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Characterization of the Evaporation

Rates of Complex Hydrocarbon

Mixtures Under Environmental Conditions
Department of Chemical Enghaeerbag and Applied Chemistry and Znstitute for Environmental Studies,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A4.

The characterization of the evaporation rate of complex hydro- O n discute la caracthisation du taux d’kvaporation de mk-
carbon mixtures, such as commercial oil fractions, under langes complexes d’hydrocarbures (tels que les fractions d’huiles
environmental conditions is discussed. It is shown that the commerciales) dans les conditions ambiantes. On dCmontre que
relevant thermodynamic quantity is the total volume of vapour la quantitk thermodynamique pertinente est le volume total
(per unit of initial oil mass) removed under isothermal differ- de vapeur (par unit6 de masse initiale d’huile) enlev6 dans
ential distillation conditions (V m8/kg) as a function of the les conditions isothermiques de la distillation diffbrentielle
mass fraction of the oil remaining (F). Plots of F versus V for (V m8/kg.) en fonction de la fraction de masse de I’huile
various isothermal conditions can be used to estimate evaporation restante (F). Ont peut employer des representations graphiques
rates since it is shown that V is equivalent to the group de F, en fonction de V pour diverses conditions isothermiques,
KsAsrs/Ms where Ks is the evaporation mass transfer CD. pour &valuer les taux d’kaporation, vu qu’on constate que V
efficient (m/s), As is the spill area (ma), tg is the evaporation (5quivaut au groupe KsAs7/Ms, oh Ks est le coefficient de
time (s) and Ms is the spill mas (kg). The basis of a method- transfert de masse par Cvaporation (m/s), As est la surface de
ology for estimating environmental evaporation rates is &us la mare (m,), ts est le temps d‘kvaporation (s) et M, est la
outlined. Methods of obtaining V v m s F data are discussed, masse de la mare (k.g.). On e w e ainsi la base d’une m&hodo-
with calibrated wind tunnel evaporations being preferred. The logie pour Bvaluer les taux d‘bvaporation ambiante. O n discute
estimation of evaporation rates under spreading and non-is* les mkhodes pour obtenir des donndes en tunnel akrodynamiqne.
thermal conditions and the analogous dissolution p~ocessare On discute brikement l’haluation des taux d‘kvaporation dans
discussed briefly. des conditions non isothermiques et impliquant l’expansion de

W hen crude oil or a commercial oil fraction is ac-

cidentally spilled on water it is subject to a
number of physical, chemical and biological processes
None of these studies included an attempt to predict
the change in evaporation rate with time as the more
volatile material is lost. The dissolution process has
collectively termed “weathering”. An understanding been almost completely neglected in such studies since
of these processes is essential to the development of it is not regarded a s a significant mechanism of mass
clean-up measures, to the assessment of the physical loss from a spill. The small amounts of hydrocarbons
and biological effects of such spills, and to t h e identi- which a r e dissolved (mainly aromatics) may however
fication of an oil spill source f o r legal purposes. Since have profound toxic effects.
these various processes are only poorly understood at The approach adopted here has been to devise lab-
present it is impossible to predict the change in com- oratory evaporation and dissolution methods and re-
position of the oil with time. A further difficulty is late these treatments to t h e rates expected in typical
the complex chemical nature of the oil with only a environmental conditions.
relatively small number of hydrocarbon components
being readily identifiable. It is thus suggested here Laboratory simulation of evaporation
that it is desirable to develop a method of simulating It seems logical to characterize an oil by an iso-
weathering processes in the laboratory. This can then thermal distillation under conditions close to those
be used to predict the rates of these processes in experienced in the environment. These data can then
the environment and generate samples of weathered be used directly and reliably to predict environmental
oil which can be used for physical property measure- evaporation rates.
ment and possibly for legal identification purposes. Mackay e t al.“) conducted such an evaporation to
The two most important weathering processes are characterize crude oils using a wind tunnel in which
believed to be evaporation and dissolution. Other continuously weighed crude oil samples were evapo-
processes such a s microbial degradation, chemical rated in pans for several days. A plot of oil mass
oxidation or polymerization a r e slower, while water- versus logarithm of time gave an approximately
in-oil and oil-in-water emulsion formation occur only straight line. The disadvantage of this method is that
under turbulent conditions and may not affect the the evaporation rate is controlled by the evaporation
chemical nature of the oil, although there is a pro- mass transfer coefficient which is in t u r n controlled
found physical effect, for example on viscosity. by the tunnel wind speed, turbulence, heat transfer
The weathering process has been studied by Mackay and pool size. There is also some difficulty in obtain-
and Matsugu(*),Smith and MacIntyre“), Harrison e t ing truly isothermal conditions and some risk of hete-
Shadier and Mikolaj“), and by Scott et al.(5). rogeneity in the oil composition especially as the vis-
cosity increases and the oil mixes more slowly. In ex-
.Corra.pondencr : Dr. D. Mackw treme cases a skin may form on the oil surface and

