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As coronavirus continues its deadly march across the world, companies and

research organisations are under immense pressure to produce an effective

vaccine to counter COVID-19. Right now, over 100 experimental COVID-19
vaccines are in various stages of development, as per the World Health
Organisation (WHO). From US-based Moderna Inc to China's CanSino
Pharmaceuticals Inc -- some of the world's biggest companies are in the race
to develop the coronavirus vaccine.
As per the latest development, China's state-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission and Administration Commission (SASAC)
has claimed that its vaccine will be ready in the market by the end of this year.
The vaccine has been developed by the Wuhan Institute of Biological
Products and Beijing Institute of Biological Products. As per the claim, over
2,000 people have already received initial doses of the vaccine under Phase II
of the trial. Both these companies are affiliated to China's state-owned
Sinopharm, which comes under SASAC.
Also read: Coronavirus vaccine: 30 groups in India working on candidate
If successful, over 100-120 million doses of the vaccine from the Beijing
Institute of Biological Products' vaccine could be produced in a year, the
company claims. In total, there are over five vaccine candidates in different
stages of development in China alone.
India has also made significant strides in the search for a viable coronavirus
vaccine. According to the government, around 30 groups are working across
the country to come up with a vaccine candidate. The national science
laboratories have also rounded up six corona vaccine candidates that are
making quite some progress. India is optimistic that a COVID-19 vaccine
would be concocted in a year, instead of 10-15 years that is usually taken to
find a vaccine.
Also read: Coronavirus vaccine: ICMR says clinical trials within 6 months;
Moderna moves to Phase 2
India's Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology research has successfully
isolated the virus from several isolates. What this would enable the
researchers at the CCMB to do is culture the virus and work towards vaccine
development. The cultures would then be used in drug screening and could be
tested against potential drugs in test tubes.
Pune-based SII is one of the leading contenders in the search for a corona
vaccine. The largest vaccine producer is working with the University of
Oxford to find a safe and affordable COVID-19 vaccine. Oxford is conducting
clinical trials and SII is speeding up work to ensure that doses of the same are
available as early as October. ICMR and Bharat Biotech are working with
the Thomas Jefferson University of Philadelphia for a COVID-19 vaccine.

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