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Petrel: Multi export of SEGY seismic files

Use workflow editor to set up process

Export all seismic in a seismic survey folder
1- Look for Workflows pane.
2- Right click on blank space on pane and select “New Workflow”
3- Empty workflow dialog opens

Give a descriptive
All work steps are
found under Utilities
Highlight functions
from list and use blue
arrow to move into
Variables are found in the Workflow pane
Line 2: $Name, gets name from variable A = Seismic name
Line 4: $path , type storage location, include back slash at the end “\”
Line 6: $filename = $path$Name (combines the file path and seismic name)
Line 7: Export seismic = variable A into $filename
Line 8: Close loop

Hit Apply to save workflow

Hit Test to check on Syntaxes
Hit Run
You can include some message lines for check on status
Export specific seismic files

- Line 1: Create a
Reference list
- Line 2: Start a loop
using the list

Initialize list (double

click on top of line)
Select specific
cubes/lines and drop
into list rows.
Use “Variable A” as
- Final look of workflow. Lines 3 to 9 are the same as for first case
- Use variable B object to give a name to the list

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