Mark Twain - Plan

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Stoica Elena-Isabela

2nd Year

Plan of analysis


 Opening paragraph of Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”,

published in 1884 (UK) and 1885 (US);
 Type of text: descriptive, argumentative;
 Internal focalization, 1st person narrator, homodiegetic and intrusive;


 2 paragraphs: a long one and only the beginning of the 2nd one;
 Long sentences without coordination;
 Direct speech;
 Mentions of the author of the book: “that book that was made by Mark Twain”;
 Contractions: “won’t”, “ain’ t”;
 Enumeration: “it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary”;
 The main theme is the “stretched truth”;
 Description of the family: the members have lied for once, at least;
 Portrayal of the author who hid some of the truth in the initial book and now the
narrator wants to tell all of it;
 Colloquial and informal style: “that ain’t no matter”;
 Reliable narrator who tries to convince the reader that he is telling the truth : the book
by Mark Twain “is mostly a true book, with some stretchers”;
 The narrator tries to show the real side of his characters: “ I’ve never seen anybody but
lied, one time or another” and the he mentions the characters who did lie;
 He is trying to tell the real story, not the twisted version of the author;
 The narrator himself is the main character of the book and since the beginning of the
excerpt, he questions the credibility of the author;
 The narrator also gives the impression of being less educated: the use of the colloquial
 style and contractions and expressions such as “ain’t no matter”
 Use of the active voice:


The main narrator who is also the main character of the book, questions the author’s
capability of telling the whole truth, given the fact that he describes it as “a true book; with
some stretchers” and he wants to tell the true story himself while showing the real side of the

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