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Warsaw Pact

1. What is the main reason for the creation of the Pact?

it was a collective defense treaty, it was signed in warsaw in the middle of the cold war,
aiming to achieve an alliance to defend the east region from a possible attack from the west.
2. Main countries/regions involved in the Pact?
Countries from east Europe:
● soviet union
● albania
● bulgaria
● east germany
● hungary
● poland
● rumania
3. What happens if a country is attacked?
The countries of the pact have to defend and support the one that got attacked, even though
there was not confrontations at all between NATO and the Pact, all the fighting was more so
4. What are the organizations and resources part of the interdependence between nations?
The Pact of Warsaw is a clear example of the dependence between nations, due to the fact
that this treaty stated that all the defence and collaboration depended on all of the nation that
were part of it. The exchange of mainly military resources was essential por the
consolidation of this block of nations.


5. What is the immediate intention that Russia and the Western Allies had between 1945
and 1949?
Basically continuing to expand their territory, The Soviet Union had an imperialist ideology
and was not willing to give up the countries inside the iron curtain.
6. Main countries involved?
USA, Canada, italy, UK, France, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland,
7. What is the main purpose of the creation of NATO?
Creating an alliance between western nations to defend themselves from a possible attack
or attempt of conquer by the eastern bloc.
8. Based on slide 4 from the class, explain Rhodes first three propositions based on NATO.
● The nations between it were dependent on one another for military resources.
● they had to exchange resources to achieve security and collaboration between all the
countries in the organization.
● the decision making was dependent on the US, who had the most power in the
coalition, that is why every process was regulated by that country.
9. Based on today´s class explain Rhodes´ proposition # 4: Dominant coalition regulates the
process of exchange with known rules (game).
The dominant part of the coalition, which is the one that has the most power/resources, in
the one that regulates how the interactions between nations work within the alliance that was
formed, in the case of the NATO that country is the US, and in the late Warsaw pact it’s the
Soviet Union.
10. Based on today´s class explain Rhodes´ proposition # 5: Discretion becomes an
interaction of goals vs. relative power potential; the potential is product of the resources of
each organization, the rules of the game and the process of exchange between

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