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252 ———___ "ROBLEMS ——— ——_ —— 9 Magnetic Properties of Matter [xml may be more than 1009 je, For these, . are ferromagnetic. FOr Ta valued (hysteresis), by portance are FErOMAE sng trysee ; B = B(H) is not line: ansport currents, since Vx yy) with no ity + In problems with tential, convenient to use -vo" . _ H 5 .. = —V-M, and so @* satisfies Poisson’s eataig Since V-B Viot=v-M 1p pute) de’ , 2 das, aah, [e-*'l " = nM. (This solution is useful A solution is oe) if Mis Bivy where py = —V-M, Ow function.) , ene + In such problems with linear media or with uniform M, V He 64 * satisfies Laplace’s equation. These problems are identical 1, . corresponding electrostatic problems with no external charge density, + Ampere’s law relates the H field to the transport current: fu a=r * The solution for H divides into one part due to trang another part due to the magnetic materials: -1/Mx@-r), He) = 7 [POS aw — vere) Evaluation of the second term depends on knowing M(H).) * In the presence of ferromagnetic materials wi it resenc ith large mw, it may useful approximation to assume that all of the flux @ is confined to tine volume. Then N= oR where the reluctance POrt currents ang can be calculated for each element of the magnetic circu’ 9-1 A permanent ma, magnetization M is Ufone Ee Shape of a right circular cylinder of length L. To magnetization current densities, ye° © direction of the cylinder axis. (a) Find with that of a solenoid, iS Jue and jy, (b) Compare the current distributi! Eaneada con Camscanet Problems 253 9-2 (a) Find the distrib magnetized sphere with ma t net induction B is uniform inside ou design a current winding that wi region of space? 9-3 (a) The magneti i a en ie moment of a macroscopic body is defined as Jv Mv. Prove [ma = [tomo frou da in Chapter a) a bounding V. (Hint: Refer to the similar problem involving P eee (bo) A Permanent magnet in the shape of a sphere of radius R has ‘m magnetization My in the direction of the polar axis. Determine the magnetic moment of the magnet from both the tight and left sides of the equation in part (a). 9-4 (a) Consider a magnet with magnetization specified: M(x, y, z). Each volume element dv may be treated as a small magnetic dipole, M dv. If the magnet is placed in a uniform magnetic field By, find the torque on the magnet in terms of its magnetic moment (defined in Prol m ‘blem 9-3). (b) A magnet in the shape of a right circular cylinder of length L and cross section A is uniformly magnetized parallel to the cylinder axis with magnetization My. The magnet is placed in a uniform magnetic ficld Bo, Find the torque on the magnet in terms of its pole densities. 9-5 An ellipsoid with principal axis of lengths 2a, 2a, and 2b is magnetized uniformly in a direction parallel to the 2b-axis. The magnetization of the ellipsoid is Mj. Find the magnetic pole densities for this geometry. ution of magnetization currents corresponding to a uniformly zation M. According to Eq. (9-63) the magnetic ich a sphere. (b) Can you use this information to ‘ll produce a uniform magnetic field in a spherical 9-6 A spherical shell, with inside radius R, and outside radius Ry, is uniformly magnetized in the direction of the z-axis. The magnetization in the shell is M, = Mck. Find the scalar potential g* for points on the z-axis, both inside and outside the shell. 9-7 A permanent magnet in the shape of a right circular cylinder of length L and radius R is oriented so that its symmetry axis coincides with the z-axis. The origin of coordinates is at the center of the magnet. If the cylinder has uniform axial magnetization M, (a) determine *(z) at points on the symmetry axis, both inside and outside the magnet, and (b) use the results of part (a) to find the magnetic induction B, at points on the symmetry axis, both inside and outside the magnet. 9-8 A sphere of magnetic material of radius R is placed at the origin of coordinates, The magnetization is given by M = (ax + b)i, where @ and b are constants. Determine all pole densities and magnetization currents. 