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C. Ayyappan ‘Aapen wt in 1949 Kec hich ws ‘ial ili Erm Boat nd Jus bs frie wer ale in ht se Hs pr ore bug ‘king on snl pens aag Funes wee alowed Bld endo he nd bo wae epee wa stant me Beles fe th dy a ne als 2 el, Avon wi, Though he nds wer cealy by lind tae et ss wr eel nt tt fo hn ht in nl be ce My Ju waka gated the Wa they wold trom ke his on oh or rne econ buiing ch ne tent frst” They wv very por an sol para pay fh! wea a sured mara Kine aia low fhe nda f wong Mail a «rl of he mete belt aan ie went osha to yop ho ea sus rane for hsp oc hse oe) ap te toa made pot inary hel Hodes nh ther ay to hada ne on her ttc i ap te aid ste of te ange af ela he oy fom to cuandng monet th mde pone dis hana and Elwes Th quon faci 2 by implcaon, common one th the tlt mene oF the 190 big hf apa ighlihing Is io ‘Sein nd fom te Mao eng "retract, hss wf wa nx al xin iy wm ncn ccc trl ewe on soe gaane ad pong dages ‘rsa lrant ane coved ew ta ig hc ‘afl since pb panic cat Howe a7 he age of ewenynine edd get jb a college teach. He (ited ta numberof diene goerament colleges aco Kerala venom at rina i 2004, Among the many averia i his Timi and personal enone of sham arpia ora dlc his Jpnit—ia a stroke he ud at she ge of free “Gt the inflenes hac nfm is wing. Apyappan sea wih 4 re and pine ef onsiousnas. He remember the pesormancss neh elborate ice our daring ofthe ela aman washer Jeople medicine men and womea) for whom hs mother ad sot terme: the tals that cele in he lla; and the sis she trot cl These gues were el and inns presences ini ie, Ir ays in an erie wi Dilip Raj snd he was shaken by sem. Th ick would hae Kaha perfrtanes inthe lca temple re edionally held in an open aes outside the temple, mak (posible for al cates to watch it Ayyappan wa fscnaed 0 toch by the muda, the principal actors or omer arama apes of re by dhe pars designed o appeal wo ordinary people Howeves, [ew only after he read Amos Tul Pale Wine Drink shat te contemplated the poe of bringing such fgues and to Inc ino contemporary mod Ear 1 id not think 1 ould ‘rte about my experiences. Mi wing at ei: Bt you TTL eal ks mode fmt, Yet rte about vel that snot we physical eng’ Hes dawn to modernism, but epic about We neler ofthe question of bread: Ben when one sys man does wt by bread alone ci lear that read is primary As for the question of firms seca people have suggested chat {should Improve my camancip and rework my frm, but thi tthe Foum that natu © me The mows that he did moe begin writing a: 2 dai wie. "ei now thae Lead Ambedkar and then arted wei, 1 te fom tny background and oF my experience. fier che emergence TP ie conciousness some people began ttle w my stones Sh ic" One wonders wheter ii Aypappas experience or his create ana and interpretation of i that ‘dali ‘Realion of short sri, Uae Sepa (Das ‘in Noonceep was able in 1986. Anotes, Mind Cr) 112008. His stores hive als appeted’ in leading Journals sock 1 Sebi Laka Bhacapedins Madomar, Debian snd Pachabing. Roe about te exption to his otk, APPA respi ‘A couple of wallAnown res The cis KG. Sankar Pai and UP Sia Kumar have appecil my wo on the whole i has simply been ignored. Nob ays ihr god or ad My ellegues did ot ven Kn I a4 Sn they she fact metoned ina view of anaher we 200, fare year afer is fin alin appeared: Sey apt wrote pie sbou i Bhp wa by that are say Aap dobed wheter he wal ‘muh o wit bow my nai The Madea wey 2 inevow wth Ayyoppan in 2006, and 2 couple of fe been ans in Engh an bled in don 1 The Lik apn (bth in 207) "om his high choos in he 196 Ayappan a sei: oom and ons He has in sal which fe permed), ce nos and see thee ea Noe of Eevee poled If be ev ot ren meee 7 out of linn oe arian “How can one speak tan todirium’ When one fel tht the spec unison Become bored. The audience she coe, bh fe tnd djecion’ He alin I nt head abou alt nee the mid1S80s. Someone sent re an cay ded "Wha Tea?” Hemember TK. Vaca [Ayyappa tod an imgoran cay wi] reign ammeting: 1 been writing dlr frei year and hae dy iso dit Rea in Malar his point, you sil have