an attempt to study the impact and effectiveness of function on the network. This helped organisations to make their
points(FP) and web objects(WO) on web size and consequently
on web efforts estimation. A dataset of ten industrial web global presence and increases visiter traffic. Most of the
projects were used and it was observed that size estimated by organisations across the globe have switched their
using WO was more than FP in most of the projects however, the operations on web by developing their customised web
effort in most of the projects calculated by using WO were applications. Web application development is different from
significantly better in comparison to FP. traditional software development in many aspects[1,2,3,4].
Keywords— Web effort estimation, Function points(FP), Web
objects(WO), Web effort estimation, Deviation. The growing demand and much anticipated
I. INTRODUCTION endorsement of web technology as a tyre for content
delivery in almost all public and private organisations.This
In 1989, Tim-Bernes Lee started a project to establish a popularity and widespread use of web applications have
framework where information can be shared among the made web services to be more dynamic and more diverse.
researches who are physically located at different This growing heterogeneity, diversity and multitudinous
geographical locations. The initial aim of sharing and functionality has proportionally increased the complexity of
accessing of information among the research community web application development and has become a challenge
has broaden its boundaries and redefined its topologies. The for web project management. Effort estimation is one of the
popularity of accessing data through web based services critical component that for web project management has to
from geographically distinct locations has changed in both address more carefully[5]. Web effort estimation is a
horizontal and vertical directions. Web based services has systematic approach to elicit the efforts required for web
been openly endorsed by individuals and corporates to application development that particularly corresponds to
establish new standard in information and communication human efforts. Web effort estimates is very import and most
services. The usage, popularity and demand of information influencing parameter in approximating the cost for web
& data communication by using web has increased with application development. The approximate cost for any web
unprecedented pace. This whole infrastructure of sharing application takes three major constituents into account:
and accessing data and information remotely through client/ efforts, contingency cost and profit[6]. Therefore, it is
server network architecture is called as world wide web or mandatory and preliminary step for web project
simply as web. management to ensure accuracy in effort estimates.
Inaccuracy in effort estimation process might result in
Since 1989 many reformations were made to enhance the
inaccurate cost estimation. Accuracy in efforts have direct
mechanism and architecture of WWW to increase its
influence on web development industry. The more accuracy
efficiency and reliability in terms of iservices delivered by
in estimation results, the more beneficial outcomes for web
it. The information presented on web is actually a
development company will emerge.
hyperlinked text developed by using HTML, XML, HTML,
CSS, Scripting languages, java, etc. Diverse plugs and ready There are many effort estimation approaches that are being
made components like CMS, CMF are used to development used to perform web effort estimation however, the results
web based services. The convention of delivering content obtained after their implementation were are not

978-1-5386-3452-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 357

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018)
IEEE Conference Record # 42656; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3452-3

