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chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126

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Chemical Engineering Research and Design

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Floating pinch method for utility targeting in heat

exchanger network (HEN)

Yin Ling Tan a,∗ , Denny K.S. Ng b , Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi c,d , Dominic C.Y. Foo b ,
Yudi Samyudia a
a Chemical Engineering Department, Curtin University, Sarawak Campus, CDT 250, 98009 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
b Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering/Centre Excellence for Green Technologies, The University of Nottingham,
Malaysia Campus, Broga Road, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia
c Chemical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, United States
d King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

a b s t r a c t

Most of the established methods for utility targeting in a heat exchanger network (HEN) are mainly focusing on fixed
stream conditions, where the flow rate, heat capacity, supply and target temperatures are fixed. However, in the
process industries, the stream conditions (flow rates and temperatures) are not fixed. Therefore, the established HEN
targeting methods cannot be directly applied to locate the hot and cold utility targets for HEN problem with varying
flow rates and temperatures. To address this issue, a revised floating pinch method which uses binary variables
to parameterise the stream locations on the composite curves, is presented in this work to identify the minimum
utilities targets. The revised method simplify the earlier version of floating pinch method presented by Duran and
Grossmann (1986) by avoiding the non-differentiability in the mathematical program. Two cases, one with fixed
parameters while another with temperature-dependent properties and varying operating parameters are solved to
illustrate the revised model.
© 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Process integration; Heat exchanger network; Targeting; Optimisation

1. Introduction also the reduction of the computational expensive exercise.

On the other hand, most simultaneous synthesis techniques
Over the past few decades, synthesis of heat exchanger primarily determine the optimal HEN structure through mixed
networks (HENs) has been an active area of research. Huge integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation.
amount of research works have been presented in this area. Sequential synthesis approach can further be divided into
Several good reviews on synthesis of HENs are available, such two subcategories (i) insight-based pinch analysis techniques
as Linnhoff et al. (1982), Gundersen and Naess (1988), Linnhoff such as heat transfer composite curves (Hohmann, 1971;
(1993), Shenoy (1995) as well as Furman and Sahinidis (2002). Umeda et al., 1978, 1979), problem table algorithm (Linnhoff
Most of the contributions for synthesis of HEN can be classi- and Flower, 1978a,b), pinch design method (Linnhoff and
fied as sequential and simultaneous approaches. The former Hindmarsh, 1983; Ahmad et al., 1990; Linnhoff and Ahmad,
divides the synthesis problem into two sub-problems, i.e. tar- 1990; Linnhoff, 1993), dual temperature (Trivedi et al., 1989a)
geting (to determine various network targets, e.g. minimum and pseudo-pinch methods (Rev and Fonyo, 1986a,b; Trivedi
utility, number of heat exchanger units, area/capital cost of et al., 1989b; Wood et al., 1991) and (ii) mathematical program-
the network), followed by the design of HEN. The advantage of ming techniques (Cerda et al., 1983; Papoulias and Grossmann,
this approach is the location of targets ahead of design, and 1983; Floudas et al., 1986; Galli and Cerda, 1998a,b,c; Ježowski

Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 85 443833; fax: +60 85 443837.
E-mail addresses: (Y.L. Tan), (D.K.S. Ng),
(M.M. El-Halwagi), (D.C.Y. Foo), (Y. Samyudia).
Received 14 January 2013; Received in revised form 14 June 2013; Accepted 25 June 2013
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
120 chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126

