Grounding & Centering

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grounding & centering 

Grounding is a technique in which you connect yourself to the earth’s energy, so that you can become
balanced, refreshed, and makes you aware to the world around you. When you are grounded you are
connected to the earth, and you can call upon its energies in order to charger being with energy to help
you and your craft. When you are connected to the earth it also allows you to get rid of your negative
energy by allowing you to push it into the earth, so that it can be transmitted back into positive energy.
This process does not hurt the earth, and is a very natural process. Grounding is usually done right after
centering, and is done along with centering at the beginning of rituals, spells, and other techniques.
Grounding is a very important, and fundamental part of spellcraft, and energy work, because of its ability
to allow you to take an energies to empower yourself, and the magickal acts that you are performing.
Grounding can be done in many various ways, but in this post I’m going to teach you a simple
fundamental way, so that you can get a grasp on it, and incorporate it into your others rituals, spells, and

How to ground :

1) What you will need to do first is to stand, sit, or lay in a comfortable position. After you find that
position then you need to close your eyes.

2) At this point you are going to need to center, so that the grounding process can begin. If you need to
know how to center refer back to this post: .

3) Once you are centered focus upon the energy that you have centered in the center of your body. See
the energy begin to stretch out like roots of a tree digging deep into the ground. Deeper, and deeper until
it reaches the core of the Earth. Then in your mind I see the roots wrap around the earth’s core. Intent for
this to happen, and envisioning that your energy is doing it will allow you to ground yourself in this world
and will keep you nice, and anchored in all aspects of your life.

4) Stay with this feeling as long as you would like, and once you are done all you have to do is open your
eyes, and go along with your day knowing that you will be grounded.

Centering is a skill that brings all of your spiritual energy to the center of your being. All this energy
gathers in a place called the solar plexus energy center also referred to as, and correlates to the lower
dan tien from Chinese medicine, and philosophy, and it’s also connected to the manipura chakra in
tantric practices, and philosophy. Centering is a very important skill to learn, because it is one of the
most fundamental skills. Centering has to be done before grounding, and these two skills are usually
done before every type of spiritual practice, even if they are not referred to as such. Through centering
we bring our energy, intent, and, thoughts inward, so that we can align with ourselves. This brings on a
state of peace, tranquility, and harmony within the practitioner, so that they can be locked in this
moment, and focus upon their work, and not be distracted by the outside world. Centering also allows us
to begin our trance like process allowing us to start easing into an altered state of consciousness. There
are many techniques for centering but in this post I will be teaching you a very basic one, but you should
be aware that there are more, and they may not always be called centering.

How to center:

1) The first thing you are going to need to do is stand, sit, or lay in a comfortable position, and then close
your eyes.
2) Next in your mind’s eye you’re going to want to envision light blue mist all around you. You will come
to know this as your spiritual energy. See this blue mist being gradually sucked into your body, where it
will form a ball of blue bright energy in the solar plexus.

3) Focus on this ball of energy. See it as clearly as you can in your mind’s eye. Feel how you feel in this
moment. if you are centered you will feel incredibly focused. balanced, mindful, aware, and calm. Stay in
the state as long as you would like. Once you’re ready to move on move on to the next step.

4) Once you’re done centering you would usually ground, but for the sake of this step by step to come
out of a centering all you need to do is open your eyes, and carry on with your day. This nice feeling of
being centered should stay with you for quite a while afterwards.

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