290 The Canadian ]ournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 4 , August, I976

act as a barrier to evaporation of the more volatile timer gives the number of cycles, the pumping cycle
material below. being automatic and capable of 24 hour operation.
Ideally, evaporation should be characterized under The data obtained are initially plotted as the oil
controlled isothermal conditions with assured perfect mass remaining as a function of the total volume of
liquid mixing and without the rate uncertainty intro- vapour removed, that is, the number of cycles times
duced by a mass transfer coefficient. A system de- the capacity of the tank. For further analysis and
scribed here was designed to achieve this and provide scale up i t is more convenient to convert the data to
data on the mass loss of a stirred oil sample when a a graphical form in which the fraction of the original
known volume of vapour is removed during a dif- mass remaining ( F ) is plotted against the total volume
ferential isothermal evaporation process, As the of vapour removed per kg of original oil, i.e., n v l M D
evaporation proceeds each differential volume of where n is the number of cycles, v the tank volume
vapour is removed from the system independently, (mS) and MD the original mass of oil. Such a plot is
the pressure of each volume element falling as evap- shown in Figure 2 for samples of Norman Wells
oration proceeds. The method is not truly differential crude oil. The advantage of this form of graph is
since the volume elements are finite, however, if a that it is independent of the size of the oil sample and
sufficiently large number is taken the difference is the tank volume and is thus truly a characteristic
small. property of the oil. Since the evaporation rate of
A major purpose of this analysis is to compare crude oil falls rapidly it is convenient to use a logarith-
laboratory evaporation methods using wind tunnels mic scale for the volume axis.
and isothermal distillation, especially with regard to
simulating environmental conditions. In addition the Wind tunnel apparatus
mechanism of translating laboratory data to en-
vironmental conditions is considered. A low speed wind tunnel with a cross section of
30.5 by 30.5 m was used to evaporate oil samples
Experimental from a 24.5 m by 34.5 em deep tray mounted on a
Isothermal distillation apparatus top loading balance, with t h e oil surface lying flush
with the bottom of t h e tunnel. A description of the
The apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It consists of tunnel and its performance has been provided by
a 100 m' flask containing the oil which is stirred Matsugu'6'. The a i r velocity was maintained at a
by an external magnetically driven Teflon-coated stir- constant setting by fixed baffles. The velocity of
ring bar. The flask is connected through a magnetical- about 2.5 W L / S a t the centre, is high enough to cause
ly operated solenoid vacuum valve (1) to an empty a reasonable evaporation rate but low enough to pre-
0.091 1n3 steel propane tank and valve (2) a s shown. vent liquid splashing from the tray. Oil temperatures
The system can be evacuated to .01 torr. The valves were monitored by a thermistor-recorder system.
are activated by a timer. The flask is submerged An oil sample of about 500 g was placed in the
in a constant temperature bath and the tank is kept t r a y and evaporation started, the mass of the oil being
about 5 ° C warmer by heating tape to prevent any periodically recorded and plotted as oil mass versus
possibility of condensation in the tank. logarithm of time. The resulting data were found to
The operating procedure consists of first closing be fairly linear, although this is entirely fortuitous.
valve ( 1 ) and evacuating the tank through t h e open To compare the wind tunnel data with the isothermal
valve ( 2 ) . Valve (2) is then closed and valve (1) distillation data it is necessary to know the evapora-
opened and the system allowed 15 minutes to reach tion mass transfer coefficient. This can be readily
equilibrium. Valve (1) is then closed, and valve (2) determined by evaporating a liquid of known vapour
opened and the contents of the tank evacuated. The pressure under identical flow conditions. Cumene
cycle is then repeated. The flask is occasionally dis- (isopropyl benzene) was selected since it has a similar
connected and weighed to obtain the mass of oil as a Schmidt Number to the evaporating oil and its evap-
function of cycle number. A counter mounted on the oration rate is sufficiently slow to prevent a large
"wet bulb" temperature effect, yet sufficiently f a s t
to give a reasonable evaporation rate. The evapora-
tion mass transfer coefficient K ( m l s ) was deter-
mined directly from the evaporation rate E ( k g l s )
the tray area a ( m z ) ,the cumene vapour pressure P

