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Step-1 –> Read the question and title first to get a rough idea of

what is going to be discussed.

Step 2 –> While reading for the first time quickly go through it to
get a rough idea of what you are dealing with. Then, once you have
a firm understanding of the topic, identify relevant points by either
underlining or circling (or anything that suits you, but make sure
you leave a physical marker as it greatly aids while you are

Step 3 –> Upon identification of the point, try grouping related

points. For instance, if the question is “Downsides of Car Loans”
and there are few points regarding monetary disadvantages, societal
disadvantages, psychological disadvantages (for the sake of an
example). Then, group together these points (for instance, all points
related to monetary downsides will fall in one group). There is great
benefits in doing so and it greatly helps in saving time while
writing, as in one sentence you can write like ” it has several
monetary disadvantages such as *point 1* , *point 2*, *point
3*….” Also, while grouping the points (on the passage) just create
a sort of a key/legend (like on a map or you can use highlighters to
color code the groups) so that you know which point is under which
group so that you don’t have to constantly stop (to look for points)
while writing. So for instance, near every point covering monetary
disadvantage you can put a short form “M” or “MD” (or anything
that you deem fit)

Step 4 –> Finally, start writing. Although writing an introduction or

conclusion is not necessary, you can always give a brief
introduction but with some points in it so that it doesnt seem abrupt.
So for instance, the first point you want to write is “Car loans have
grave economic impacts on the borrower” . Instead of starting (the
summary) straight away with “Car loans have grave economic
impacts on the borrower” you can just add a few words in the
beginning to make it sound more smooth. For Instance, you can
state “Car Loans, although beneficial sometimes, can have grave
economical consequences on the borrower” . This not only allows
you to get straight into your answer but also allows you for a
smoother opening allowing you to get a few extra points (with the
mere addition of 3 words). But, do note that the “benefical” aspect
(or the words you are using to allow for a smoother opening) must
at least be discussed to some extent in the passage.

Step 5 –> Keep in mind that you write the entire answer in one
paragraph, so when I state introduction and conclusion I mean the
first or the last line of the only paragraph in your essay. In the body
part, combine the points of one group (monetary disadvantage) and
write it in one sentence (with each point separated by the comma).
Trust me, it makes a big difference. It allows you to easily compress
your answer. Using this technique I was able to condense my
answers from 1 entire page (which is above word limit) to around
12-18 lines on my actual board paper.

Step 6- Finally, in the conclusion, like in the introduction, try not to

make it abrupt. Make sure you end it well as that is the final thing
the examiner remembers about your answer. Although that doesn’t
mean you can start etching down your rhetorical flourishes using
superfluous language, you can use a few words/simple sentence to
give your answer a good ending. Trust me, It makes a big

Hope you found this helpful,

Happy studying!

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