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 Jaime Daniel Amador- 2018226180

 Eider Isidro Villalba- 2018226004

 Gabriela Naranjo Granados- 2018226057

 ¿How expensive is to live in your city/country?

- Public services become expensive in Perth (he lives in Perth), but the
water is very cheap, the food isn’t expensive, accessible to people’s
 ¿Do you think people earn enough money?
- If you were working in Australia, it wouldn’t be expensive for you to
live there, people earn enough to develop their life normally.
 ¿Do people get their own house or are they used to renting?
- Most people have their own house and only a small minority has
continued to rent their home
 ¿What is the most expensive part of living in your city?
- Going out with friends to a bar you would be spending
approximately 100AUD to have a good time,rent houses near the
center are quite expensive and could cost 350AUD (Australian
dollars) per week.

Cost of living in Australia, depends on some factors such
as the city where you live and your lifestyle, cost of living
could be more expensive in cities like Sidney or
Melbourne, for us, Australia can be a very good place to
live, it’s all about finding a good city and place to live
that suit your needs, from there, you can enjoy an
excellent quality of life that this country offers.
CURIOUS FACT : Perth ranks first as
the most exporting city in Australia.
Iron, gas, gold, coal, diamonds and
minerals that makes Perth an extremely
rich city.

 ¿Do you practice any sport?
- He is a pilot of Ford Formula, he has been competing for 3
 ¿What’s the biggest sport in your country?
- Football is the most popular sport in Australia (Australian
rules) is very similar to rugby and is a sport that is only
practicated in Australia
 ¿Do people like to exercise?
- Fitness culture is very fashionable, people go to the gym,
makes yoga and practice a lot of exercises
 ¿What sports do you think is the strangest in your country?
- The stranger sport is the football with (Australian rules)

We could say that Australia ia a very sporting country,
since apart from Australian soccer, they have more sports
like rugby, surf, tennis, golf, among others, and people
are always looking to include sport in their daily life.

 ¿Is people from your country mostly conservative or liberal?

- Most people in australia still conservative, but youth is becoming
 ¿Are people religious?
- The native Australian are not very religious, but Australia is a
country that has a lot of influx of migrant families wich come
from countries that ar ereligious like Italy, Greece, Thailand and
 ¿What are some of the festivities or holidays that you take part
- In Australia as in other cultures the most common festivities are:
Christmas, New Year, and Australian day (January 26) this day
people organize bbq at home and go to the beach, in the night
the city has fireworks
 ¿Do young people care about old traditions?
- Some young people don't care much about traditions, as they
have been very separate from their traditions, but there is a
minority who have been interested in traditions and do their best
to preserve them.

Australia’s heritage and multicultural background has
resulted in several traditions that live in today, thats
why Australian festivals and events are becoming
globally known.

 ¿Do people marry young?

- Yes, people get married very young, but this also entail to a very high
divorce rate in young marriages
 ¿ Young people go out with many people or few people?
- Young people go out with many people looking for relationships when
they are single
 ¿ How liberal are people related to sex?
- People have always been very liberal about sex, people talk about sex on
the streets and anywhere, there is no problem whatsoever on that topic,
It is not a topic with much taboo

People in Australia have a lot of freedom to talk about
issues like sex, relationships and even at a young age they
make the decision to get married, couples often go to
dinners, barbecues or the beach

 ¿ What is the most used means of transport?

- The most used mean of transport is the car, everyone uses cars
for very long distances, for example my friend lives 45 minutes
from the city to his workplace and he use his car
 ¿ Is public transportation cheaper than owning a car?
- Public transport if it is cheaper, but it takes much longer, in the
time-cost ratio, it is better to have your own car, what takes you
45 minutes by car, you could take 2 hours on public transport
 ¿ What are some of the rules that are different from Colombia?
- The traffic rules are very different from that of Colombia, in
Australia it is driven from the left direction (it's a big change,
being used to doing everything from the right), the steering
wheel is on the right and the gearbox is on the left it is very
difficult to get used to. If you were traveling to Australia, it
would be a little difficult for you to get use it.

CURIOUS FACT : The city of

perth has a free bus that runs
through the city center

 ¿ People get stressed easily because of their studies?

- People who live in Australia at the time of studying is very quiet, because
the pressure doesn’t exist (it doesn’t become suffocating or stressful)
 ¿ Is it compulsory to be a university graduate to get a good job?
- They don’t worry about studies, people in Australia don’t want to study and
they haven’t seen themselves in the need to study to be someone because
there, the quality of life is very high and it’s very normal to see a plumber or
a waiter with a high-end vehicle and a house of their own.
 ¿ What is the most respected specialty in your country?
- Being a lawyer (judge), is the most respected specialty by people, and its
also the most expensive, since they are the best paid and most outstanding
in the country.
 ¿ What do people usually study?
- People there, generally study some engineering career, especially systems
 ¿ Is it expensive to study?

For those who study in Australia, going through school
doesn’t become suffocating because they don’t worry
about studying as much, even without having a university
degree you can have a good life if you have a simple job

 What are some of the problems facing your country?

- Forest fires are the most common problems in that country with
few problems, is nothing compared to the problems of other third
world countries (corruption)
 ¿ How do people feel about the coronavirus?
- There are two positions regarding the Covid-19, A large part feels
scared, these people always walk with care and protection
measures necessary to not contract virus and the other, they don't
feel any fear and they leave their houses pretending that nothing
is happening
 ¿ Do people like or dislike the President / Prime Minister / etc.?
- The prime minister took steps to stay home to prevent contagion,
but even so, people left as if nothing happened, the prime minister
chose to place fines to allow people to break the quarantine; the
prime minister closed the individual economy, but not entirely (he
closed few schools, opened some sectors of the economy, opened
the cafeterias and only people could buy to take away, when
seeing the measures that the prime minister took, and people
approved and agreed)
 ¿ Do you think your country is a good place to live?
 Yes it is, is definitely a very good place to live, a country that has
everything from security to good quality of life

We all know Australia’s constant problem with forest fires and
climate change, but it still has many good things such as being
a country with a low corruption rate.

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