satisfactory. FPA and WebMo are two widely used effort Many studies were carried out by different researches to
estimation approaches for web effort estimation. FPA uses overcome the challenges faced by industry in performing
function points as size metrics and WebMo uses web objets accurate web effort estimation. The effort estimation
as size metrics. Good effort estimation processes helps modalities developed were either extended from
project management to understand and draw efficient conventional methods after certain modification inline with
budgetary schedules for web application development[7] web application were made and very few were specially
developed for web applications alone. Few popular
In this study an attempt is made to perform a critical study
functional size measurement metrics used to obtain web
between FP and WO used to calculate web application size
development size and consequently the efforts were FP[11],
and consequently the effort estimation.The rest of the paper
WO[12], RWO[13], CFSU[14], Web Point Metrics[15],
is organised as follows. Section II gives brief discussion of
Data Web Points[16], etc. Web objects proposed by Donald,
web effort estimation, in section III a brief literature review
J. Reifer is the first web specific functional size metrics[12].
is performed, section IV gives overview of FP and in
Functional size measurement is directly based on the
section V overview of WO size metrics, in section V
functional user requirements that a web application is
comparative analysis of WO and FP is performed and
supposed to deliver.
finally section VI the conclusion.
Web application size is expressed as the overall
Web effort estimation is a systematic process used to
accumulation of various functional and length measures in
approximate the efforts required to carry out a successful
any web application development. Functional measures are
web application development. Broadly effort estimation
those parameters that represent the functional behaviour and
approaches can be classified as parametric or non-
complexity of various functional components and processes
parametric. Parametric models are also known as
in an application to fulfil various user operations. Length
algorithmic models and non-parametric models as non-
measures represent those parameters that can be directly
algorithmic models. Parametric models are based on certain
identified and counted e.g. audio files, images, etc. The
mathematical foundations between functional and non-
identification of these parameters have very vital role in
functional variables whereas non-parametric models use
projecting web application size.
past project data and expert based judgment to decide
efforts for web application development [8]. In order to With the increasing diversity and heterogeneity in web
ensure accurate effort estimation results, the approach used applications, the complexity associated to them has also
to pursue it must to be efficient and reliable. It has been increased proportionally. It was difficult task for web
always a critical job for web project management to find project management to select an appropriate method to
best model to carry out web effort estimation. The selection perform successful effort estimation.The available
of particular approach has direct influence on web traditional and ad-hoc methods were not sufficient enough
efforts[9]. to produce good estimation results. The development of
more efficient and accurate methods for doing the
Effort estimation is directly proportional to the cost
estimation job was inevitable aspect in web development
required for development, if there is accuracy in efforts
industry. Even after many releases their has not been a
there will be accuracy on cost estimation as well. Efforts
single out of box model to address the challenges faced by
intern depends on the size of web application or software
web project management.
application development. The correctness and clearly in
understanding project requirements ensures effectiveness in The first web specific model for web effort estimation
size calculation and subsequently on effort estimation.A was developed by Donald, J. Reifer [12], web objects was
systematic flow involved in effort estimation process is developed as size metrics and web model(WebMo) as effort
represented in figure 1, where each stage has its prediction model. Melanic Ruhe et al., compared FP and
independent role to perform and as collective approach for WO the results revealed that WO with OLS performed
size and effort estimation. better than FP and also revealed size expressed in WO were
55% more than FP [17]. Costagliola, G. et al., [18,19] in his
study revealed that COSMIC-FFP produced better effort
prediction results. Costagliola in his other study divided size
! measures into functional measures and length measures,
WO were used as web size metrics the results revealed that
Figure 1. Process flow in web Effort Estimation the proposed approach played better estimates than analogy
Most of the cases web effort estimation is performed by based approaches [20]. Ferrucci et al., investigated
using conventional effort estimation approaches. The COSMIC and WO, the results showed COSMIC as better
estimation outcomes achieved by extending to such indicator [21]. Giulio, B. Giulio et al., studied the
methods has not been productive and effective however, in effectiveness of FP and WO, as web size measures and
certain cases these approaches have obtained satisfactory showed that WO performed better in comparison to FP[22].
results. These approaches or methods cannot be called as Silvia Abraham used OO-HFP and were more accurate than
the standard methods for web application, the reason is FPA[23. Sergio, D. Martino performed replicated study and
simple and clear that they were specifically designed for showed WO better than FP when OLSR, Web-CORBA were
conventional applications. The inaccuracy which was faced used as predictive approaches[24]. R. Folgieriet et al., in his
by practitioners during web effort estimation was cited due study proposed RWO and results showed that RWO
to use of conventional methods or ad-hoc approaches[10]. performed better in comparison to FP and WO[12]. Erika
Corona et al., opposed web CMF model for web effort

