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Masdar City

Unique ideas
•Ensuring a low carbon footprint during and after its construction. •Being completely powered by
renewable energy. •Reducing waste to as near to zero as possible. •Educating three quarters of the
40,000 residents with 5 hours of sustainability education each year. •Full pedestrianisation within
the city, without vehicles in the space. The transport network would be below ground.


It will reduce fossil fuels, waste and carbon. Also, it will provide more homes
and comfortable life styles without stress. It will also make other countries also
change their cities like Masdar and decrease global warming,


It will cost a lot to build and repair. Also, only the rich will be able to afford. If
it does go wrong the money will be wasted and there will be no city. If other
countries do want to pursue to make their cities like Masdar, It will make a
massive hole in their money unlike Abu Dhabi which is more rich than most other

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