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Research Handouts 1

Research- come s from the French word “chercher” which means “to search”. It literally means “to investigate
thoroughly” (Research, 2007). By definition it is clear that research is a problem solving activity. Thus, one
conducts research to find a solution to something. Research is just one kind of a problem solving activity.
Research is a systematic process of collecting and logically analyzing information (data) for some purpose.

Kinds of Problem Solving:

1. Research ( based on the need to know the relationships between and among variables)
2. Evaluation (based on the need to choose or select programs, methods, process, etc.)
3. Development (based on the need to develop programs, models, frameworks, policies, methods, test, etc)

Research address the following concerns.

1. Need to clarify conflicting practices.

2. Need to validate certain theories and principles.
3. Need to interpret facts
4. Need to understand a phenomenon
5. Need for information and data
6. Need for knowledge

Epistemology- is the study of our method in acquiring knowledge

There are two types of knowledge

1. Priori knowledge- is acquired through anything that is independent from experience. It is a product
of pure reason or deduction as with math. It is rational, which is the source of knowledge or
justification and suggest the criterion of truth is not on sensory but rather on intellectual.
2. Posteriori knowledge- is acquired by experiences or empirical evidence as with most aspects of
science and personal knowledge. It is empirical, meaning knowledge can only come from experience
and observation.

The Importance Of Research In Our Daily Lives:

 Describes what is happening around us. Through this, we get to know what people think, feel,
and do.
 Explains why things happen in certain ways. We get to understand different situations in our
lives and help us identify the factors that hinder or facilitate why certain things fail.
 Predicts what will happen. We get to caution ourselves in doing or not doing something; it
warns us not to pursue an action, and encourages us to continue a certain act.
 Evaluates what happened in our lives. It gives you an idea why things are not turning out the
way you wanted.
Helps us solve our problems. It provides relevant data in order to determine why people
are against a certain government program, for example. Through research, we can make
necessary recommendations to improve the government’s program to suit the needs of those
who are affected by the program.

Four Main Types of Research:

1. Basic Research- A systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon.This is more descriptive in nature, exploring what, why, and how questions.

2. Applied Research- help people understand the nature of human problems so that human beings can
more effectively control their environment.

3. Evaluation Research-studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution.

4. Action Research- aims at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or community.

Classification of research

Kinds of Research Method

Quantitative- measures the magnitude, sixe, or extent of the phenomenon, provides description of the basic
nature or the characteristics of the phenomenon.

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research.  It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons,
opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for
potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and
dive deeper into the problem.

features Qualitative Quantitative

Aim Describes completely and in detail Classifies and counts qualities; constructs
statistical models to explain what is
Direction Researcher may only know roughly in Researcher knows clearly in advance what
advance what he/she is looking for. he/she is looking for
Design Emerges as the study unfolds Carefully designed before data is collected
Source of data Researcher is the data gathering Researcher uses tools such as
instrument ( interviewer) questionnaires or equipment’s to collect
numerical data
Role of Researcher Subjective- interprets events, uses Objective- seeks precise measurement and
participants, observation, conducts in- analysis of target concepts, ex. Uses
depth interviews and etc. surveys and questionnaires.

Researcher tends to become subjectively Researcher tends to remain objectively

immersed in the subject matter. separated from the subject matter.
Comprehensivenes “richer”data, time- consuming, and less More efficient; able to test hypothesis,
s able to be generalized may miss contextual detail
Types of Data In the form of words, pictures or objects In a form of numbers and statistics

Kinds of research according to purpose of the researcher

1. Basic/Pure- advances fundamental knowledge or aims to generate new knowledge (ideas, principles,
2. Applied/Practical- aims to benefit from the immediate usefulness of the outcome or findings of the

Kinds of research according to level of investigation done on variables

1. Exploratory- the researcher familiarize oneself on a topic deals with question--- “What?”
2. Descriptive- the researcher observes and describes what was witnessed to answer the question- “are
the variables related”?
3. Explanatory-researcher expounds and explains to address the question--- ïs the relationship of
variables casual?” ”How and Why”