and Friedler, 1992; Suaysompol and Wood, 1991). The follow- In this work, a revised floating pinch method which
ing section mainly focuses on reviewing the minimum utility originally developed for mass exchanger network synthesis
targeting problem with sequential synthesis approach. (El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1990) is extended for utility
Two important linear programming (LP) methods for the targeting in the HEN. Note that this revised method is different
minimum utility cost target are the transportation (Cerda et al., from the simultaneous HEN synthesis approaches that utilise
1983) and transhipment models (Papoulias and Grossmann, flexibility analysis methods to analyze the feasibility of the
1983). The transportation model incorporates match restric- HEN design within the range of flow rates and temperatures
tions, multiple utilities and utilities available over a range of (Duran and Grossmann, 1986; Floudas and Grossmann, 1987;
temperatures in the formulation (Cerda et al., 1983); while the Galli and Cerda, 1991; Aguilera and Nasini, 1995, 1996; Chen
transhipment model can handle unrestricted and restricted and Hung, 2004). Instead, this method is based on the targeting
matches as well as identify the pinch point of the problem concept of classical pinch analysis technique, which identifies
(Papoulias and Grossmann, 1983). Ježowski and Friedler (1992) utility targets prior to detailed design of HEN. It identifies the
extended the transhipment model (Papoulias and Grossmann, optimal flow rates and temperatures (from the given range) to
1983) for multiple utilities and forbidden matches. Further- achieve minimum utility targets.
more, the authors extended the dual temperature approach It is noted that the revised floating pinch method and
method (an insight-based approach) for problems with for- the previous work of El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1990)
bidden matches to further enhance energy recovery in the are based on the same concept of composite curves; how-
HEN. On the other hand, Galli and Cerda (1998b,c) formulated ever, they are applied for different areas. Note also that
mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and MINLP (Galli there are some differences between the two works, where
and Cerda, 1998a) models that allow additional structural El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1990) is focusing on tar-
constraints in targeting for minimum utility cost. geting for MEN, while this work is applied for HEN. In MEN,
In many process synthesis and optimisation problems, flow only one type of utilities (external MSAs) is available and
rates and temperatures of the process streams are unknown. the approach is used to locate the minimum flowrate of
Therefore, extraction of limiting data for HEN synthesis before MSAs. The process MSAs can provide an excess capacity above
process flowsheet is synthesised is extremely challenging due the pinch. This excess capacity can be removed by lowering
to the strong interaction between the process flowsheet and the flowrates or outlet compositions of the process MSAs.
HEN. In most previous works, sequential approach is adopted, On the other hand, for the HEN, two types of utilities (hot
where the non-integrated process flowsheet is first synthe- and cold) are required to fulfill the process requirements. In
sised (in which flow rates and temperatures of the process this work, both hot and cold utilities targets can be deter-
streams are determined); followed by HEN synthesis. However, mined simultaneously. Besides, the concept of HEN is slightly
this approach may not achieve an overall optimum design, different from MEN, where it requires heating utility above
as it does not take in account trade-off of the capital invest- the pinch and not removing excess load above the pinch
ment and operating cost (such as raw material utilisation (in the case of MEN). Once the targets are located, the HEN
and energy consumption) between the process flowsheet and can then be designed using the classical pinch design method
HEN. (PDM) (Smith, 2005; Linnhoff and Flower, 1978a; Linnhoff
To overcome this limitation, Duran and Grossmann (1986) et al., 1982), based on the targeted flow rates and tempera-
established a floating pinch method that simultaneously opti- tures.
mise the process flow sheet with heat integration. Based on Note also that the proposed approach is much simpler and
the previous work, the minimum hot and cold utilities tar- less computational expensive as compared to previous work
gets for the synthesised flow sheet can be determined. The (Duran and Grossmann, 1986). The model presented by Duran
flow rates and temperatures of process streams are taken as and Grossmann (1986) are superstructure optimisation with
optimisation variables. According to Duran and Grossmann heat integration targeting which is different from this work.
(1986), the floating pinch method is used to postulate a set This work is based on the targeting concept of pinch which
of pinch point candidates based on the inlet temperatures of allows utility targets to be set prior to network design. This
the hot and cold streams. Constraints are then developed for model mainly focuses on targeting the minimum hot and cold
each of the postulated pinch point candidates, which will then utilities for HEN problem where flowrates as well as the inlet
identify the true pinch point and also the minimum hot and and outlet temperatures of the process streams are known
cold utilities. However, the main drawback of this targeting within a certain range.
approach is that, maximum operators are used to parame- In the following sections, the problem statement is out-
terise the stream locations on the energy composite curves. lined. The concept of the floating pinch method is first
This causes non-differentiability in the mathematical pro- explained. The revised floating pinch method is then pre-
gram and thus a special non-smooth optimisation algorithm sented. Two case studies are then solved to illustrate the
is required to solve it. proposed model.
On the other hand, El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1990)
presented a systematic procedure for synthesis of mass 2. Problem statement
exchanger and regeneration networks. The presented pro-
cedure is divided into two stages which are targeting and The problem addressed in this paper is stated as follows:
network design. In the targeting stage, floating pinch method Given NHOT of hot streams that need to be cooled and
is adapted to identify the minimum cost of mass-separating NCOLD of cold streams that need to be heated. Each hot stream
and regeneration agents. Note that the aproach is able to over- h and cold stream c has fixed or acceptable range of flow rate,
come the limitation of early version floating pinch method supply and target temperature, given as in Eqs. (1)–(6).
(Duran and Grossmann, 1986) as binary variables are used
to parameterise the stream locations on the mass composite
h ≤ mh ≤ mmax
h ∈ NHOT (1)
chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126 121