the lamp of sanicy. The sun's infancy is the youth of your awarenes. Ics when the sun shatters and sinks Io che dark that madness, like the moon, creeps into you. ‘Not knowing the truth of a murder and a suicide—is that not as preys on your wakeful hous, hunting you doven to exhaustion? ix now. Tam about to pine your eyelashes with che nudity of jth. Do not blink! Do not move your head! What if my fngesnail shes against your eye? Fist, about my suicide, Thad dhoughe that you all understood y | id it, What a shame it is thar T have oo ceach you the jmmar of my mind! This is an unpleasan task; 1 am doing ie ly because there is no other way. T donit have to ell you chat I was your daring brothers secret Between your brother and me, there was all that can be fen an adult male anda female, That habit began when I was ni or should Tsay mishabict id come to your home, one mossoon day, to tend to the vidy that had been spread ou to dey on the attic floot. 1 moved Ickwards, bent ove string che grain, and found myself in your borers arms. Iwas confounded a Gist, then excited as I realized Hinjakkos hands were Finding their way through vo their goals Soon, F blossomed red berween his lips [Descending the atc sats, Kunju sid “Now, now, dont tl his anyone! I go a bit scared. I was a fool even then. The same foolishness made me ask him, six or seven yeas later “Kun, will ou marry me" The response to chat was a sincere coun marty you?” T was pained by the helplessnest of chat question. Surely, no (Christian--even if e happens co bea primary school tacher—can ry the daughter of the playa woman who comes ro work at os, 1 gota tal fight one evenings at I reached home afer meeting Kunjan my mother was whispering to my father how my cousin Ju! become a fillen woman. Will I also be a fallen woman? I fle stfoeated. Bur tha was quite unnecewary- Even at that young age Kunjakko was a clver man. He procured cerain precautionary GHOST-SPEECH equeston. “How ean Translated by Udaye Kamar Hark, give eat © my words, I will speak to you and h tain from the chaff in your mind. I alone remain hete with you as you le in chains. 1 wil tell you the ruth truth alone. Iam not interested in the puny pleasures that buy. You know why: 1am only a ghost, or an accursd soul cis my rsessnss and a litle selfishness that make me pr ied and xed and my oeck endl up in ope oe ‘Nene abot yur dd king your bother fl the ol man i 4 pol hing: Ba when alive 1 cul never think anyone would {in Leta be your pi abour why your dal id this it now be open the ellen teas of tha gi. (On the sce day afc my baa, came out of my BNE 1 came sight to Your home. Kash wan noe thee. He pve gone w the mov foe the le igh sows gue. ied wat Leame eo you atm ace you. Youd fen alee. roncberiog wo an ofthe Ih, Looking athe way you ay ict yen was ane. Hopping plow. you were your sie a your we ie had ted up your knees Keni mone py tee ab he pepe imo your room. Whe he fokal at you you were sig ape ch He wwed ciel oreo Lacing rand then 2 yous ce, he approach rr bl. Sael your body shok wath lighter. He sepped vi shock and observed your expen. Then with a igh of et ad tht fag ace he cra of the Hight Te was at pa snomene hats ih pce sharply nc me Wa taro Mconea? I came ot Toul. Your ses wot shared. You teed Kanji, When yo were sare, enced your body on ha sure Ten pn igh Yu ad oun mi wking momentsbep ca cy. The vlog wee all nets cn cng shame, Your wa and ak eto una: Night ps you lowed Kuso wth no ep ot had no peace Pitour hs euc, When he Be you Up, your bow he melody Bogner began oping i wings tone Be ober Une twa my gow in yout os Te apy thought you wee mad, He bebe in madness rani and oon gh ad spins and demons: Many (caved thar {should be ten secre 10 the temple at cars ud ona lcs of hana wood. Buc your da fh! nt apc: When hs saves cll him out and aed him thie ped wth the Biter of the lon "This might fie Resin’ ekne but nce seis cued and real what Jryenes wharf she doc something anna ‘measures from town with the help of Pathrose who leaves from the village co the Thrisur marke. Bur