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Beth Curtis

ED 136

September 30, 2019

Discussion #1

Due: Monday, October 14, 2019

For this assignment, read chapter 1 and then review the End of Chapter section called "In the Lab"
(Productivity in the Classroom and Integration in the Classroom).  

Read the activity for In the Lab: Integration in the Classroom #3 (pg. 42). Before you start on the textbook
assignment, please read the items below:
I am making a slight modification to the assignment in the textbook.  The textbook wants you to choose an
artist, you may choose a children’s author instead of an artist
You are teaching your elementary students about famous painters or children's authors. They will create a
flyer about the life and work of their favorite artist or children's author.

Some artists (in case you can't think of one):

Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Mary Cassatt, Leonardo da Vinci, Georgia O’Keefe, Claude
Monet, Michelangelo, Frida Kahlo, etc.
Some children's authors (in case you can't think if one):
Maurice Sendak, J.K. Rowling, Renee Watson, Beverly Cleary, Dr. Seuss, Molly Bang, Louisa May Alcott,   A. A.
Milne, Lewis Carroll, Beatrix Potter, Roald Dahl, etc

You can choose from the suggestions above or choose your own favorite artist or children's author.
Create a flyer that gives a bio of your artist or author with examples of their work (pictures).   Your flyer will be
used as an example to show students what a finished flyer will look like.  Use appropriate font styles, sizes,
colors, and images. Include your name on the bottom of the flyer. You are not creating a template for the
students -- you are trying to show them an example of a finished flyer and what you are expecting. The flyer
must include information about the artist/author, their picture, their bio, their body of work such as, but not
limited to, artwork/book covers, etc.
Pay attention to layout and making it look really professional. Avoid clip-art for this assignment as it will make
the flyer look tacky.  Look at the Assignment 1 Tips to help you design a really spiffy looking flyer.
It must be in your own words  -- that includes the artist's or author's biography!
Credit the source of the pictures  -- in this case you can just name the website and provide the website
address.. Be forewarned, GOOGLE is not a credit --- Google is a search engine not a web site of the original
information or artwork.
PROOFREAD and SPELL CHECK  (I do take off points if I know a spell checker or proofreading would have
caught the errors). Remember, this is a college course......
Local Artist Spotlight

Julia Meschter
Julia Meschter is a local children’s author and apparel designer for Nike, Inc. Born
in Norfolk, England, Julia Meschter has lived in London, Amsterdam, and the
United States. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and three
Julia’s first book, The Artist’s Alphabet, was published in April 2018 by Mascot
Books. This book celebrates fonts, art and creative learning. The alphabet letters
are displayed in bold black and white, while the picture examples burst with color.
Julia’s second book, 1 2 3 LAUNDRY!, was published in March 2019 by Mascot
Books. 1 2 3 Laundry! was written as a sister book to The Artist’s Alphabet, this
time teaching children their numbers in a fun, visually appealing way.

Picture credits: “Julia Meschter.” Beth Curtis

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