Temperature Temperature Temperature

Enthalpy Enthalpy Enthalpy

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1 – (a) Hot and cold composite curves. (b) Shifted hot and cold composite curves at true pinch point. (c) Infeasible hot
and cold composite curves.

c ≤ mc ≤ mmax
c c ∈ NCOLD (2) utility). To minimise the external hot and cold utilities, no
energy should be transferred across the pinch (Smith, 2005).
Th,in max
≤ Th,in ≤ Th,in h ∈ NHOT (3) Hence, the true pinch point divides the composite curves
into two regions, a heat source and a heat sink. The energy
min max balance for both regions must also be satisfied.
Tc,in ≤ Tc,in ≤ Tc,in c ∈ NCOLD (4)
3. To ensure feasible heat transfer, the hot composite curve
min max
must always stay above the cold composite curve, with both
Th,out ≤ Th,out ≤ Th,out h ∈ NHOT (5)
composite curves touching only at the true pinch point.
4. If the composite curves touch at any potential pinch can-
min max
Tc,out ≤ Tc,out ≤ Tc,out c ∈ NCOLD (6) didates other than the true pinch point (Fig. 1(c)), some
portions of the hot composite curve may lie below the cold
where mminh
, mmax
, mmin
c , mmax
c are the respective lower and composite curve in the same temperature range. For such
upper bounds of the allowable flow rate for hot stream h and situation, energy transfer between the composite curves is
min , T max , T min T max , T min , T max , T min
cold stream c, while Th,in h,in c,in c,in h,out h,out c,out thermodynamically infeasible.
and Tc,out refer to the lower and upper bounds of the supply
and target temperature for hot stream h and cold stream c,
According to the floating pinch concept, all inlet tempera-
respectively. The heat capacity for each hot stream h and cold
tures of hot and cold streams are potential pinch candidates.
stream c can be either constant or temperature dependent. In
To identify the true pinch point which will lead to the min-
addition, external hot and cold utilities are available to fulfill
imum hot and cold utilities targets, a set of constraints are
the process requirement after energy recovery between the
developed for each of the potential pinch point candidates.
hot and cold streams is maximised. The overall objective is
to locate the minimum external hot (Qh ) and cold (Qc ) utility
targets in a HEN. 4. Mathematical model for HEN floating
3. Concept of HEN floating pinch method
The HEN floating pinch mathematical model is developed
To understand the concept of floating pinch method, an under- based on the HEN floating pinch concept explained in the
standing of the heat transfer composite curves is needed. As previous section. The supply and target temperatures of the
shown in Fig. 1(a), the hot and cold composite curves are hot and cold streams from fresh resource r and source i to
merged by individual streams via linear superposition, and sink j are first shifted by subtracting Tmin /2 for hot streams;
plotted on a temperature versus enthalpy diagram. These while adding Tmin /2 for cold streams. These temperatures
curves are then brought together via horizontal displacement are given by the equations as follows:
until they reach a minimum temperature difference (Tmin ).
The vertical overlapping region between the two composite Tmin
Ths = Thin − (7)
curves shows the energy recovery from the hot streams to the 2
cold streams (Smith, 2005).
If both composite curves are shifted vertically (such that Tht = Thout − (8)
hot composite curve is Tmin /2 cooler; and cold composite is
Tmin /2 hotter) until they touch at the true pinch point, as
shown in Fig. 1(b), one can observe the following: Tcs = Tcin + (9)

1. The potential pinch candidate(s) are those corner points on Tmin

Tct = Tcout + (10)
the composite curves that correspond to the inlet temper- 2
atures of any hot and cold streams.
2. The total energy balance for the HEN must always be where Thin , Thout , Tcin and Tcout are the actual supply and target
achieved (total heat removal of the hot streams and that temperatures of the hot and cold streams, while Ths , Tht , Tcs and
supplied by the external hot utility should equal to the total Tct are the shifted supply and target temperatures of the hot
heat gained by the cold streams and that of external cold and cold streams in HEN, respectively.
122 chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126

Table 1 – Limiting data for Case Study 1.