978-1-5386-3452-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 358

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018)
IEEE Conference Record # 42656; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3452-3

estimation and results showed better effort prediction than from outside user or can be input generated by other
RWO and FP[25]. applications.
The reviews expressed above are the inspiration to bring (4) External Output(EO): an elementary process that directs
out this study. The size and effort estimation results data or control information from within the application
obtained by different researchers in their respective studies to outside application boundary. EO in generated after
were different in different contexts of web development. In processing of ILF or EIF.
certain cases better effort estimation results were obtained
by WO than FP but subsequently the size calculated was (5) External Inquiry (EQ): elementary component of FPA
about 55% more than FP. Many variants of FP did better wherein both input and output components that takes
estimation in comparison to WO. In conclusion there is part in generating outputs or reports in response to the
insignificance in the standard of performing web effort inquires initiated by user residing outside application
estimation.Selection of parameters and there mapping as boundary.
web size metrics have influence on the accuracy of efforts All the five functional components of FPA (EI, EO, EQ, EIF
estimated[26,27]. The need of the hour is to propose new and ILF) are ranked with low, average or high complexity
and effect approach for pursing effective web effort ranking. Each complexity rank has associated to it fixed
estimation. To over these challenges this study performs a weighting factor specified by IFPUG standards. The
critical study on the effectiveness and accuracy of FP and complexity of the functional component is determined by the
WO of web effort estimation.The outcomes generated will density of subcomponents identified as: record element
be used as a guide to propose new approach. type(RET), data element type(DET) and file type referenced
FUNCTION POINT ANALYSIS (FTR). The worksheet use to identify and then calculate the
size in FP is provided in table 1.
Function point analysis (FPA) is an algorithmic
Table1: Overview of Function Point Analysis
software effort estimation model developed by Allan Parameter Weight Factor
Albrecht of IBM in 1979 [11]. FPA facilitates project description Count Simple Average Complex Count
management to obtain functional size measurement for web Number of Inputs × 3 4 6
application development and is expressed in terms of Number of Output × 4 5 7
functional units known as function points(FP). Function Number of Inquiries × 3 4 6
points represent different functional user requirements that Number of Internal ×
7 10 15
client expects web application to deliver. In broader Number of External ×
perspective function points are sizing metrics that measures 5 7 10
the functional size of software or web application to be Function Count (Unadjusted)
developed. The functional complexity of the web
application development is directly proportional to the The final calculation of function point is arrived at by
number of functional user requirements, a web application multiplying unadjusted function count by an adjustment
is expected to deliver. International Function Point Users factor. Adjusted factor is determined by considering fourteen
Group (IFPUG), an independent organisation have framed a (14) value added factors(VAF) or general system
universal standard for proper elicitation, identification and characteristics(GSC) were added [28]. The aggregate impact
counting of function points present in any software of these GSC is calculated a by equation 1 and total function
application development Five types of functional points calculation is performed by using equation 2.
components were identified in FPA and were divided into
! VAF = 0.65 + [(i=14 C ) /100] …….. 1
two groups: Data functions and Transactional functions as ; ∑ i

1 Data Functions:
where Ci = degree of influence for each GSC,
1 Internal logical files(ILF)
2 External interface files(EIF) This can be also expressed as;
2 Transactional Functions: VAF=(65 + TDI)/100 ……….. 2
1 External Inputs(EI)
2 External Outputs(EO) Where TDI is total degree of influence and can take 0.65 as
3 External Inquiries(EQ) lowest value and 70 as highest value. Ci is the particular GSC
or VAF
(1) Internal Logical Files (ILF): represents logically related
data stored and control information maintained within Total Functional Count =UFP*VAF ………3
the application boundary. The main purpose of ILF’s is
to hold data manipulated through one or more These calculated Function points are used to predict the
elementary process of the application. efforts required for development of any software application
in general and web applications in particular.
(2) External Interface Files (EIF): group of logically related
data that is used to extend control to applications that V. WEB OBJECT MODEL
remains outside the boundary of current application for Web objects(WO) is believed to be the first web specific size
reference purpose only. metrics developed by Donald, J. Reifer in 2000, to estimate
(3) External Input (EI): elementary process in which data or web application size[9]. WO is an extended version of
control information from outside user is accepted into conventional FP’s, obtained after adding four more web
the application and is processed within the application specific components. The functionality of web application
boundary. This input data can either be direct response development expressed in WOs is identified by nine (9)

