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International Conference on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing (RoSMa2018)

International Conference
Conference on
on Robotics
Robotics and
and Smart
Smart Manufacturing
Manufacturing (RoSMa2018)
Brain Computer
Computer Interfaced
Interfaced Single
Single Key
Key Omni
Omni Directional
Directional Pointing
and Command System: a Screen Pointing Interface for
and Command System: a Screen Pointing Interface for
Differently-abled Person
Rahul Rajaaa , Suman Debb,∗ b,∗, Paritosh Bhattacharyac
b,∗, Paritosh Bhattacharyacc
Rahul Raj , Suman Deb
Rahul Raj , Suman Deb , Paritosh Bhattacharya
a MCA, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Agartala, Agartala 799046, India
a MCA, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Agartala, Agartala 799046, India
a MCA,
b Department
Department of Computer Science
of Computer Science andand Engineering,
Engineering, NITNIT Agartala,
Agartala, Agartala
Agartala 799046,
799046, India
b Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Agartala, Agartala 799046, India
b Department
c Department
of Computer
ofScience and Engineering,
Mathematics, NITAgartala
NIT Agartala, Agartala, Agartala
799046, 799046, India
c Department of Mathematics, NIT Agartala, Agartala 799046, India
c Department of Mathematics, NIT Agartala, Agartala 799046, India

Biomedical signals have got very incredible reach to the people outside clinical domain as devices are developed that can be
controlled usingsignals
signals have got
got very
imagination veryandincredible
incredible reach
this is the veryto the
the people
to booming
outside clinical domain
domain as
of research devices
as An
devices are
are developed
effective developed
way of using that can
can be
that Humanbe
controlled using
using one’s
Computer Interaction imagination
one’s(HCI) is usingand
imagination andthethis
this is
is the
Brain the very
very booming
Computer booming
Interactionarea of
of research
area(BCI) research nowadays.
nowadays. An An effective
and Electroencephalogram effective way of
of using
(EEG) canHuman
using Human
the people’s Interaction
access to (HCI)
Interaction (HCI) is
is using
use machines the
the Brain
Brain Computer
usingspecifically Computer
for speciallyInteraction
Interaction (BCI) and
and Electroencephalogram
(BCI) Generally,
abled persons. Electroencephalogram
EEG is a costly matter(EEG) which
(EEG) which notextend
can extend
the people’s
access to use
to use
by any machines
common specifically
person. Here inforfor specially
thisspecially abled
proposedabled persons.
system, Generally,
we tried EEG
to explore is a costly
is possibilitymatter
a costly matter which is
is not
not every
of single every
time affordable
which aby
through by any
any common
person common person.
person. Here
can communicate Here in
in this
this proposed
to computer proposed
according system,
system, we
we tried
to his/her tried to
to explore
neurosignal the
the possibility
excitement which of
possibility aresingle
of single channel
classified EEG
as Atten-
through which
which aa and
tion, Meditation person
person can communicate
Blink communicate and thento
to computer
computer according
can be interpreted to
to his/her
his/her neurosignal
effective excitement
Human Machine which
which are
Interaction are classified
The as
(HMI). as Atten-
tion, Meditation
algorithm here usesand Blink
Blink strength
and brainwaves
strength and
and then
(voluntary can
can be
thenblinks as interpreted
be interpreted
a control tool into
effective Human Machine
BCI) detected Machine Interaction
Neurosky (HMI). The
The proposed
Mindwave proposed
from the frontal lobe (because it offers EEG clarity since this is the forehead area with minimal hair). This proposed systemheadset
algorithm here
here uses
uses brainwaves
brainwaves (voluntary
(voluntary blinks
blinks as
as a
a control
control tool
tool in
in BCI)
BCI) detected
detected using
using Neurosky
Neurosky Mindwave
Mindwave Mobile
Mobile headset
can be
from the
the frontal
extended frontal lobe (because
lobe gaming,
for typing, it
it offers
offers EEG
(becauseentertainment EEG clarity
as wellsince
clarity as forthis
since this is
is the
daily lifeforehead
the forehead area with
with minimal
interaction It canhair).
minimal also This
hair). This proposed
be extended system can
can be
a non-verbalbe
extended for typing,
for typing,
communication mediumgaming,
gaming, entertainment
for specially as
abled as well as
well asThe
persons. for daily
for daily life interaction
life interaction
experiment conducted purposes.
using theIt can also
It proposed
can also be be extended
system as a non-verbal
as a non-verbal
revealed significant
communication medium
medium for
development in accessing for specially
computer andabled
abled persons.
typing The experiment
skill. We experiment
to explore conducted
conducted using
using the
scan keyboard the
can besystem
proposed system
by neuralsignificant
captured by the in accessing
in Neurosky computer
computer and
accessing Mindwave and typing
Mobile skill.
skill. We
Headset We tried
Single to
to explore
channel EEGscan
explore scan keyboard
keyboard which
Headset. which can can be
be operated
operated byby neural
neural signals
captured byby the
the Neurosky
Neurosky Mindwave
Mindwave Mobile Mobile Headset
Headset Single
Single channel
channel EEG EEG Headset.