I V G E 1 , V E 2 ,9, ~

"7 I~


I~0I"IIM.L D l I l l L l r l ~

<,"d.Oil 11.1 0

'J bI
, cv; ":,TI" 0 , , ,,,,, b, , , ~ ~ ,, , , , y

.", 1 XCA MI db-'

Figure 2 - Plot of fractioii of oil remaining F against V for
Figure 1 - Schematic diagram of isothermal distillation appa- wind tunnel evaporation at 25 'C and isothermal distillations
ratus. evaporations at 25°C and 45°C.

The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 4 , August, 1976 291

( a t m ) using the equation orated, n and 7 being linearly related

E = KPamlRT
where m is the molecular weight of cumene ( k g l g m o l ) ,
R is the gas constant ( a f m m'lgmol K ) and T the Environmental evaporation is truly differential
ambient temperature ( K ) . whereas the isothermal distillation apparatus uses a
I t should be noted that i t is assumed here t h a t the finite difference approach. However, these become
liquid phase is perfectly mixed at all times and that equivalent for a large number of cycles. Equivalent
there is no liquid phase mass transfer resistance. fractions will thus be evaporated from the environ-
This assumption is valid when the oil viscosity is mental spill and the isothermal distillation apparatus
low and the eddy diffusivity high. Some qualitative when the temperatures are equal and when K.A,T,f M ,
tests in which particles suspended in the oil were equals nvlMn.
observed demonstrated that the oil had a circulating In a wind tunnel the corresponding mass transfer
motion, induced by the air flow. Provided t h a t the coefficient, area, original mass and time may be
oil "mixing time" (observed to be a few seconds f o r K,, mls, A , mz, M , kg and rtLs giving the comparable
low viscosity oils) is negligible compared to the group K,,A,,rW/M u .
evaporation time (typically several days) there should Experimental evaporation data of either type a r e
be no liquid phase resistance effect. As crude oil thus readily converted to environmental conditions
evaporates its viscosity increases and i t may become provided that the environmental mass transfer coef-
necessary to thoroughly stir the oil a t regular in- ficient can be estimated. Mackay and Matsugu"' have
tervals. correlated the mass transfer coefficient against wind
The mass transfer coefficient is undoubtedly slight- speed U m l s , pool size 2 na, and vapour phase Schmidt
ly dependent on the mass transfer rate but the effect number Sc as follows:
will be small a t low transfer rates and the accuracy K , = 0.0048 ( J O . 7 8 Z-0.11 s c - O . G i
required for environmental calculations is not suf-
ficient to justify introducing this complication. In summary, an initial mass of oil M, ky evaporat-
Again i t proves convenient to plot the data in ing under environmental spill conditions with area
modified form, in this case a s t h e fraction of the A , and mass transfer coefficient K , after r. s will
oil mass remaining ( F ) as a function of the group reach the same fraction evaporated as a wind tunnel
K T A I M ~where
~ 7 is the evaporation time (s) and M W evaporation with corresponding values M,,, A,, K ,
the original oil mass (kg). Figure 2 shows such a and rw and as an isothermal distillation in which
plot for Normal Wells crude oil and for diesel oil. n volumes of v m' are evaporated from an initial M,, k g
The advantage of this conversion is demonstrated when
in the next section where i t is shown that the terms K.A,r,/M, = K,A,r,/M, = nv/Mo = V
K r A I M w from the wind tunnel data and nv/MI, a r e
equivalent. It is assumed that equal temperatures apply to all
three processes and that the oil is perfectly mixed.
Conversion of experimental evaporation data The most convenient method of presenting labora-
to enuironmental conditions tory data is thus as mass fraction of oil remaining
( F ) as a function of n v / M D or K,A,T~/M, i.e.
The evaporation loss of a mass of oil spilled under V mS/kg.
environmental conditions can be estimated using a For a given spill, the larger the area the faster
mass transfer coefficient approach. If a mass transfer the rate of evaporation since there is a greater area
coefficient K , mls applied to an area of A. m2 covered exposed per unit mass and the spill is correspondingly
by oil of initial mass M, kg of vapour pressure P a t m thinner. For spreading spills A , continuously in-
then during an element of time dt s the quantity creases and is a function of time. This effect can be
evaporated will be (K,A,P d t / R T ) moles where T is included in the prediction by integrating the area
the absolute temperature and R the gas constant with respect to time if the spreading rate is known
(atm d / g ~ I<).
d or by using a mean area (with respect to time)
As evaporation proceeds, P falls, and the amount in the equation. Strictly, the effect of a change in
evaporated becomes area should be included in estimating K. since K , de-
pends on 2 (or A 8 ) . However, the effect is slight
& ['Pdt = K . A T r , / R T M , molslkg since the power on Z is small.
The general case of a spill which is spreading and
is subject to varying wind conditions can be solved
by a finite difference method
where 7. is the elapsed time and 7 is the mean vapour
pressure. K , and A. are assumed constant. AM = K.(t)A, ( t ) A t P ( F ) / R T = A F M.
In the isothermal distillation apparatus a volume For the element of time At mean values o f K , ( t )
v ms of vapour (the volume of the tank) is removed and A.(t) a r e selected and the quantity K , ( t )
from an initial M D kg of oil each cycle thus leading A. ( t )a t / M . calculated. This is numerically equal
to a quantity evaporated of v P I R T moles. to AV and t h e values of AF corresponding to
For n equilibrations the amount evaporated is thus this A V can be read off the experimental F versus V
graph directly. If the F , V data are curve fitted, the
value of AF can be calculated analytically. The graph
or fitted equation contains the dependence of P on F
-P will be equal for both evaporation methodsif a
and there is no need to calculate a vapour pressure.
By repeating this calculation, the spill mass, volume
sufficient number of evaporation cycles rt is taken and thickness can be expressed as a function of time.
and the same oil is taken to t h e same fraction evap- The mass loss during time at will be M. AF.