those 00 were unnecesary. He was incapable of giving any indigesble gif. Ie was only when T began vo long wo have and to being it up and olive and to die ths cht I slowly this, When he lesen abour my dream, he said fle Hike and he cleared his chroat and spac 2 length. Then he i fall on the face with the back of his hand and freed x. say chat Idd love him. But he filed ther. Finally, he 10 commit suicide, and then suddenly burs ito laughter then chat I ogan to consider this killing mel. ‘On no fone did have any respite. Everyone knew: ‘goings-on berween me and Kunjakko. My facher bated ‘way the thick fachs bark is pounded into the strands of scrubber ac home. Some night, afer calling me out and his need, your brother also pummelled my chest insufferable were che antics of Gopi siz, teacher who the neighbourhood. Afr Td fled the English paper in Alegre examinations, he gave me tuicon lessons fora be Apparently, he began eo love me then. From my own caste to look at and, above all a good maa. But when | got he was in love with me, I was reminded of the moment while playing with paddy saplings in the fld with my leech-—far with blood—had clung on ro my chigh. Staring leech, not dating 10 pull ie out, sbaking my. imbs in Ihad cried out aloud. " (Once, trying to hide his embarrssment in an artificially j voice, Gopi sie said: Lam considering whesher I should ill with you! T said harshly, ‘No way! Angry he seplicd bbe pregnant on that count’ I flr stunned, aif someone: me.I could nor ge away without telling this man the euths issomeone else... Thnov’ he interrupced, ‘but tha guy havea darn thing for you. T walled away quickly, rembling And I bumped into Kunjalo. I asked him: “Kunju, do me” He shouted out an ene range of obscenities, and dhe ‘maliciously. broke down crying, {ried nor because he had ime forthe fist time; I cried because he didnot love me. My fas wore dierent. Wold Kujo do somching t> himself ede, how wil enjoy the self hi do nove The consed mysel wth «though if be deg val become an accned sul Hes ot the pew tat inthe church grveyud. Then we cn alvane oper Bot even at dha me I dd think that he would meet sil deh, Your dad's ins hen be found you bth erg 2 i im yon yn hn, ile in i oe ikea indy ded ho ad wo grap, Why i ti et ee Kunal ok rng ou toque sre. Tean ony ge you my option He dd this not because our beloved fou, but lle uy ter am io ay death. My mother oo wat no our dads pounge 2 used mo approach my mete sere a your howe, and rains php thats why se ou be ut Te ho reveled my parentage He called mea sine whose ‘25 tneorered by her own bree. did mot come I {are him 4 mouth on hse and ak. “Oo, ha hrs hve «plas gi i bling Suddenly God ‘Pel asi be hal sealed 4 whole plantain. Hi ps Ad he bowed shad Lex hat be, Rony, your da Umas your site To se God lnpage, be dat kaow brother too had unveiled my mothers takednens belo de marie of You may ak why he dl prevent the la between Kuna and me then. Wall he Kd red. Kaj tad ted me, Your dad had once cle him side andrei im, wih the dei om his fae "You muse mop his thing shat playa sve! Shoked bythe lok on he fae son tld him the eth “Bur Tin 0 ging to mary poi plana git stack In your das mouth wo Now you know eveything Ie was my nudity ha mde he ok you inhi ama ou wee me te 10 me alone, hat edd wrong kwas that wrong that ‘made right. That's why he is serving a life term in pean hs shout my velshncss in these events: Lam moving away jon yous T was afaid that if I leave you without «elling, you Ircrsching, some disaster would befall you. You should lve. Bu fire that, you must do me a fvout. Call our Kannan parayan ask him eo pat doe measures of mustard seeds in my grave nce that’s done, Iwill not be able to get out. A ghost can leave rave only afce it count ll the seeds with precision. No night ing chough for three measures of mustard to be counted {knew your doubt: why am Tnot yearning to romp around with yar brother, who has become an acursed soul like me? Ob, Tse ru doubs has vanshed—thereb a glow on your fice now. Arent thinking that your elder brother is my brother roo? Sister, but sre mistaken there! That’ noc che only teasn. Ir was with great hopes thar I watched Kunjakko die. I waited ih ated breath for hi soul wo separate from his body: I wanted ‘and close its eyes from behind. But the moment he died, the «uch Bally dawned on me: Kunjakko did noc have « sou TA he had was mere breath, mere ie. What could be the reason? haps because he wat rationalise who did moc belive in the human soul. Ox, on account of tha walling, tooth-gnashing, God sho speaks in the language of che Bible. Pethaps. 