©c 2018
2018 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.

cc 2018
This2018 The Authors.
is an Authors. Published by
open access Published
by Elsevier Ltd.
article under Elsevier
the CC BY-NC-ND license license (
This is an
is an open
Peer-review open access
under article under
responsibilityunder the scientific
of the CC BY-NC-ND
committee license
license (
of the International Conference on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing.
Keywords: BCI, Eye-Blink, Neurosignal, EEG, Machine Interaction, Assistive typing, Scan Keyboard
Keywords: BCI,
Keywords: BCI, Eye-Blink,
Eye-Blink, Neurosignal,
Neurosignal, EEG,EEG, Machine
Machine Interaction,
Interaction, Assistive
Assistive typing,
typing, Scan
Scan Keyboard

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Development of technology can be a savior for people in their daily life. In many stages of human life there may
be Development
Development of
of technology
accidental or genetic can
disorders be
be aaoccur
savior for
for people
saviorwherepeople in
in their
the braintheir daily
daily life.
life. In
is functioning In many
but stages
well motor of
stages of human
nerves notthere
life there may
be accidental
In that or genetic
or person
case the disorders
disorders may
lots ofmay occur where
occur where
problems the brain
the brain
accessing is functioning
is functioning
the present well but motor
well butlike
times machines motor nerves are
nerves are
computer. not
We not working.
are working.
trying to
In that
that case
case the
the person
person faces
faces lots
lots of
of problems
problems accessing
accessing the
the present
present times
times machines
machines like
like computer.
computer. We
We are
are trying
trying to

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-9436459622 ; fax: +91-0381-2346-630.

∗ Corresponding

E-mail address:author.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-9436459622 ;; fax:
Tel.: +91-9436459622 fax: +91-0381-2346-630.
E-mail address:
1877-0509  c 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This cc 2018
is an open The
access Authors.
article underPublished by
by Elsevier
the CC BY-NC-ND Ltd.
This is an

2018 The
article under
Elsevier Ltd.
by Elsevier Ltd.(
This isisan
This anopen
openaccess article
access under
article the CC
under CC BY-NC-ND
the BY-NC-ND
license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing.
162 Rahul Raj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 133 (2018) 161–168
2 Suman Deb / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Fig. 1. System Module Interconnection & EEG Setup

enable them by accessing brain signals whose motor nerve is not working (in case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), progressive bulbar palsy, primary lateral sclerosis (PLS)).

1.1. Problem Statement

We want specially augmented access mechanism designed particularly for those people whose brain is working
but rest of the motor nerves are non-functioning. This is also for brain functional activity analysis, brain function
improvement and learning disorder improvement where it can be used for improving the concentration as well as
proficiency of the work.

1.2. Proposed Solution

Communication is a basic need for people to interact and express their thoughts. In this proposal, we tried to find
out the EEG signals which can be interpreted through a customized series of algorithms to interpret signals to operate
scanning keyboard. In an onscreen pointer movement and keyboard pressing, the primary requirement is what to press
and when to press. These two questions are answered in a binary EEG signal trigger mechanism. The main goal is to
develop a BCI system that is easy to use, cost effective and can be used in homes. The accuracy of signal received and
processing has been given utmost care.

1.3. Relation of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) with Keyboard Control

Human brain is very complex and is made up of about 100 billion neurons. There are many types of neurons in
our brain such as motor neurons, sensory neurons etc. Every kind of neurons as and when required generate responses
for some stimuli and in this way generating electrical impulses that can be detected by the electrodes and can be
used to control and operate several devices after processing. BCIs thus directly uses brain signal and does not require
any muscular activity as a control signal. With the help of BCI [4], a direct link between human brain and another
physical device is achieved. In this proposal we have used Non-Invasive EEG technique for data collection to achieve
the transfer of technology from clinic to outside world and to provide accuracy and ease of use by the means of Virtual
Scanning Keyboard which works on the detection of intentional eye blink of the user.