292 The Canadian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 5 4 , August, 1976

If the temperature of the spill differs from that in should thus be capable of simulating this two day
the laboratory i t is necessary to include a correction period in about two days of laboratory time. One
for the vapour pressure, the RT term and possibly K.. hundred days would be unacceptable.
By assuming a typical hydrocarbon vapour pressure- A typical environmental evaporation mass transfer
temperature relation (Antoine Equation) and the coefficient is about lo-' m / s or 36 mlhr. A spill of
group A V can be proportionately increased or de- thickness 1 mm has a coverage of about 1 m'lkg.
creased to accommodate these effects. For example, if Thus the extent of mass transfer would correspond
the experimental data are at 20°C and the spill a t to a K , A S ~ . l M svalue of 864 msllcg per day.
30°C then the value of AV should be increased by A 1 leg laboratory sample should thus be subjected
the ratio ( P at 3 O o C ) l ( P a t 20°C) and decreased by to the removal of 864 m,? of vapour per day a t am-
the ratio (293/303) to include the vapour pressure bient temperatures. This amount is clearly beyond
and RT effects respectively. The temperature depend- the capacity of most small scale isothermal distilla-
ence of evaporation rates has been examined by tion systems which could achieve a volumetric removal
Regnier and Scott"' who obtained evaporation "ac- rate of an average of about 1 Umin or 1.44 m'lday,
tivation energies" for diesel oil. Their data suggest the limitations being the pumping capacity and the
that it is prudent to obtain experimental values for equilibration time. A solution to this problem is to
the temperature dependence. reduce the initial mass of the oil sample to about
This approach can be used to predict the evapora- 1.7 y which then give a vapour removal rate of 864
tion rate of an oil spill on land o r water to any de- m,?/k y day, equivalent to the environmental rate.
sired degree of complexity. The principal error lies The preparation of large samples of weathered oil
in the uncertainty in the mass transfer coefficient is thus best done in wind tunnels where environmen-
especially on rough seas and when whitecapping is tal conditions can be simulated directly on a one-to-
present. I t has been observed that the onset of white- one time scale. For physical and chemical property
capping greatly increases the evaporation rate, pro- measurements there is a strong incentive to use a
bably by the marked increase in turbulence in the air low oil mass (i.e., a few grams).
immediately above the oil. For spills on land, the
absorption of oil into soil or vegetation will have to
be considered. For spills on water dissolution and Laboratory simulation of dissolution
emulsification also occur and any attempt to model A similar approach could be used to simulate oil
the total behaviour of the spill must include these dissolution into an aqueous phase. In this case a vol-
ume of oil would be contacted with a series of vol-
umes of water, preferably in a system with little or
Discussion no vapour space. Since liquid-liquid mass transfer is
The data in Figure 2 for crude oil evaporation a t generally slower than vapour-liquid mass transfer it
25°C under wind tunnel and isothermal distillation would be necessary to accelerate the mass transfer
conditions show reasonable agreement. Differences rate by agitation or stirring.
