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We eat and breathe globalization means we live in a world where countries are interdependent
with each other. The fuel for our cars, clothes we wear, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the
shows in the television, social media we indulge into, the places we choose to live, all are
affected by trade and globalization policy.

The world changed because of globalization due to the policies agreed upon by international entities
such as states and international organizations. These policies are created for the interests of each state.
From the famous author of articles, accordingly, globalization is unstoppable precisely because it is
driven by lots of people hellbent in increasing their prosperity.

Yes, globalization stretches Philippines’ social relations to other countries by the said policies and
treatises. Policies that promote international trade. The same policies also promote foreign investors to
encourage foreigners to build and invest their businesses in the Philippines.

2. Globalization has tremendously affect the nation’s culture, history and identity just like in the
Philippine setting. All, if not, most of our ways and aspects of life have been influenced by
foreign cultures and traditions. From the family name we used to our religion and food we eat
are all influenced by Spaniards as they sometime conquered our country a long time ago. Here
comes, the Americans who were the ones who taught us the commonwealth form of
government and the basically the reason why most of the Filipinos understand and speak
English fluently.
Globalization, as of today, cannot be countered because it is inevitable. The only thing that
leaders of the states should do is to regulate the same which can be reflected from the policies
and treatises agreed upon.
As a citizen of this country, the best way that I should do is to read and understand more of the
international relations of the countries and how they deal with them. I would also conduct
further research in order to fully understand the concept of globalization.

3. The effects of global market to the Philippines’ local market is that it leads to increased
competition and price wars. Since customers have a large multitude of choices in the market,
they want to acquire goods and services quickly and in a more efficient way than before. They
also expect high quality but low prices kind of products. These are manifestations that global
market has gotten more edge than Philippine local market when it comes to globalization.
However, these effects should not be viewed as a “bad” side of globalization but as “good” side.
A positive aspect of increased globalization for a small business is they can often have greater
impact with their product or ‘message’. A paving stone to globalization is the efficient
connectivity of businesses and consumers worldwide by communications (internet) and shipping
routes (cargo flights). In keeping with this idea, small businesses have access to foreign clientele
with increased globalization.

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