3 So. T dors have any choice but co return t© my grave. Don fongct che mustard seeds. I give you my freadom, Now look at our Fes theres the proof that I've left you. Where, oh where, i hac chai? GUARDIAN SPIRIT Translated by Udaya Kumar Deis it is me. The selfsame evil spire who has just quit your handy, aceonding to your parents and the jeweled shaman they ‘immoned. But 1 cannot leave you. In occupying your body and Favourite pastime. I was amazed by what he did at Mi ‘church: He spent che whole day walking across the river at women wading through the water that came above thee NNo one suspected him. No one else had gone all the way watch wer female highs. Ie i thie clevemess that made ardent admire. One of those days, he told me s secret, That raped your sister in the engine-room in the outhouse! Your must have been fourten of ffeen atthe ime, Having engine and placed his hand on some part, he called out t0 bring 2 spanner She obeyed him. Her screams were the engine’ roar. This story did no plese me inthe lest. ic was ene, In any case, my moral sense got a nasty jolt shiver, na muffled voice, I asked him Why do. you ddstoy those poor pula girk? He burst out laughing, back a question: Why do people buy cow meat to eat even’ ‘muon is available in plenty? T dont knom, I ssid bits teachers voice, he side Then I shall tell you why—cow' cheap! I clenched my fist and hie him hand on his eft tem was two or dhtee yeats alder co me, but he fl clambered his chest and squeezed his neck. His eyes bulged ou, This scared and Tran away: Thus thar friendship ended In to his house he once grabbed me by the neck. Somehow F myself fe and excaped. After chat I carted a knife with saw lite on the street, I would open the knife and boyin ei ‘my nals in the mot claborate way. Thus, [ became a rowdy age of eighteen: and, later, a fer in jai. ‘When I came out of prison, my youngest ster was at miserable ike aroten dg, having borne Isc’ dead baby. 1 up with him ar the crostoads. Four tight slap lee he the cru like & parrot. Sid he would many my sist. laughing when T heard chat. I sent for her. She sto there pilla a6 if she had been stripped in the middle of a public | made him drink the warer thar washed her fet f aby is Isac’s younger brother. Ic is him you are in loves ‘Whar has he given you? His body, tender lke the sweet banana, some precious nothings of words, then some ‘obscenities that itch like ringworm on the ears and in the Teas a diy fll, E burned with resentment. ot of your rendervous, Your tale ecame the condiment for drinks tha dishes in todly shops and tea stalls. He was forced to act. Somehow he organized an NOC and swam across the seas. You wre left high and dy, Ie was around that vime chat Vasu came ‘ih his mariage proposal for you. You agreed. I beat up those who Thu! mouthed you in the toddy shop. Then Vasu grew suspicious I tc. Alo a like fearful. He bought me my fill of toddy. He Jspeced me ¢o vomit some ruth in the headiness of drink, Then fe could calm himself by besting you up. He did not know char Hoy never really turned my mind. Iaced drunk and sang Vass Ic was then that [entered the scene. When I spoke ro you, fas, shen feat, fll on your beautiful fice. Bur your face alo said chat a reat were at ad erect Nontes,you rl Bey da pense yu hi snd wi da ou wee «He eros scien bal hg hws yous He eed me Mer shed nc tran limp along ets Yu nd Yous cag in sid Ie es gs youl bie TTI Ak ed me spon he gb of seh ie je ue ot he hi nig ‘ESTs on pane, pecs eld nx in i ae me Teg ao. Maes