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FET 003
2nd Assignment


a. Complete all the information requested for identification.

b. Please read carefully before answering and reply as requested.
c. The answers should be focused according to the material provided in the course.
d. Each question is associated with an achievement indicator, to facilitate the answer.
e. At the end of the document is attached a rubric for understanding the academic
f. Answer each question using Arial 10 (font) and 1.5 spacing.
g. the answers should not extend to more than 15 lines.
h. The document containing your answers must be sent to your teacher by internal
message (by AVA), within 10 working days from the date the teacher sends it to you.

Complete Name: ___________________________________________________

RUT: ______________________________________________________________
Carreer: ____________________________________________________________
Section: _______________________ Date: _____________________________
Campus: _________________________

INDICATOR Points Total

Indicator 1 2 pts  
Indicator 2 2 pts  
Indicator 3 1 pt  
Indicator 4 2 pts  

Case 1
Luis and Mariela are parents of 3 children. Two of them are already in college, while
the youngest is just starting middle school. The couple has endeavored to educate their
children in good habits, so that they can be happy. The oldest of all the children,
Esteban, is very clear that his parents have taught him everything well, however, he has
wanted to experience other things. He has been drinking alcohol for almost 6 months.
Something that started with a simple beer, now he has to do it every day. For the same
reason his academic performance has decreased and he is about to fail 4 of the 6
subjects he took, what will affect him, because he will lose some scholarships. His
parents have asked him for an explanation and he points out that he is now more free,
having acquired this type of habit. While Sebastián, the second of his children, is an
example, he goes out to parties, but stays up to a reasonable hour. He drinks very little
alcohol, never in excess, and when he does he does not drive the car, but requests an
Uber. On the other hand, the last son, Matías, dates several women at the same time, an
issue that his parents have strongly rebuked. Luis and Mariela do not want to lower their
standards, they know very well that habits must be forged and this implies time and


1) In unit 2 you learned that there is an intimate relationship between the personality,
your conscience and the acts you perform. From the contents studied and Esteban's
actions, please answer:
What dimension of personality should Esteban form with responsibility? How can he do
it? When answering, use three key concepts or strong ideas: habit, conscience and
character. Indicator 1 (2 points).

2) Is Sebastián making a good exercise of his freedom? Justify your answer. To do this,
relate specific virtues that Sebastián possesses, with the use of freedom and the fullness
of life (according to the text) Questions

Case 2
Adriana is a young student who values the formation she received at her school and
Institute. Her parents, Ana and José, always worried that she would attend a school with
good values. In high school, he gave great importance to subjects like ethics, which are
comprehensive and practical . One of the contents that made the most sense was the
subject of virtues, they were practical, concrete that allow professional excellence to be
achieved. "Every person can change," said his teacher. Ethics, as Adriana points out, "is
intended for the person to achieve happiness and moral excellence, through the practice
of virtues." She knows that currently one of her strongest defects is that she says what
she thinks immediately, regardless of how she says it and the right moment. And what
stands out most is the ability to move ahead, despite the obstacles.

From this second case, analyze the following aspects:

3) What virtue does Adriana have? What is it that she must still perfect? Justify your
answer, explaining the attitudes in which they are reflected.
       Indicator 3 (1 point).

4) From what has been learned in class, we can affirm that ethics is not limited to
drawing a line between good and bad, but that it has a much deeper meaning, in relation
to human excellence. Considering this statement, could you say what is the relationship
between each of the cardinal virtues and human excellence, giving concrete examples of
daily life?
Indicator 4 (2 points).

(please see rubric in the following page!!)




It relates the
Relates the Recognizes the
formation of the
formation of the Does not relate importance of
Recognizes the conscience with
the formation of the formation of
conscience with relationship between the good acting,
the conscience the conscience,
good behavior in with the good but does not
formation of the explaining the
contexts of daily conscience and good following
acting in contexts establish a
life according to acting. concepts: habit,
of daily life. relation with
classical ethics conscience and
the good acting.

Identifies the Relates the

It relates the virtues relationship of Identifies the formation of
with the formation Does not relate virtues with relationship between character, the
of character and virtues to the character, but virtues, character virtues and the
with the exercise of formation of does not building, and good exercise of
freedom in contexts character, nor to recognize how freedom, but not freedom,
of daily life, the good exercise this influences a with happiness. explaining how
according to human of freedom. good exercise this allows self-
happiness. of our freedom. realization or
Recognizes the Does not Recognizes two of Recognizes the
Identifies one
cardinal virtues in recognize the the virtues present in virtues present in
of the cardinal
situations of daily cardinal virtues the case but does not the case,
virtues present
life, according to in the person's relate them to explaining the
in the case.
classical ethics. actions. attitudes. attitudes in which
they are reflected.
Relates each of the Identifies some
Relates each of the
cardinal virtues to Does not relate of the cardinal Links some cardinal
cardinal virtues to
human excellence, the cardinal virtues and virtues with the
human excellence
in diverse contexts virtues to human recognizes the concept of
in different
according to the excellence. concept of excellence.
contexts of daily
postulates of human
classical ethics. excellence.

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