2. Related Works

Eye blinking is a phenomenon of closing the eyelid and is a partially self-governing action. Most of researches use
eye blinks as an additional element in eye-tracking systems [1]. Sometimes eye blink detection can be used to emulate
the behavior of mouse click [2]. There can be some alternate methods like, if the person is not able to fixate and cannot
use traditional eye tracking system then a switch can be emulated to behave on eye blinks to enter and correct text
[5]. Each kind of text entry, even using a single input as blinks, can be improved (increase of the text entry speed)
Deb /Raj et al. / Computer
Procedia Procedia Computer
Science 00Science
(2018) 133 (2018) 161–168
000–000 163

Fig. 2. TGAM Chip Block Diagram & Plot of Brain Signals

implementing words prediction [6]. Most of the researches done in eye blink detection and uses are in some form of
image processing mechanisms [17]. In the recent years, a noticeable number of BCI systems have been developed to
provide an alternative communication tool for people with severe neuromuscular disorders. Hundreds of BCI research
articles were published [18]. A lot of implemented BCI applications are associated with different areas, i.e.: mental
speller [23], mouse control [24], robot arm control [25], drowsiness detection system [9], etc. EEG applied to control
a virtual keyboard gave results from 0:85 up to CPM = 3:38 (Characters Per Minute) in error-free writing [26]. It has
been noticed that the EEG and EMG data can be used in order to improve the accuracy of user input at the same time
when using the biometric signal to the computer interface [5].
In this work, we have focused on the correctness of the typed letters per minute and it was found that the average
accuracy of all the users have improved from 40% error rate in first round to 10.5% error rate in the fourth round of
the trials. The novelty of this work is that we have considered not only the typing of letters but also made the control
token move faster if the attention is high for some time, in that way attentive user gets the facility to type in a faster
pace. In gaze direction control, user is not able to type faster even if he/she is very attentive. So, we have applied
heuristic way to make the character selection faster.

3. Methodology

The accomplished work comprises of four major modules as depicted in Fig. 1 (a), and is described in the following

3.1. EEG Data Collection

Neurons in the brain when get fired generates electrical signals that can be interpreted in terms of small voltages
which comes in terms of millivolts which has a very high efficiency towards getting interfered by external signals. Due
to this property of easily interference by outside signals or electrostatic noise, the recorded EEG signals are filtered
and often recorded from many lobes of the brain. Now a days most of the BCI recording is done using multi-channel
devices such as 17 channel, 32 channel, 128 channel that are depicted in Fig 1 (b) [20][21]. In this proposed work
we have used single channel EEG device (Neurosky Mindwave Mobile Headset) to collect user’s EEG data even by
knowing the fact that a single channel EEG measurement cannot indicate the area in which EEG is generated and to
which direction the EEG spreads [22] because of the following reasons:
164 Rahul Raj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 133 (2018) 161–168
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• We are interested in the Attention level and Blink Strength of the person to send command to the application
program, not source localization of the signals.
• Multi-channel BCIs are very costly and cannot be afforded by everyone.
• Device used is easy to use and mobile, so home based application is easily possible.

3.1.1. Neurosky Mindwave

Neuroskys MindWave is a low-cost consumer wireless EEG headset that has a dry electrode to record the signal
from the person’s scalp and a reference electrode for ground voltage. Various data values are obtained by using
this device, such as, raw EEG data, magnitude of frequency bands (Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma), signal quality
etc. The headset gets employed with ThinkGear ASIC Module (TGAM) chip (block diagram in fig. 2 (a)) [11] that
preprocesses the data within the headset itself.

3.1.2. EEG Frequency Bands

Research shows that brain states get changed due to different pattern of neural interactions in brain [3]. EEG is
generally described in terms of its frequency band. The variation of amplitude and frequency of the wave represent
various brain states [7], which depends on external stimulation and internal mental states [8]. The most familiar clas-
sification uses EEG waveform frequency (e.g., Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta) [9]. Table I shows how each brainwave
frequency type correlated with mental states and conditions. By analyzing these EEG brainwave pattern, it can be
used to interpret other mental states such as meditation and attention level of a subject, or even mental disorder such
as epilepsy and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [10].