ted eno a pet an Wt Sl te hone the moon, ty miele 1. ha hime ash ch De hing see Secon inthe maw sree of your haan cre Sly ea ce Ng kp ring, That Pee a? mae eur of yous sgh Een you shoe et rnen dg woul gp se Ho rounds 1h npn dt yo cote orl But an STUER wd ea rc my peru Fos ented aes meee oe Cin ti or wher Ds aby ered ih mich vn ads oa Opening deers iy a yer he gad ae you, You longed flow cowards iy ke 2 Wenn weds Vn wa tt ache He Bd one we ee bon Bays cn or iow she ba of my bia agement thie iro aaron re na Penmaes sive your body to whoever you liked, I laughed. This mad ta rere ee ape ere Brlepeseesh nw ‘a good for nothing, a loser, i ere a lion ain eotcnecie carers eet nm Kit me ae eo Ce ae eee Tae ih ig ding ey shite laters scrambled to my feet, looking around. Then I wer oo darkness with my head bent. ata Poe a in ei me lee eine re coe ieee ante rom ‘oC utter a word. The same night I descended the hill wie Se eee Cees ae Roe oat pe palent oma abinlaprmetmmr catia Pomona nee ea ‘what you did after reaching there. Yo roel ee Ue ee Mesa ine insect ee andl Seccatncisitim ete een ane tesa Sinha tater ere ccs me me ar nfo arses pe Soc yee ona ti ook peel od chan one tomongelin Ree oe the cheek and growled: Lego hoime. Baby gor invared sa Sowsetie ght. He drahed Va badly, accusing him of beating sein im public places People gave de suppor, contibuing Din sheie hands and fs on Vans back 1 hese + devil when I came to know. Baby lfc the ila en he ot wind tat 1 wat Tookng fr im. Te was not im vet wad. Twas afer Vas, All my anger was directed at him. Hy did he not ell ne what had happened Team to your howe sing fr him, When F opened the dor, 1 heard a noi from she ing 1 Tc a mate with bulging ye anda ronguc bien Be tras Vau.Tlimbed on tothe cciling and untied the noose Tirncle There was only 2 mild wamuh in his body: but no i ered inside, With ths, ny ange caught fie. 1 wanted 0 Vs To talk to him. Ad him why he hanged himself afer song crashed by the vilge foo. How can mee hi? Like ning, path i up before me. Luni the rope chat Vasu had sind por around my nel: Before ghened pa om his ps! ahameess io, wl catch up with you! ‘ip journey alr that hasbeen ost horendous 1 roamed al she eurteen words looking for hit soul, bat could ot find hw Jhvwhete: My dad whom I had killed, my ster who had died Minsk poion, mer them ll, All of them cold me in singe Wuce hat no oe like Vana had ened the spite worl, Fly Jining exhausted all options, [approached God hime, His fe yeried shar of Baby's grandad e looked a me and ccd Wn wld hin wha sae, he spat out betel juice ange ode eoureyard and sad: He was tome that Vasu came ning THe beqged and pleaded wich me to place his sul inside the neue in Devs womb. Are ons not born of onc soul at well Tage. T Sxplded: wane 0 see hin, I want 10 alk to im. Dideie you ow thi you with your all-knowing power? God Inughed: Whee’ he dieu? You can be born as his younger sibling Tie bewildered me. God veal my expression and sid: Are you vsdenng. how she wil have 2 chill ow chat hee husband i LUD Werder ie bur the bastard son offgnoranel Someone ce sonar het again, infu. I you are ina hury to be Born, SPS Baby to vow he sed in he. aj poise I ve agin, Lely eying i sch dil ony be aera tae buch a terible dig cs the ember of Ihc reor that Kepay sou el But meine fom my 8 sprig ed Be wh ges 4 teat ees down. Then 1 lng trek nr oud ering howl and sk Des oy, bus ay id out Bie shar ike an earthen po on the rocks? With ll my force, 1 spat on God fhe. One of his eyes ‘With bloody ear cling down, he si: Don stom me You can ask for & boon if you like. 1 was disgusted: Don ge in my way in Stare this isthe 1 wane ‘My path lay like a dormane snake inthe dans of pes My legs cvched, loging for the path cat wat sight feet. Tried, yearning for the ectatic moment when — would rush into me ike some fal poison, both of us ‘one and then ino noching. Confusion suffocated me. Should you and pluck out Vasu ftom within you, oF should I be MADNESS: Your son crawing in sic and ps, and avo my elder burned with indecision. Then... Ie