b1 Progress Test 5

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Progress Test

5 Units 9 & 10

Mark: / 80 marks

A Read the article about Australia.

Amazing Australia
Australia is a unique country for a number of reasons. 1
Australia may be the smallest continent, but it is bigger than
all of the countries of Europe combined. Not surprisingly, there
are extreme differences in climate and geography.
There are rainforests in the northeast and there are large
deserts in other areas, with very high temperatures, little
water and hardly any plants. One of Australia's most amazing
sights is in the middle of the desert in Central Australia: Uluru,
a huge natural formation. 2 Along the eastern and
southeastern edge of Australia there is the Great Dividing
Range, which is the third largest mountain range in the world.
and the British began to settle there in 1788. 4
Secondly, Australia's ecosystem is an unusual one. There are For a short time, the newcomers lived peacefully with
many animal species that exist there and nowhere else in the the Aboriginal people. But soon, fighting broke out over
world, such as the platypus, kangaroo and koala. Australia has who owned the land. Today, about 23 million people live
516 national parks to protect its unique plants and animals. in Australia, nearly a quarter of whom were born in other
3 For example, Australia has 20 types of poisonous countries. 5
snakes and 36 species of poisonous spiders.
Today, Australia is an important exporter of agricultural
The original inhabitants of Australia, the Aboriginal people, goods like wool, wheat, beef, fruit and wine. The country
arrived in Australia about 50,000 years ago. They may have is also rich in minerals and metals and is the world's fourth
travelled from Asia across land bridges when sea levels were largest producer of gold.
much lower. Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606

B Complete the Exam Task.

Exam Task
Five sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences A – F the one which fits each gap (1 – 5).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
A Many of these British settlers were convicts who had been sent to live in Australia as punishment.
B Mount Augustus is the largest monolith in the world.
C Firstly, it is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent.
D They come from the United Kingdom and other European countries, but also from Asia and the Middle East.
E With a height of 335 metres, it is the second largest rock in the world!
It is also home to many of the deadliest creatures on the planet. (___ / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1+ Second Edition

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Vocabulary and Use your English
A Complete the sentences with these prepositions.
about by in of off on out to
Darren tries very hard to get to work time.
I think it’s very important to care your job.
The coach dropped us near the Trevi Fountain.
The new work rules took me surprise.
What was your manager’s reaction the bad news?
I thanked her for her hard work on behalf the staff.
Did you succeed finishing all your work by five o’clock?
We need to set early tomorrow morning. (___ / 8 marks)

B Match the words in bold in the sentences 1-8 with their meanings a-h.
I found it difficult to use the local currency. a
the pay received by an employee
What is your favourite type of cuisine? b a period of time worked by a group of workers
Sally wanted to know how much my salary was. c
the system of money that a country uses
We can’t afford to offer any perks with the job. d a job that is available for someone to do
Jack has an assistant to help him with his work. e
a person whose job it is to help someone
I sometimes have to work the afternoon shift. f
a group of employees that work for a company
How big is the company’s workforce? g a style of cooking, Italian, French etc
There was only one vacancy advertised in today’s paper. h 
special benefits received by employees
besides salary
(___ / 8 marks)
C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.
The staff at the new travel are really helpful. AGENT
Oh no, I can’t find my pass! I hope I haven’t lost it. BOARD
Hurricanes caused a decrease in in the Bahamas last year. TOUR
Some people visit Spain to enjoy its amazing . ARCHITECT
It was such a smooth that I hardly realised the plane was on the ground. LAND
It must be hard to live in such a region. MOUNTAIN
(___ / 6 marks)
D Circle the correct words.
My parents took a cruise / coach tour because they love being at sea.
They offered me a very low salary, so I rejected / launched their offer.
We decided to climb the huge rock position / formation.
The Andes are a mountain track / range in South America.
Before the job interview, I had to fill out an application / income form.
Has the tour guide given you a(n) itinerary / site for your holiday?
After being late to work three days in a row, Oliver took / got the sack.
The incentive / strike happened after the workers’ pay was reduced. (___ / 8 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1+ Second Edition

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A Change the direct speech into reported speech.
1 ‘I’m going to finish the weekly report now,’ Jack said.
‘Your backpack is here on the table,’ Dad told me.
‘The manager left an hour ago,’ the secretary said.
‘What time did your flight arrive?’ Jerry asked.
‘Can you work late tonight?’ she asked.
‘Was the hike in the mountains very tiring?’ Ann asked.
‘Why did you take the job?’ Mike asked.
‘This is the key to your new office,’ Mr Peters said.
(___ / 8 marks)
B Change the direct speech into reported speech using these reporting verbs.
accuse advise apologise deny offer promise remind suggest
‘I’m sorry I was talking too loudly in the meeting,’ James said.
James too loudly in the meeting.
‘Why don’t you rest for a few minutes?’, the tour guide said.
The tour guide for a few minutes.
‘I do not owe you any money,’ the manager said.
The manager any money.
‘I’d be happy to help you with the presentation,’ Jane said.
Jane with the presentation.
‘Don’t forget to return Mr Miller’s call,’ David said.
David Mr Miller’s call.
‘You should get a good night’s sleep,’ she said.
She a good night’s sleep.
‘I will definitely give you a ride home,’ Jennifer said.
Jennifer a ride home.
8 ‘You booked the wrong package holiday,’ the customer said.
The customer the wrong package holiday. (___ / 8 marks)

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If my manager (give) me a pay rise, I’ll be really happy.
Supposing you (miss) your flight, what would you do?
If you had left earlier, you (not be) late for the meeting.
Provided that you enjoy yourself, (you / go) on another cruise?
I (have) time to relax if I went on a long holiday.
I would work harder if I (be) you!
When you go for a job interview, you (need) to bring your resumé.
We (walk) through the jungle if it hadn’t rained. (___ / 8 marks)

D Circle the correct words.

I wish the baby had stopped / would stop crying. I can’t hear what the tour guide is saying.
If only Paul tried / had tried harder, he might have finished the report on time.
I wish I knew / had known what to say to the manager. I have no idea.
I wish I didn’t forget / hadn’t forgotten my laptop. I would have checked my emails.
If only you kept / had kept the receipt, you could have got a refund.
Joanne wishes she lived / had lived closer to work so she could walk instead of drive. (___ / 6 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1+ Second Edition

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Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You had a summer job at a ski resort which you didn't like at all. The manager has asked you to write a
report about what could be done to make it a better place to work. (140 –190 words.)

(___ / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up B1+ Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Progress Test 5

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