How - To - Create - Composite - Line - For - 2 - Non-Intersecting - 2D - Lines - 6260700 EDIT - 6260700 - 02

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A workflow to create composite line for

non-intersecting 2D lines
(Petrel2011 & Petrel2012)
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© 2013 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.

An asterisk is used throughout this presentation to denote a mark of Schlumberger.

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1.Right click on main Seismic folder and Insert seismic survey.
2.New Survey will appear under Seismic folder.
3.Right click on new Survey and open Settings.
4.In Info tab change name to Empty cube.

5. Toggle on 2D lines in 2D window.
6. Activate Make/edit polygons process under Utilities, new Polygon will be stored in
Input pane.
7. Activate Start new rectangle icon in Function bar and create new rectangle polygon
covering all 2D lines.
8. Open Settings of Empty cube and go to Geometry tab.
9. Click Define button, it will open Create survey geometry.

8 9
10. Right click on Polygon and open Spreadsheet.
11.Copy/Paste coordinates from Spreadsheet to Create survey geometry window.
12. Apply and OK.



13. In Settings for Empty cube window create empty cube.
14. In Create empty cube window fill lines and OK.

15. OK for Settings for Empty cube window.

16. Empty cube will appear in Input pane.
17.Activate Make/edit polygons and create line connecting two (or more) 2D lines.

18. Right click on newly created Polygon and Create vertical intersection.
19. Insert (drag and drop) Vertical intersection into Empty 3D cube.
20. Activate Seismic interpretation process and create Composite line.

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