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Oluwatofunmi Adeosun

FDA Professional Photography

Studio Photography
Commercial Image Analysis

It is important in commercial photography to be high quality because it needs sharp focus on
design details with highlighting to sell the product. It has to look appealing and aims to
persuade people to buy products.

Some photographs are specifically for advertising for example trying to sell perfume and
jewellery.Photographs for business appear on everything often need to look posh and high-
quality. They are designed to hook, enabling the buying and selling of products and services.
They are the way customers learn about new products, services and ideas. Making it easy
for customers to see a difference between brands. Advertising photography creates the
largest number of high quality pictures.

A woman who was a French fashion designer ‘Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel’ her nickname was
‘Coco Chanel.’ She was a businesswoman and created the company Chanel. She was one
of the most powerful women in the world of fashion. Coco created a famous perfume,
‘Chanel No. 5’ in 1921 and this perfume is noted in history because when Marilyn Monroe
was asked what she wore to bed she said ”Just a few drops of Chanel No.5”. It was called
Chanel No.5 and was the 5th scent from her samples. She was pretty easy with the names
of her products.

The target demographic for this perfume is wealthy people in a luxury market. The image is
traditional and makes the product look special. The label is in bold to draw attention to the
name and entice people to buy based on the brand name. Coco Chanel learned of a
perfumier, a knowledgeable and interesting researcher, a character called Ernest Beaux
who had worked for the Russian royal family and lived close by in Grasse, for the perfume
industry. Coco Chanel invited Beaux and other friends to a popular upmarket restaurant on
the Riviera to a special celebration and decided to spray the perfume around the table.

I read an article from the BBC news, Chanel said,

"It was what I was waiting for. A perfume like nothing else. A woman's perfume, with the
scent of a woman." Which means I think she wanted to dream creatively about the perfume.
I feel like she was determined in her plans for fashion style, creativity and as a businessman.

I chose this commercial photography because it’s popular and stylish. I imagine I understand
how to set a studio when I planned to shoot for commercial photography with a model,
background materials, soft box, direct light, camera, tripod and 5-in-1 reflector. I learnt how
to manage from each photograph when I did a shoot in the studio. I have been progressing
in photography and I have learnt a variety of important photography skills, risk assessment,
how to set up the studio, focal length lenses. The setup and act of taking photography can
be a slow process and it can be days before I develop photographs. This is type of image
can be the most difficult thing to achieve though. That’s why I want to aim and plan how to
set up to achieve visual interest and characteristics. I am thinking about the forces that
shaped the history of photography itself.

The campaign was a visual commercial photography success. This was the world’s most
famous perfume and visuals influenced luxury marketing as a whole. Over ninety years later
Chanel No 5 is still the world's most famous perfume. I am very interested in how pictures
change meaning overtime. This photograph gives depth to the newer ones, the style
changes but remains timeless. This popular label is in bold to draw attention to the name
and entice people to buy based on the brand name. It makes the product look special and
the target demographic for this perfume is wealthy people in a luxury market.
Oluwatofunmi Adeosun
FDA Professional Photography
Studio Photography
This perfume from Paris is printed on the bottle as people imagine Paris to be a luxurious,

wealthy city. The structure of the bottle looks strong and I imagine feels heavy, this helps to
convey that it is a quality product. It is the most recognised name in perfumery in the world
because it’s popular and famous who set by Ernest Beaux, was best known perfumer and
creating Chanel No. 5. The

The below image is a black and white photograph that was printed in high-contrast creating
an impression of simplicity and clarity. The photograph was set and creatively styled by
Adrian Gaut who is a professional photographer. He was an early photographer of
architecture, still life and portraits.
(Source: Whisper Editions, December 2013)

Word count: 751


Photography Blog (2020) “The Marketing Campaign That Saved Chanel” [Accessed date:

TheSelfEmployed (2017) “What do commercial photographers do and why would my

business use one?”
business-use-one/ [Accessed date: 31/05/2020]

London-photographers (2015) “What is commercial photography?” [Accessed date:

The Last Magazine (2020) “Adrian Gaut”

gaut/ [Accessed date: 31/05/2020]

BBC News (2011) “Chanel No 5: The story behind the classic perfume” [Accessed date: 31/05/2020]

Whisper Editions (2013) “The Hourglass » Adrian Gaut” [Accessed date: 31/05/2020]
Oluwatofunmi Adeosun
FDA Professional Photography
Studio Photography

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