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 Car: is a self-powered mechanical vehicle intended for the transport of

 Trafic jam: Massive immobilisation of vehicles usually caused by excessive
 Exhaust fumes: Mixture of combustion products emitted by the exhaust of
thermal engines
 Train: It mentions a means of transport made up of a series of wagons
which, pulled by a locomotive, move on rails
 Platform: Usually it is a base that is ata certain height or that provides a
 Carriage: It serves to transport us from one place to another
 Plane: Type of aircraft whose impressive frame makes it much heavier than
the air itself and its most salient physical characteristics turn out to be the
wings that it has at its sides and the propulsion exerted by a single engine,
or several, that allows it to fly.

 Ticket: is the receipt that contains data proving certain rights, in most cases
obtained with a payment

 Check in Security: the quality or state of being secure: such as the area in a

 Gate an opening in a wall or fence

 Ship: A vehicle capable of floating on water and moving over it.

 Ferry: Boats or ships that are characterized by the transport of passengers

as well as vehicles and cargo from medium to short distances

 Taxi: Public used car for the transport of people or objects in the interior of
the cities
 Tram: It is characterized by its electric traction and is responsible for
transporting passengers in a city that is specially prepared with rails on
which it circulates.

 Cable car: It is a transport system, mostly electric, consisting of a cabin

attached to a cable by means of two wheels

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