between the points are readily attributable to experi- Mathematically such a dissolution system is analo-
mental errors such as imperfect mixing in the oil gous to the vapourization system and i t can be shown
pool or surface oil cooling in the wind tunnel. AS t h a t if the environmental sample of mass M. k g of
crude oil evaporation approaches 60% remaining the area A , n? is contacted for T. s with a liquid mass
oil vapour pressure becomes very low and the presence transfer coefficient KL mls then this is equivalent to
of any leaks or pumping inefficiencies in the iso- contacting M E k g of oil in the laboratory differentially
thermal distillation vacuum system become critically with a total volume V E m? of water where KLA,r.IM, =
important. Raising the temperature increases t h e oil VE/ME.
vapour pressure but reduces the vapour density. The Liss and Slater"' have suggested that 10 cml hr is a
net effect is a lowering of the F versus V curve, the typical liquid phase mass transfer coefficient at the
vapour pressure change being greater. Values of ocean surface. Under an oil spill a lower value of the
V at different temperatures a r e thus not directly order of 3 cmlhr may be typical or one thousandth
comparable and data should be obtained for the re- of the value for evaporation. The volume of water
quired temperature. which must be contacted with the oil is thus about
The diesel oil data show a slightly faster initial 1 m'lkg to simulate a one day spill of thickness of
evaporation rate possibly due to the presence of more 1 mm. Clearly again there is a strong incentive to
lower boiling hydrocarbons, followed by a slower rate use small oil samples. The major experimental dif-
after about 20% had evaporated. The location of the ficulty lies in ensuring that appreciable quantities of
curve is a function of the relative proportions of the oil are not lost by emulsion formation.
hydrocarbons of various volatilities. Since only the aromatics and lower alkanes have
It is concluded that although either method can appreciable aqueous solubilities (i.e., greater than
generate the required data the accuracy of both 10 g / m S ) it is likely t h a t only these hydrocarbons
measurements is still undesirably low and some will be appreciably dissolved. A 1 kg sample of crude
improvements are necessary. Before undertaking such oil containing for example 10% of hydrocarbons ex-
improvements, it is desirable to assess the usefulness hibiting an average total solubility of 10 g/m' will re-
of this approach in characterising evaporation, par- quire contact with about 10 msof water to extract these
ticularly in preparing weathered oil samples and in hydrocarbons, a process which will take about 10 days.
achieving evaporation a t a rate comparable t o that Since the most soluble hydrocarbons tend also to be
in the environment, i.e., the time scale. the most volatile and are lost by evaporation in the
Ideally any laboratory apparatus should be capable f i r s t day it is likely that dissolution ceases to be
of evaporating or dissolving oil a t a rate at least important after 1 day except in the case of thick,
as great as occurs in the environment. For example, poorly mixed oil spills. It is clearly preferable t o
in clean-up the f i r s t two days after the spill a r e identify those hydrocarbons which a r e dissolving by
probably the most critical. The laboratory apparatus analysing the aqueous phase rather than t h e oil phase.