978-1-5386-3452-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 359

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018)
IEEE Conference Record # 42656; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3452-3

different functional components: i) external input, ii) external size using FP and WO. The results obtained after their
output, iii) external interface, iv) internal logic file, v) implementation are described in table 3 and expressed
external quires, vi) multimedia files, vii) web building blocks, graphically in figure 2.
viii) scripts and ix) links. They are also called as web object
predictors. Size of any web application development is Table 3: Estimating total number of FP
calculated by taking the total number of web objects that a and WO calculated for each project
particular web application exhibits.
Project ID FP WO
In order to estimate the size of web application each of the P1 41 79
nine(9) functional components needs to be identified P2 83 208
accurately. The complexity levels of Web Object predictors P3 127 269
are classified into low, average and high categories and each P4 234 424
category has corresponding weighing factor associated to it P5 218 390
and is shown in table 2. This calculation work sheet is also P6 166 303
called as Web Object Calculation Worksheet(WOCW), which P7 218 404
became the first step to development web model(WebMo) P8 83 159
P9 221 481
Table 2. Web Object Predictors and their complexity nature[9]
P10 349 434
Complexity level with their associated
Web Object predictors multiplying factor
Low Average High
Size of Web Application in FP,WO and
_x 7=_ _ x10=_ _x 15=_ WCP
Internal logical files
External Interface Files _ x 5=_ _ x 7=_ _ x 10=_ WO

Web Application
External Inputs _ x 3=_ _ x 4=_ _ x 6=_ 375
External Outputs _ x 4=_ _ x 5=_ _ x 7=_

_ x 3=_ _ x 4=__ _ x 6=_ 250
External Enquires
No. of Xml, Html, and query_lines
x 3=_ _ x 4=__ _ x 6=_ 125
No. of Multimedia Files _ x 4=_ _ x 5=_ _ x 7=_
No. of Scripts _ x 2=_ _ x 3=_ _ x 4=_ P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
No. of Web Building Blocks _ x 3=_ _ x 4=_ _ x 6=_
Web Projects
Total no of web Objects ____ ____ ____ !
Figure 2: Behaviour of FP and WO for web size calculation.
WebMo is basically an extension to COCOMO II.
The mathematical foundation of WebMO depends on the The perusal of figure 2 clearly show that in most of the
parameters of COCOMO II and SoftCost-OO software cost projects where size expressed in FP is less than WO
estimating models[12]. The mathematical representation of however, this difference is comparatively small in P1, P8
WebMo is given in equation 4. and P10. These results are significant with the results
obtained by[29].
! Effort = A
∏ cd (size)
P1 ……… 4
On the basis of this calculated size the efforts were
estimated, the estimated efforts were compared with the
Where Effort is expressed in person-months and duration in actual efforts of ten projects of the dataset. The absolute
calendar months, A & B are constants, P1 & P2 are power deviation obtained after using FPA and WebMo are
laws, cdi are cost drives, Size is the number of Web Objects, presented in table 4 and figure 3.
WebMo uses nine cost drivers and fixed power laws to Table 4: Absolute Deviation of estimated efforts
estimate the efforts accurately. These are Product Reliability obtained by using FPA WebMo against actual
and complexity, Platform difficulty, personal capability, Absolute deviation from Actual
personal experience, facilities, schedule,reuse, team and Project ID Efforts
process efficiency.Each of these have got their specific FPA WebMo
weighing factors as discussed in [9]. P1 86 58
P2 106 14
P4 390 280
The effectiveness of FP and WO is evaluated by P5 297 114
comparing the estimated size obtained after using them for P6 108 54
web effort estimation. FP and WO are two widely used web P7 182 128
P8 116 20
effort estimation approaches. They measure the P9 487 414
functionality of web application development. Objective P10 284 128
oriented technology were used to identify various functional
components. Actors and use-cases were used to express the
functional behaviour of web application development. The
implementation part of FP and WO for effort estimation is
described in [11] and [12]respectively.
A dataset of 10 industrial web projects were used to
evaluate the effectiveness in calculating web application

978-1-5386-3452-3/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 360

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018)
IEEE Conference Record # 42656; IEEE Xplore ISBN:978-1-5386-3452-3

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