Tooks like you have something to sy. Tal am ready 10 Tite. Dont hesitate Go ahead, tell me. ‘Your threat is really fay When you sy you wil kill and that there willbe two soul, yours and Va ‘of you will et rogether te me down, 1 fe ke loud. My Devi, are you such 2 fol? Yu think I stayin because of my’ anger at Vass. dont you? Iam not angry any more—you inerupted me when I was about co tll 1 dont have anything to ask that fol any more. Kis goad the eth of your hare ar sil sharp. But don bite on destroy them. Save them wis for mangoes. Dont you Ai. Keiser that you dont die tha {have kept this vigil as stong afte. You muse continue to lv living son o both you and your Baby. Thies your ninth People say that dere i no diference becwsen the ninth tenth. But for you, cere wil be no diference berween and the clerenth. You willbe peg forever and eve, die a the age of singy-seve, delivering «dead foc! Uni you will vein constant allocation, Thinking about lover and your cowardly husband hiding in your wom ato struggle for breath. ‘Thedore give up these van efor wo cxorcie me. 1 all his so far only because iis you IF get impaten, you sowed will ome to nought and you wil have to oil Trawlated by Jobin Thomas T-tree days ag, yo end om chido days, neighbour panchayat councl member, came the quar whee Ive {itu would not have forgotten what happened at the time. the sume; wane to go ove it once more. To get at even a grain Ai cruth about something, at last ewo persons should look ati ich with dhe own eye oF spectacles, if you likel Thac’ why i Jr cwenil that you ge eat to what T have 10 5%, $, That morning, you, long with some ote rine Bete and Anockad army dor, A508 81 pened it you and tow eck ous Bogan to cal, Words poured out ike a ever that hole is Benks, I seood there, 2 bit dazed by ital Once 1 got foe char, I Bgured out 0 things fom your outbursts. One: my ice insanity had. got out of control. Twor I should enoperate ich you and have her Admitted to the nearby mental hospital. clei remerber my reply ‘Dos ty © hale me he pretence Jac you know more about my sic ills dan Ido, Keep that foe yourself Tes not my sister who is mad. You are. You peop rho went atound, making a ruckus, raising, money, taking your Aut and have now abown up here cb, cabondle and all ‘that you eumee and ponte w my sister im che at pak the roadeie, raging t0 break loos fom the chins that bos tex si, “Lace nothing’ Although I was taken aback set question fille with sue and hure~and fe» hut the dor behind me thestaly and expel. This sponse ted your entire ies of me upd down, ie You probably ein tht what {did wae simply inhumane tay also be a complain that since [now have te and bea lid we nan hen mp will noe respond to any of thee charges at this pine just walk abour the incident. a = os “be hone, I diet inmediaclycomprchend what done. However, when I gota grip of its 1 was realy pl f ‘nye. had handled ic with conierble inligence, 1 Tonge mpl. You probably cant make sense of what Im saying S, 10 over the whole event aan. The whole point ofthis $0 convince you and wo discover the way of the mind Have you, my dese end, or any of tho oxher considered fora moment what would hove happened iT to your suggestion? Asume T had come with you to the mental hospital hospi is not fr foe where Ile. Soy thee is that he peopl around here would lene abou Esen the came wo know, that neighbour of mine the ineteue Lif fines fom avardwinnig works, wll dine si i ‘With cha, everyone in che quarters wl ome to ow Ki Maer ner i mal” There i nothing much wrong wth tht you mighe sink you should relze thatthe next step has dion cong tne Many resident ofthe quater isthe hop. Sone of will suey notice the difsence brween me and my tate, the mad woman: she is ot the real ane, The ste ee people ving for ber Ths spearance and mine wil bom jet ofscrtng. and the, neal my neghboury wll Though Kishnan has by rome hac; become respectable and # el-known teacher, ll he et of hit oe ally backward There ca he no dobe ha his would cause me same Ba Yi prepared fr tha oo. However precy eth