Four Main Types of Research:

1. Basic Research- A systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the
observed phenomenon.This is more descriptive in nature, exploring what, why, and how
2. Applied Research- help people understand the nature of human problems so that human
beings can more effectively control their environment.
3. Evaluation Research-studies the processes and outcomes aimed at attempted solution.
4. Action Research- aims at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or

Kinds of research according to logic of reasoning to be used

1. Deductive- top-down approach

The goal of the researcher is to infer theoretical concept and patterns from observes
data. (specific to general)

Theory---- hypothesis-----observation----confirmation

2. Inductive --- bottom-up approach

The goal of the researcher is to test concepts and patterns known from theory using new
empirical data. (general to specific)

Observation—Pattern--- Tentative Hypothesis---Theory

Kinds of research according to time available in conducting the research

1. Cross-sectional- data is gathered once

2. Longitudinal- data collection at multiple points in time

Research can also be categorized based on how the researcher controls the variables in the research

1. Experimental- strict control on independent variables

a. Independent variables- The variable that is stable and unaffected by the other
variables you are trying to measure. It refers to the condition of an experiment that
is systematically manipulated by the investigator. It is the presumed cause.
b. Dependent variables -The variable that depends on other factors that are measured.
These variables are expected to change as a result of an experimental
manipulation of the independent variable or variables. It is the presumed effect.


1. Phenomenology- a form of qualitative research in which the researcher attempts to understand how one
or more individuals experience a phenomenon.
2. Ethnography- is the form of qualitative research that focuses on describing the culture of a group of
3. Case study research- is a form of qualitative research that is focused on providing a detailed account of
one or more cases.
4. Grounded theory- is a qualitative approach to generating and developing a theory from data that the
researcher collects
5. Historical research- research about events that occurred in the past.


Parts of research paper:

Theoretical framework and literature review
Methods or procedure
Results of the study
Conclusion or discussion
Bibliography or references
1. Title: Title of the research paper should be simple and informative. It should directly attack you
research question and should be eligible enough to explain your domain and methodology that would
be used by you.
2. Abstract: The abstract is actually a short summary of your whole research paper. Its standard length
is between 100 to 500 words. It should include goals and objectives of your research paper, a short
introduction of whatever was there in your research proposal and should be highlighting that what
would be the end results or conclusion of your research paper. In final draft of research paper it’s the
second element but it is always written in the end when you are done with your whole research.
3. Introduction: The introduction also has three main purposes. First one is that, it provides with the
background and motivation for your topics. Secondly, it describes the focus and purpose of the paper
you are writing. And the third one is that it gives an overview of what you research paper is composed
of and what are its various sections. In short, it tells its readers about the background of study,
statement of problem, objectives that were set by you to conduct this research and in last significance
of this study that is done by the researcher.
4.Theoretical framework and literature review: It usually includes the theoretical perspective of your
research study. It also involves the current reviews of literature related to your study and research
topic. It can also include samples for your research study that helps you for conducting your research
(only if they are in the form of literature).
5.Methods or procedure: This section of your research paper describes what has been done by you in
your research process and what were the strategies that were used to attain aims and objectives of the
proposed study? In this part sample calculations are provided to describe that how data was collected
and was analyzed by the researcher. The goal of this part is to make readers able to repeat your work
and gather more information about it, if desired.
6.Results of the study: In this part a researcher proves his study and results with the help of data that
was used. In this results of the data are given in the form of graphs, charts and tables. These results are
followed by a brief description of what was gained as the result of each point. It acts like a guide for
your readers to understand your main point to conduct research and the purpose for using specific data
and population.
7.Conclusion or discussion: Here you state what you have learned or proved on the basis of your
research questions and statement of problem. You also introduce your accomplishments that you
gained with the help of this research. You may also describe interesting observations, new questions
and future plans to others with the help of your research paper’s conclusion.
8.Bibliography or references: It contains the list of reference works that were cited by you during your
research. You must note down each and every reference and must not misguide others by providing
wrong references. For bibliography and references from books, it should be chronological in order. For
internet references title of topic and web link both should be provided in this section.

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