Hot stream Supply temperature, Target temperature, Heat capacity flowrate,
Thin (◦ C) Thout (◦ C) mh · Cph (mW K−1 )

H1 250 40 0.15
H2 200 80 0.25

Cold stream Supply temperature, Target temperature, Heat capacity flow rate,
Tcin (◦ C) Tcout (◦ C) mc · Cpc (mW K−1 )

C3 20 180 0.20
C4 140 230 0.30

The potential pinch candidate, Tq corresponds to the where mh , mc , Cph and Cpc are the flow rate and spe-
inlet temperatures of the hot and cold streams (Duran and cific heat capacities for hot stream h and cold stream
Grossmann, 1986), c in HEN,
 respectively. Note that the second
term in
⎧ Eq. (16) s (T − T s ) −  t (T − T t )
mc Cpc c,q q c c,q q c show
⎨ Ts h ∈ NHOT c ∈ NCOLD
Tq = c ∈ NCOLD (11) the heat gained by cold stream c above the poten-
⎩ Tcs
q ∈ NPINCH tial
 pinch point; while the third term of
the equation

mh Cph ˇh,q (Tq − Tht ) − ˇh,q
(Tq − Ths ) show the heat
To identify the true pinch point and to ensure thermo-
h ∈ NHOT
dynamic feasibility, the total energy balance is to be used lost by hot stream h above a potential pinch candidate q.
together with energy balance above or below the pinch point Let us consider the following three cases where all possible
candidate. Stream location parameterisation is needed in locations of cold stream with respect to the pinch point are
order to determine the energy balance above or below the considered, to demonstrate how Eq. (16) measures the energy
pinch point candidates. In the floating pinch approach for above the pinch candidate.
HEN presented by Duran and Grossmann (1986), the authors
used maximum operators to parameterise the stream loca-
1. Case 1 – cold stream c appears completely above the poten-
tions. However, this approach causes non-differentiability in
tial pinch point q. Eqs. (14) and (15) determine that integer
the mathematical program and thus a special non-smooth
s and  t are equal to 1. Thus, heat load of cold stream
optimisation algorithm is required to solve it. In this work, c,q
c above the potential pinch point is given by mc Cpc {(Tq −
binary variables are used to parameterise the stream loca-
Tcs ) − (Tq − Tct )} = mc Cpc (Tct − Tcs ).
tions, following the floating pinch method for mass exchange
2. Case 2 – cold stream c lies across a potential pinch point q
network (El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis, 1990).
as that Tcs is below Tq while Tct is above Tq . Based on Eqs. (14)
The binary variables used to parameterise the stream loca-
and (15), c,qs = 0 and  t = 1. Therefore, heat load of cold
tions in order to determine the energy balance above the pinch c,q
stream c above the potential pinch point is calculated by
point candidates are given by the constraints in Eqs. (12)–(15).
mc Cpc (Tct − Tq ).
 3. Case 3 – cold stream c appears completely below the poten-
1 if Tht > Tq h ∈ NHOT s and
ˇh,q = (12) tial pinch point q. Eqs. (14) and (15) next define both c,q
s as zero. As a result, no heat is received by cold stream
0 if Tht ≤ Tq h ∈ NHOT
c above the potential pinch point.

1 if Ths > Tq h ∈ NHOT
ˇh,q = (13) Optionally, one can choose to use the energy balance below
0 if Ths ≤ Tq q ∈ NPINCH the pinch point candidate by using the constraints in Eqs.

1 if Tct > Tq c ∈ NCOLD
c,q = (14)

1 if Tht < Tq h ∈ NHOT
0 if Tct ≤ Tq q ∈ NPINCH th,q = (17)
0 if Tht ≥Tq q ∈ NPINCH

1 if Tcs > Tq c ∈ NCOLD 
c,q = (15) 1 if Ths < Tq h ∈ NHOT
0 if Tcs ≤ Tq q ∈ NPINCH sh,q = (18)
0 if Ths ≥Tq q ∈ NPINCH
t s t and  s are the binary integer.
where ˇh,q , ˇh,q , c,q c,q 
The energy balance above the pinch point candidate is 1 if Tct < Tq c ∈ NCOLD
expressed as: tc,q = (19)
0 if Tct ≥Tq q ∈ NPINCH