poine TH Be Jc to confon the fry ees of another problem. Trea weal es thar when ny te Wail Bt cnt a ba can't oped Pink 9 to. Bue tose ie simp my wife happens toate singe one of her husbands rates wid no excepon, Su I's unpleasant for me. Bat ber reaction is genuine and. gute indesandable, Nether her skin colour, nor he looks would cles who devoured she mest of dead cows thre? Despite al thi in vmehow manage her and ring her ith Rages cern ote mip emia bor) owl fore level ered Se em ut ft dagen thar pts fir ae th 2 ce. Our only daughter the door w i Her temperament fs saya lire pectin, By way of ie beauty ax nach a Bet Ines she is younger venom of her moter Do you kat win hurt and human my wn mother was sbjerd vo w= came all he wy hereto meet my daughter? Obwiousy You ms Lat me tl ou I happed owyears go. We ha ben living ere for some Dime by tens: Myisnother arcved, eager saicttch iglimipes! Of her ganddaaghes Sh haope wih hers cama pecans of papads nde bough fo ovr ok canages eas Sir daughtt wall of x atthe time. Despite ay mochers ana? ovate andy ring ange, she would hae anything co. 42 ‘ih her gandmerher, Se went ou hough the one door, bane |" hur behind her and march off her Rens house in ohare ‘She returned only afier she learnt that my mother had teft: 1 {o's anyhing to hora ha ime. She was only child. Bt Me 6 gh eos 0 the Malai fe a ile header. Gera ed fr mal whl ete si a oot a Mek lt Gx eas ‘heir close ones, Iie in such moments thatthe lamps of humanity ind of civilization burn bright. I too know chat However, for the moment, Tim aot planning co visit my ser ease don thik thi is because I'm evil or inhuman—there is no oti. ny visi this mad sister of mine. She will not recognize mmc, My vise would mean nothing to het. Ie doesnt make sense to do something thats of no use whatsoever, only ro sue disastrous ‘omequences T chink yor al seluctane to acknowledge that I ave some sense. Otherwise, when I sid "T dont see anything'—looking Dankly at my sister screaming away inside che car—you, you, my ‘uldhood fiend, wouldnt ave asked, your voice filled wich hurt ‘nd astonishment: ran "Krishnanketry, have you also gone mad?” Surely, you now understand char there is absoluely nothing wrong with me, dont you? ‘when I thoughe about it I weaned my mer was als fi ‘ame, True: my daughter was sexing her forthe fist times that may not have been the rel ie. My mother could ve something newer, something cleaner, coulda she? Moreover now that ny mother snot excl fu, and 2 for my de she and her fiends have the looks and olor of those cath who adorn the display windows ofthe masive wee in the cig. You might thnk thar sch things have euned imo iss ‘of my incompetence. No, capably is noe the sue here Neither my wie nor my daughter is morally deficient trad for my people i sincere My wife scepts ny po iy in principle. As for my daugh, she dost even mothers ‘pringple. Since my wife grew up asthe tclaively welllt snd slated parent sufeing noha tas lite fein forthe hah ales ofthis word My daughter’ cases more comple. She was born ands ‘ep inches upper-middle quate, So she anoles and soiled clothes only with beggars or Tail migrant Sadly. my people happen to have thon etre. Bur even ifmy wife and daughter do aot come along, why’ visicmy ailing snr inthe hospital? Thi ian impor But Ihave a counte-quexion: Why dosnt my helpless, your stony hear? TET take my site the hospi of care for er there, lscord wll diniely ensue And ee me tl you when my and daughter are angry. they ae noe pres. But een fT to put up with that, il be of lle te, How wil 1 fice of tho around me If people come to know that Ti brother ofa mad woman brought he opt by the her neighbours, ic would cause me considerable embas its imp around, bent double under the weight of myn ‘And should this to be piled upon me No, there is nothing wrong in what Ihave done: O question temains and I will ask chat wo: No nate whats A brothers responsibly wo ist his spt sie at ea have no heaton in aecepeing that the sc ould be Wi

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