9-9 A toroid of annealed soft iron has a mean length of 0.1m and is wound with a Coil of 100 turns. Calculate the current required to magnetize the specimen to a field strength of (a) B = 1.0T, (b) B = i.ST. 9.10 A soft-iron ring with a 1.0cm air gap is wound with a toroidal winding such as is shown in Fig. 9-16. The mean length of the iron ring is 20 em, its eross section is 4cm*, and its permeability, assumed constant, is 3000 4o. The 200-turn winding carries a current of 10 A. Find B and H inside the iron ring and in the air gap. cylinder of radius @ and permeability 4 is placed in a uniform magnetic a va that the cylinder axis is at right angles to Bp. (a) Calculate the magnetic Enea con Camscanet 9 Magnetic Properties of Matter semiquantitative sketeh show 4) Make b) MaKC assume from the beginning ther ig " oo 254 induction inside th De sera ( Pea nares lines of induction throu ne cos @ cylindrical ha S: This assum <2 cl in terms of the cos 7 2M satisfied in terme on ion mh cy completely spe i cee Pea boundary conition harmonics.) A long straight copF current / in a uniform B- twice the force on the copper Wi ar wire and a long straight ion wire each cay I 'B. Show that the force on the iron wire Sin, vite, [Pints Use the result of Problem 9.1), *ay, is indrical iron conduit. Th arrying a current / is in a cylindrical it » The cong. 9-18 A wire carrying 2 db, as constant susceptibility % and is cogyjy et he sdzation current density and the total magnetization gt, eparated by a plane interface. Show that the dary and the B-fields on either side satisfy" “%s wire. Find the magi 9-14 Two magnetic media are st between the normal to the bount gs tan @, = fy tan Oo 9-15 A straight wire carrying a current / is parallel to an infinite plane, at diva d from the plane. The wire is in air, and the medium on the far side of the" boundary has constant permeability #. Find an image current that gives the «@ B-field in the air if (a) « =~, (b) # = 0. (Case (a) approximates a ferromagnet "tie material and (b) describes a superconductor. ) “9-16 A long cylindrical shell (outside radius b, inside radius 4, relative perme ily K,.) is oriented normal to a uniform magnetic induction field By. (a) Show thay magnetic induction B, in the vacuum region inside the shell is paralel 4 ; (b) Show that the magnetic shielding factor hy, is given by yy at se-3) 9-17 (a) Use the result of Problem 9-16 to calcul i 17 (a) Use. late th i cylindrical shield of relative permeability K,, = sion faetor bn ofa inner radius a. (b) Show also that the magnetic field at @ = 90° on a = 2 times of the shield is increased to approximately 3.33 times the original fel en original field is directed along 6 = 0.) Binal field. (Assume the Enea con Camscanet Problems 255 9-19 A magnetic circuit in the fon length 8cm, a soft-iron path section of the iron and of the m: m shown in Fig. 9-19 has a permanent magnet of tah of 16cm, and an airgap of O.Sem. The css net is 4cm* on the average, whereas the effective cross-sectional area of the ait gap is 3em?, The relative permeability of the iron a 5000. (a) Calculate the magnetic flux density in the gap for two different magne materials: si Percent Co steel. Neglect leakage. (b) The dimensions of the magnetic circuit are altered in one respect: ‘The ait gap is decreased to 0.8 mm. Repeat the cale ulation called for in part (a). 9-20 Find the magnetic induction in a uniformly magnetized sphere for each of the materials shown in Fig. 9-9, 9-21 A magnetic circuit in the length 10cm, a soft-iron path of form shown in Fig. 9-19 has an Alnico V magnet of f 16cm, and an air gap of em. It is also wound wit 800 ampere-turns of wire (in a direction to aid the flux produced by the magnet). Find the magnetic flux density in the air gap. (Neglect leakage, take K,, = 5000 for the soft iron, and assume that the cross sections of the magnet, soft iron, and air gap are the same.) Enea con Camscanet

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