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Hanale Kanaka
Do not show others!

You are Hanale Kanaka, co-owner and operator of the brand-new Pepehi Kanaka Grand Resort
in Hawaii. This resort is your lifelong dream come to life. It is the last word in luxury and
comfort. Some of the locals warned you not to build on this particular piece of land, some
nonsense about an ancient curse. Well, you are not going to fall for that. And, just to show them
that there is nothing to that curse legend, you are going to host a high-profile wedding here,
exactly what the curse says not to do! That’ll show them.

Appearance & Behavior:

You are the host, the owner. You should circulate with all of the guests, making sure to pay
special attention to the VIPs in the room (Tally Reynolds and her new husband, Cora Lee
Holsten, and Parker Winthrop II). Parker Winthrop II would be an excellent investor for the
resort, casually mention this to him. Be polite and friendly with everyone, and order the staff
around a bit. As for costume, you should be dressy. Whether that is a suit or simply a dress shirt
and nice pants, I leave up to you. Just look formal.

Act 1 Instructions
You will “arrive” at the reception with the other guests and also participate in the game (to learn
The narrator will then allow a time for mingling, during which you can circulate with the crowd,
talking to some people but just being snobby most of the time. Mingle until the crime has been
committed and the narrator moves the game to Act 2. When the body is found, Iolana Kaimana,
one of your employees, will immediately accuse you of something. Don’t deny it. Look sheepish.
This is the end of Act 1.


Act 2 Instructions
Well you’ve really done it now! Tally Reynolds, the up-and-coming movie star is dead. To make
matters worse, that Iolana woman has told everyone about the note that was found earlier. The
note that YOU ordered the staff to cover up. Well, you’ll have to show them the note now. Lead
the other guests back to the main luau area and indicate the rug in the middle of the room. The
note is under there. When Iolana brings up the curse, which the narrator will explain, tell
everyone that it is just local superstition and complete nonsense. Although, now that Tally
Reynolds is dead…it is nonsense?
Look around the Tally’s Room area for hidden clues. You can check with the narrator to
see if you have found them all. Once you and Group 2 have found all of you clues, the
players gather back in the main luau area.


Act 3 Instructions
Another person dead? And Parker Winthrop III was attacked? You can see your dreams of
having the finest resort in Hawaii going down the drain. Why did this have to happen here?
People are going to blame you somehow, you know it. But there’s nothing you can do now. Try
to be as helpful as possible. A piece of information you can tell people is that the luau pig started
roasting at 10:00 a.m., and was only checked on upon the hour, so anyone could have put Tally’s
body there without being observed.
Guests will take turns bringing forth evidence against players they think are
suspicious, beginning with Cora Lee and Parker III accusing Parker II. You may
accuse anyone you think the evidence indicates. You may be suspected yourself,
so be prepared to make a defense. After all evidence and accusations have been
heard, the narrator will ask for suspect nominations, at which point you will all
vote on who you think is the murderer. This discussion/accusation time is a good
time to play up your character’s personality. Just be careful not to interrupt other
players when they are giving evidence.

Act 4 Instructions
If the murder is guessed incorrectly, there will be a second clue-hunting phase. This should give
enough evidence to actually find the murderer. If this phase ends and the murderer is again
guessed incorrectly, they get away with it.

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