Table 1. EEG Related Brain States[9]

BrainWave Frequency Mental States

Delta 0.1Hz to 3Hz Non-REM Sleep, Unconscious

Theta 4Hz to 7Hz Fantasy, imaginary, dream
Alpha 8Hz to 12Hz Relaxed, tranquil, conscious
Low Beta 12Hz to 15Hz Relaxed yet focused, integrated
Midrange Beta 16Hz to 20Hz Thinking, aware of self and surroundings
High Beta 21Hz to 30Hz Alertness, Agitation
Gamma 30Hz to 100Hz Higher Mental Activity

In this project work, we are only interested in the integral value of Attention Signal (0-100) and Blink Strength (0-
255) signal that is provided by the Neurosky MindWave Mobile Headset. ThinkGear ASIC Module (TGAM) sensor
of MindWave headset ensures that only Intentional Eye Blinks are captured and Attention values are almost accurate
[11]. A plot of real time brain signals is depicted in Fig. 2 (b) [19].

3.2. Signal Processing and Feature Extraction

Eye blink play a critical role to people suffering from motor neuron diseases. It helps to control many applications
[12] [13] [14]. Every eye blink has certain distinct features such as frequency of operation, amplitude and time elapsed
between closing and opening of the eyes. The data that were gathered in real-time was checked using the Java program.
If the signal is a Blink, then type the character currently under control token and if the signal shows that attention is
above 50 then move the control token faster. Faster movement of the control token facilitates the attentive user to type
faster but if the attention is below 50 then control token goes over each cell after 1 second. TGAM chip block diagram
in Fig. 2 (a) depicts that both the raw brainwaves and the eSense meters (Attention, Meditation) are calculated on the
ThinkGear chip itself. The calculated values are output by the ThinkGear chip, through the headset, to the application
program. Data are collected each second and is analyzed in the time domain to detect and correct artifacts as much as
possible, without losing the accuracy of the original signal, using Neurosky’s proprietary algorithm.
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Suman Deb / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 5

3.3. Virtual Scanning Keyboard Prototype

A virtual Keyboard comprising of only alphabets and two controls characters namely Space and Delete was devel-
oped using Java Applet technology as depicted in Fig. 4 (a). There are 30 cells in which each alphabet occupies 1 cell
and control characters occupy 2 cells. The cells are organized in Row-Column fashion and arranged alphabetically.
There is a control token that determines which letter to print. As the program starts, the control token starts moving
from one token to another sequentially starting from cell A in a circular loop fashion. The system after startup, checks
the signal for every second. We are using this system to check the signals after 1 second so as to remove any conges-
tion in the serial communication or Bluetooth channel should remain clear to pass the next data. When the Eye-Blink
is detected, the letter in the cell under control token is printed. By default, the control token waits for 1 second at each

Fig. 3. Work Flow of the System

cell and then moves forward. If the signals detected show that Attention level is growing i.e. user is more attentive
then the control token automatically starts moving faster over the cells. The outline of the working procedure of the
system is depicted by Algorithm 1 and Fig. 3. When the system starts, the Neurosky device needs to be paired with
the system to send data over the Bluetooth channel. The received data from the electrode is first filtered out by the
TGAM chip which contains some proprietary algorithms of ThinkGear to reduce noise and sends the filtered data.
After receiving of the data, the strength of the blink is detected and then accordingly the control token moves and
typing takes place. An additional check for the received EEG signal is applied to check the correctness of the data
packet received. If the checksum calculated does not match with the checksum received, then the data packet received
is discarded. At the startup time, the movement of control token is 1 second/ character of the keyboard. But if the
program gets an attention value greater than 50 i.e., the user is attentive, the thread dealing the movement of control
token is sent a signal to make the movement faster.