Qh ≥ s
mc Cpc {c,q (Tq − Tcs ) − c,q
(Tq − Tct )} 
1 if Tcs < Tq c ∈ NCOLD
sc,q = (20)
 0 if Tcs ≥Tq q ∈ NPINCH
− mh Cph {ˇh,q (Tq − Tht ) − ˇh,q
(Tq − Ths )} q ∈ NPINCH
h ∈ NHOT
(16) where th,q , sh,q , tc,q and sc,q are the binary integer variables.
chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126 123

Eq. (21) shows the energy balance below the pinch point

Mole fraction

of phenol

Qc ≥ mh Cph {th,q (Tq − Tht ) − sh,q (Tq − Ths )}
h ∈ NHOT

− mc Cpc {sc,q (Tq − Tcs ) − tc,q (Tq − Tct )} q ∈ NPINCH

Mole fraction

of water

To demonstrate the usefulness of Eq. (21), let us consider
the following situations where all possible locations of hot
stream (with respect to the pinch point) are considered.

Maximum flow
rate, mmax (g/s)
1. Case 1 – hot stream h lies completely above the potential
pinch point q. Based on Eqs. (17) and (18), integer sh,q and

th,q are set to zero. Thus, heat lost by hot stream h below
the potential pinch point is zero.
2. Case 2 – hot stream h appears completely below the poten-
tial pinch point q. Eqs. (17) and (18) next determine that
sh,q = th,q = 1. As a result, heat lost by hot stream h below

Minimum flow
rate, mmin (g/s)
the potential pinch point is given by Eq. (21) that follows:

mh Cph {(Tq − Tht ) − (Tq − Ths )} = mh Cph (Ths − Tht )

which shows the correct expression.

3. Case 3 – hot stream h lies across a potential pinch point q,
which means that Ths is above Tq while Tht is below Tq . Eqs.
(17) and (18) determine that sh,q = 0 and th,q = 1. Therefore,
Maximum target
temperature (◦ C)
heat lost by hot stream h below the potential pinch point is
given as mh Cph (Tq − Tht ).

The total energy balance is expressed as:

mh Cph (Ths − Tht ) − mc Cpc (Tst − Tss ) + Qh − Qc = 0
h ∈ NHOT c ∈ NCOLD
temperature (◦ C)

Minimum target


Note that one should use the total energy balance (Eq. (22))
together with either energy balance above the pinch point can-
didate (Eq. (16)) with the respective constraints (Eqs. (12)–(15))
or energy balance below the pinch point candidate (Eq. (21))
with the respective constraints (Eqs. (17)–(20)) to identify the
Maximum supply

true pinch point and the minimum hot and cold utilities of a
temperature (◦ C)

given problem.

5. Case studies
Table 2 – Limiting data for Case Study 2.

To demonstrate the applicability of the HEN floating pinch

method, two case studies are solved and presented in the
following section. All case studies are solved using Extended
LINGO v11.0 with Global Solver and Tmin is taken as 10 ◦ C.
Minimum supply
temperature (◦ C)

5.1. Case Study 1


Case Study 1 is taken from Smith (2005), which consists of two

hot streams and two cold streams. Table 1 shows the limiting
data for this case study. The optimisation objective of this case
study is to minimise the hot utility in HEN and is given as


min = Qh (23)
124 chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126

Fig. 2 – Composite curves for Case Study 1.

Solving Eq. (23) subject to the constraints in Eqs. (7)–(16) and 10 ≤ mh2 ≤ 20 (25)
(22), Qh and Qc are reported as 7.5 kW and 10 kW, respectively,
which match the results obtained via pinch analysis in Smith
(2005). The composite curves of this case study are shown in 5 ≤ mc1 ≤ 10 (26)
Fig. 2, with the hot and cold pinch points located at 140 ◦ C and
150 ◦ C, respectively.
15 ≤ mc2 ≤ 20 (27)

5.2. Case Study 2

In this case study, heat capacities of the process streams
Case Study 2 involves a HEN problem for a process that can be determined with Eq. (28) (Shenoy, 1995):
involves phenol and water in the process streams. The limiting
data is given in Table 2. Note that both hot and cold streams 
operate within a range of flow rate. To include the operat- Cp = xk Cpk (28)
ing ranges in the model, additional constraints are added as k ∈ NCOMP

where xk is the mole fraction of component k and heat capac-
10 ≤ mh1 ≤ 20 (24) ity (Cpk ) for each component k can be determined using

Fig. 3 – Composite curves for Case Study 2.

chemical engineering research and design 9 2 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 119–126 125

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