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Five clues that you're addicted to social networking

1 ‘Social networks are a fun, pleasant, happy, beautiful world. People only present the highlights of their lives on
their network. It’s especially seductive when real life isn’t going so well.’
Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Elaborate your answer.

2 Should teachers and students be friends on social media? Elaborate your answer.

3 How can you tell if a person is addicted to social networking?

4 Write synonyms for the given adjectives. Use a dictionary if needed (OALD, Cambridge, Lexico).
furious –
vast –
enjoyable –
seductive –

5 Replace the phrases or idioms in bold with other phrases from the text on page 47 so the meaning stays the same.
Use the same tense as in the given sentences.
1 You don't necessarily have to stop suddenly and completely, but you must cut back on your fast-food

2 I'm trying to reduce the amount of sweets.

3 You can decide for yourself if you think he was simply telling the truth or if he did something unacceptable.

4 Don't worry over it—we'll sort everything out in the morning.

6 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the given words or idioms (idm). Delete the lines or write the
answers in a different colour.
compulsion (n) / dysfunction (n) / engrossed (adj) / hooked (adj) / keep count (idm) / neglect (v) / out of hand (idm) /
pinpoint (v) / reconnect (v) / sneak (v)
1 After I saw the first episode, I was ____________________ on Money Heist.
2 She was so _________________ in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.
3 He thinks there is a link between criminality and deprivation, family ________________ and poor education.
4 Obsessions and _____________________ often develop in people who live stressful lives.
5 So many people asked us for help, it was hard to _____________________.
6 He ___________________ that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.
7 They were unable to __________________ the source of the noise.
8 Each of the main characters had learned some things about themselves and _________________ to the
important people in their lives.
9 Things got a little __________________ at the party and three windows were broken.
10 He __________________ out of the house, going out through the back way.

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