3.3.1. Users for Experiment

Four users (male, ages: 21-24) participated in this experiment who were in good health, non-reported cognition
illness and brain surgery, not taking medicines or drugs that affects the nervous system. The brain dynamics were
recorded through NeuroSky MindWave Mobile in which single electrode was placed on forehead area. The EEG data
were wirelessly acquired from FP1 (with reference to ear electrode) with 128 Hz sampling rate as shows in fig. 4 (b)
[15]. Users were asked to remain in comfortable sitting posture throughout EEG recording session. Body movements
were kept at minimum to reduce the amount of artifacts in EEG. There were four rounds of trials, each of 60 seconds.
60 letters were given to type using eye blink and the letters in a round were same for each user. The data that we
recorded was correct typed letters versus incorrect typed letters in the given time constraint. No training was given to
check the ease of adaptability of the system for a normal user. The data thus collected are displayed in Fig. 5.
166 Rahul Raj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 133 (2018) 161–168
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Algorithm 1 Algorithm to Filter EEG Signal and Pass Control

1: procedure GetSignalPassControl
2: signalRead ← type of signal
3: signalStrength ← strength of signalRead
4: filter the signalRead
5: extract the feature of signalRead using neurosky standard values
6: if signalRead = Blink then
7: print the character under control token
8: wait for 1 second
9: if signalRead = Attention then
10: if signalS trength > 50 then
11: move the control token fast over the cells
12: wait for 1 second

Fig. 4. Keyboard UI & Test Set-up in the Lab

4. Performance Evaluation and Discussion

Table 2. ANOVA Test on the result

Anova Single Factor

Alpha 0.05

Groups Count Sum Mean Variance

Column1 4 110 27.5 35.6667
Column2 4 128 32 22
Column3 4 157 39.25 14.25
Column4 4 198 49.5 27.6667

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value critical

Between Groups 1106.1875 3 368.729 14.8109 0.00025 3.49029
Within Groups 298.75 12 24.8958
Total 1404.9375 15

To achieve the aim of this research, the following objectives were formulated:
Rahul Raj et al. / Procedia Computer Science 133 (2018) 161–168 167
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Fig. 5. Data Obtained during test

• Capture frontal EEG activities by a single-channel mobile EEG system.

It was performed using Neurosky MindWave Mobile headset. To setup it over head is very easy and the feedback
from the user about wearing experience was good.
• Extract the Blink Strength and Attention signals to perform the typing.
It was done using Java Interface and the GUI application. The signal is passed into the application from the
Neurosky headset with a delay of 1 second to allow user to blink over the letter he/she wants within the time
• Evaluate the performance of the system by analyzing the accuracy of the system.
Based upon the data obtained shown in fig. 5 at the time of testing of the application with respect to Correct and
Incorrect typed letters in a time bounded environment.

Fig. 6(a), depicts the error percentages by

each user in each trial. From the figure, two
types of results is obtained: i) Average Error
rate of Per User in all the trials ii) Average Er-
ror rate of All the Users Per trial and these re-
sults are displayed in Fig. 6(b). The average er-
ror percentages of all the users in first, second,
third and fourth trials was 54%, 46%, 34%,
17.5% respectively, and the average error per-
centages of first, second, third, and fourth user a. Error Percentage in all trials b. Error Average Plot
in each trial was 35%, 40%, 47%, 28% respec-
tively. It was found that in each subsequent ses- Fig. 6. Error Percentages in the trails.
sion of test, the performance was getting better.
In the first session, there was no training
given about the system to the subjects, but in the later sessions the performance was improved that shows that it
may take sometime to get proficient with the system and use it efficiently. As detection accuracies of BCIs are around
80% [16], error handling is an important issue for designing BCI applications in general. We have analyzed for nulli-
fiability of the data from Fig. 8 using ANOVA- Single Factor procedure and the results is displayed in Table 2.
The f-ratio value is 14.81088 and the p-value is .000245. The result is significant at p<.05. When a probability
value is below the α (0.05 in this case) level, the effect is statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected.
So we can conclude that there is relationship among the data. That means it can be concluded that every new user
needs some time to get used to with the system and use it in its full potential. Training sessions can make the user
adaptability faster. The results during the experiment revealed the significant operation of the proposal not only for
assistive scanning mechanism but also it can be extended for gaming, entertainment etc.

5. Conclusion

Brain Computer Interfaced Scanning Keyboard developed here has a long-term potential for effective areas like
learning, training, brain stimulation, clinical purposes etc. This is one of its kind which can give an extensive ability
to physically challenged people and neuromotor impaired patients. The keyboard interface is also significant for
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expressing people’s thought in terms of written words which can be transitively converted to an action sequence
for controlling daily life equipment’s to life saving instructions. The experiments with the prototype accomplish
significant improvements in people’s non-verbal interaction ability with machine. This work is envisioned for effective
interaction with software control action sequence for combating the high cost devices and complexity of operations.


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