The Canadian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 54, August, 1976 293
Methodology evaporation conditions of mass transfer coefficient
(which can be estimated from correlations as a func-
The experimental and theoretical work described tion primarily of wind speed), spill area and mass
here provide a rational and rigorous methodology for (which can be readily determined from the spill thick-
characterising the evaporation rates of hydrocarbon ness and density) and the evaporation time.
mixtures. The data contained i n a plot of V versus With some increase in numerical complexity, the
fraction evaporated are truly thermodynamic in na- evaporation rate of a spreading and non-isothermal
ture. Such plots can be prepared for commercial oils spill can be treated.
which are subject to spillage and can be used to es- Methods of obtaining V versus F data have been
timate evaporation rates under environmental condi- discussed and it is suggested that the most convenient
tions. In many respects this curve is the isothermal method is wind tunnel evaporation under known mass
analog of the ASTM 086 isobaric distillation curve transfer coefficient conditions.
commonly used to characterise oil fractions. A mass An analogous characterisation for dissolution has
transfer coefficient can be readily estimated as a been developed but this is of little practical use.
function of wind speed and pool size for any en- It is hoped that this methodology will be of value
vironmental conditions and the corresponding evapora- in characterising oil fractions and in enabling evapora-
tion rate in terms of time to achieve a certain degree tion rates in the environment to be readily and ac-
of evaporation calculated using the plot, even during curately calculated.
spreading. It would be desirable to have a series of
plots covering the likely range of environmental tem- Acknowledgments
peratu res. The authors are grateful to the National Research Council of Canada
This experimental work demonstrated the general and the Inland Waters Directorate of Environment Canada for finan-
cial support.
feasibility of using both methods to obtain such plots
and has elucidated the nature of the experimental Nomenclature
difficulties. For practical purposes, the best approach
is probably to use a wind tunnel with periodic liquid A = oil spill area m2
a = tray area m2
mixing. Although the isothermal distillation proce- E = evaporation rate kg/s
dure could be refined and improved to give greater F = mass fraction of oil remaining
accuracy, this would require extensive experimental K = mass transfer coefficient m / s
m = molecular weight of cumene kglmol
modification to improve the vacuum system and pre- M = original mass of oil kg
ferably weigh the oil sample in situ. It may be most A M = incremental change in mass kg
useful for handling relatively volatile oils such as n = number of cycles
gasoline where a faster evaporation rate can be P = vapour pressure atm
achieved. p = mean vapour pressure alm
R = as constant atm m3/mol K
A similar approach can be used for characterisa-
tion of dissolution rate but the low solubilities and
chmidt number
low mass transfer rates result in only slight changes T = temperature K
in the oil composition which a r e unlikely to be of en- IJ = wind speed m / s
vironmental significance.
v = volume of vapour removed per unit initial mass-of
oil m3/kg
In an environmental emergency such as an oil spill u = tank volume m3
on water or a crash of a road tanker carrying gaso- x = pool diameter m
line, it is unlikely that there would be time to under- z = pool width m
A = incremental value
take any detailed calculations of evaporation rates r = time s
such as are described here. Such data would however
be useful in enabling the duration of the f i r e hazard Subscrifits
to be assessed and the contribution of evaporation in D = under isothermal distillation conditions
removing the oil or modifying its properties to be E = under dissolution conditions
estimated. Accordingly, i t is suggested t h a t the data o = original value at zero time
* = under spill conditions
could be stored and processed in nomograph form for = under wind tunnel conditions
use in emergency situations.
( 1 ) Mackay, D. and Matsugu R. S. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 61. 434 (1973)
Conclusions (2) Smith, C. L. and MacIn&e W.G.. Proc. Joint Conf. on Prevenl
tion and Control of Oil Shills, API. p. 119, Washington. D.C.
It has been shown that in characterising the (3) Harribon, W.. Winnick, M. 0..Kwong, P. T. Y. and Mackay. D..
evaporation rate of hydrocarbon mixtures the ap- Env. Sci. and Tech., 9. 231 (1976).
(4) Sivadier, H.O. and Mikolaj. P. G., Proc. Joint Conf. on Preven-
propriate truly thermodynamic quantity is the total t’p_n__andControl of Oil S p j l l ~ , API, p. 476, Washington, D.C.
volume V of hydrocarbons vapour ( a t its ambient ( 6 ) Scott, B. F.. “Investigation of the Weathering of a Selected Crude
vapour pressure) evaporated under isothermal dif- Oil in a
Cold Environment” in “Water Quality Parameters”, AS’Rd
STP 673 p. 614 Philadelphia PA (1976).
ferential distillation conditions per unit mass of oil ( 6 ) Matsup;, R. S..’M.A.Sc. Thesis Univ. of Toronto (1973)
and the corresponding mass fraction remaining un- (7) Mackau, D.. Charles, M. E. an’d Phillips C. R. Crude Oil Spills on
Northern Terrain (2nd Report) Infohnatio; Canada Cat. No.
evaporated F . Plots of F versus V for various tem- R67-34/1974.
(8) Regnier, 2. R. and Scott, B. F., Env. Sci. and Tech 9, 469 (1976).
peratures provide a convenient and rigorous method (9) Liss, P. S. and Slater. P. 0..Nature, 247, 181 (1974):’
of storing data on the isothermal evaporation char-
acteristics of an oil mixture. Manuscript received October 22. 1975 ; accepted for publication March
24, 1976.
It has been shown that V is equivalent to the
group K.A.7.1 M. which represents the environmental * * *
P p

294 The Canodian Iournal of Chemical Engineering, VoE. 5 4 , August, 1976

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